Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Karaganda Economical University by Kazpotrebsoyuz

Hello! My name is Sultan. I left school in June; and as both my mother and father are economists, I have decided to be an economist too; I think it is a noble profession. I had to take four exams and passed all of them with excel­lent marks. So I’m glad that now I’m a first-year stu­dent at Karaganda Economical University by Kazpotrebsoyuz. I can’t help admiring this fine old building with its beautiful columns. The first students entered it more than 40 years ago. It goes without saying we, students, are very proud of this fact.

Our University was founded in 1966. The structure of the University includes the following faculties: Economics and Management, Financial-Accounting and Business and Law, which train students in different subjects. Many well-known professors teach at our University.

We have a good library, reading-rooms, Internet-rooms and for those who go in for sports there is a gymnasium. Some classrooms are provided with computers, TV sets, cassette recorders, video recorders and other equipment.

The term of training at the University is 4 years. There are a lot of external students who study at the University. They have a term once a year. The term of study lasts 2 or 5 years.

The academic year starts in September and ends in July. It is divided into 2 terms. At the end of each term students take their tests and examinations. The last-year full-time students have practice at different establishments. After graduating from the University the students get a diploma and become higher education specialists. The University also has its own postgraduate studentship.

There are a lot of possibilities for our students to show their talents: a dance group, dombra orchestra, a rock group, a KVN-team, etc.

Our students study either English or German. There is an English speaking club at our University. It gives us a good opportunity to master the language.

I spend a lot of time doing my home tasks. I have got to work hard to make good progress. I hope to get first-class degree with distinction, because it will give me an opportunity to take a post graduate course and to work at my University in future.


to be founded – быть основанным

an establishment – учреждение, заведение

a gymnasium – спортивный зал

to be provided – быть обеспеченным

equipment – оборудование

to be divided – делиться, быть разделенным

a noble profession – благородная профессия

Task 1 Answer the following questions:

1. When was Karaganda Economical University founded?

2. How many faculties are there at the University? And what are they?

3. How do you think: have you got all conditions for getting good education?

4. What is the term of training at the University?

5. What do the students get after graduating?

6. Has our University got postgraduate studentship?

7. Are there any possibilities for our students to show their talents?

8. What time does the working day of full-time students begin and end?

9. What languages must our students learn?

10. When does the academic year start and end?

Task 2 What figures are these?

2 terms ___________

1966 _____________

2 or 5 years _______

40 years __________

4 years ___________

Task 3 Find sentences in the text which contain the following words and expressions:

диплом с отличием, делать успехи, учебный год, первокурсник, оборудование, был основан, срок обучения, аспирантура.

Task 4 Fill in the gaps with necessary words:

language, faculties, provided, Financial-Accounting, diploma, convenience, full-time, education, founded, external

1. Our University was ____ in 1966.

2. There are 3 ____ at the University.

3. The students have all conditions for getting a good ____.

4. Classrooms are ____ with computers and other equipment.

5. After graduating from the University students get ____.

6. For the ____ of non-Karaganda students there are some branches in other cities.

7. The students are taught one or more foreign ____.

8. I have a term once a year. It lasts for 40 days, so I am a ____ student.

9. My classes begin at 9 a.m. and finish at 3 p.m. I am an ____ student.

10. My friend is going to be a book-keeper. He studies at a ____ faculty.

Task 5 Write antonyms to the given words:

to end –

a full-time student –

a first-year student –

to enter the university –

to fail an exam –


Ex 2 Answer the following questions about your university building:

1. Is your university a four-storey or a three-storey building?

2. Is your university building separated from the street by a grating? Is it an iron grating or a wooden fence?

3. Is your university situated near the bus stop or far from it?

4. Where do you get when you enter your university building?

5. Where do the students of your university leave their overcoats when they come to university?

6. Where is the rector’s office?

7. Is your gym-hall on the ground floor? Is it large?

8. Where is the university canteen?

9. Do you usually have lunch in the university canteen or do you bring your lunch from home?

10. Is the corridor of the first floor long? Is it wide? How is it lighted?

11. What is there in the wall of the first floor?

12. Is the medical inspection room also on the first floor?

13. Where are the English language classrooms?

14. What can you see in every English language classroom?

15. Where is the door leading into the assembly hall?

16. What events take place in the assembly hall?

17. Where is the university library?

18. What students study on the second floor?

19. What are the classrooms of the second floor supplied with? Are they well supplied with computer equipment?

20. Whose portraits can we see on the wall of the classrooms on the second floor?

21. What attracts your attention in the corridor of the third floor?


Ex 3 Imagine that your teacher is a guest from Great Britain. Take your “guest” around the university building from the ground floor to the third floor. Divide the material, so that each student of the group will say a few words. Answer all the questions of your “guest”.

Here is a hint of how the material of the excursion might be divided among the “guides”.

The university building and the ground floor. The entrance hall and the cloak-rooms.

The gym-hall.

The library.

The assembly hall.

The university canteen.

