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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

III. Профессионально-ориентированные лексика и тексты

III.I. Специальность «Психология»

III.I.I. Лексический материал:

- To shiver, to shake (v) - дрожать

- The goal (n) - цель

- To be a success – достичь успеха

- To concentrate on smth. – сосредоточиться на чем-то

- To suffer from smth – страдать от чего-либо

- To take drugs – принимать наркотики

- To get on smb.'s nerves – действовать на нервы

- To economize on smth. – экономить на чем-то

- A lack of smth. – недостаток чего-то

- to feel lonely – чувствовать себя одиноким

- to do without – обходиться без

- a toil of hardships – тяжелый груз забот

- to feel secure – чувствовать себя в безопасности

- to impose smth on smb – навязывать что-либо кому-либо

- to lead to smth – приводить к чему-либо

- mental illness – расстройство психики

- Toreduce smth.- сокращать что-либо

- To manage smth. – справляться с чем-либо

- To keep smth. to oneself держать при себе

- To take one's mind off smth – не думать о чем-либо

- To solve crossword puzzles – решать кроссворды

- To stare at smb/smth – пристально смотреть на что-либо

- To provide smth. – обеспечивать чем-либо

- To be rich in smth. – быть богатым чем-либо

- A headache – головная боль

- To satisfy - удовлетворять

- To influence smb – влиять на кого-то

- To attract attention – привлекать внимание

- To increase - увеличивать

- Blood pressure – кровяное давление

- Controversial - противоречивый

- To commit a suicide – совершить самоубийство

- To provoke smth – провоцировать что-либо

- To snap at smb – бросаться на кого-либо

- To be under stress – быть в состоянии стресса

- To destroy smth – разрушать что-либо

- The quality of life – качество жизни

- To take a medicine- принимать лекарство

- Muscular tension – мышечное напряжение

- Heartbeat – сердцебиение

III.I.II. Тексты

Text 1. Pull yourself together!

You have to make an important report in public, but you are unable to utter a word... The coming exams make you shiver... Well, to a large extent, what you need is some kind of practical help. For example, imagine what success would be like, imagine the goal and imagine being a great success. This combined with a positive self-talk, which is telling yourself little encouraging things like: " 1 will concentrate on the work and enjoy it and not worry about those people and how they react." There are some relaxation techniques which are also useful, even being fit, aerobic exercise can be a way of relaxing.

There are drugs that block the effect of stage fright, they stop the heart racing, they prevent the body from shaking and also decrease the level of anxiety. But do be careful, the thing is, if you are under pressure and you are doing something which is very important, and if you suffer from a terrible stage fright, drugs can make you feel better. They are not to be advised as dependence may be the result, and the real cause of the problem does not go away.

Remember, when you are involved in the activity that gets on your nerves you must be prepared for that. Do not economize on your sleep. Your sleep must not be less than six hours or more. If there is a concert, an exam or the talks ahead do not spend a sleepless night swapping or pacing up and down the room. Keep in mind that constant lack of sleep increases the risk of getting diabetes as well! And start the day with a good nourishing meal if you want to find the energy to face the day and keep going on. It is well-known that people who skip breakfast tend to be more irritable and nervous during the day.

You can change your life. A good example is Jan Paderewski the noted
pianist and composer who was always nervous before a concert, and who
was chosen to be the first Prime Minister of Poland when it became
independent again after the Thirst World War. So he was a prime minister
for a few years and when he went back to be a concert pianist, to his absolute
amazement he was not nervous. Why? Because he had become confident in
another way, his whole success as a person was no longer tied up with playing
that instrument.

Text 2. How to manage stress

No one can avoid stress, especially nowadays. But we can certainly reduce its effects. Here are some simple rules.

Live in the present!

Live in the present- do not spend time worrying about how much better things were in past or what might happen in the future. Most people who are able to manage stress have perfected the art of living in the now.

Love yourself!

Relax your demands on yourself a bit, most of us expect too much.

Always be kind and gentle with yourself- be a friend to yourself.

Discuss your problem with a friend, relative, or some other person. Do not keep it to yourself.

Stop whatever it is you are doing, put your feet up and read a few pages of your favorite romantic novel. You deserve it!

Learn to relax!

Try to relax and not to think of the problem that worries you. There are several ways to do this and they are largely individual.

Some people like listening to music.

Try to read something that takes your mind off your trouble.

Solving crossword puzzles may help some people.

You can go for a walk or drive.

Doing something about the house or in the garden might help you.

Get enough sleep. If you are the type who can sleep under stress, the best thing is to sleep it off.

Exercise your body!

There is no need to train for the Olympics to reduce stress. Even such simple activities like walking or cycling help. Aerobics is just wonderful.

Lie on your back on the floor or in bed.

Starting with your toes, tense them and then relax, move up to your calves, then thighs, then hands. Tense and relax every part, finishing with your face. Fix your eyes on something in the room. Stare at it, then close your eyes and try to picture it again- this calms the mind.

Some more things you can do.

Say no to what you do not have time for or what is not interesting.

Do unpleasant tasks in the morning rather than in the evening.

Simplify things whenever possible. Look at large projects as a series steps you complete one at a time.

Le yourself laugh, especially when you feel grumpiest.

Do not just sit and brood over your troubles: do something!

Believe it or not...

Potatoes and pastas can reduce stress. Pasta provides energy, protein and vitamin B, and gives us a feeling of calmness. Potatoes are rich in vitamin C and help us relax.

The smell of green apples and lavender makes us feel happier and reduces headaches.

But too much alcohol or sugar can lead to depression and loss of memory.



Text 3. Psychology of color

Color serves not only to satisfy artistic tastes. Color can influence and change our moods as well. More than that, today such novelties as color therapy or color treatment are quite popular.

Long ago people noticed that certain colors may have different effect on people's mood and even health. That is why much work was carried out to define the main principles of " the color psychology".

Though white is believed to be the color of innocence or peace psychologists do not recommend to paint walls white, especially at home. When surrounded by too much white a person becomes restless and nervous, or sometimes hysteric.

Red is also not a calming color. We all know the joke about the bull and a red rug, but red not only attracts attention. It may increase our blood pressure, raise the level of adrenaline in our blood. Besides, red stimulates the appetite. That is why many food producing companies use red in their advertisements. Some cafe and restaurants also use red to attract customers.

Green is one of the " totally positive" colors. It is strongly recommended to have at least one or two green things in the room. It will help our eyes to rest, as green is believed to be a soothing color. When looking at something green people calm down and become relaxed.

Black is a very controversial color. On the one hand we know that is a depressing color, the color of mourning, death and sorrow. It will not cheer you up, not will it appease you. There are cases when people plunged into depression or even tried to commit a suicide just because there were too many dark colors around them. On the other hand black is regarded as a color of elegance and good taste. It is a usual color of official ceremonies, it is much favored by ladies, because people look slimmer in black. When people are going to have a job interview they usually put on black suits and white shirts or blouses.

Blue is one of the restraining colors. Light blue helps to low blood pressure and is even used to cure some mental illnesses. But at the same time we say " I feel blue, " when we feel downcast.



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