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Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы глаголов.



en — deepen углубить, lighten осветить, strengthen усилить

fy — classify классифицировать, electrify электризо­вать, specify определить

ize — organize организовать, characterize характери­зовать, mechanize механизировать

ate — indicate указать, activate активизировать


со — cooperate сотрудничать

de — decode расшифровать, decompose разложиться

dis — disappear исчезнуть

in — input вводить

inter — interact взаимодействовать, interchange взаимозаменять

over — overheat перегревать, overhear подслушивать

re — reconstruct восстановить, rewrite переписать


Наиболее употребительные суффиксы и префиксы прилагательных.



-able — comfortable удобный

-al — natural естественный, cultural культурный, territorial территориальный

-ant — distant отдаленный, resistant стойкий

-ent — dependent зависимый, different различный

-ful — careful осторожный, useful полезный, powerful мощный

-ible — possible возможный, visible видимый

-ic — atomic атомный, historic исторический

-ive — inventive изобретательный, effective эффектив­ный

-less — hopeless безнадежный, useless бесполезный, homeless бездомный

-ous — famous известный, dangerous опасный, various различный

-у — rainy дождливый, unny солнечный, dirty гряз­ный


un — unhappy несчастный, unable неспособный, uncomfortable неудобный

in — independent независимый, indirect косвенный, invisible невидимый

im — impossible невозможный, imperfect несовершен­ный

ir — irregular нерегулярный, irrational иррациональ­ный

il — illegal незаконный, illimitable неограниченный

non — non-ferrous цветной


Конверсией называется совпадение формы и произ­ношения слов, относящихся к различным частям речи: water — вода (существительное), to water — поли­вать (глагол);

limit — предел (существительное), to limit — огра­ничивать (глагол);

hand — рука (существительное), to hand — вру­чать (глагол) и т.д.


10.A Переведи на русский язык:


A steam powered vehicle, to be not under pressure, to be much more efficient and compact, to be the first of this kind, there is no information about..., to compress the gas, to be limited by..., purpose of the vehicle, to be under pressure, a wind driven vehicles, to be able to separate from, to drive a car, to offer a prize to the winner.

Windmill, clockwork, railroad, gunpowder, tramway, waterway, pipe­line, railway, highway, airway, airplane, human-powered, skateboard, best-known, household, low-pollution, air-resistance, troubleshooter, air-actuated, air-bag, air-blast, air-break, air-conditioned, air-core, air-cushion, air-dried, air-handling, airflow, airframe.

10.B Подбери антонимы: different; unlimited; weakness; to connect; last; uncertain; low speed; unsuitable (for).

10.C Используя известные суф­фиксы и префиксы переведи на русский язык:

-age breakage, shortage, storage, bondage, advantage, usage, passage, shrinkage, stoppage, leakage, wreckage, postage;

-al approval, arrival, proposal, refusal, rehearsal;

-ance acceptance, accordance, appearance, observance, resistance, performance, maintenance, admittance;

-ant applicant, occupant, participant, reactant, assistant, resistant, accelerant.


10.D Определи к какой части рчи относятся данные слова, и переведи их на русский язык: a- amassment, amass, amassable, asymmetry, asymmetrical, acro- matism, acromatize, acromatic, adynamia, adynamic; ab- absorption, absorb, absorptive, abnormality, abnormal, abirritant; ad- admeasurement, admeasure, admeasurable, adsorption, adsorb, adsorptive, admixture, admix; ana- anaculture, anacultural, analogy, analogous, anaphase, anaphasic.


Функции и перевод слова ONE

1. Слово one, если оно стоит перед личной формой глагола, является формальным подлежащим неопре­деленно-личного предложения. В таких предложениях one на русский язык не переводится:

One must know for certain what to do.

Нужно точно знать, что делать.

2. Слово one (мн. ч. ones) может употребляться как заменитель ранее упомянутого исчисляемого существи­тельного. В этом случае one переводится словом, кото­рое заменяет предмет, упомянутый ранее:

I have lost ту pen. I must buy one.

Я потерял ручку. Я должен купить ручку.

Here are some pens. Which ones would you like to buy?

