Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

E) Because only he is in a position to judge and he says so.



It bears the knowledge according to Aristotle:

A) Soul.

B)  Heart.

C)  Body.

D)  Head.

E) Brain



What kind of philosophy, according to Aristotle, studied the activity of the man, organization of the state:

A) Poetic.

B)  Practical.

C)  Theoretical.

D) Entelehia.




He was called "the first teacher":


B)  Aristotle.

C)  Plato.

D) Diogenus.

E) Heraclitus.



The teacher of Alexander the Great was:

A) Aristotle.

B)  Socrates.

C)  Plato.

D)  Heraclitus.

E)  Pythagoras.



According to Aristotle, the best form of state is:

A) Tyranny.

B) Junta.

C) Oligarchy.

D) Democracy.

E) Aristocracy.



Which of the following is always an end in itself, according to Aristotle?

A) Happiness.

B) Virtue.

C) Intelligence.

D) Honor.

E) Pleasure.



How do we learn virtue in Aristotle’s view?

A) By habit.

B) By dialectical argument.

C) By rational instruction.

D) By learning from our mistakes.

E) By breathing.




Which of the following does Aristotle consider to be the worst?

A) Being great and expecting great honors.

B) Being mediocre and expecting great honors.

C) Being great and expecting moderate honors.

D) B and C are equally bad.

E) Being lazy.



How is justice different from virtue, according to Aristotle?

A) Virtue is just one form of justice.

B) Justice deals with our relations to others, while virtue is a state of being.

C) Justice can be a vice in the wrong hands.

D) Justice is a human invention while virtue exists objectively.

E) Justice is a form of human virtue.



According to Aristotle, what is the best form of friendship based upon?

A) Utility.

B) Pleasure.

C) Goodness.

D) Law.

E) Equality.



Which of the following relationships is analogous to the king-subject relationship?

A) Husband-wife

B) Father-son

C) Master-slave

D) Brother-sister

E) Mother-daughter




How should one treat an old friend whom one has long since exceeded in friendship?

A) Remain friends as always.

B) Remain friends, but not as closely as before.

C) Break off the friendship, but maintain feelings of goodwill for the old friend.

D) Break off all relations with the old friend.

E) Forget about him.



“Emanation” means:

A) The process of formation of things through confluence of matter and form.

B) Out flowing of overfilled being.

C) Process of cognition by recollecting the soul.

D) Process of developing of inference.

E) Process of development of the world of natural phenomena.



Philosophy of the Middle Ages characterized as "school philosophy" was called:

A) Mysticism.

B) Apologetics.

C) Scholastics


E) Nominalists.



In considering of that problem there emerged nominalism and realism in the Middle Ages:

A) Faith and reason.

B) God and world.

C) Universals.

D) Learning of God.

E) Learning of man.



The author of “The Tractatus of the views of the citizens of a Virtuous City” is called “the second teacher”:

A) Al-Biruni.

B) Al-Khorezmi.

C) Al-Farabi.

D) Al-Gazali.

E) Ibn Sina.



The author of the book «Kutadgu Bilik»:

A) Yassavi.

B) Balassaguni.

C) Al-Farabi.

D) Ulugbek.

E) Al-Gazali.



Philosophic trend of the medieval Islamic philosophy:

A) Nominalism.

B) Realism.

C) Sciencecentrism.

D) Good brothers.

E) Atheism.




A teaching which enhanced the emergence of philosophy in Islamic countries:

A) Mutasilism.

B) Something mystical.

C) Poetics.

D) Sufism.

E) Hegelianism.



An important tradition borrowed by Al-Farabi from ancient philosophy is called:

A) Mysticism.

B) Peripateticism.

C) Gilosoism.

D) Materialism.

E) Idealism.



The founder of medieval Islamic philosophy:

А) Ibn Rushd.

В) Al-Biruni.

С) Ibn Sina.

D) Al-Farabi.

Е) Al-Kindi.



Outstanding philosopher and doctor of the Arab medieval world, author of «Canon of medical science»:

А) Ibn Rushd.

В) Ibn Badj.

С) Ibn Sina .

D) Al-Farabi.

Е) Ibn Tufeil.



The words that Arab thinkers brought joyful free-thinking to Europe belongs:

А) Foierbach.

В) Montesquer.

С) Shelling.

D) Didro.

Е) Engels.



Philosophy of the Middle Ages characterized as "school philosophy" was called:

A) Mysticism.

