Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

A fishmonger’s – рыбный отдел

fish – рыба, seafood – продукты моря, herring – селедка, caviar – икра

A grocer’s – бакалейный отдел

macaroni – макароны, spaghetti – спагетти, cereals – крупа, flour – мука, salt – соль, sugar – сахар, pepper – перец, spices – приправы, tea – чай, coffee – кофе, oil – растительное масло

A greengrocer’s – овощной отдел

vegetables – овощи, potatoes – картофель, cabbage – капуста, carrots – морковь, beet – свекла, onion – лук, garlic – чеснок, cucumbers – огурцы, tomatoes –помидоры

A fruiterer’s – фруктовый отдел

fruit – фрукты, apples – яблоки, pears – груши, plums – сливы, lemons – лимоны, oranges – апельсины, bananas – бананы, pineapples – ананасы, grapes –виноград

A dairy – молочный отдел

milk – молоко, butter – масло, cheese – сыр, eggs – яйца, sour cream – сметана, cottage cheese – творог, yoghurt – йогурт

A delicatessen – гастрономический отдел

sausage – колбаса, ham – ветчина, bacon – бекон, frankfurters – сосиски

A confectioner’s – кондитерский отдел

sweets – конфеты, candy – конфеты, chocolate – шоколад, chocolates – шоколадные конфеты, cakes – торты, кексы, fancy-cakes – пирожные

Department of household goods – хозяйственные товары

soap – мыло, detergent – стиральный порошок, toothpaste – зубная паста, a toothbrush – зубная щетка, crockery – посуда


Ex 2 Practice reading the following question and all possible answers to it:

When do you go shopping?


I sometimes usually often always never go shopping on the way home in the evening in the morning on Sunday

Ex 3 Work “in a chain, ” asking and answering the above question, each time substituting the italicized parts by words from the list of foodstuffs and departments. Be careful to use “it” and “them” properly, e.g.:

A (to B): Where do you buy pork?

В (to A): We buy it at the butcher’s.

B (to C): Where do you buy apples?

С (to B): We buy them at the fruiterer’s.

C (to D): Where do you buy cereals?

D (to C): We buy them at the grocer’s.

D (to E): Where do you buy...? etc.


Ex 4 Say as many sentences as you can, using the following patterns:

Yesterday I went to the baker’s butcher’s fishmonger’s grocer’s greengrocer’s fruiterer’s dairy delicatessen confectioner’s to see what I could get for breakfast lunch tea dinner supper


They didn’t have cookies beef chicken herring coffee cucumbers apples grapes sour cream bacon but there was a good choice of candy pork mutton fish tea tomatoes pears plums yoghurt ham


Ex 5 Practice reading the following sentence. Learn it by heart:

The best place to do your shopping in is a supermarket. – Лучшее место для покупок – это универсам.

Do you agree with this statement? Why (Why not)?

What is a supermarket?

Well, it’s a very big food shop with different departments, selling different foodstuffs. It is very convenient, because you don’t have to go to different shops for different foodstuffs. You do all your shopping in one place. It saves a lot of time. A supermarket also usually has a special department selling all kinds of household goods, like soap, sponges, detergents, toothpaste, toothbrushes, crockery and so on.


Ex 6 Read the text:

Mrs. Richards’ Shopping

Last Sunday Mrs. Richards looked into her refrigerator and saw that it was nearly empty. Mrs. Richards does not like it when there is nothing in her refrigerator. She took a big bag and went shopping.

The best place to do your shopping in is a supermarket. There is a good supermarket not far from Mrs. Richards’ house, and she went there. The supermarket has many self-service counters. Mrs. Richards likes it because at a self-service counter you can choose what you like and take it off the counter with your own hands.

When Mrs. Richards came to the shop, she took a basket at the entrance and went inside. First she went to the butcher’s counter. They did not have beef that day, but there was a good choice of pork. Mrs. Richards took a good piece of pork and two chickens. She also took half a kilo of mince.

Then she went to the greengrocer’s counter, because she wanted some potatoes and cabbage. She did not like the potatoes and decided to go to the market later. But she took a good head of cabbage.

After that Mrs. Richards stopped at the grocer’s counter to take a package of macaroni, and then went to the delicatessen counter to see what she could buy for supper. She took a piece of cheese and a piece of sausage. They were selling ham, too, but she decided not to take ham: there was too much fat on it.

