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Tom Brown speaks about his flatСтр 1 из 14Следующая ⇒
Our flat is on the sixth floor of a big twelve-storey building. In our flat we have three rooms, a kitchen, a hall, a bathroom and a toilet. The first place you get to when you enter our flat is the hall. It is rather large. To the left of the entrance door there is a hall-stand, where we hang our overcoats and put our hats when we take them off. To the right of the entrance door there is large mirror with a little table under it. Our living-room is large. The floor of our living-room is yellow, the ceiling is white, the walls are blue. The curtains on the windows are brown. There is a large brown sideboard in our living-room. It is at the wall to the right of the door. In the sideboard there are many plates, cups and glasses. There are some fine vases in the sideboard, too. There is a cosy red sofa in our living-room. It is at the wall to the left of the door. There are some cushions on the sofa. There is a little black coffee-table in front of the sofa. There are some newspapers and magazines on the coffee-table. We have a large colour TV-set in the living-room. It is in the corner of the room on a little table. There is a big vase on the TV-set. There are usually some beautiful flowers in the vase. There are two cosy armchairs in our living-room. They are in front of the TV-set. There are some fine pictures on the walls of our living-room. We usually spend our free time in the living-room, reading, talking or watching TV. We receive our guests in the living-room, too. Our bedroom is not very large. The walls of our bedroom are pink; the curtains on the window are yellow. In our bedroom we have two beds. There is a little bedside table between the beds. There is a large yellow wardrobe in our bedroom. It is at the wall to the right of the door. There are some clothes in the wardrobe. In the corner of the bedroom there is a small dressing table with a mirror over it. Our study is small. The walls of our study are brown, the curtains on the window are green. In our study we have a little writing-desk. It is in front of the window. There are some pens, pencils and exercise-books on the writing-desk. There is a large brown bookcase in our study. It is at the wall to the left of the writing-desk. There are many books in it. Our kitchen is small. There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white. There is a gas-cooker in the kitchen. The gas-cooker is black. There is a cupboard at the wall and a little table in the middle of the kitchen. There are some stools round the table. In the kitchen we cook, have our meals and wash the dishes.
Task 1 Answer the following questions: 1. What floor is the Browns' flat on? What kind of building is their flat in? 2. Is their flat large or small? How many rooms are there in it? 3. What is the first place you get to when you enter the Browns' flat? 4. What is there in their hall? 5. Where do the Browns hang their coats when they take them off? 6. Is the living-room large or small? 7. What colour is the floor in the living-room? What colour is the ceiling? What colour are the walls? What colour are the curtains on the windows? 8. Is there a sideboard in the living-room? What colour is it? Where is it? What do the Browns keep in their sideboard? 9. Is there a sofa in the living-room? Is it cosy? What colour is it? Where is it? What is there on the sofa? 10. Do the Browns have a coffee-table in their living-room? Where is it? What is there on the coffee-table? 11. What kind of TV-set do the Browns have? Where is the TV-set? What is there on the TV-set? 12. How many armchairs are there in the Browns' living-room? Are the armchairs cosy? Where are they? 13. Do the Browns have pictures in their living-room? Where are the pictures? 14. Is there a carpet in their living-room? 15. What do the Browns usually do in their living-room? 16. Is the bedroom in the Browns' flat large? 17. What colour are the walls in the bedroom? What colour are the curtains on the window? 18. How many beds are there in the bedroom? What is there between the beds? 19. Where do the Browns keep their clothes? What colour is their wardrobe? Where is it? 20. Do the Browns have a mirror in their bedroom? 21. What is the third room in the Browns' flat? 22. Is the study large? What colour are the walls in the study? What colour are the curtains on the window? 23. Is there a writing-desk in the study? Is it large or small? Where is it? What is there on the writing-desk? 24. Do the Browns have many books? Where do they keep them? Where is the bookcase? 25. What do the Browns have in their kitchen? What colour is the refrigerator? What colour is the gas-cooker? 26. Where is the table in the kitchen? Are there chairs round the table? 27. What do the Browns do in their kitchen? Task 2 Ask your friends as many questions as you can about their flats. Task 3 Answer the following questions about your flat: 1. Do you live in a five (nine twelve)-storey building? 2. What floor is your flat on? 3. Is there a lift in the house you live in? 4. Is your flat large or small? 5. How many rooms are there in your flat? 6. Is there a mirror in the hall of your flat? 7. Is there a hall-stand in your hall? Task 4 Write a composition on the theme “My flat” or “My room”. Ex 7 Read the text, choose and write sentences for each room: My flat There isone window in my room. There are white curtains on the window. Under the window there is a desk. There's a vase on it. There are three roses in the vase. To the right of the window there's a lamp. In front of the desk there is a chair. There is a vase of flowers on the floor near the lamp. There's a computer to the left of the desk and there is a box of computer discs under the computer. On the wall behind the computer there is a calendar. There are two pictures on the wall to the left of the computer. There is a picture between the lamp and the door. There's a lamp above the picture. There is a bed near the wall and there is a lamp above it. Near the wall there is a table with a telephone on it. There are pillows on the bed. There is a rug near the bed. There is a sofa near the door and there is a cat on the sofa. There is a rug in front of the sofa. To the right of the window there is a stereo. On the wall behind the stereo there's a picture.