B) Apologetics.

C) Scholastics

D) Patristics.

E) Nominalists.




One of the main philosophy books of St. Thomas Aquinas is:

A) Summa Theologica.

B)  Summa of All Summas.

C)  Summa in Defence of God.

D) Summa of Evidences.

E) Summa contra Devil.




The famous representative of patristic studies, author of the books "The City of God" "Confessions":

A) Thomas.

B)  Origen.

C)  St. Aurelius.

D)  St.Aquinas.

E) St. Augustine.




A thinker who formulated 5 proofs of existence of God:


B)  Erasmus of Rotterdam.

C)  Thomas Aquinas.

D) Makiavelli.

E) Abelyar.



According to St. Augustine before the soul enters the body at birth, where is it?

A) With God.

B) Augustine does not say.

C) Everywhere.

D) It does not yet exist.

E) In the Heavens.



According to Augustine spiritual substance:

A) has no spatial qualities.

B) has infinite size.

C) has no real existence.

D) contains the universe.

E) exists outside human existence.



Augustine’s idea of memory is inspired by:

A) Ambrose.

B) Aristotle.

C) Cicero.

D) Plato.

E) Aristippus.



Augustine holds that God’s creation of the universe takes place:

A) in a day

B) before time began

C) After time began

D) Eternally

E) occasionally



According to Augustine, time is always tending toward:

A) Non-being

B) Eternity

C) Multiplicity

D) Evil

E) Virtue



One of the characteristics of the Renaissance is:

A) Atheism.

B)  Theologism.

C)  Sociocentrism.

D)  Cosmocentrism.

E)  Antropocentrism.




Searching individuality -the peculiar feature of Philosophy...

A) Conventialism.

B)  Life.

C)  Renaissance.

D)  Rationalism.

E)  Conformism.



Outstanding philosopher of the Renaissance blamed in heresy and burnt by Inquisition

A)Leonardo da Vinci.

B)  Kusansky.

C)  L. Valla.

D) Campanella.

E) Jordano Bruno.



Under the Renaissance man was considered to be as

A) Man - political creature.

B)  Man - thinking being.

C)  Man - political creature possessing the soul.

D) Man - creator, artist.

E) Man - microcosmos.



A characteristic feature of the Philosophy of the Renaissance is:

А) Atheism.

В) Theologism.

С) Sociocentrism.

D) Cosmocentrism.

Е) Antropocentrism.



Philosophic views of ……………….. gave the rise to the utopian ideas of the Renaissance:

А) Dante

В ) Thomas Moor.

С) Erasmus of Rotterdam.

D) Lorenzo Vala.

Е) Petrarka.



The forerunners of Italian natural Philosophy is (born in 1401):

А) Kuzansky.

В) Copernicus.

С) Berkeley.

D) Lorenzo de Medichi.

Е) Ssavonarola.



He founded the Philosophy of policy in the epoch of formation of the early bourgeois relations…

А) Mirandola.

В) Machiavelli .

С) Campanella.

D) Cardinal Mazzarini.

Е) Cardinal Rischelier.



The search for individuality the peculiar feature of Philosophy of….

А) Conventionalism.

В) Life.

С) Renaissance.

D) Rationalism.

Е) Conformism.




«History is the politics which is taking place at the moment», - concluded…

А) Rousseau.

В) Machiavelli.

С) Campanella.

D) Hobbs.

Е) Grocius.


Under the Renaissance man was considered as:

А) political being.

В) reasonable being.

С) product of the society possessing the soul.

D ) creator, artist.

Е) microcosmos.



A thinker of the Renaissance times, the other of the “The Souvereign”»:

А) Leonardo da Vinchi.

В) Michel de Monteign.

С) Erasmus of Rotterdam.

D) Nocolo Machiavelli.

Е) Thomas Moor.



The most chatracteristic feature of Modern Philosophy:

A) Pantheism.

B) Science centrism.

C) Cosmo centrism.

D) Theo centrism.

E) Humanism.



The main postulate of rationalism

A) Knowing the world causes doubts.

B) Reason - is the main source to know the world.

C) Intuition is the highest form of knowledge.

D) All knowledge is based on experience.

E) The source of knowledge is God's revelation.



Representative of Modern Philosophy who said "I think, therefore I am"

A) Descartes.

B)  Locke.

C)  Bacon.

D)  Hume.

E)  Spinoza.