Вот несколько ручек. Какие (ручки) вы хотели бы купить?

Перед one (ones) может стоять артикль the one или определяющие местоимения this one, another one, the blue ones. В этом случае на русский язык one обычно не переводится:

I don’t like this pen, show me another one.

Мне не нравится эта ручка, покажите мне другую.

What pens will you buy? — The blue ones.

Какие ручки вы купите? — Синие ручки.

Слово one в притяжательном падеже переводится на русский язык местоимением свой, своя, свое.

One should always keep one’s word. Надо всегда дер­жать свое слово,

One часто употребляется в сочетании с модальными глаголами:

One should be careful when working with chemical substances.

Нужно быть осторожным при работе с химически­ми веществами.

One may work in this laboratory only observing certain rules.

В этой лаборатории можно работать только при соблюдении определенных правил.

10.E Переведи следующие предло­жения, обращая внимание на значения слов one (ones):

1. These shapes are too large; show me smaller ones, please.

2. One should be very attentive when you subject the metals to large stress.

3. One never knows the result of the experiment.

4. This computer is more powerful than the one we need.

5. This antenna allows one to receive very weak signals.

6. One can expect better results in two days.




11.1 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст:

A road policing unit (RPU) is the highway patrol unit of a British police force.

Most territorial police forces established traffic departments in the early 1950s, although the first was established by the Metropolitan Police Service in 1919, but it was with the opening of the M1 motorway in November 1959 that the need for the police to have a specialist department dedicated to policing the new roads was recognised. The 1960s saw the start of construction of new motorways, so the traffic departments grew. One of the first fatal accidents on the M1 occurred near Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire in December 1959.

11.2 Прочитай, переведи текст RESPONSIBILITIES и перескажи:

RPUs work with the National Roads Policing Strategy, which has five strands:

· Casualty reduction.

· Counter-terrorism.

· Reducing anti-social use of the roads.

· Denying criminals the use of the roads.

· Public reassurance by high visibility patrolling of the road network.

RPU officers are responsible for patrolling the main motorways and large roads throughout the territorial police force area. In addition to their general road policing duties, they assist with various operations aimed at improving road safety and are also at the forefront in tackling vehicle crime and the criminal use of the roads network. They are also available to back up other units, as they are constantly roaming an area as part of their high visibility patrolling work.

A sub-unit of the RPU is the Collision Investigation Unit (CIU) or Forensic Collision Investigation and Reconstruction Unit (FCIRU), which exists to manage the follow-up investigations into all fatal and very serious collisions. The specially-trained teams attend the scenes of all such incidents, where, amongst other things, they take numerous measurements of the final layout of the scene and examine vehicles, all in a bid to piece together the cause of the crash.


11.3 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст EQUIPMENT:

The ProViDa In Car Video System is fitted to both marked and unmarked traffic patrol cars and motorcycles with the aim of improving driver behaviour and road safety. It is used to detect traffic offences and to educate, advise and, if necessary, prosecute offenders.


11.4 Прочитай, письменно переведи текст:


Components of the system:

• Colour video camera with pan and zoom control in the front and back.

• Video data generator which records date and time.

• Police pilot speed detection device and speed indicator (recording both police, and other vehicles speed).

• Mobile VHS video cassette recorder with a remote control unit. VHS is now being replaced with Digital Hard Drive Recorders or DVD recording systems.

• Two colour monitors, one each for front and rear seat occupants.


и расположи абзацы в равильной последовательности:


A. Whilst on patrol, a police officer who …

B. Depending on the circumstances of …

C. JAI PROVIDA 2000 is a sophisticated in-car …

D. VASCAR (Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder) is a technology for …

E. VASCAR units were …

F. The automatic number plate …

G. If a match is made to a …


1. … the offence, the motorist can then be advised regarding their driving, cautioned or prosecuted, when the video recording can be used in court if necessary.

2. … video and speed enforcement system for 24-hour detection of traffic offences and criminal acts. System recordings can be used in court as visual evidence, including reconstruction of events.

3. … observes a blatant offence or an example of bad driving can record the incident on tape. Once they have stopped the driver concerned, they can then invite the motorist to sit in the police car, where the incident is replayed. A motorist can request a copy of the video evidence should the matter be dealt with at court.