The corridor of the first floor. The rector’s office.

The English language classrooms.

The corridor of the second floor. The classrooms of the second floor.

The third floor. The Internet-classroom.


Ex 4 Translate the information about your faculty (your specialty):


Учетно-финансовый факультет работает на рынке образователь-ных услуг с 1966 г. Подготовил 35 тысяч специалистов, работающих во всех сферах экономики Республики Казахстан и за его пределами. Свою образовательную деятельность учетно-финансовый факультет ведет на основе государственных стандартов, выпускникам выдается диплом государственного образца о высшем образовании.

На учетно-финансовом факультете КЭУК функционирует 6 кафедр. Результаты научно – исследовательской работы кафедр факультета внедряются в учебный процесс, в подготовку специальных образовательных программ по переподготовки специалистов и курсам повышения квалификации специалистов, а также, непосредственно, в производство.

В научную деятельность кафедр факультета активно привлекаются студенты 2, 3, 4 курсов обучения. С этой целью на всех кафедрах факультета функционируют кружки СНО, через заседания которых выявляется исследовательская работа студентов. Ежегодно в среднем кафедрами факультета проводится от 5 до 8 заседаний СНО в соответствии с утвержденными планами.


Факультет экономики и управления функционирует со дня основания Карагандинского кооперативного института – с 1966 года. За 38 лет существования факультет выпустил более 16 тысяч высококвалифицированных экономистов широкого профиля. Многие выпускники факультета работают в различных должностях в системах Министерства иностранных дел, Министерства финансов, Министерства внутренних дел, Министерства торговли и индустрии Республики Казахстан. В состав факультета входят 5 кафедр:

1. Экономической теории и мировой экономики;

2. Экономики и менеджмента;

3. Высшей математики;

4. Казахского языка и культуры Казахстана;

5. Иностранных и русского языков.

С 2003 года факультет перешел на двухуровневую систему высшего образования – hematicall и магистратуру. На факультете действуют Совет кураторов, Молодежный комитет, Студенческий совет, Студенческий парламент. Ими организуется широкий круг мероприятий, направленных на патриотическое, эстетическое, нравственное воспитание студентов, привитие им навыков самоуправления.


Факультет бизнеса и права (ФБП) был образован в 1980 году и подготовил свыше 5 тысяч специалистов, работающих во всех отраслях Республики Казахстан. На ФБП обучается более 3000 студентов. Подготовку осуществляют около 100 преподавателей, в том числе 70 докторов и кандидатов наук.


«Юриспруденция »

Специализация: Правовое регулирование в сфере экономики.

Квалификация: Бакалавр юриспруденции.

Срок обучения: 4 года.

Диплом нашего университета по специальности «Юриспруденция» даст возможность иметь престижную работу

  • в налоговых органах;
  • в адвокатуре;
  • в правоохранительных органах;
  • в патентных бюро.

«Технология продовольственных продуктов»

Квалификация: Бакалавр – технологии продовольственных продуктов.

Срок обучения: 4 года.

Обладатели диплома университета по данной специальности могут работать:

  • ведущими специалистами на предприятиях промышленности;
  • на предприятиях общественного питания (бары, рестораны, кафе, столовые и пр.);
  • в отделах государственного надзора за производством продуктов питания.


Квалификация: Бакалавр туризма.

Срок обучения: 4 года.

Выпускники специальности «Туризм» могут работать в сфере внутреннего и международного туризма в качестве:

· менеджеров – управляющих государственными компаниями;

· маркетологов и руководителей маркетинговых отделов туристических фирм;

· руководителей рекламных служб туристических предприятий;

· руководителей различных служб туристического комплекса (гостиничное, ресторанное дело и т.п.).


Квалификация: Бакалавр маркетинга.

Срок обучения: 4 года.

Именно сейчас в Казахстане как никогда высок спрос на специалистов в области маркетинга. Только специалисты по маркетингу могут успешно организовать свое дело, быть директорами фирм, возглавлять службу маркетинга и сбыта, организовать рекламу. Специалисты по маркетингу никогда не остаются без работы, спрос на маркетологов превышает предложение.

«Стандартизация, сертификация и метрология»

Квалификация: Бакалавр стандартизации, сертификации и метрологии.

Срок обучения: 4 года.

Сегодня в Казахстане нет заслона от недоброкачественных товаров. Определить происхождение, безопасность, экологичность товара в состоянии только выпускники названных специальностей.

Они могут работать:

· в органах по стандартизации, сертификации и метрологии;

· экспертами в органах товарных экспертиз;

· в организации по защите прав потребителей;

· менеджерами по качеству во всех предприятиях.


Ex 5 Write a letter to your American friend about your university. Use the following sample:


(A Letter)

Dear Helen,

Don’t be angry with me for my long silence, but really I was too busy to write.

As you know, I left school in June and began to prepare for my entrance exams to the University. As both my mother and father are teachers I have made up my mind to be a teacher too, I think teaching is a noble profession.