When did the statement that science and machinery cause man's mastery on nature appear:

A) In Ancient times

B)  During the Renaissance

C)  In the Middle Ages

D)  In Modern Times

E) In Ancient China




Which of the following subjects did Descartes most admire as a student?

A) Mathematics

B) Philosophy

C) Poetry

D) Science

E) Chemistry



What did Descartes learn in his travels abroad?

A) There's no place like home.

B) The world is round.

C) Different people have different customs.

D) Everybody everywhere is pretty much the same.

E) East or West home is best.



Where did Descartes eventually settle?

A) The Netherlands.

B) France.

C) Germany.

D) Spain.

E)  Poland.



The main postulate of the empiricism:

A) World is unknowable.

B) Reason - is the main source to know the world.

C) The highest form of knowledge is intuition.

D) All knowledge is based on experience.

E) Neither reason nor perceptions are important.


What kind of idea does Locke consider our idea of the infinite?

A) Complex.

B) Abstract general.

C) Simple.

D) Confused.

E) Infinity.




Which of the following is not a kind of idea according to Locke's classification?

A) Simple.

B) Mixed mode.

C) Nominal.

D) Abstract general.

E) Phenomenal.



On Locke's account of knowledge, what does all knowledge ultimately boil down to?

A) Intuition.

B) Demonstration.

C) Belief.

D) Innate ideas.

E) Complexity.




What is Locke's first target of attack in the Essay?

A) Skepticism about the external world.

B) Innate propositions.

C) Innate ideas.

D) Abuses of language.

E) Infiniteness of the world.



On Locke's theory of meaning, to what do words refer?

A) Objects.

B) Real essences.

C) Categories.

D) Ideas.

E) Science.



According to Locke, a substance is determined by its level of:

A) Ontological independence.

B) Simplicity.

C) Secondary qualities.

D) Abstract general ideas.

E) Complexity.



To which of the following does the phrase "veil of perception" refer?

A) The claim that all we are immediately aware of is our ideas.

B) The claim that that we are aware of everything that is in our own mind.

C) The claim that we cannot know anything for certain.

D) The claim that our words refer to ideas.

E) The claim that we belong to the infinity.



Which of the following does Locke compare color and smell to?

A) A dream.

B) Exhaustion.

C) Sickness.

D) A piece of wheat.

E) Life.



Which of the following ideas does Locke consider to be the likeliest candidate for innateness?

A) Idea of oneself.

B) Idea of right and wrong.

C) Idea of God.

D) Idea of numbers.

E) Idea of selfishness.




What is an adequate idea, according to Locke?

A) An idea that perfectly represents whatever it purports to represent.

B) An idea that is fresh and exact.

C) An idea that the mind perceives as different from all other.

D) An idea that has a foundation in nature.

E) An idea that mind and soul are adequate.



What is a false idea, according to Locke?

A) An idea that imperfectly represents whatever it purports to represent.

B) An idea that is not fresh and exact.

C) An idea that the mind cannot differentiate from others.

D) An idea cannot, strictly speaking, be false.

E) An idea which is devised from mind.



Which of the following would Locke consider the best analogy to the human mind?

A) A sieve.

B) Flypaper.

C) Noodles.

D) Tabula Rasa.

E) Blackboard.



Which of the following is fundamental according to Hume?

A) Simple impressions.

B) Complex impressions.

C) Simply ideas.

D) Complex ideas.

E) Sensitivity.



What is a belief a combination of, according to Hume?

A) Probability and imagination.

B) Custom and probability.

C) Habit and custom.

D) Fiction and imagination.

E) Imagination.



How do we come to infer a connection between cause and effect in Hume’s mind?

A) Demonstrative reasoning.

B) Moral reasoning.

C) Habit.

D) A gift from the gods.

E) Common sense.



Who is the ultimate judge of what is right and what is wrong in human moral practice, according to Hume?

A) Society as a whole.

B) Each individual on his or her own.

C) God.

D) There is no rational ground for moral judgment.

E) State.



How do humans differ from animals in Hume’s view?

A) Humans do not rely on instinct.

B) Humans can infer necessary connections between events by means of reason.

C) Humans learn from experience.

D) Humans are very good at drawing general inferences from experience.

E) Humans are cleverer.



Which of the following philosophers was most deeply influenced by Hume?

A) Rene Descartes.

B) Immanuel Kant.

C) John Locke.

D) Nicolas Malebranche.

E) Karl Marx.



