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E) Universal, pragmatic, critical, and specialized.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 12 из 12
$$$112 Hegel seems to heartily disapprove of which historical method? A) Critical history. B) Universal history. C) Naive history. D) Reflective history. E) Classical history.
$$$113 Hegel believes that history can teach us which lessons for the future? A) None. B) Moral lessons. C) Lessons in statecraft. D) Lessons in correct democracy. E) Ethical lessons.
$$$114 Hegel considers his view of the concept of development to be: A) absolute. B) formalistic. C) concrete. D) absolute and concrete. E) logical.
$$$115 The nature of the stages of history in their most general sense is a subject for: A) Speculative observation. B) Philosophic history. C) The philosophy of spirit. D) Reflective history. E) Philosophical logic.
$$$116 Hegel uses what as a metaphor for Spirit: A) A seed. B) A house. C) A book. D) A star. E) A boat.
$$$117 According to Hegel, The first social consciousness of freedom was realized by: A) The Greeks. B) The Orientals. C) The Germans. D) The Romans. E) The Assyrians.
$$$118 Hegel refers to history as: A) An orchard. B) A slaughter-bench. C) A march of the soldiers of Reason. D) An angel looking backwards. E) Experience.
$$$119 Hegel refers to historical figures like Julius Caesar as: A) World-historical individuals. B) Unconscious history-agents. C) History-engines. D) Pawns. E) Engines.
$$$120 Which two things come together as the means of history, according to Hegel? A) Spirit and nature. B) Time and the infinite. C) Individuals and the masses. D) Idea and human passions. E) World spirit.
$$$121 What is Hegel referring to with the phrase, ‘the material in which the rational end-goal is to be realized’? A) The Spirit. B) Human passion. C) The State. D) Reason. E) Human wisdom
$$$122 According to Hegel, world history should be concerned only with: A) Peoples who revolt. B) Peoples who explicitly reject theocracy. C) People who form States. D) Populations. E) Countries.
$$$123 According to Hegel, which of the following is the prerequisite for the emergence of philosophy? A) Philosophers. B) Educational institutions. C) Culture in general. D) Revolutionary spirit. E) Thinkers.
$$$124 According to Hegel, spirit can be hindered by: A) Nature. B) God. C) The State. D) The ‘cunning of Reason’. E) People.
$$$125 What does Hegel say about the decline of the spirit of a given people? A) It never declines. B) It dies in ‘national suicide’. C) It dies a ‘natural death’. D) It dies in stagnation. E) Loses its strength.
$$$126 Kierkegaard compares Christian writers to which of these professionals? A) lawyers. B) professors. C) doctors. D) carriage drivers. E) teachers.
$$$127 According to Kierkegaard, Socrates defined sin as which of the following: A) arrogance. B) excessive drink. C) despair. D) ignorance. E) misunderstanding.
$$$128 Which of the following is the opposite of sin, according to Kierkegaard ? A) happiness. B) virtue. C) indifference. D) faith. E) reason.
$$$129 According to Kierkegaard, when considered rationally, Christianity's teachings are: A) groovy. B) absurd. C) sensible. D) promising. E) emotional.
$$$130 The most intense sin is according to Kierkegaard: A) Declaring Christianity to be untrue. B) Despairing over one's sins. C) Mass murder. D) Believing that God will not forgive one's sins. E) Not believing in God.
$$$131 What was Kierkegaard's native country? A) Denmark. B) Finland. C) Russia. D) Germany. E) Poland.
$$$132 Which of the following is associated with the universal, in Kierkegaard’s view? A) The aesthetic. B) The ethical. C) The religious. D) Both the aesthetic and the religious. E) philosophic.
$$$133 Which of the following is associated with the absurd, in Kierkegaard’s view? A) The aesthetic, in Kierkegaard’s view B) The ethical. C) The religious. D) Both the aesthetic and the religious. E) The philosophical.