On the way to the cash-desk Mrs. Richards stopped at the confectioner’s counter to buy some candy and biscuits for tea. She also took a chocolate roll.

There were two or three people in front of Mrs. Richards at the cash-desk, and she had to wait a little. When her turn came, she paid for the foodstuffs she had bought and went home.

On the way home she called at a dairy-shop to buy a bottle of milk. She did not buy eggs, because her bag was full and she was afraid to break the eggs. She decided to go later for eggs and also to the baker’s to buy a loaf of bread.


nearly empty – почти пустой

self-service – самообслуживание

counter – прилавок, отдел

to take it off the counter – взять с прилавка

at the entrance – у входа

a market – рынок

a head of cabbage – кочан капусты

fat – жир

a cash-desk – касса

a chocolate roll – шоколадный рулет

to break the eggs – разбить яйца

her turn came – подошла ее очередь


Task 1 Answer the following questions:

1. What did Mrs. Richards see when she looked into her refrigerator last Sunday?

2. What doesn’t Mrs. Richards like?

3. What did Mrs. Richards do when she saw that her refrigerator was nearly empty?

4. What is the best place to do your shopping in?

5. Is there a supermarket near Mrs. Richards’ house?

6. Are there self-service counters in supermarkets?

7. What is a self-service counter?

8. What is good about self-service counters?

9. Why does Mrs. Richards like to buy foodstuffs at self-service counters?

10. What did Mrs. Richards do when she came to the shop?

11. Where did she take the basket?

12. What counter did Mrs. Richards go to first?

13. Why did Mrs. Richards go to the butcher’s counter?

14. What did she find at the butcher’s counter?

15. What did Mrs. Richards buy at the butcher’s department?

16. What did Mrs. Richards want to buy at the greengrocer’s department? Did she buy every­thing she wanted there? What did she buy? What didn’t she buy? Why?

17. What did Mrs. Richards buy at the grocer’s de­partment?

18. Why did Mrs. Richards go to the delicatessen department? What did she buy there? What didn’t she buy? Why?

19. What did Mrs. Richards buy at the confection­er’s department?

20. Why did Mrs. Richards have to wait at the cash-desk? Did she have to wait long?

21. What did she do when her turn came?

22. What shop did Mrs. Richards call at on the way home?

23. What did Mrs. Richards buy at the dairy? Why didn’t she buy eggs?

24. What did she decide to do about eggs and bread?

Task 2 Write down where Mrs. Richards dropped into and what she bought at different counters of the supermarket.

Task 3 Using the material of the text above; speak about how you did a big shopping the other day.


Ex 7 Learn the following bits of conversation:

A: I say, let’s drop into this supermarket. I must do some shopping.

B: О. К. And I shall see what I can buy for tea: I am afraid there is nothing in the house.

A: Where is grandmother?

B: She has gone shopping. She wants to buy some­thing for supper.

A: Oh, has she? I hope she will buy something tasty.

A: Do you always go shopping on Sunday?

B: Oh no. I usually do my shopping on the way home from work. I don’t like shopping on Sunday.

A: I like to do my shopping at the supermarket.

B: Of course, it is very convenient. You don’t have to go to different shops for different food­stuffs.

A: Yes, you buy everything you need in one place. It saves a lot of time.

A: I need soap, detergent and toothpaste. And I have no idea where to buy them.

B: Why, go into this supermarket.

A: But... isn’t a supermarket a food shop?

B: Yes, it is, but each supermarket has a special department selling all kinds of household goods.

A: Oh! How convenient! Thank you.

A: Oh, Jane, please drop into our supermarket on the way from school.

B: О. К. What shall I buy?

A: Go into the department of household goods and buy two new toothbrushes and soap.

B: All right.


to drop into – заглянуть в

I have no idea – He имею представления.