I had to take four exams and passed all of them with excel­lent marks. So I’m glad to tell you that now I’m a first-year stu­dent at the Moscow State Teacher Training University.

I should like to show you the main building of our University. I can’t help admiring this fine old building with its beautiful columns. The first students entered it more than 120 years ago.

It goes without saying we, students, are very proud of this fact.

There are 18 faculties at our University which train teachers in many subjects: Russian, Literature, Mathematics, Physics, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Foreign languages and others. Many well-known professors teach at our University.

We have good libraries and reading-rooms and for those who go in for sports there are good gymnasiums and a stadium.

At present we have quite a lot of work as we have English practice, Grammar and Phonetics, Linguistics, History of our native land and other subjects. There is an English speaking club at our faculty. It gives us a good opportunity to master the language, but I don’t take part in it yet. I’m working hard at my pronunciation. There is a good language laboratory at our faculty where we work with cassette-recorders. It helps us to find out our mistakes and to get rid of them in the shortest possible time.

So that’s the latest news about myself. Please write to me about your life and studies.

My best regards to your parents.

Yours, Ann.


Ex 6 Learn the following dialogue:


Alex is about to ring up a friend of his. He picks up the re­ceiver, and dials the number. The first time the line is engaged but then he gets through.

A: Bob?

B: Speaking.

A: This is Alex. Hello, old chap. Haven’t heard from you for ages. How are you?

B: Oh, hello, Alex. I’m fine, thanks.

A: Wonderful, I hear you passed all your entrance exams with excellent marks, so you are a student now, aren’t you?

В: Well yes, and you?

A: I wasn’t so lucky at the exams, in fact. I only got good marks in the main subjects: physics and maths.

В: I wonder if you find it difficult to study mathematics?

A: Rather. I spend a lot of time doing my home assignment. But I’m not at all sorry. You’ve got to work hard to make good progress.

В: Do you have time to go in for sports?

A: Yes, of course, I joined the University sports society, as I’m fond of skating, skiing and tennis.

B: As for me, I’m a member of our English speaking club. I’ve joined our drama society and the choir. They say I’m rather good at both singing and acting.

A: Good, isn’t it? Hope to see you some day. Will you invite me to your club?

B: Sure.

A: By the way, I’ve got a new telephone number. It is now 235…

B: Just a second. I must have a pen to put it down. Yes?

A: So I repeat 235-60-57. I’ll be expecting your call. Bye-bye.

B: So long, then.


Ex 7 Fill in prepositions or adverbs if it is necessary:

1. First-year students work hard to master … the language. 2. What mark did you get … Literature … the entrance exams? 3. What mark have you got … your report? 4. “Try to get rid … this gross mistake, ” said the teacher. 5. When did you make a report … this book? 6. Our nephew is very good … mathematics. 7. Why don’t you take part… our discussion? 8. When the monitor entered … the class­room the students kept silent. 9. What kind of sports does he go … …? — He is good … tennis and volley-ball. 10. I see you are angry … me, but I don’t understand why you do not answer … my question. 11. The students are proud … their Institute. 12. They are all
very fond … the English speaking club. 13. Two of my fellow-students are away… the lessons today.

Ex 8

a) Write questions to the parts of the sentences in bold type.

b) Each sentence describes a situation in a concise way. Find out some more details about it by asking questions. Work in pairs. Use conversational phrases:

1. I left school in June. I began to prepare for my entrance exams to the Institute. 2. The first students entered the Institute more than 100 years ago.


Ex 9 Translate the following into English:

1. Мы принимаем участие в общественной жизни Универси­тета. Мы принимаем участие в работе английского клуба. 2. Почему вы не принимаете участия в нашей работе (в нашем концерте, в нашем обсуждении)? 3. Он занимается (интересуется) спортом (музыкой, живописью, языками, научной работой, пением, искус­ством). 4. Те, кто приезжают из других городов, живут в общежи­тии. 5. Он принял решение поступить в Московский педагогиче­ский университет (стать учителем; усиленно занимать­ся в этом семестре). 6. Я не могла не поступить в педагогический уни­верситет, я люблю детей. 7. Они гордятся своими успехами (their success). Они все сдали экза­мены и получили оценку «отлично». 8. И, Когда вы сдали последний экза­мен? — Я сдала последний экзамен 12 августа. Она сдала послед­ний экзамен. Вы сдали этот экзамен? — Да, я сдал последний экза­мен и теперь свободен. Он не сдавал с нами экзамен, так как был болен. Он не выдержал (не сдал) экзамен. Мы сдаем экзамен по ан­глийскому языку в январе. Надеюсь, что мы все сдадим его.


Ex 10 Think up situations using the following words and word combinations:

a) to take an exam (exams); to get a mark; to enter an insti­tute; to take part in; not to make mistakes; to be lucky;

b) to get rid of; to be good at; to make a report on; they say.