$$$134 Which of the following is associated with the finite, in Kierkegaard’s view? A) The aesthetic. B) The ethical. C) The religious. D) Both the aesthetic and the religious. E) Philosophical. {
$$$135 Which of the following is associated with the single individual, in Kierkegaard’s view? A) The aesthetic. B) The ethical. C) The religious. D) Both the aesthetic and the religious. E) Philosophical.
$$$136 In Marx’s view the amount of labor put into a commodity is a measure of its ________ A) Use-value. B) Value. C) Quantity-value. D) Exploitation-value. E) Amount of value.
$$$137 What does Marx say is the effect of the division of labor on the worker? A) Loss of imagination and character. B) Increased ambition. C) More leisure time. D) Fairer working conditions. E) Less responsibility. {Complexity} = 3
$$$138 In modern society, who owns the means of production, according to Marx? A) The military. B) The Church. C) The capitalists. D) The workers. E) The society.
$$$139 Which writer had concerns similar to Marx's about the impact of the division of labor on human character? A) Aristotle. B) G.W.F. Hegel. C) Edmund Burke. D) Adam Smith. E) David Ricardo.
$$$140 During which century was Capital published? A) 19th century. B) 18th century. C) 17th century. D) 20th century. E) 21st century.
$$$141 Who published the last two volumes of Capital after Marx's death? A) Vladimir Lenin. B) Friedrich Engels. C) Joseph Stalin. D) John Stuart Mill. E) His family.
$$$142 Which of these aspects does not form the essence of Dionysian music? A) The incomparable world of harmony. B) The symbolic power of phenomenon. C) The emotional power of the tone. D) The uniform flow of the melos. E) Uniformity of the sounds. {
$$$143 How does Apollo attempt to calm individual beings? A) By metaphorically carrying them on his shoulders, like Atlas B) By destroying the boundaries that Dionysus draws around the will C) By drawing boundary lines between them D) By imposing a regimen of Egyptian restraint E) By frightening them
$$$144 According to Nietzsche, what is music? A) A beautiful form. B) An immediate copy of the will. C) A copy of the phenomenon. D) A specific aesthetic language. E) Leisure activity.
$$$145 What, according to Nietzsche, was the current academic trend of his day? A) Enthusiastic research into the links between German and Greek culture B) The abandonment of long-standing historiographical thinking C) A general consensus that the rebirth of Greek tragedy was at hand D) The skeptical abandonment of the Hellenic ideal E) Speculative thinking
$$$146 What is the world the totality of, according to Wittgenstein? A) Facts. B) Things. C) Logical objects. D) Donuts. E) Phenomena.
$$$147 What do all facts have in common? A) They are all true. B) They are simple. C) They exist in logical space. D) They deal with abstract concepts. E) They tell us the truth.
$$$148 What do pictures and facts have in common? A) They are both mental acts. B) They both represent only what is the case. C) They share a logical form. D) They have nothing in common. E) They are unknowable.
$$$149 In which field is Wittgenstein's main concern in introducing thoughts? A) Psychology. B) Logic. C) Epistemology. D) Ontology. E) Zoology.
$$$150 What element in reality to the names in propositions correspond to? A) Objects. B) States of affairs. C) Facts. D) People. E) Subjects.
$$$151 How does Wittgenstein conceive of the role of philosophy? A) As determining the fundamental truths about the world. B) As being the construction of propositions that form a coherent conception of the world. C) As being the logical clarification of language. D) Wittgenstein says philosophy should be done away with entirely. E) Philosophy is meaningless.
$$$152 The ideas like “The Sky”, “Umay”, “Zher”, “Su” which influenced Kazakh world outlook are referred to medieval philosophic-religious teaching: A) Manichean. B) Buddhism. C) Tengrianism. D) Zoroastrism. E) Shamanism.
$$$153 Central problem of Abay’s philosophy: А) Problem of nature. В ) Problem of man. С) Problem of knowledge. D) Problem of beauty. Е) Problem of society.
$$$154 Philosophical work of Kazakh thinker Shakarim is called: А) Abay’s Way. В) Botagoz. |
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