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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Explain the relationship between the following words.

fungus – yeast;

mold – penicillin;

Darvin – evolution;

Lamarck – transformism;

ecosystem – pond;

food chain – detritus pathway.

Describe any ecosystem.

Translate from Russian into English.

Грибы широко распространены и обитают почти во всех климатических районах. Грибы можно обнаружить в почве, пресной и соленой воде. Распространенность грибов. Благодаря огромному разнообразию и исключительной способности к выживанию в разных климатических условиях грибы распространены повсеместно. Они сохраняют жизнеспособность даже при низкой температуре. Их мало лишь в засушливых и высокогорных районах, где недостаточно влаги и кислорода.

Грибы, обитающие в домах, часто служат причиной круглогодичных аллергических заболеваний. В жилых помещениях грибов особенно много в старой мебельной обивке, комнатных увлажнителях воздуха, на занавесках для душа, сантехнике, в мусорных баках, пищевых отходах, сырых подвалах.

По типу питания грибы делятся на грибы - сапрофиты и грибы - паразиты. По морфологическим признакам все грибы делятся на грибы дрожжевые и грибы мицелиальные. Плесень - это расположенные на поверхности питательного субстрата органы размножения разных видов грибов.


TEST 5 (Units 13 – 15).

Write synonyms and antonyms to the following words.

  Synonym Antonym
to emit    
to alter    
to begin    
to influence    


Make questions out of the words. Then answer them.

1. extinction / when/ occur / does?

2. functions / are / forests / what / the main / of?

3. prey / inconspicuous /what / predators / and / features / to render / do /have?

4. environment / adapted / what / to / of / is / the camel / kind?

5. conservation / do / wildlife / include / what / techniques?

6. extinction / the world / mammals / has / through / how many / lost?


Choose the correct word to complete the text.

contain over lineages referred to threatened to be since natural terrestrial times extinctions disappeared estimated increasingly occur continents to survive history current geological expected appeared broadleaf located immortal

Species Extinction. A natural – and unnatural – process.

The world is, and always has been, in a state of flux. Over hundreds of millions of years, …………… have broken apart, oceans ……………, mountains formed and worn away. With …………… change come changes in living things: species and populations disappear, and new ones emerge.

Extinction is therefore a …………… process. According to the fossil record, no species has yet proved ……………; as few as 2-4% of the species that have ever lived are believed …………… today. The remainder are extinct, the vast majority having …………… long before the arrival of humans.

But the rapid loss of species we are seeing today is …………… by experts to be between 1000 and 10, 000 ………….. higher than the “background” or ………….. natural extinction rate (a highly conservative estimate). Unlike the mass extinction events of geological history, the ………….. extinction phenomenon is one for which a single species - ours - appears almost wholly responsible. This is often …………… as “the sixth extinction crisis”, after the five known extinction waves in geological …………….

The number of species known to be …………… with extinction has topped 16, 928. Most threatened species …………… in the tropics, especially on mountains and on islands. Most threatened birds, mammals, and amphibians are …………… in Central and South America; Africa south of the Sahara; and tropical South and Southeast Asia. These realms …………… the tropical and subtropical moist …………… forests that are believed to harbour the majority of the earth’s living ………….. and freshwater species. Therefore, the patterns shown for mammals, birds and amphibians are likely …………… most terrestrial taxonomic groups.

Extinctions are becoming …………… common on continents. While the vast majority of extinctions …………… 1500 AD have occurred on oceanic islands, continental extinctions are now as common as island ……………. Roughly 50% of extinctions …………… the past 20 years occurred on continents.


Explain the relationship between the following words.

extinction – deforestation;

biodiversity – ecosystem;

community – competition;

mimicry – king snake;

wildlife – sanctuary;

pollution – global warming.


Give terms corresponding to the following definitions.

1. The death of species.

2. The temporary or permanent removal of forests.

3. All the interacting populations within the ecosystem.

4. The process by which two interacting species act as agents of natural

selection one another over evolutionary time.

5. The example of community interactions.

6. A situation in which a species evolves to resemble something else.

7. An animal adapted to survive in a hot, dry and sandy environment.

8. Limits on the number of animals that can be taken by an individual hunter,

fisher, or trapper.

9. The regulation of wild animals and plants in such a way as to provide for

their continuance as a natural resource.

10. The area where animals feed, rest, and breed.

Translate from Russian into English.

Ирбис принадлежит к слабо изученным видам. Его ареал в России составляет 2-3 % современного мирового ареала, так же как и численность составляет около 2 % от общей численности вида.

Среди крупных кошачьих ирбис - единственный постоянный обитатель гор Центральной Азии. Занимая верхний трофический уровень в экосистемах, он может служить своего рода видом-флагманом в отношении сохранения всего животного мира центрально-азиатских высокогорий. Выживание этой редкой кошки в сильно нарушенных и деградирующих горных экосистемах крайне затруднительно или невозможно, соответственно сохранение жизнеспособных популяций ирбиса неизбежно сопряжено с эффективной охраной среды его обитания в целом.

В силу труднодоступности местообитаний и низкой плотности вида, до сих пор слабо исследованными остаются такие важнейшие аспекты биологии ирбиса, как структура ареала, способность к расселению, сезонные перемещения, питание и охотничье поведение (в частности, степень пищевой специализации, в том числе, состав и доля в добыче домашних животных), структура популяций, численность, размеры индивидуальных участков, суточный ход и многие другие, что затрудняет разработку адекватных мер охраны.



Grammar Tests

Test 1

Present Forms 1

Present Forms 2

Past Forms


Test 2

Future Forms


Countable and Uncountable nouns


Test 3

Degrees of comparison




Test 4





Test 5

Sequence of tenses

Reported Speech

Linking words



Test 1

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present, Past, Future Simple; the Past Continuous or the Present Perfect Passive Tense.

Sir Walter Raleigh …..(be) an English traveler who …..(live) in England in the days of Queen Elizabeth. He …..(sail) across the seas to America in search of new lands. He ……(bring) to England two very important plants: the tobacco plant and the potato plant.

When he….. (be) in America, he …..(learn) to smoke from the Indians.

When he …..(be) back in England, he …..(sit) one day in his room by the fire smoking a pipe. His old servant who …..(know) nothing about tobacco or smoking, suddenly …..(come) in the room and …..(see) the smoke coming out of his master's mouth. He …..(be) frightened; he …..(think) Sir Raleigh …..(be) on fire. He …..(rush) out of the room, ….. (get) some water and …..(throw) it all over his master before Sir Walter …..(can) explain that he simply….. (smoke).

Sir Raleigh….. (bring) the potato to his country because he …..(want) the people to learn how to grow potatoes. He …..(say): " When the harvest …..(be) poor, there …..(be) no bread and we….. (be) all hungry. You …..(be) never hungry if you …..(grow) potatoes." But people …..(not like) potatoes. Nobody …..(want) to eat them because nobody …..(know) how to cook them.

After many years a Frenchman …..(find) the best way of growing and cooking the potato. People …..(begin) to eat potatoes and….. (find) them good. Since that time more and more potatoes …..(be grown) and …..(be eaten) in Europe. The potatoes …..(become) one of the most important and useful vegetables.


Test 2


Future forms


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