Vocabulary “My working day” 1. to get up – подниматься, вставать 2. to wake up – просыпаться, будить 3. in the morning (evening, afternoon) – утром, вечером, после полудня - at night – ночью 4. to do morning exercises – делать утреннюю гимнастику 5. to make the bed – заправлять постель 6. to clean teeth 7. to wash face 8. to take the bath – принимать ванну 9. to douche, to have a shower – принимать душ 10. to comb hair 11. to put make-ups – краситься 12. to put on the clothes – одевать одежду / to put off the clothes – снимать одежду 13. to get to the university – добираться до университета 14. to go home 15. to go for a walk – гулять 16. to watch soap-opera on TV – смотреть мыльную оперу по TV 17. to wash dishes – мыть посуду / to wipe the dishes – вытирать посуду 18. to sweep the floor – подметать пол / to wash the floors – мыть полы 19. to clean the room – убирать комнату / to clean up – убираться, делать уборку 20. to dust the furniture – вытирать пыль с мебели 21. to vacuum clean the sofa, the carpet – чистить пылесосом диван, ковёр 22. to beat the carpets – выбивать ковры 23. to empty the dustbin – выносить мусор из мусорного ведра 24. to do washing, to wash – делать стирку, стирать 25. to do shopping – ходить в магазин 26. to air the bedroom – проветривать спальню 27. to keep house – вести домашнее хозяйство 28. to relax – отдохнуть, расслабиться 29. to visit or to receive friends, relatives – навещать или принимать друзей, родственников 30. to discuss everyday affairs – обсуждать повседневные дела 31. to go to bed – ложиться спать 32. to be tired – быть уставшим
Ex 1 Write the names of the months and arrange them in correct order: a rayujan January 1 b lujy _______ c laipr _______ d demeberc _____ e rcoboet _______ f ybrfreau _______ g bemepestr _____ h nuej _______ I tuuasg ________ j ahmcr ________ k erbneomv _____ l yam ________ Ex 2 Read, translate and learn the dialogue by heart: - What time do you get up as a rule? - I get up generally at about half past seven. - Why do you get up so early? - Because I usually catch an early train up to town. - Do you always go up by train? - No, not always. - How do you go if you don’t go by train? - By bus or tram. - When do you get to the office? - As a rule, I get there about nine o’clock. - Do you stay in town all day? - Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t. - You are not in town all day and every day? - No, sometimes I get back after lunch.
Ex 3 Write the days of the week and arrange them in correct order: a odmyna = Monday 1 b ryfadi = ____________ c dyetasu = ____________ d tyushdra = ____________ e dusayn = ____________ f dwyseeadn = ____________ g adtyrsua = _____________
Ex 4 Read the text: My working day My name is Alex Spencer. I’m 24 years old. I’m single. I live alone in a flat in a small town not far from Dublin. I wake up at 8 o’clock in the morning. I jump out of bed, put on my bedroom slippers and run to the window to see what kind of a day it is. I do my morningexercises, go to the bathroom and have a good wash in cold water. I clean my teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Then I begin to dress. I put on my shirt, pants, socks, trousers, braces and shoes. In winter I wear my warm brown winter jacket, in autumn and spring I wear my beautiful grey coat and I always take an umbrella. I brush and comb my hair in front of the mirror. I usually have my breakfast at 9 o’clock. I leave the house at 9.30 and go to work. My office is not far from my house. I often go on foot. On my way I always buy newspapers and read them at work when I am not very busy. I work in a large company. I’m a manager. I usually have lunch at work. I come home late in the evening, make my supper and eat it. Then I wash the dishes. When I am not tired I take a book and read it or play the piano. Sometimes I watch TV or talk with a friend on the telephone. I have many nice friends. They often come to see me and we always have a good time together. Every day I go to bed at 11 o’clock.