4. … determining the speed of a moving vehicle. It is used by police officers to catch speeding motorists. These devices are mounted on a patrol car's console, allowing the officer easy access to its controls. Many main roads in the UK now have horizontal lines of about two feet in length painted on the carriageway, which allow the VASCAR system to be calibrated.

5. … vehicle of police interest, the ANPR operator receives an alarm. The operator can then alert other officers to stop the vehicle. The process from reading the number plate to an alarm notification takes less than two seconds.

6. … first fitted to police vehicles in the mid-1970s.

7. … recognition (ANPR) system is housed in a mobile unit. Both colour and infrared cameras are used to capture images of vehicle number plates as they pass by. The index number is read automatically and checked against a number of databases (including DVLA) held on computer.


11.5 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст VEHICLES:

Most commonly used vehicles are Volvo V70 T5, Vauxhall Omega, BMW 5 Series and Vauxhall Vectra, frequently in estate variants. BMW X5, Range Rover and Land Rover Discovery, together with the occasional Mercedes-Benz M-Class, Nissan, Toyota or other 4x4s are also commonplace, especially for motorway duties. Large vans such as theIveco Daily or Mercedes-Benz Sprinter can be seen at major collisions. Traffic cars usually carry the following equipment: Traffic cones (usually sixteen in 4x4s and ten in estate cars); Cone lamps; Signs (usually ten, consisting of four " accident" signs, two " slow" signs, two divert arrow signs, one " use hard shoulder", and " rejoin main carriageway" ); Groundsheet; Tow ropes and shackles (4x4s only); Fire extinguisher; Crowbar and Hacksaw; Axe, Broom and Shovel; Industrial gloves; Torch; First aid kit; Resuscitation kit; Infectious diseases protection kit; Space blankets; Water container; " stinger" tyre deflation unit; Teddy bear to console a distraught child after an accident; Breathalyzer kit to detect the presence of alcohol in an individual's breath; ST2000 Radar gun.



The Present Simple употребляется для выражения:

Ø обычного, повторяющегося действия в настоящем: They go to the country every weekend.

Ø действия, относящегося к настоящему времени в широком смысле слова: I work as a teacher.

Ø общеизвестных истин: It never snows in Africa.

Ø будущего действия с глаголами движения come, go, leave, start, arrive: The train starts in half an hour.

Ø инструкций, комментариев, повествования, обзоров: First you cross the street, then turn left.

Ø последовательности действия: He comes home, turns the TV on & sits in the chair.

Ø расписаний и программ: The plain arrives at 7.45.

Индикаторы: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never, every day/week/etc., on Mondays/Tuesdays/etc., in the morning/ afternoon/ evening, at night/the weekend, etc.

Запомни: после [f], [p], [k], [t] окончание звучит как [s], после [m], [l], [d], [b], [g], [v], [n], ing и после гласных (как в play) окончание звучит как [z], а после [z], [s], [ks], g, sh, ch, tch окончание –es [iz].

I You We They V1 I You We They don’t V1 Do I you we they V1?
He She It V1+s/es He She It doesn’t V1 Does he she it V1?

Ø Индикаторы стоят ПЕРЕД основным глаголом, но ПОСЛЕ глагола to be, to do, to have и модальных глаголов. You must always behave yourself at school.

Ø Глаголы rarely, seldom и never НИКОГДА не используются с not. Emily never not watches horror films.

Ø Индикаторы всегда стоят ПЕРЕД вспомогательными глаголами: to be, to do, to have в коротких ответах. Do you buy expensive clothes? No, I never do.

The Present Continuous употребляется для выражения:

Ø длительного действия, совершающегося в момент речи: The children are watching TV.

Ø длительного действия, совершающегося в настоящий период времени (в широком смысле): Now we are studying the Present Continuous Tense.

Ø будущего действия, главным образом, с глаголами движения come, leave, start, go, arrive и т.д.: They are leaving in a few days.

Ø запланированного действия, когда место и время известны: We are moving the new flat on Saturday next week.