Ex 11 Fill in articles where it is necessary:

11. 1. His son left … school two years ago. 2. Helen passed … entrance exams to … Institute with excellent marks. 3 My favourite subject at … school was … Literature. 4. My brother goes in for … sports. 5. I’m going to join … sports society. 6. He is … member of … students’ English club. 7. We haven’t yet had … discussion on … book we are reading now. 8. I got … satisfactory mark for … test.


Ex 12 Intensify the idea by adding it goes without saying at the beginning of each of the given sentences:

Model: We are proud of our University. It goes without saying we are proud of our University.

1. We must work sys­hematically if we want to know English well. 2. She will get an excellent mark. 3. His work is very interesting, 4. Teaching is a noble profession. 5. He is a well-bred person. 6. We are eager to master the English language.


Ex 13 Prepare the report on the theme “Credit system”, using the given information:

Кредитная система обучения

Наш университет с сентября 2003 г. внедрил в учебный процесс на шести экономических направлениях очного отделения первого курса кредитную технологию обучения. Для этого был изучен как международный опыт, так и опыт передовых казахстанских вузов.

Кредитная технология обучения не только расширяет возможности междисциплинарного образования, но и облегчает переход к асинхронной (индивидуальной) форме обучения, способствует развитию как международной, так и национальной (в пределах государственных границ) академической мобильности. Также она способствует повышению качества образования студентов, участвующих в обмене, помогает взаимному обогащению научными и академическими идеями, продвижению вузов на передовые позиции в области науки и образования, расширению их влияния в академическом сообществе, что в результате приведет к укреплению позиций национальной системы образования и престижа казахстанских дипломов.

Студентам приходится систематически работать в течение всего учебного года, что дает возможность выбора индивидуальной траектории обучения (обеспечивает вариативность образования). У студентов появилась возможность заниматься по другим направлениям и специальностям (при соответствующем согласовании расписания), изучать дополнительные дисциплины, осваивать смежные специализации или получать дополнительную квалификацию. Кроме того, они получают доступ к учебным курсам и академической жизни других вузов, в том числе и зарубежных, с гарантией академического признания результатов обучения.

Преимущества кредитной системы обучения очевидны как для профессорско-преподавательского состава, так и для студентов. Это и существенное сокращение количества изучаемых дисциплин, и отсутствие зачетов, и возможность выбора студентами дисциплин для формирования своей образовательной траектории, и наглядность рейтинга, когда студенты, имеющие положительные оценки, различаются по баллам.


Ex 14 Make up sentences, using the following word combinations:

to be angry with; to take part in; to give a mark; to get a mark in (a subject); to make progress; to be good at; to be lucky; to join smth.; to find out; to make up one’s mind; to make mistakes; to do homework (lab work); to go in for; to take an exam in (a subject); to pass the exam; to get rid of; to be proud of; one can’t help doing smth.; to master the language.


Ex 15 Retell the following jokes:

English professor: What is the difference between an active verb and a passive verb?

Student: An active verb shows action and a passive verb shows passion.

Professor: Can you tell me anything about the great scientists of the 17th century?

Student: They are all dead, sir.

Friend: And what is your son going to be when he’s passed his final exam?

Father: An old man.

Two men were talking in a train.

“Are you going to Mulberry’s lecture today? ” said one.

“Oh, yes, I am, ” replied the other.

“Take my advice and don’t, I hear he is a very poor lecturer.”

“I am afraid, I must go, ” said the other. “I’m Mulberry.”

During a lecture a well-known lecturer on economics men­tioned the fact that in some parts of the world the number of men was larger than that of women, and he added humorously:

“I can therefore recommend the ladies to emigrate to that part of the world.”

A young lady who was sitting in one of the last rows stood up full of anger. She was leaving the room rather noisily, when the lecturer remarked.

“I don’t mean that it must be done in such a hurry as that.”


Ex 16 Give sentences with the constructions to go in for and to be good at, using the following words. Explain their meaning:

music, sports, poetry, painting, swimming, singing, foreign languages.


Ex 17 Translate the following sentences into English:

1.Я окончила школу два года назад. 2. Моя сестра поступила в институт в 1982 году. Когда я вошла в зал, я увидела, что там было много студентов. 3. Мы не можем не думать о предстоящих экзаменах.
4. Я сдала на отлично вступительный экзамен по английскому языку. Сколь­ко экзаменов вы выдержали в прошлом году? Нина сдала экзамен по физике, но не сдала химию. 5. Какую оценку вы получили за изложение? 6. Студент хорошо отвечал, и учитель поставил ему пять. 7. Я знаю этого преподавателя, он экзаменовал меня по исто­рии в прошлом году. 8. У нее хорошие оценки по всем предметам. 9. На прошлой неделе у нас была контроль­ная. Я получила три. 10. Я хочу принять участие в работе этого научного общества. 11. Хотя в нашем Университете есть хоро­ший гимнастический зал, мы часто ходим на стадион. 12. Наш английский клуб помогает нам лучше овладеть языком. 13. Я сделала много ошибок, и преподаватель поставила мне неудовлетворитель­ную оценку.