Task 1 Answer the following questions: 1. Who is Alex Spencer? 2. Where does he live? 3. Is he married? 4. What does Alex do in the morning? 5. What is Alex? Where does he work? 6. Who does the housework in Alex’s flat? 7. How does Alex spend his free time? 8. When does Alex go to bed? Task 2 Make right order, please:
Task 3 Answer the following questions about yourself: 1. How many are you in the family? 2. Who does your family consist of? 3. Who is the first to get up in the morning in your family? 4. Have you got an alarm-clock? 5. Who wakes you up in the morning? 6. What does your morning begin with? 7. Do you do your morning exercises every morning? 8. Do you take ashower (a bath) in the morning or do you just wash your face and hands? 9. You have breakfast in the kitchen, don’t you? 10. Who prepares your breakfast? 11. Do you feel hungry early in the morning? 12. Do you usually have a light or big breakfast? 13. What do you do after breakfast? 14. Is your university near your house or far from it? 15. How do you get to university: do you walk or do you take a bus? 16. How long does it take you to get to university? 17. When does the first lesson begin? 18. How many lessons a day do you have? 19. What do you do in the breaks? 20. Do you have lunch at university? At what time? Do you bring your lunch from home or do you go to the canteen? What kind of lunch can you get at your university canteen? 21. When is the last lesson over? 22. Do you always go home at once when classes are over, or do you sometimes stay in after classes? What for? 23. Do you take part in any extra-curricular activities at university? 24. When do you usually come home from university? 25. When you come home, you have dinner, don’t you? Do you have dinner alone or with the members of your family? 26. Do you begin doing your homework immediately after dinner or do you rest a little? How do you rest? How long? 27. How long does it usually take you to do your homework? 28. Do you go for a walk when your homework is done or do you stay at home? 29. When do your parents come home from work? 30. Do you help your parents with the house work? What do you do? 31. Who usually washes the dishes in your family? Who cleans the flat? Who dusts the furniture? Who sweeps the floor? 32. Do you often ring up your friends in the evening? 33. How is the evening usually spent in your family? 34. Are you fond of watching TV? Are there any TV programs which you especially like and try to watch regularly, or do you turn on TV just to pass away the time? 35. Who is the last to go to bed in your family? 36. When do you go to bed? 37. Do you air the bedroom before going to bed or do you sleep the whole night with the window open? 38. Do you like to read in bed? Task 4 Ask your friends as many questions as you can about how they spend their day.
Ex 5 Learn the following dialogue A. Good morning, dear. Still cleaning up? B. I’ve already aired and dusted the rooms and now I am going to wash up the breakfast things. Won’t you come into the kitchen with me? A. Certainly. I’ll help you to wipe the dishes. Where is your tea-cloth? B. There is no need to wipe them. I put them to dry on the rack here. A. Do you? Let me see the rack. Oh, that's a good thing. I'll tell Mom to buy one, too. Well, what’shall I do? B. Yo’ can clean the cutlery and I'll scrub the pots and pans. Would you like to help me wit’ the cooking? A. I'd love to, but I am a bad cook, I am afraid. Still, I can’peel potatoes. B. Very good. Please peel these potatoes and wash the vegetables. А. О. К.
Ex 6 Arrange paragraphs in right order to make connected narrative: 1. Mr. Bunin`s working hours begin at 9 o’clock, but he usually comes to the office at a quarter to nine to get ready for work. He comes by car which he parks behind the Ministry. At 9 o’clock the secretary brings him the mail. He goes through the letters, cables and telexes and sends answers to foreign firms or communicates with them by fax. He sometimes receives foreign businessmen from Great Britain, France, Germany and other countries. They usually discuss prices, terms of payment and delivery. 2. At half past one Mr. Bunin has dinner. After dinner he sometimes meets directors or engineers of our factories. He finishes work at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. 3. Mr. Bunin`s office is on the second floor. There are six desks in it. You can see a lot of telexes, letters and cables on them. There is a telephone and a computer on every desk. 4. All the engineers and economists at his office can speak one or two foreign languages. The engineers of our Ministry must know foreign languages to do business with foreign firms. 5. Mr. Bunin is an engineer at Machinoexport. Machinoexport does business with different countries of the world. They sell mining equipment, power equipment, electronic equipment and other goods.
Task 1 True or false? 1. Mr. Bunin is an economist at Machinoexport. 2. Machinoexport sells mining equipment, power equipment, electronic equipment and other goods. 3. There isn’t a telephone and a computer on ever4y desk. 4. The engineers of our Ministry must not know foreign languages. 5. Mr. Bunin`s working hours begin at 9 o’clock. 6. Sometimes he receives foreign businessmen from Africa, Kazakhstan. 7. They usually discuss prices, terms of payment and delivery. Task 2 Entitle the text. Task 3 Describe your working day. Ex 7 Describe working day of the girl according to these pictures:
Lesson 4 O? TV? Or books? How do young people spend their spare time? What leisure activities do they prefer? These and other questions were asked in a sociological survey. The resultsof the opinion poll conducted among young people living in big cities and in the country add up to the following hierarchy of pastimes: music in combination with such forms of group activities as discos, concerts, and cafe-curn-club come first, followed by the Internet, theatre and reading. Then come films, museums, amateur arts and engineering; and finally, TV and classical music. The questionnaire, circulated among pupils of 9—11 forms, students and young workers, has shown that the arts are regarded second only to contacts with friends (or a girl/boy friend). Most young people admit they do not know how to plan their leisure. To use sociological terminology, their leisure qualifications are inadequate. According to the poll, the actual priorities are as follows: TV comes first, followed by Internet, reading, films, listening to records, radio, going out to dances and discos; then come concerts, museums, amateur arts, and finally theatre. Young people's recent growing cultural standards make themselves felt primarily in the choice of cultural values. Of course they like to be entertained (bywatching TV shows, reading detective stories, etc.) But they certainly know how to find their way amid the great variety of cultural values, and they know how to tell genuine art from imitation. A few more words about music, which plays a very important part in young people's lives. Rock is certainly more popular than classical music. Russian pop groupswho play original music and meaningful texts have an especially large following. Kazakh girls and boys are getting increasingly interested in the leisure activities which encourage self-expression and personality growth.