Ø постоянного процесса или раздражения. В этих случаях часто употребляются наречия always, constantly, ever: The sun is constantly shining there. You are always interrupting me.

Ø меняющихся или развивающихся ситуаций: The climate is getting warmer every year.

Индикаторы: now, at the moment, these days, at present, tonight, nowadays, still, etc.

I am Ving I am not Ving Am I Ving?
He She It is Ving He She It isn’t Ving Is he she it Ving?
You We They are Ving You We They aren’t Ving Are you we they Ving?


Ø после [e], то оно опускается перед суффиксом – ing: write -> writing

Ø если слово оканчивается на –l или на согласную, перед которой стоит УДАРНАЯ гласная, то согласная удваивается: get -> getting

Ø слова die, lie, tie, то они образуются следующим образом: dying, lying, tying

В Continuous не употребляются глаголы, выражающие:

Ø предпочтения: like, love, hate, dislike, enjoy, prefer, etc.: Cathy likes romantic films.

Ø чувственно-визуальное восприятие: believe, know, notice, remember, forget, recognise, understand, realise, seem, think, etc.: I don’t believe a world he’s saying.; see, hear, feel, taste, look, smell, sound. С этими глаголами часто употребляются модальные глаголы can или could, когда действие совершается в момент речи: The soup tastes delicious. John must be in the attic. I can hear his footsteps.

и некоторые другие глаголы: be, contain, fit, include, matter, need, belong, cost, owe, mean, own, appear, want, have = possess, etc.: This book is mine. It belongs to me.

The Present Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое:

Ø началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем. С глаголами: have, like, know, be, etc. употребляются индикаторы for и since: They have been friends for twenty years.

Ø только что закончилось и результат виден в настоящем: She has picked a lot of apples.

Ø произошло в неопределенный момент в прошлом. Точное время нам неважно или не упоминается в предложении. Нас интересует само действие: He has broken his arm. Peter has been to Paris four times.

Ø которое произошло в определенный момент в прошлом: today, this morning/afternoon/week/month/year, etc., но еще не закончено: She has received three taxes this month.

Индикаторы: already, yet, just, always, ever, never, so far.

I You We They have V3/ed I You We They haven’t V3/ed Have I you we they V3/ed?
He She It has V3/ed He She It hasn’t V3/ed Has he she it V3/ed?

The Present Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения:

Ø длительности действия, произошедшем в прошлом и продолжающегося до настоящего: Sarah has been picking vegetables for two hours.

Ø действия, которое началось и закончилось в прошлом, но длилось какое-то время, а результат виден в настоящем: He is dirty. He has been playing football.

Ø для выражения гнева, раздражения: Who has been reading my business papers?

Ø с глаголами feel, live, work и teach можно употреблять и present perfect и perfect continuous: He has felt/has been feeling unwell all morning.

Индикаторы: for, since, all morning/day/week/etc.

I You We They have been Ving I You We They haven’t been Ving Have I you we they been Ving?
He She It has been Ving He She It hasn’t been Ving Has he she it been Ving?


11.A Выбери наиболее подходящий вариант:

1. Nikita has known Polina for/ since two months.

2. How long ago/ How long have you had your car?

3. She has yet/ just left for conference.

4. We are takeing part in an experiment next week/ last week.

5. He sometimes/ ever controls the feed of a workpiece.

6. “How often do you clean your house? ” “I seldom/ usually/ never clean it once a week.”


11.B Выбери подходящий вариант have been living / always / have just finished / never / are you doing / already:

1. Data processing is _ done by Central Processing Unit.

2. Timur has _ won an math olimpiad.

3. He has _ written seven books.

4. “What _ at the moment? ” “I’m retrieving an information.”

5. “What time do you finish work? ” “Actually, I _.”

6. “Are you new here? ” “No. I _ here for five years.”


11.C Раскрой скобки:

1. “There’s a strange smell coming from the laboratory.” “Yes, I (make) an experiment.”

2. “(you/ ever/ go) to Australia? ” “No, I haven’t.”

3. “Are you new to this company? ” “No. I (work) in this company for three years.”