Ex 18

a) Make up a dialogue on the following situation:

You ask your friend what marks she got at the entrance ex­ams and what subjects she studies at the University. You wonder how often she works in the laboratory and whether the work helps her to correct her pronunciation. You’d also like to know if she takes part in the work of the English club and what kind of work she does there.

b) Suggest a situation for your fellow-students to make up a dialogue on it.


Ex 19 Imagine you are on the phone talking to a friend (asking for
information) about 1) your studies; 2) your social activities.


Ex 20 Translate into English:

1. Профессор Уайт — крупный ученый. Для нашего университета боль­шая честь, что он приехал к нам. 2. Я знаю его очень давно. Мы учи­лись в одной школе. 3. Девушка получила право на стипендию и смогла изучать искусство в Италии. 4. Занятия в университете начинаются в 8.30. 5. Завтра не будет занятий в институте. 6. У нее есть огромное преимущество перед остальными студентами: она говорит по-английски дома. 7. Сколько студентов было принято в институт в этом году? 8. Как обидно, что столько усилий потрачено зря. 9. Сле­дует заблаговременно узнать, что требуется для поступления в этот институт.


Ex 21 Review the vocabulary and use it in answering the following questions:

A. What do you say if …:

1. … your friend is in a better position be­cause he knows two languages?

2. … a school-leaver has successfully passed his institute entrance exams?

3. … a student has been given a sum of money to enable him to study at a university?

4. … a student has an excellent record from his supervisor on practice?


Ex 22

a) Give Russian equivalents for the following English proverbs and sayings (or translate them into Russian).

b) Explain in English the meaning of each proverb.

c) Make up a dialogue to illustrate one of the proverbs:

1. All is well that ends well.

2. It is never late to learn.

3. Out of sight out of mind.

4. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

5. Experience keeps a dear school but fools learn in no other.

6. Don’t tell tales out of school.


Ex 23 Do you agree or disagree? Make some notes, in your notebook, for and against the following statements. Discuss your ideas in group.

1. Students should wear a uniform.

2. Physical education should be voluntary.

3. No homework should be given to students in the first year.

4. Teachers should be stricter.

5. Classes should also be given on Saturday mornings.

6. There should be more written tests.

7. The summer holiday is too long.

8. The number of students in each group should be less than it is now.

9. Students should be allowed to smoke at university.

Ex 24 What do you think about these common rules?

Examiners like students who:

  • are friendly and sound interested in what they are doing.
  • answer questions as fully as they can.
  • can ask as well as answer questions.
  • are not afraid to say that they don’t understand.

Examiners don’t like students who:

  • look bored and miserable.
  • only answer questions with “yes” or “no”.
  • don’t listen to other people.


Lesson 7

The lexical theme: The Republic of Kazakhstan.


1. to visit – посещать. навещать

2. a tourist – турист, путешественник

3. a tour – путешествие, поездка, экскурсия

4. to make a tour of (some place) – объехать, осмотреть

5. to arrive in – прибывать, приезжать (в страну, в большой город)

6. to arrive at – прибыть, приехать (в небольшой населенный пункт)

7. a place of interest – достопримечательность

8. to get an idea of something – получить представление о ч.-л.

9. to go straight on (ahead) – идите прямо

10. broad / wide – широкий

11. narrow – узкий

12. an avenue – проспект

13. to make an impression on somebody – производить впечатление на к.-л.

14. magnificent – величественный, великолепный

15. to be situated – быть расположенным

16. a crowd – толпа

17. crowded – переполненный, битком набитый

18. to cross the street – пересекать, переходить улицу

19. direction – направление

20. in the direction of – в направлении

21. sights – достопримечательности

22. sightseeing – осмотр достопримечательностей

23. to go sightseeing – осматривать достопримечательности

24. to attract one’s attention – привлекать ч.л. внимание

25. right / left hand traffic – право- / левостороннее движение

26. to take bus № 7 – сесть на автобус № 7

27. to change for bus № 7 – пересесть на седьмой автобус

28. to take the first turning to the left / right – первый поворот налево / направо

Ex 1 Read the text:

The Republic of Kazakhstan

The Republic of Kazakhstan is a sovereign, independent, democratic, secular, legal and social state. Its total area is 2.7 million square kilometers. Kazakhstan borders on Russia in the North, China in the East, the Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan in the South, and the Caspian Sea in the West. The climate of the Republic of Kazakhstan varies widely throughout the country. The landscape of Kazakhstan is diverse. There are vast lowlands and high mountains, but steppes and semi deserts predominate on the largest part of the country. There are a lot of rivers in the Republic. The main rivers are the Irtysh, the Ural, the Chu, and the Syrdarya. There are some natural reservations, e.g.: Barsakelmes, Aksu-Dzhabagly.

The official language of the country is Kazakh; Russian is the language of interethnic communication, because more than 100 nationalities live in Kazakhstan. According to the most recent data, the population of the Republic is about 17 million.