Task 1 Make right order: According to the poll, the actual priorities are as follows: 1. Reading 2. TV 3. Concerts, museums, amateur arts 4. Internet 5. Films 6. Theatre. 7. Listening to records, radio 8. Going out to dances and discos Task 2 Answer the questions about yourself: 1. Have you got much free time? 2. How do you spend it? 3. What kind of rest do you prefer: very active (disco, travelling, doing sports, etc.) or less active (reading, watching TV, collecting, etc.)? 4. Are you anybody's fan? 5. Are your hobbies connected with your future profession? 6. What are your hobbies? 7. Do you share your hobbies, activities with your friends? Do you find understanding in your family? 8. What are typical British (American) hobbies and sports? 9. Are they popular in Kazakhstan? Task 3 Write a composition on one of these themes: 1. Young people's modern cultural standards. 2. Leisure, pastime and their priorities. Ex 2 Make up short stories, using the following words and expressions: 1. a day off, weather, fine, to wake up, to get up, to decide, to stay over the week-end, to go to the country, to return, late, after supper, not to want, to play chess, at once, to go to bed 2. to like, to go to the theatre, after a day's work, often, to see, interesting, a play, very much, once, to get home, late, before supper, to be over, then, to go to bed, at once. 3. in the afternoon, to decide, to the park, to walk, two hours, to go back, to have dinner, after dinner, to play chess, to go to the cinema, to finish 4. to like, to play chess, often, in the evening, to come to see, to be glad, last night, to have supper, together, to discuss, to go to bed, late 5. to want, to ask for, to give, interesting, a book, to begin, at once, to like, to read, very much, to give back, to thank
Ex 3 Mr. and Mrs. Adams want a holiday. They are with a travel agent. Read the conversation and number the lines in the correct order:
Task 1 Learn this dialogue by heart. Task 2 Write short answers to the questions about the Adams family. Use do, does, don’t, and doesn’t: Example: Do they want a summer holiday? No, they ____ (don’t). a Do they want a winter holiday? Yes, they ____. b Do Mr. Adams and his daughter like skiing? No, they ____. c Do Mrs. Adams and her son like skiing? Yes, they ____. d Does their daughter like sports? No, she ____. e Does their daughter speak French? Yes, she ____.
Ex 4 Make up dialogues. Use the following words and word- combinations. 1. to be going, to the country, to stay there over the week-end, to want, I'd love to 2. to play chess, to want, to play a game of, I'd love to 3. to be glad to see, to be going to the cinema, to want to see the film, I'd love to 4. What's the weather like..., fine (nice, bad), to go to the country, to stay in town
Ex 5 Make up short stories on the themes: 1. My Day Off. 2. How I Usually Spend the Week-end. 3. My Sunday Evening. Ex 6 Read the text: Visiting friends When I wish to visit one of my intimate friends, I do not trouble to inform him beforehand, but I go without more ado to his house, and ring the bell. Someone comes to the door: it is the maid. «Is Mr. Johnson at home? » I ask. «Yes, sir, » the maid replies, «come inside. Mr. Johnson is in the garden. He is just planting some rose-bushes.» If I am a very intimate friend of his, I may say to the maid, «May I go out to him, then? » «Yes, certainly, » she will say, «go straight through.» My friendcatches sight of me as I am walking along the garden path. «Hello, Bob! I’m so pleased to see you, old fellow, what have you been doing all this time? » We then sit down together on the lawn, and have a long chat. Perhaps my friend is not in, but has gone out somewhere. «No, sir, » the maid will then answer, «I am sorry he is not in. He went out about half an hour ago.» — «Do you know when he will be back? » - «I see. Well, would you please tell him I called? Brown is my name.» — «Will you leave any message, Mr. Brown? » - «No, it is nothing important. I will call at this time tomorrow evening, or perhaps a little earlier.» — «Very good, I will tell him. Good evening, sir! » - «Good evening! »
Task 1 Agree or disagree with the statements:. 1. When I wish to visit one of my intimate friends, I inform him beforehand. 2. If I am a very intimate friend of his, I may say to the maid, «May I go out to him, then? » 3. We then call our mutual friends and go to a pub. 4. If my friend isn’t at home I usually don’t speak to the maid and go away immediately. Task 2 Find the right end of the sentences:
Task 3 Write how you visit your friends. Ex 7 Read the poem, comment on it and answer the questions: Leisure What is this life if, full of care. We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance, And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this is if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. W.H. Davis (1871—1940) Task 1 Answer the following questions: 1. What do you consider to be the author's message of the poem? 2. What is the author's attitude towards the life full of care? 3. Show how the reader is constantly reminded of the poor life he lives. 4. In view of the contents of the poem, what is hinted at in the title " Leisure"? 5. Observe whether irony enters into the author's treatment of the subject. 6. Choose two words or phrases which you find particularly vivid. Comment on each of them so as to convey the reasons why you find them effective. 7. The poet treats his subject in a very lovely and interesting manner. One way in which he sustains interest is by using expressions which suggest that there is something " human" about nature. Find in the poem what is often used with reference to human beings. 8. What do the images of the poem suggest are the poet's feelings about nature? 9. Bring out the effectiveness of the repetition in the poem. 10. Would you recommend the poem to afriend? Give your brief reasons. 11. Suppose that you had some reasons to get up an hour before dawn. Describe the signs and stages by which the rest of the world " wakes up". 12. As a teacher you propose to introduce this poem to your pupils. Prepare your introductory talk.
Ex 8 Write how this boy usually spends his day off. Find 20 distinctions between the pictures:
Lesson 5 Vocabulary Seasons. Weather. Climate. 1. season – сезон, время года 2. spring, summer, autumn, winter 3. It is cold (rather cold) – холодно (довольно холодно) 4. It is warm (rather warm) – тепло (довольно тепло) / It is hot. – жарко. 5. Sun rises, sets – солнце встаёт, садится 6. It rains - идут дожди (обычно) / It is raining. – идёт дождь (сейчас). 7. It snows - идёт снег (обычно) / It is snowing. – идёт снег (сейчас) 8. It is raining cats and dogs – дождь льёт как из ведра 9. heavy clouds – тяжёлые тучи 10. a thunderstorm – гроза 11. a shower – ливень 12. a flash of lightning – вспышка молнии 13. to clear up – проясниться 14. a clap of thunder – удар грома 15. a hard frost – сильный мороз 16. slush – слякоть 17. drizzle – моросящий дождь 18. hoar-frost – иней 19. weather forecast – прогноз погоды 20. the sky is overcast – небо затянуто облаками 21. the sky is blue and cloudless (grey and cloudy). – небо голубое и безоблачное (серое и облачное) 22. The sun is (not) shining brightly in the blue sky. - солнце (не) светит ярко в голубом небе. 23. What is the weather like today? – Какая сегодня погода? fine – прекрасная, dull – пасмурная, changeable – переменчивая, mild – мягкий (о погоде, климате), rainy – дождливая, pleasant – приятная, beastly, terrible – ужасная, frosty – морозно, windy – ветрено 24. It is slippery today. – Сегодня гололёд. Ex 1 Using the sentences about weather given below, make up 7 dialogues on the theme “Weather”. Begin your dialogue with one of the questions: 1. I wonder what the weather is going to be? 2. What is the weather like (today)? What isout (doors)? 3. How is the weather? What sort of weather is it? 4. Is it raining (snowing, hailing, freezing) out? Does it rain, snow etc.? Is there a frost? 5. What’s the (weather) forecast for tomorrow? 6. What does the thermometer (barometer) say? 7. Do you get sea-sick at sea in rough weather? Good weather 1. What a fine (nice, most lovely, glorious) day, isn’t it! A fine morning (evening), isn’t it? It’s wonderful, etc. 2. What a balmy (clear, cloudless) night, I can’t see a cloud in the sky) 3. I expect we’ll have a fine day. The sun’s coming out. 4. Rather warm (cool, cold), isn’t it? 5. I think it will continue (keep) fine. The weather’s improving, I should say. It will clear up by and by. 6. We’re having a spell of fine (hot, bad, cold etc weather.) Bad weather 1. It seems a dull (wet, damp, raw, gloomy) day. What a rainy (cloudy, foggy, windy, stormy) day! It’s hazy (misty). 2. (It’s a) dull morning (day), isn’t it? Rather nasty out! Beastly weather! What wretched (abominable, vile, frightful) weather! 3. I expect we’ll have rain (a shower, a thunder-storm). It’s going to rain. It looks like rain. It will turn out a wet day. It won’t keep fine. We’re in for (a spell of) bad (cold, hot, rainy, freezing) weather. 4. The sky is overcast. The clouds are hanging low in the sky. Look at those fleecy, drifting, white clouds. 5. It’s beginning to drizzle. There’s a fine drizzling rain. 6. What a thick fog! One can almost cut it with a knife. The fog is clearing up. 7. There’s a heavy rain. It’s still raining hard (fast, heavily). It’s coming down hard (in torrents, in buckets). It’s raining cats and dogs. It’s nice weather for ducks. 8. A storm seems to be coming on (to be brewing, threatening, approaching). 9. The rain is still falling. It’s pouring, lightening, thundering, hailing. There goes a flash of lightning! Do you hear the rolling, rumbling and crashing of the thunder? What a tremendous clap of thunder! What a deafening thunder clap (thunderbolt)! 10. The lightning must have struck a building. It’s a good thing we’re indoors. That flash made a zigzag path. 11. It’s been raining off and on for a week now. We’ve been having rain for a week now. 12. Don’t get caught in a shower. You’ll get wet through and through. I’m drenched (soaked, wet to the skin). My clothes are soaking wet (wringing wet). 13. It has stopped (ceased) raining (snowing etc.) The rain has stopped. But the weather is so uncertain (unsettled, changeable). 14. Everything is so fresh now after the rain. What a lovely rainbow! Hot weather 1. It’s ahot (close stuffy, dusty, stifling, sultry, muggy, sticky) day. The air is humid.
