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Example 5. A letter of complaint

Mistakes can happen no matter how efficient a business firm tries to be. There might be a misunderstanding about the goods to be supplied; sometimes the consignment is dispatched too late or delays are caused in transit; defect is discovered when the equipment is put into operation and so on. Therefore a letter with the complaint expresses is sent.



Ladies’ Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago, 111. 60602


118 Regent Street

London WIC 37D


November 22nd, 2000



Thank you for your delivery of dresses which were ordered on November 4. However we wish to draw your attention to two matters.

Of the red dresses supplied one lot of 100 (size 12) included clothes of a lighter red than the other sizes. We are returning two of these by separate mail, and would ask you to replace the whole lot by 100 dresses size 12 in the correct color.

As far as your charges for air freight are concerned, we agree to pay the extra costs which you invoiced. However your costs for packing and insurance must have been lower for air cargo, and we request you to take this fact into consideration and to make an adjustment to the invoice amount. Would you please send us a rectified invoice, reduced accordingly.

We look forward to your dealing with these questions without delay.


Very truly yours,




NOTES: In the example 5 there are two complaints: the first is about the dresses color and the second – about the fact that air freight seems too expensive to HOWARD & PRATT.

From this letter we see that the correspondent takes the trouble to explain his complaint clearly and proposes ways in which matters can be put right.


Example 6. Letter of adjustment

Letters that are written in response to claims may be called adjustments. These letters are among the most difficult to write as they require under all circumstances patience, tact, and diplomacy. You will not lose your customer if you react at his claim promptly.


118 Regent Street

London WIC 37D




Ladies’ Clothing

306, 3d Avenue

Chicago, 111. 60602

2nd December, 2000


Dear Sirs:

The color of the dresses about which you complain is indeed lighter than it should be. Please accept our apologies.

We are sending you a new lot by air this week, and would ask you to return the faulty clothes at your convenience, carriage forward.

Alternatively you may keep this lot for sale as seconds at a reduced price of $1,120.

You are perfectly correct in saying that packing and insurance costs are normally less for cargo sent by air. May we remind you, however, in this case your request to send the goods by air was made at a very short notice. It was not possible for us to use the lighter air freight packing materials, as most of the dresses were ready for shipment by sea freight (please see our letter of 9th November).

Furthermore, our insurance is on an open policy at a flat rate, and depends on the value of the goods, not the method of transport. For these reasons our invoice No.14596 dated 15th November 2000 is still valid, and we look forward to receiving your remittance when due.


Yours faithfully,




NOTES: The suppliers show their understanding of situation and express their willingness to adjust it. They say exactly what steps they are going to take, because a disappointed customer cannot be put off with mere apologies – he is entitled to know how the mistake will be remedied. The suppliers convince their partners that they are really interested in maintaining good will. They try to avoid negative statements, and what even worse, accusations; they never forget that it is their customer who keeps them in business.

Even when they write their customers about rejecting their claim on air freight, they try to give logical reasons for the refusal.


A memo letter

A memorandum (or memo) is a very common form of business letter which is exchanged between members of the same organization. The memo usually focuses on one message or piece of information, and often requests action to be taken. It may be sent to a single person or a group of people.

There are many different techniques used in memo writing, but several basic rules should always be applied:

Since memos are a little less formal than business letters, it is best to use simple language.

Keep your memo clear. Use short, simple sentences.

A memo should not be any longer than one page. Most people do not have time to read long memos.

The opening and closing formula can be more direct, and less formal than in a letter.

Here is an example of memo.


1. DATE        9th June

2. TO              Vincent Mills, Human Resources Manager

FROM            Philip Groves, Managing Director

3. SUBJECT  Seminars on management

4. The Seminars as we discussed are to be held on 15-17 June.

Could you contact the members of Seminars and inform me about the following:

5. a) the topics that these Seminars cover

b) short description of each topic

c) whether you think we should use reports printed in advance

6. We haven’t much time, so could you do this a.s.ap. and also check the availability of the members who will be involved in these Seminars.

Signature PG



Suitable                      подходящий, пригодный   

Quotation                              котировка, курс

To supply       снабжать, поставлять, обеспечивать

To require                   нуждаться, иметь надобность

Letter of credit          аккредитив

Terms of delivery       сроки поставки

Consignment              груз, партия товаров

Freight                       фрахт, перевозка грузов

To deliver                   доставлять

Dispatch                     отправка, отправление (курьера, почты)

Onward                      дальнейший

Supplier                      поставщик

Regarding                  касательно

Obtainable                 доступный

Cutting of the materials образцы материалов

Color chart                 таблица красок

To adjust                    устраивать, устанавливать

To persuade               убеждать

Deadline                    крайний срок

To place an order помещать заказ

To touch upon            затрагивать, касаться вкратце

To confirm                 подтверждать

To notify                    уведомлять

To enclose                  прилагать

Invoice                       накладная, счет-фактура

Extra charges             дополнительные издержки, расходы

Certificate of origin   сертификат соответствия

Valid                          действителен, имеет силу

Efficient                     квалифицированный, умелый

Delays                        задержки

Cargo                         груз

Rectified                    исправленный

Furthermore               кроме того, к тому же

Remittance                 перевод (пересылка) денег

Accusation                 обвинение



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