Kazakhstan is a democratic Republic with the presidential form of government. The main law of the state is the Constitution. The highest representative body is the Parliament, which consists of two chambers: the Senate and the Mazhilis.

Kazakhstan is very rich in mineral resources. There are big deposits of oil, gas, gold, coal, copper, iron ore and others. Industry is presented by mining and processing activities. Manufacturing is also an important industrial branch in Kazakhstan. Manufacture includes iron, steel, mineral fertilizer, and textiles.

National currency is tenge which was issued in November 1993. The Republic celebrates its Independence Day on 16 December.

Now Kazakhstan has a new capital city - Astana. Astana is the center of the Republic. There are a lot of construction projects and Astana is going to be the most beautiful and modern city of Kazakhstan.


to border - граничить

mountains - горы

interethnic communication - межэтническое общение

total area - общая площадь

rich - богатый

oil - нефть

coal - уголь

copper - медь

iron ore - железная руда

mining and processing - добыча и переработка

manufacturing - производство

branch - ветвь, филиал, отрасль

steel - сталь

fertilizer - удобрение

currency - валюта

to be issued - издаваться, выпускаться

government - правительство

a chamber – палата

sovereign- суверенный

secular -светский

legal - правовой

social - социальный

representative body - представительный орган

landscape - ландшафт

diverse - разнообразный, разный

semi-desert - полупустыня

throughout- по всему

reservation - заповедник

Task 1 Answer the questions:

1. What state is the Republic of Kazakhstan?

2. When does the Republic celebrate its Independence Day?

3. What is the official language in our Republic?

4. What is the population of our Republic?

5. What is the total area of Kazakhstan?

6. What countries does Kazakhstan border on?

7. What is the climate of Kazakhstan?

8. What is the landscape of Kazakhstan?

9. What are the main rivers of Kazakhstan?

10. Are there any natural reservations in Kazakhstan?

11. What is the main law of our state?

12. When was the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan adopted?

13. What is the highest representative body of our Republic, which performs legislative functions?

14. What chambers does our Parliament consist of?

Task 2 Find these words: government, sovereign, secular, legal, chamber, urban, rural, landscape, reservation

a t r e s e r v a t i o n u p
s t a u u y t r e s a u t y i
d r w i t i o p r a s d f g i
l d e o r s u y u t r d v g u
a c r l g o v e r n m e n t y
n t t k t v y y a t e y t u t
d y y h d e u u l c r j y j f
s u h j g r i i o h t h u n v
c i g t s e c u l a r g i h b
a o v r l i p u i m y f k g n
p j c e o g o i u b i c h v m
e f c w p n b n j e u x v f j
r v v q w e r t u r b a n r h
t t h s q w e r t y u i o p g
y l e g a l a s d f g y u i f

Task 3 End the sentences:

1. Kazakhstan is an independent...

2. It is a democratic...

3. The President...

4. The mineral resources are...

5. The Parliament consists...

6. The Government is...

7. Kazakhstan's constitution...

8. The official language...

Ex 2 Using the list of places of interest in Kazakhstan, say as many sentences as you can after the following patterns:

a)...................... is an outstanding architectural monument.

b)..................... is worth seeing.

c)..................... has a world-wide fame.

Ex 3 Write a) the plural and b) the singular of:

a) avenue, bus, crowd, city, view;

b) pictures, taxis, squares, theatres, minutes, guides.


Ex 4 Work " in a chain, " asking and answering questions about visiting places of interest in Kazakhstan. Each time ask about a different place of interest and give a different version of the answer, e.g.:

A (to B): Have you ever been to ____?

В (to A): Oh yes, I have.

B (to C): Have you ever been to ____?

С (to B): Oh, what a question to ask! Of course I have.

C (to D): Have you ever been to ____?

D (to C): Why, I have been there many times.

D (to E): Have you ever been to _____?

E (to D): N-no, I am sorry to say, I haven't.

E (to F): Have you ever been to... etc.

Ex 5 Answer the questions:

1. What can you tell your English-spe­aking partner about Kazakhstan as one of the biggest country in the world (its geographical position, population, its weather and cli­mate, etc.)?

2. What makes you proud of your Mo­therland (classic and modern writers, scien­tists, politicians, etc.)?

3. Why does Kazakhstan attract tourists from all over the world? What would you show to your country?

4. What cities, lakes, rivers is Kazakhstan are famous for?

Ex 6 Learn the following dialogue:

A: You se, it’s my first visit to Kazakhstan, and I’d like to see the country. Where would you recommend me to go in the first place?

B: Well, if I were you, I should go to our southern capital city – Almaty or to our northern capital city – Astana. They are worth seeing. They have a world-wide fame.

A: Yes, you are right. I have seen Astana and Almaty on postcards: they are really beautiful.


Ex 7 Translate into English:

Территория республики Казахстан составляет 2717, 3 квадратных километра. С освоением (1954-60) целинных и залежных земель Казахстан стал одним из ведущих регионов по производству зерна.

55 % населения составляют казахи, 45 % - русские, украинцы, немцы, татары, узбеки, уйгуры и другие.