Ex 2 Practice reading the following questions and answers:
Ex 3 Practice reading the following questions and answers:
Ex 4 Learn the following dialogue: A: Look at those clouds. How black they are! There’s a thunderstorm coming on. Aren’t you afraid? B: Oh no! I like it. Oh, look, what a flash of lightning! A: Yes, and there’s a clap of thunder. The first thunder this year. B: Shall I turn off the TV? A: What? The thunder is so loud, I can’t hear you. B: I say, shall I turn off the TV? Mom says it’s better to turn it off during a thunderstorm. A: Yes, do. And I’ll shut the window. A gust of wind may break the pane. B: Oh, what a shower! A: It’s good. It will lay the dust and revive the flowers in the garden.
Vocabulary: a clap of thunder – удар грома a gust of wind may break the pane – порыв ветра может разбить оконное стекло it will lay the dust and revive the flowers – он прибьет пыль и оживит цветы
Ex 5 Read the text: A thunder-storm The day was hot and humid. The sky was mostly blue that afternoon, but here and there were small, white clouds. There was also one large, long cloud, — flatand black on the bottom; one end was puffed high, like a mountain of cotton. «That’s a thunder-cloud, all right, » said the farmer, «and it’s coming this way.» Flash! There it was, the first flash of lightning. A few seconds later came the sound of the thunder. But the flash and the noise were still a long way off. Thenthe wind began to blow. By now the sky was almost completely covered by the vast, black cloud. Flash! That was the lightning again, — closer this time. Then came the thunder, — louder and closer. Flash! Crack! Bang! That was quite close and deafening. Down came the rain, suddenly, as if the cloud had opened up. The rain was pouring down so hard that the farmer could hardly see his way to the house. The cattle and fowl were all safe and sound in their sheds. But the corn — tall a green and shining only half an hour ago in the cornfield had suffered from the storm. Some of the stalks been broken by the force of the rain, and were now flat on the ground.
Task 1 Build up little situations (of several sentences) in which of the following expressions may be used: to pour down hard; puffed up; a long way off; to see (fight) one’s way to, safe and sound; suffer from; flat on the ground. Task 2 Turn the text, into a dialogue between the farmer and his wife or son (who are out in the field).
Ex 6 Fill in necessary words: clear up, cats, terrible, dogs, wonderful, rain Dialog I A. Fine day today, isn’t it? B. Yes, simply ________!
Dialog II A. What beastly weather we are having! B. Yes, it’s _____!
Dialog III A. It has been raining ____ and ____ since morning! B. Yes, and there is no sign of the ____ stopping.
Dialog IV A. Will it ____, do you think? B. Who knows? You never can tell.