4. “Is Mrs. Borchenyuk free yet? ” “No, she (be) in a meeting at the moment.”

5. “Where is Ekaterina Viktorovna? ” “She (do) her immideate work in her office.”

11.D Выбери наиболее подходящий вариант seem / live / look / practice / see:

1. “Is this your bar? ” “Yes! I _ for it all morning. Where was it? ”

2. “I _ this annotation before.” “Well, I haven’t. do you mind listening it again? ”

3. “Vlad _ very sad. What’s wrong with him? ” “Oh, he got some bad news this morning.”

4. “Nastya’s performance at the conference was wonderful.” “Well, she _ a lot recently.”

5. “Do you live in Pokachi? ” “No. I work in Pokachi, but I _ in Urengoy.”


11.E Исправь ошибки:

1. They are usually staring work at 9 o’clock.

2. Look! That man is having blue car body!

3. He has been leaving for Khanti-Mansiysk tomorrow.

4. George Stephenson makes a lot of inventions so far.

5. She is giving a big party on her birthday every year.

6. The train is already leaving.


12.1 Прочитай, письменно переведи текст UNIFORM и выучи наизусть:


Traffic officers wear a white-topped (day-glo yellow for Cleveland force) patrol cap, or a white-topped bowler for female officers. When traffic departments were first set up the officers were issued with long white coats. The first hi-visibility coats were day-glo orange, but since the late 1970s the preference has been for day-glo saffron (sometimes referred to as Saturn) yellow. Traffic Officers receive the same training as non-traffic officers in public order duties but are trained to a much higher standard in automobile control.


12.2 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст CENTRAL MOTORWAY POLICE GROUP:

The Central Motorway Police Group (CMPG) was formed in 1990 by a partnership of West Midlands Police and West Mercia Constabulary. Staffordshire Police and Warwickshire Police joined in 2001, but the Warwickshire force withdrew in 2007. Each force maintains a separate RPU for non-motorway work.


12.3 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст DEVON AND CORNWALL:


Devon and Cornwall Police operate BMW 3 and 5 series marked estates and unmarked 3 series diesel's.They have a sub-department called the Road Crime Unit, which was formed in 2007, they have 7 officers with one sergeant and 6 constables, they operate 2 BMW 3 series diesel estates and 2 unmarked Ford Focus ST's.When needed they will take normal RPU duties, but that rarely happens.Most of their work is tasked but they sometimes patrol their area but that also rarely happens.The RCU are being followed by RawCut TV's programme Road Wars starting in 2009, along with their TAG C section and the Dog Section. The road policing unit is now disbanded.


12.4 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст ESSEX POLICE:


Essex Police operate Land Rover Discoveries, one Mitsubishi Shogun, Volvo V70s, BMW 330D and 530D Estates and also the Ford S-Max. Dog unit cars mostly use a combination of latest and previous models of Ford Mondeo ST220 estates. They have a sub department called the Territorial Support Team (previously called the ANPR Intercept Team) which uses Mitsubishi EVO 8s and 10s along with Impreza GB270s and WRX STis, an unmarked Vauxhall Vectra, unmarked BMW 3 and 5 series and Ford Mondeo ST220s, they also have a Ford Focus ST on trial. The TST team were being followed by RawCut TV's programme Police Interceptors in 2008.


12.5 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст HAMPSHIRE CONSTABULARY:


Hampshire Constabulary polices that section of the M3 motorway west of Junction 4 (Frimley Interchange), at the Surrey border, to its junction with the M27 at Junction 14 north ofSouthampton and the entirety of the M27, M271 and M275 motorways. It also polices a number of other major routes including the A27, A3, A31, A34, A36 and the A303 together with the cities of Portsmouth and Southampton and Isle of Wight.

Hampshire Roads Policing Unit utilises a wide variety of vehicles including liveried BMW X5's, BMW 530d's, BMW 330d's and unmarked versions of the Subaru Legacy and Š koda Octavia VRS. The Honda Pan-European is used by motorcycle officers.

Hampshire's Roads Policing Unit has featured in various series of the occasional BBC One television documentary Traffic Cops. It was also featured in a number of episodes of the three BBC One documentary series Real Rescues.