What does theoretical reason show about freedom, according to the first Critique?

A) Nothing, except that it can never legislate for or against it.

B) That it can not exist because of determinism.

C) That adherence to the moral law requires belief in it.

D) That it can only truly be obtained by the elimination of desire.

E) That it can never be achieved.



What does Kant say about Hume's refutation of the reality of causality?

A) That it is exactly right, and that it woke him from his dogmatic slumbers.

B) That it would be true of noumenal things, but not phenomenal things.

C) That it threatened to undermine morality.

D) That it invited mysticism, though rightly refuting empiricism.

E) That he was absolutely right.



When one meets a humble but upright person, how does Kant predict one will feel?

A) One feels relieved that moral goodness is obtainable after all.

B) One bows, but one's spirit does not bow.

C) One is amazed that it is possible to overcome social disadvantages to achieve moral greatness.

D) One's self-conceit is struck down by respect for the moral law.

E) He is totally upset




Which does Kant take as a greater threat to practical reason, mysticism or empiricism?

A) Mysticism, for pursuing pleasure can coincide with morality, but pursuing a supersensible kingdom of God is fanaticism.

B) Mysticism, for the inscrutable will of God is susceptible to many harmful interpretations.

C) Empiricism, for it is the moral natural error for the common run of humanity.

D) Empiricism, for Hume's critique of causality has penetrated the thinking of the common man, and threatens to dissolve science.

E) Criticism of Hume’s empiricism.



Which historical event took place within Kant's lifetime?

A) The signing of the Magna Carter.

B) The Napoleonic Wars.

C) World War I.

D) The French Revolution.

E) Rebellion of the colonies.



Kant quotes a Stoic who cries out, while suffering intense pain, "Pain, however you torment me, I will never admit that you are something evil." He believes the Stoic is:

A) Correct, and a good illustration of a philosophical distinction.

B) Incorrect, and a good illustration of the confusion philosophy creates.

C) Correct and an example of the holy will.

D) Incorrect, and an example of self-conceit.

E) Correct partially.



What is the highest good, in the sense that is the object of pure practical reason?

A) That everyone be virtuous.

B) That everyone be happy.

C) There is no such thing.

D) That all virtuous people be happy.

E) There is no highest good in everyday life.



How does Kant recommend we teach morals?

A) We start by discussing the metaphysical foundations of the moral law.

B) We start by associating the idea of duty in children's mind with the idea of reward.

C) There is no need. Human beings are naturally rational and grow towards the moral law of their own accord.

D) We start by discussing particular examples of morally questionable and upright behavior.

E) We introduce special course at school



What city did Kant live in all his life?

A) Konigsberg.

B) Moscow.

C) Berlin.

D) Riga.

E) Frankfurt.



What is, for Kant, the relation of self-love to morality?

A) Acting on self-love opposes the moral law; one's impulses are morally irrelevant as long as one acts on the motive of duty.

B) The selfish inclinations are evil. Only when they are eradicated is moral goodness possible.

C) Self-love is a valuable ally in moral education, and moral excellence requires a high level of self-esteem.

D) It is irrelevant what one's motives in acting are, it only matters that one's actions conform to the rule.

E) Selfishness is necessary to survive in the world.



How does Kant view the relationship between freedom and morality?

A) Following the moral law constricts your freedom.

B) A free person can act either morally or immorally.

C) Following the moral law is freedom.

D) Freedom is irrelevant to question of morality.

E) There is a constant controversy between them.



How many laws exist, according to Kant, which are suited to governing a free will?

A) One.

B) Zero.

C) No information.

D) Many.

E) A dozen.



Kant regards pure practical reason as:

A) Partially constituted by the superego.

B) A faculty which philosophers have long understood quite well, though the common run of humanity confuses with self-love.

C) Being much less liable to misunderstanding than pure theoretical reason.

D) Requiring greatness of soul to properly utilize.

E) Motivation of our actions.



According to Hegel, the category of original history is defined by:

A) The historian’s unbiased view of events.

B) The historian’s participation in the times he writes about.

C) The blending of folk tales with direct accounts.

D) The absence of Spirit in any recognizable form.

E) The categories of logic.

{Correct answer}=B



According to Hegel, the four types of reflective history are:

A) Universal, philosophic, critical, and specialized.

B) Philosophic, original, critical, and pragmatic.

C) Universal, reflective, philosophic, pragmatic.

D) Universal, rational, pre-reflective, and original.


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