Казахстан включает 19 областей. Столица республики – Астана. Климат в Казахстане – резко континентальный. Главные реки страны – Иртыш, Урал, Чу, Сырдарья. В Казахстане расположен космодром Байконур.


Ex 8 What city of Kazakhstan is the speech about?

A grand monument – two figures of miners, holding a lump of coal above their heads is the symbol of ____. This stone made here the basis of industrial complex. ____ region supplied over two thousand types of products to various geographical points of the former USSR and to more than 50 countries of the world.

____ Metallurgical Complex, known as Kazakhstan Magnitka – is the town’s glory. The multi-storey complexes of the town, the big tops of blast furnaces of Temirtau, five hundred kilometer ribbon of Irtysh-____ canal are the fruits of creation work of the builders of this town.

The town has got a lot of universities, different secondary schools, over 500 general educational schools. There is a local branch of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, a symphony orchestra, and theatres.

In 1995 the government started to place insolvent enterprises like “Ispat Karmet” under the management of foreign firms. The managing companies have stopped the downfall of production and straightened up the financial position of the enterprise in the area. Another urgent measure was set up by the government to support state-run sector of economy. In 1996 a rehabilitation bank was instituted to effect measures on financial recovery of the industry. These measures have lead to the first signs of stabilization in the region. The volume of production of the plants has begun to grow gradually; the enterprises have started to pay the debts and salaries to the workers. Citizens of ____ believe in the revival of their rich land and hope to overcome today’s difficulties.

Task 1 Tell about this city, using the information, which wasn’t mentioned in the text.


Ex 9 Make up the sentence of the given words.

1. Tenge / in November/ issued/ 1993/ was/ national currency.

2. rich / Kazakhstan / resources/ is/ very/ in/ mineral.

3. 100 / live/ more/ Kazakhstan/ nationalities/ than/ in.

4. headed / Prime/ the Government/ is/ Minister/ by/ the.

5. about / of/ million/ the population/ is/ Kazakhstan.

6. the /centre/ life/ Astana/ Kazakhstan/ is / political/ of.


Ex 10 Fill in the gaps with the prepositions: by, in, to, of, on.

1. The Republic of Kazakhstan borders... Middle- Asian Republics,
Russian Federation and China.

2. More that 100 nationalities live... Kazakhstan.

3. The Republic is rich... mineral resources.

4. Industry is presented... mining and processing activities.

5. The Republic is home... the Baikonur space launch facility.

6. The national currency was issued... 1993.

7. The power in the republic consists... three branches.

8. Executive power represented... the President and the Government.

9. The Government is headed... the Prime- Minister.

10. Astana is the capital... Kazakhstan.


Ex 11 Fill in prepositions if it is necessary:

1. A lot... tourists... various countries arrive... Kazakhstan. 2. We were taken... the town... the guide. 3. Mary was most interested... the museums. She was impressed... the beautiful things she saw there. 4.... Sunday we went... the Recreation Park, we walked... the alleys. The leaves... the trees were turning red, brown and yellow. It was like being... the country, and only the noise... the streets... the distance reminded us that we were still... the city. 5. We greatly enjoyed a ride... the city... a taxi. 6.The buildings built... the suburbs are as modern and beautiful as those... the centre... the town. 7. Most... the places... interest are as a rule situated... the centre... the town. 8. There were crowds... people... the streets... the first... Janu­ary. 9. These splendid multi-storied houses are inhabited... the workers... the automobile plant. 10. We went... sight­seeing tours whenever we had time.

Ex 12

a) Write all possible questions to which the following sentences are answers.

b) Each sentence describes a certain situation in a concise way. Find out some more details about it by asking questions. Work in pairs.

Model: The Street in which I live is broad and straight.

A: What's the street you live in like?

B: It's broad and straight.

A: Is it in a new district?

B: Yes, it is.

1. My brother lives in one of the new districts in Karaganda. 2. Astana has greatly changed; you will hardly recognize it now. 3. In summer we shall visit a lot of towns in differ­ent parts of Kazakhstan and shall see very many places of interest. 4. The guide wanted us to have the best possible impression of the city. 5. A lot of new houses are being built in all the towns of Kazakhstan. 6. My girl-friend has just arrived in Kazakhstan from the Crimea.

Ex 13 Translate the following into English:

Астана — столица республики Казахстан. Это крупнейший политический и культурный центр страны. В городе много музеев и выставочных залов (exhibition halls), театров, множество клубов, кинотеатров, стадионов и других спортивных сооруже­ний. В Астане много историче­ских и архитектурных памятников. За последние десятилетия го­род сильно изменился. Там, где раньше были кривые, узкие улоч­ки и маленькие деревянные дома, теперь широкие проспекты с красивыми высокими современными зданиями. Астана растет и хорошеет с каждым днем, появляется все больше новых домов, улиц, площадей, проспектов, скверов. Астана расширяется во всех направлениях. Все, кто приезжает в Астану, поражаются огромному строитель­ству, которое идет во всех районах столицы.