12.6 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст LANCASHIRE CONSTABULARY:


Lancashire Constabulary maintains a Motorway Unit Base at Samlesbury, near Preston, at the junction of the M6 (Junction 31) and A59. Following the introduction of the Highways Agency Traffic Officers in the North West region 2006, Lancashire Constabulary's Motorway Unit was scaled down, now maintaining a minimum level of resources. Since June 2008 motorway policing in Lancashire, Merseyside and Cheshire has been conducted through the North West Motorway Police Group. Lancashire Constabulary's Road Policing Units are based throughout the county within divisions - usually working alongside Geographic Response Patrols (GSPs). Many of the RPU Motorcyclists are now tasked with Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) duties.


12.7 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст METROPOLITAN POLICE:


Within the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) general and specialist Road Policing Unit functions are the remit of the Traffic Operational Command Unit (SCO15). The MPS does have a separate unit called the " Road Policing Unit" within the Safer Transport Command, externally funded by Transport for London (TfL), whose role is to minimise traffic congestion issues and smooth traffic flow across the capital, particularly on bus routes and the TfL road network.


12.8 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст NORTH WEST MOTORWAY POLICE GROUP:


The North West Motorway Police Group (NWMPG) was formed in 2008 after the success of the CMPG. It includes officers from Cheshire Constabulary, Lancashire Constabulary, Merseyside Police, and, from 2011, Greater Manchester Police. All three of these forces are under the control of a Regional Control Centre (RCC) which is based in Newton Le Willows. This centre not only controls the radio traffic for NWMPG but also houses the North West Highways Control Centre. Each force maintains a separate RPU for non-motorway work.


12.9 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст SOUTH WALES POLICE:


South Wales Police opened a motorway section when the M4 motorway reached its area in 1977. Its traffic department was established by its predecessor, Glamorgan Constabulary, in 1952.


12.10 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст SURREY POLICE:


Surrey Police is responsible for the policing of part of the M25, the M23, Hooley to Pease Pottage and the M3 Sunbury to the Hampshire border. From a trio of traffic bases, atGodstone M25 junction 6, Chertsey M25 junction 11 and Burpham near Guildford on the A3. Surrey uses Volvo V70 Estates, Land Rover Discoveries and BMW 530ds as its main traffic vehicles, with a variety of other types and unmarked vehicles at their disposal.


12.11 Прочитай и письменно переведи текст THAMES VALLEY POLICE:


Thames Valley Police operate diesel Vauxhall Insignia and Volvo V70 estates, along with 4x4s like any other force. They also operate several unmarked cars, either being part of the general RPU team or the elite Pro-ACTIVE team. The Traffic Proactive and Problem Solving Team (to give it its full title) was formed in 1999 and use unmarked Vauxhall Omegas and Vectras in saloon variations, mostly with petrol V6 engines. They also have a couple of standard traffic cars that are in use when Pro-ACTIVE cars are out of action. The units are usually single, double or sometimes even triple crewed. The Pro-ACTIVE team was followed by Raw Cut TV's programme Road Wars between 2003 and 2008 and it made mini 'celebrities' out of its officers. As a result Chief Constable Sara Thornton asked Raw Cut to move to another force and they subsequently followed Devon and Cornwall officers. Most of their work is tasked but they sometimes patrol their area.



The Past Simple употребляется для выражения:

Ø действия, которое произошло в определенный момент в прошлом: They went to the seaside last spring.

Ø действий, которые происходили одно за другим в прошлом: He took a bath, shaved carefully, put on fresh shirt & left for the City.

I He She It You We They V3/ed I He She It You We They didn’t V1 Did I he she it you we they V1?

Ø привычек или обыкновений, которые сейчас отсутствуют (used to): Every afternoon he smoked/ used to smoke a thick black cigar after dinner.

Ø рассказов об умерших людях: Marilyn Monroe starred in a number of successful films.

Индикаторы: yesterday, last night/week/month/year/Monday, etc. two days/weeks/months, etc. ago, then, when, How long …?, in 1992/1845, etc.

