Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Hon, caddy, van, usu, Brum, e-mail, beaut, VEP, OPEC, HQ, GP, BST, RAF, TLC, veggie, Laser, A. OK, brill, fave, glam, МЕР, posh, lb, st, in, ft, yd, Con., Lab., Lib. Dem., MA, IQ, st, rd, Ave, aka.

Упражнение 8. Прокомментируйте образование следующих телескоп­ных слов.

Vegeburger, fantabuious, camcorder, shopaholic, ginormous, guesstimate, Amex, Eurovision, fanzine, ecotastrophe, scific. t'> s

Упражнение 9. Определите способ словообразования. -.,

* Tojingle, to \^ium-cJeah, to clap, to low, to whmeTto whinny, to quack, to house-keep^ to record — record, to sing-song, to process — 'progress, to perfnit —'pehnit, to suspect —'suspefit, culture-vulture, higgledy-piggledy, pell- mell, ropy-poly, silly-billy, mumbo-jumbo, willy-nilly, super-dooper (j°b), a boo-boo(. ^ p ^tr^oL /tredui

Раздел lit. Семасиология

Упражнение 1. Проанализируйте структуру лексического значения следующих слов, определите денотативный и кон нотативный компо­нент значения.

Polite - civil, to shake - to tremble, to choose - to select, money - cash, to conceal - to disguise, photograph - picture, odd - queer, to draw - to paint, skilled - proficient.

Упражнение 2. Определите тип мотивированности слова, укажите случаи немотивированных единиц. jm ^/ p - ^/.о, ' <

То jpum$e, to sizzle, to fonnkle, a brutefc absent-mindedness, speecnless, орей-moumed, ruler^iv^her, kne£ aeep, jsmafi (not larggyj* insi^ificant, unim­portant), mind-blowing (amazing), cool (fashionable), virus, item, mouse. Упражнение 3. Определите тип семантического переноса и объясните

егоидлмуои».и. г>

Watt, volt, guillotine, bedlam, sued|, jnuslin, tweed, a teddy bear, to talk froggy, colour-blind, jersey, derrick, С bookworm, green years, wandering thought, mouth of a cave, a sour smile, cnma, raglan, thing, jeans, Xmftere, the tongue of a bell, the eye of a needle, the mouth of a box, the head of the line. Упражнение 4. Установите, каким образом шло развитие и изменение значения следующих слов.

Nice, room, pipe, heaven, lady, fowl, meat, marshal, glad, queen, teach, fellow, husband, knave, barn, bribery, boor, chap, churl, angel, knight. Упражнение 5. Приведите эвфемизмы для следующих слов. Скажите, с какой целью употребляются эвфемизмы.

То die, drunk, prison, mad, liar, devil, lavatory, god, eat, pregnant, stupid. Упражнение 6. Выделите из следующих словосочетаний те, в которых реализуется один и тот же ЛСВ многозначного слова. Объясните раз­личные значения и употребления. smart, adj

и! v а. VoT-Gm

c* " t'-'ismart clothes, ^ smart answer, ajjmart house, a smart garden, a smart rep­artee, a smart officer, a smart blow, a smart punishment, a smart restaurant, a smart nightclub

stubborn, adj ^ил^.. udk ^ V ''-" - '

A stubborn child, a stubborn look, a stubborn horse, stubborn resistance, a stubborn fighting, a stubborn cough, stubborn depression root, n

Edible roots, the root of the tooth, the root of the matter, the root of all evil, square ropt, cube root perform, v

To perform one's duties, to perform an operation, to perform a dance, to perform a play

Упражнение 7. Проиллюстрируйте семантическую структуру следую­щих полисемантичных слов.

Face, n; lose, v; green, adj; sail, n. Упражнение 8. Приведите омонимы для следующих слов, классифи­цируйте омонимы согласно существующем классификация}!.. ;

Seal, sum, sight, hare, bill, pupi^ can, fit, like, bathed, lead, " wound, -i 1 1 sought, there, aloud. }„ ' k

-RiA^OoujcxpatoU1 Lfed

Упражнение 9. Определите источники возникновения следующих


Flower - flour; spring - to spring; capital (adj) - capital (n); love - to love; to write - rite - right; flu - flew; fare - fair; back - to back; piece - peace; box (1) - box (2); chest (1) - chest (2); pale - pail; wait - weight; case (1) - case (2); board — board.

Упражнение 10. Определите, являются ли выделенные слова омони­мами или полисемантичными словами. Проанализируйте, какими критериями разграничения многозначности и полисемии вы руково­дствовались.

1) 26 letters of the ABC; to receive letters regularly; лсм-**' uj

2) no mean scholar; to mean something; n" */> нмлл <

3) to propose a toast, an understood toast; r '

4) a hand of the clock; to hold a pen in one's hand; > x.-.> >

5) to be six foot long; at the foot of the mountain; ымм-/- -' -

6) the capital of a country; to have a big capital (money); оллл^оЯ

7) to date back to year 1870; to have a date with somebody; C -^-l,

8) to be engaged to Mr. N.; to be engaged in conversation; - < ''J--< -

9) to make a fire; to sit at the fire (place); пломбах

10) to peel the bark of the branch; to bark loudly at the stranger, о " '''1" ' Упражнение 11. Определите тип синонимов.