Ex 7 Translate into English: 1. Вчера утром была хорошая погода. Небо было голубое и безоблачное. Солнце ярко светило на голубом небе. Но к полудню погода начала портиться. Подул холодный ветер с северо-запада. Стало холоднее. Когда я шел из университета, небо было затянуто облаками. Похоже, было, что пойдет дождь. И действительно, когда я подошел к дому, первые крупные капли дождя упали на землю. Всю вторую половину дня дождь лил как из ведра. Когда папа пришел домой в пять часов, он был мокрый до нитки. 2. Зимой обычно холодно. Земля и деревья покрыты снегом. Небо серое и облачное. Часто идет снег. Но иногда погода зимой хорошая. Небо голубое и безоблачное. Ветра нет. Солнце ярко светит на голубом небе. 3. Мой друг родом из Греции. Климат в Греции очень хороший. Летом там жарко. Небо обычно голубое и безоблачное. Иногда идет дождь, но обычно погода ясная. 4. Зимой дни короткие, а ночи длинные. Сегодня солнце взошло в девять часов утра. В четыре часа дня оно сядет. Зимой холодно, особенно когда дует холодный ветер с севера или с востока. Когда ветер дует с запада или с юга, обычно бывает теплее и идет снег. Сейчас тоже идет снег, но ветра нет. Земля покрыта, покрывалом из чистого белого снега. 5. Я очень люблю весну, когда природа пробуждается после долгого зимнего сна. Почки на деревьях открываются и выпускают новые листочки. 6. В Петербурге зима обычно наступает в декабре. Это самое темное время. Ночи длинные, а дни короткие. Небо обычно затянуто облаками, иногда идет снег, иногда – дождь. 7. Наконец-то наступила весна! Луга снова зеленеют, деревья покрыты свежими зелеными листьями, цветы начинают цвести. Перелетные птицы возвращаются с юга. Они строят гнезда на деревьях и весело поют. Дни становятся все длиннее, солнце светит ярче и ярче. Весна – самое лучшее время года.
Ex 8 Learn the following dialogue: A: You come from England, don’t you? B: Yes, I do. A: What’s the climate like in your country? B: It’s mild, but not always pleasant. The weather is often rather cold and windy. It often rains, especially in the west. A: Which is the best season in your country? B: I like spring and summer. The days are long and the nights are short. The sun rises early and sets late. A: And it is warm, isn’t it? B: Yes, it is. But our weather is very changeable. It may be fine in the morning and dull and rainy in the afternoon. A: They say, the English like to speak about the weather. B: Oh yes. The weather is our favourite subject of conversation.
Ex 9 Read the story: On Weather Forecasts George took the newspaper and read us the weather forecast: “Rain, cold, wet to fine, occasional local thunderstorms, east wind.” I don’t believe this weather forecast business. It forecasts precisely what happened yesterday or the day before, and precisely the opposite of what is going to happen today. I remember how our plans were completely ruined one late autumn day. We had been planning to go to the country for a picnic, but then we looked at the weather report in the local newspaper. “Heavy showers, with thunderstorms, may be expected today, ” it said, so we gave up our picnic and stopped indoors all day, waiting for the rain. Many people passed by our house in cars and coaches. It was clear that they were going to the country. The sun was shining, and there was not a cloud in the sky. “Ah! ” we said as we stood looking at them through the window, “they will come home wet to the skin! ” And we smiled, thinking how wet they were going to get. By twelve o’clock, with the sun pouring into the room, the heat became quite oppressive, and we wondered when those heavy showers and occasional thunderstorms were going to begin. At one o’clock the landlady came arid asked if we weren’t going out, as it seemed such a lovely day. “No, no, ” we replied, “not we. We don’t want to get wet through – no, no.” But not a drop of rain ever fell, and it was fine till late night. The next morning we read that it was going to be a “warm fine day, much heat, ” and we put on light clothes and went out, and half an hour after we had started, it began to rain hard, and a bitterly cold windbegan to blow, and it lasted for the whole day, and we came home with colds and rheumatism and went to bed. (Retold from Jerome’s “Three Men in a Boat.”) Vocabulary: occasional local thunderstorms – временами местные грозы precisely – в точности completely – совершенно ruined – испорчен mау be expected – можно ожидать stopped indoors –остались дома passed – проходили мимо coaches – экипажи there was not a cloud in the sky – в небе не было ни облачка with the sun pouring into the room – а солнце заливало всю комнату we wondered – мы недоумевали a landlady – хозяйка квартиры not a drop of rain ever fell – не выпало ни капельки дождя gave up – бросили, оставили /мысль о чем-л./ a bitterly cold wind – ужасно холодный ветер to blow –дуть with colds and rheumatism – с простудой и ревматизмом
Task 1 End the sentences: 1. And we smiled, thinking how wet... 2. At one o’clock the landlady... 3. George took the newspaper and read us the weather forecast: ... 4. I remember how our plans... 5. I don’t believe... 6.. It was clear that they... 7. We had been planning to go to the country for a picnic, but... 8. We don’t want to... 9. The sun was shining, and there was not... Task 2 Give definitions to the words and word-combinations: 1. weather forecast 4. heat 2. thunderstorm 5. to be wet to the skin 3. heavy showers 6. to come home with cold Task 3 Make up the plan of retelling of the given story. Task 4 Retell the story:
Ex 10 Learn the following dialogue: Mother: Why don’t you go out, Bob? I don’t like the way you sit at home and read all day long. Son: But there’s a hard frost, Mom. Mother: You haven’t been out yet, so how do you know? Son: Kate says it’s very cold and windy. Mother: Kate doesn’t know. She was out early in the morning, then it was really cold. I’ve just come in, so I know. It’s not so frosty now as it was in the morning, and the wind has dropped. Go for a walk. Son: Oh, Mom, I’ve got such a wonderful book and I am so comfortable here. Mother: Look how pale you are. An hour or two in the open air will do you good. 9ust put aside that book, get into your coat and go out like a good boy. Son: Oh, all right. Vocabulary: a hard frost – сильный мороз You haven’t been out yet – Ты еще не выходил. The wind has dropped. – Ветер стих. pale – бледный will do you good – пойдет тебе на пользу
Task 1 Answer the following questions to the dialogue: 1. Why doesn’t Bob go out? 2. What did Kate tell Bob about the weather? 3. Why wasn’t it true? 4. How does Bob’s mother find the weather? 5. Why does Bob’s mother think that Bob must go for a walk?