Запомни: после [s], [k], [f], [p], -sh, -ch окончание –ed звучит как [t], после [m], [l], [b], [z], [v], [n], -g окончание звучит как [d], а после [t], [d] окончание –ed звучит как [id].

The Past Continuous употребляется для выражения:

Ø длительного действия, совершающегося в определенный момент в прошлом: At three o’clock yesterday afternoon, they were sitting at an outdoor café.

Ø длительного действия, прерванного другим действием (в Past Simple): I was reading a book when the telephone rang.

Ø двух и более одновременных длительных действий: While she was cooking dinner, Ann was laying the table.

Ø описания атмосферы в художественных произведениях перед описанием основных действий: Todd & Emily were riding through the forest. The sun was shining & the birds were singing.

Ø постоянного процесса или раздражения в прошлом. В этих случаях часто употребляются наречия always, constantly, ever: They were always quarrelling.

Индикаторы: when, while, as, all day/night/morning, etc.

I He She It was Ving I He She It wasn’t Ving Was I he she it Ving?
You We They were Ving You We They weren’t Ving Were you we they Ving?

Past Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, которое:

Ø до другого действия в прошлом или до определенного момента в прошлом: They had already reserved the table when they went to the restaurant. They had already sat down for dinner by 8 pm.

Ø закончилось в прошлом и результат был виден в прошлом: Bill had injured his legs in a car accident, so he had to use a wheelchair for six month. (Past Perfect – эквивалент Present Perfect в прошлом.)

Ø Past Perfect = Past Simple с индикаторами before и after: She left after she had finished her work. = She left after she finished her work.

Индикаторы: before, after, already, for, since, just, till/until, when, by, by the time, never, etc.

I He She It You We They had V3/ed I He She It You We They hadn’t V3/ed Had I he she it you we they V3/ed?

Past Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения действия:

Ø которое началось и закончилось в прошлом до другого действия или определенного момента в прошлом, чтобы подчеркнуть длительность: They had been skating together for five years before they entered the competition. Обычно употребляется с since и for.

Ø которое длилось в прошлом и результат был виден в прошлом: she had been working hard that day, so she was tired. (Past Perfect Continuous– эквивалент Present Perfect Continuous в прошлом.)

Индикаторы: for, since, how long, before, until, etc.

I He She It You We They had been Ving I He She It You We They hadn’t been Ving Had I he she it you we they been Ving?

Past Simple или Present Perfect

Ø Past Simple употребляется для выражения действия, которое произошло в конкретный момент в прошлом. Время известно и важно: Kate Steele wrote her first novel in 1970.

Ø Present Perfect же употребляется для выражения действия, которое произошло в неопределенный момент в прошлом. Точное время неизвестно и неважно: Kate Steele has written a lot of successful novels.

Ø Past Simple употребляется, когда речь идет о жизни людей, которые умерли: William Shakespeare wrote “Romeo & Juliet.”

Ø Past Simple также употребляется для выражения действия, которое началось и закончилось в прошлом: George Barns was a basketball player for ten years.

Ø А Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous употребляются для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается в настоящем: Jim Presley has worked/has been working as a waiter for fifteen years.

Ø Present Perfect также употребляется для оглашения новостей, а Past Simple или Past Continuous употребляется, чтобы сообщить подробности о них: I’ve just seen the new boss. I was talking to Carol on the phone when he came in.

Ø used to + инфинитив употребляется для выражения прошлых привычек или обыкновений которые уже отсутствуют: They used to travel a lot when they were younger. Вместо used to можно употреблять The Past Simple.

Ø used to + инфинитив = the past simple когда:

a. действие было однократным: I drove to work yesterday.

b. мы знаем точное количество раз, которое совершалось действие: I went to the cinema four times last month.

Ø would/used to употребляется для выражения повторяющихся действий в прошлом: We would/used to eat out on Sundays.

Ø would не употребляется с глаголам чувственно-визуального восприятия.

Ø be used to употребляется для выражения привычки: They are used to the cold. She wasn’t used to living in the country.

Ø get used to употребляется для выражения привыкания: I’m getting used to the weather. He didn’t like using the computer at first, but he got used to it. She’ll soon get used to wearing contact lenses.



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