Soldier - warrior; money - dosh - dough; courage - bottle; irritate - bug; appeal to - grab; to dismiss - to sack; to extinguish - to put out (the fire); weak - feeble - frail - fragile; to jump - to leap - to spring - to skip - to hop; ache - pain - pang - twinge; to shout — to yell — to roar; angry - furious - enraged; pleasure - delight—joy - delectation — enjoyment; passionate - ardent - fervent

- fervid - perfervid - impassioned; to hate - to loathe - to detest - to abominate

- to abhor.

Упражнение 12. Определите доминанту в следующих синонимических рядах. Объясните свой выбор.

1) to glimmer - to glisten - to blaze - to shine - to sparkle - to flash - to gleam;

2) to astound — to surprise — to amaze - to puzzle - to astonish;

3) to cry — to weep — to sob;

4) to praise - to commend - to laud - to glorify;

5) scent - perfume - smell - odour - aroma;

6) to fabricate - to manufacture - to produce - to create - to make. Упражнение 13. Определите источники синонимии.

Fear - terror - horror; to die & ro pa6^ away; gift - present: wori^j^b^, employment - occypgtipn; nil veterinanfo - vet; cliafm*- gl ыпоис, info1

- information; elfectivity -^effectiveness; mad - unbalanced; legless^cofff^ drunk; lorry - truck; want - wish - desire - crave - covet; to stop - to cease - to quit - to discontinue - to desist; glad - joyful - joyous - happy - cheerful - light-hearted.

Упражнение 14. Объясните, почему следующие слова являются час­тичными синонимами. Установите значения, в которых они совпада­ют.

Tongue - language, dear - expensive, border - frontier, ripe - mature, in­fectious — catching, labyrinth - trap, object - objective, dumb - mute, survive - outlive, mean - stingy.

Упражнение 15. Подберите антонимы к следующим словам. Опреде­лите их тип ь^, ^ " '

Weak, high, to lose, to weep, honest, smart, ugly, logical, to agree, quiet, harmful, to use, romantic, to lock, tactful. Раздел IV. Фразеология

Упражнение 1. Установите, какие из приведенных словосочетаний яв­ляются свободными сочетаниями, и какие - фразеологическими еди­ницами.

A new mop, a new broom, red herring, smoked herring, to call smb names, to call smb by the first name, to have the face to do smth, to have an at­tractive face, to have no stomach for smth, to have a stomachache, to suit one's book, to suit one's image.

Упражнение 2. Классифицируйте следующие фразеологические еди­ницы согласно существующим классификациям (классификации В.В. Виноградова, А.И. Смирницкого, Н.Н. Амосовой, А.В. Кунина).

То follow one's instructions to the letter, to throw light on the matter, to be a fish out of water, oh, my eye, damn your eyes, to be given a sack, palm grease, to knock smb down with a feather, a dead heat, to have a bee in one's

bonnet, to be wounded to the quick, to keep a stiff upper lip, a light sleeper, to fall ill, to go bad, a bosom friend, to play gooseberry, naked room, to keep min­ute.

Упражнение 3. Установите значение следующих фразеологизмов, объ­ясните их происхождение.

Blow one's own trumpet, dance attendance on smb, win the wooden spoon, the massacre of the innocents, thirty pieces of silver, Hercules' labour, to wash one's hands of smth, baiter's dozen, to bury the hatchet, under the aegis of smth, to eat one's words, to gild the pill (sugar, sugarcoat or sweeten), to come at the eleventh hqur, castles in the air (in Spain), to have a skeleton in the closet, lion's share, What will Kirs. Grundy say?, to grin like a Cheshire cat. Упражнение 4. Объясните суть приема, использованного авторами в приведенных ниже фрагментах. Назовите исходные фразеологические единицы.

1) Castles inthe air are all right until we try to move into them. (John O'Hara).

2) In my country you let sleeping dogs lie, but when they wake up and bite, you shoot them. (I. Fleming)

3) The trouble with blackmailers is that while they make their living out of skeletons which are in other people's closets, they necessarily have to have a whole closetful of their own skeletons (E.S. Gardner).

4) Doctor: This is a very sad case. I must regret to tell you that your wife's mind is gone - completely gone. Husband: I am not at all surprised. She's been giving me a piece of it for fifteen years.

5) Women take to good-hearted men. Also from.

6) Guide: There is a leopard coming! Shoot him on the spot! Quick! Tourist: Which spot? Be specific, man.

7) A committee is a body that keeps minutes but wastes hours.

8) A man in the house is worth two in the_street. (Mae West)

9) Dick got up to Zurich on less Achilles' heels than would be necessary to equip a centipede. (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

10) 'You're the solid one, you do the work. It's a case of hare and tortoise - and in my opinion the hare's race is almost done.' (F. Scott Fitzgerald) Упражнение 5. Переведите следующие пословицы и приведите соот­ветствующий эквивалент в русском языке.



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