Ex 11 Learn the following proverbs and sayings: 1. Everything is good in its season. – Все хорошо в свое время. 2. It never rains, but it pours. – Дождь не просто идет, а льет. /ср. «Беда не приходит одна»/ 3. A storm in a tea-cup - Буря в чайной чашке, /ср. «Буря в стакане воды»/ 4. One swallow does not make a summer. – Одна ласточка не делает весны 5. Make hay while the sun shines. – Коси сено, пока солнце светит. 6. After rain comes fair weather. – После дождя наступает хорошая погода. 7. Rain at seven – fine at eleven. – Дождь в семь — ясно в одиннадцать. 8. April showers bring May flowers. –Апрельские ливни приносят майские цветы. 9. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. – Трава всегда зеленее по ту сторону забора. 10. Sow the wind and reap the storm. – Посеешь ветер – пожнешь бурю. Ex 12 Think up situations or short stories to illustrate each of the mentioned above proverbs and sayings.
Ex 13 Read about Kathy:
I like spring. The trees are green and it is warm again. I live in a small village in the country. I often go cycling in spring. In summer I go on holiday. I usually go to Italy or Spain with my family. It’s always hot there. I like going to the beach and swimming in the sea.
Autumn is my favourite season. It is cold but it isn’t wet. There are woods near my village and I often go walking there with my brother and sister.
I don’t like winter. It is very cold, wet, and grey. I don’t often go out in the evenings. I usually stay at home and watch television or listen to music. Task 1 Are the sentences true (√ ) or false (X)? Example Kathy doesn’t like spring. (x) a Kathy never goes cycling in spring. b Kathy likes going to the beach in spring. с In summer Kathy usually goes to Italy or Spain. d In autumn it is cold and wet. e In winter Kathy often goes out in the evenings. f Kathy doesn’t like winter. Task 2 Now you write about the seasons: Spring _ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Summer __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Autumn __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Winter __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Lesson 6 The lexical theme: Karaganda Economical University by Kazpotreb-soyuz. Vocabulary 1. an university – университет 2. an institute – институт 3. a college – колледж 4. a school – школа 5. a lyceum – лицей 6. to leave / to finish school (college) – окончить школу (колледж) 7. to graduate from the Institute (the University) – окончить институт (университет) 8. subjects – предметы 9. to take subjects at an institute (an university) – изучать предметы в институте (университете) 10. a lecture – лекция 11. to give a lecture – читать лекцию 12. a lecturer – лектор 13. to teach – учить, обучать 14. an entrance exam – вступительный экзамен 15. the UNT (universal national test) – ЕНТ (единое национальное тестирование) 16. to examine – проверять, экзаменовать 17. an examiner – экзаменатор 18. to take an exam – держать, сдавать экзамен 19. to pass one’s exam – выдержать, сдать экзамен 20. a mark in a subject – оценка, отметка по предмету 21. to give a mark – поставить оценку 22. to train economists – готовить экономистов 23. a professor – профессор 24. a research worker – научный работник 25. to go in for – заниматься, увлекаться 26. to master the language – овладеть языком 27. to work hard at something – усердно работать над ч.-л. 28. to make (good) progress – делать успехи 29. a faculty – факультет 30. a term – срок, семестр 31. a post-graduate studentship – аспирантура 32. a full-time student – студент очного отделения 33. an external student – студент заочного отделения 34. a last-year student – студент последнего курса 35. a first-year student – студент первого курса 36. to have practice – проходить практику 37. to last – длиться 38. an academic year – академический (учебный) год 39. a diploma – диплом 40. higher education – высшее образование 41. to get first-class degree with distinction – получить диплом с отличием 42. to take a post graduate course – учиться в аспирантуре 43. to enter the university – поступить в университет 44. a scholarship – стипендия 45. degree – степень 46. the rector (head) of the university – ректор университета
Ex 1 Read the text: Популярное:
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