Ex 14 Learn the following dialogue:

Stranger: Excuse me.

Resident: Yes?

Stranger: I... I was wondering if you could help me.

Resident: Well, I'll try.

Stranger: I need to find out where the... m-m... town centre is. Now I see there is a sign up there that points to the left.

Resident: Ah, well, let me see, ... m-m... it all depends if you're on foot or going by car.

Stranger: Ah, no, I’m walking.

Resident: Ah well, you turn to the left and then carry straight on.

Stranger: Ah, right, thanks! M-m... I wonder if you could tell me... um... if there's a good hotel... m-m... in town that I can use.

Resident: Oh, let me think a moment... um... yes, there are two ho­tels — they're in the High Street... m-m... one on each side of the road.

Stranger: Right, well, I expect we'll manage to find one of those. M-m, I wonder if you could tell me m-m... anything about the... m-m... castle in town... m-m... where... where it is.

Resident: Um, well, it's actually further on... m-m... down the High Street and then you cross over the bridge and it's on the other side of the river.

Stranger: I see, I see. Could you tell me a bit more about it? Is it worth visiting you think?

Resident: I'm not really sure. I've never actually been there myself. I think it's one of the tourist attractions of the town.

Stranger: I see, well, right, thank you, thank you.


Ex 15 Take a plan of Almaty, Astana, your native town, etc. Prepare 8—10 questions to help your fellow-students discuss it in class.

Ex 16 Fill in articles if it is necessary:

1. In... big cities... streets are broad and straight, there are... lot of squares and... beautiful parks. 2. At... each corner you can see... militiaman regulating... traffic. 3. Let us walk to... nearest stop and take... bus. 4. If we don't know where to go we ask... militiaman to show us... way. 5. When... traffic light changed from yellow to green, we crossed... street and entered... underground station, paid our fares, went down... escalator, got on... train and rode as far as... Yugozapadnaya station. 6. There we left... metro and walked to... Institute. 7. Walk... short distance down... street till you come to... multi-storied house, then take... first turning to... right, walk down... block and you will see... entrance. 8. We must get out here or we shall miss... stop.


Ex 17 Retell the following jokes:

Little John, in a crowded bus, is sitting on his father's lap. An elderly lady enters the bus, and Johnny at once jumps down, politely takes off his hat, and says: " May I offer you my seat? "

A traveller, on arriving at a railway station, asked a local man: " Well, my friend, as this is my first visit to your town, could you tell me how many hotels you have here? "

Local man: We have two.

Traveller: Now, which of the two would you recommend?

Local man: Well, frankly speaking, it's like this, sir: whichever one you go to, you'll be sorry you didn't go to the other.

A woman hired a taxi. It began to race along, passing trams, cars, policemen, etc. The woman was frightened, and said to the taxi-driver:

" Please, be careful. This is the first time I ever rode in a taxi."

" It's all right, " answered the taxi-driver. " It is the first time I ever rode in a taxi, too."

When Conan Doyle arrived in Boston, he was at once recognized by the cabman whose cab he had engaged. When he was about to pay his fare, the cabman said:

" If you please, sir, I should prefer a ticket to your lecture."

Conan Doyle laughed. " Tell me, " he said, how you knew who I was and I'll give you tickets for your whole family."

" Thank you, sir, " was the answer. " On the side of your travelling-bag is your name — Conan Doyle."


Ex 18 Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Я живу на одной из наиболее оживленных улиц нашего го­рода. Моя подруга живет на окраине города. 2. В новых городах нет узких, кривых улиц. 3. На проспекте построено прекрасное здание музея-панорамы. 4. В центре города много больших магази­нов. 5.Казахстанцы очень гостеприимны. 6. Поездка по городу доставила нам большое удовольствие. 7. Мы устали после нашей поездки по городу. 8. Как только мы прибыли в Астану, мы тотчас же отправи­лись осматривать достопримечательности этого города. 9. Давайте выйдем на следующей остановке и пройдемся пеш­ком.


Ex 19 This exercise should be done in pairs. Use your own words to
fill in the blanks in the following dialogue. Before you begin, study the
whole dialogue carefully and decide what you are going to say:

(A stranger is asking for directions in a town you know well.)

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to..., please?

B: Yes. At the moment you are standing in... (at..., near...).

A: And I want to go to...

B: If you turned left..., you'd come to...

A: But I don't want to go to...

B: No, I know you don't. But if you went straight along this road, you'd come to...

A: But I don't want to go to...

B: No, you don't, do you? So if you turn right at..., you'll come to...

A: Thank you.

B: Not at all.


Ex 20 Speak on the following:

1. Your arrival in a big city. 2. Any city you think interesting. 3. A new district of Karaganda. 4. Explaining to a stranger how to get to the Central Post Office from different places.


Ex 21

a) Render the following in the form of a dialogue.

b) Get ready with a situation for your fellow-students to give it in the form of a dialogue:



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