Ex 8 Psychological test “Are you thrifty? ”:

1. Have you ever borrowed money from anyone?

a) Yes, I have. – 0 point b) No, I haven’t. – 1 point

2. Have you ever lent money to anyone?

a) Yes, I have. – 1 point b) No, I haven’t. – 0 point

3. Are you in a debt at the moment?

a) Yes, I am. – 0 point b) No, I am not. – 1 point

4. Do you save money?

a) Yes, I do. – 1 point b) No, I don’t. – 0 point

5. Are you saving anything at the moment?

a) Yes, I am. – 1 point b) No, I am not. – 0 point

6. Do you keep your money____:

a) in a bank – 3 points

b) in a safe – 4 points

c) in a money-box – 1 point

d) under the bed – 2 points

7. Do you spend ____:

a) more than you earn – 0 point

b) less than you earn – 1 point

8. Have you bought anything this week?

a) Yes, I have – 0 point b) No, I haven’t. – 1 point


9-11 points: you are too thrifty. Haven’t you got anyone whom you may spend your money for? Begin with yourselves, buy something for example.

5-8 points: you are thrifty enough. You can both borrow and lend money. You didn’t forget to buy something new for yourselves.

0-4 points: you are a two-handed spender. Maybe, you have a lot of friends whom you usually lend your money to. Answer honestly, not all of your friends give back your money. Stop working for other people!

Ex 9 Act out the following dialogues in English:

А: Ты знаешь, у нас кончается сахар и кофе.

B: Да, да, я знаю. Я уже думал об этом. Сегодня по пути с работы я зайду в универсам и куплю сахару и кофе.

A: Да, пожалуйста. И посмотри, что можно купить к чаю. У нас есть только пачка печенья и баночка варенья.

B: Купить колбасы или ветчины к чаю? Я думаю, дети будут голодные.

А: Да, купи. Ой, и знаешь что? Купи, пожалуйста, бекон. Наш дедушка любит яичницу с беконом на завтрак.

В: А яйца купить?

A: Нет, не надо. У нас в холодильнике достаточно яиц.

B: И, конечно, я должен купить хлеба, да?

A: Разумеется, как обычно. И еще зайди в мясной отдел и купи полкило фарша.

B: Хорошо.

Son: Мама, что у нас сегодня будет на обед?

Mother: Ты знаешь, перед тем, как думать об обеде, нам надо сделать много покупок.

Son: Кто пойдет в магазин?

Mother: Ты, конечно. Мне некогда.

Son: Ладно. Что купить?

Mother: О, очень много. Сейчас, дай подумать. У нас нет моркови, капусты…

Son: А картошка есть?

Mother: Картошка есть. Но у нас кончаются помидоры и лук. Кроме того, у нас кончается соль. И не осталось растительного масла.

Son: В какой магазин мне идти?

Mother: Иди в универсам. Там ты купишь все, что надо.

Son: Итак, что же я буду покупать?

Mother: Пойди в овощной отдел и выбери хороший кочан капусты, не очень большой. Купи также килограмм моркови, полкило луку и полкило помидоров. Потом иди в бакалейный отдел и купи бутылку растительного масла и пачку соли.

Son: Мама, а можно я куплю мороженого и соку? У нас кончается сок.

Mother: Ладно, купи мороженого и соку.


Ex 10 Read the story:

He was a Smart Boy

Johnny entered the grocer’s. “Hello, Mr. Grimble, ” he said, “Fine day today, isn’t it? ”

“Yes, indeed, ” said Mr. Grimble, the grocer. “And what can I do for you? ”

“Please, ” said the boy, reading from a book, “ten pounds of sugar at fifteen cents a pound, four pounds of coffee at ninety cents a pound, and two pounds of butter at seventy-five a pound. How much will it come to? ”

The grocer took a piece of paper and a pencil, did some calculations and said: “Four dollars and sixty cents.”

“Oh, ” said Johnny, “and a dozen eggs at ninety cents a dozen.”

“О. К., ” said Mr. Grimble, “that will come to six dollars and forty cents.”

“And if I give you a ten-dollar bill, ” said Johnny, “how much change shall I get? ”

“You will get three dollars and sixty cents, ” said the grocer. “Thank you very much, Mr, Grimble, ” said Johnny. “I am not going to buy anything. You see, it’s my homework for tomorrow, and I could not do it myself.”


a smart boy – смышленый мальчуган

a ten-dollar bill – десятидолларовая банкнота

did some calculations – проделал кое-какие подсчеты

two dozen eggs – две дюжины яиц


Task 1 Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Johnny come to Mr. Grimble?

2. What was Mr. Grimble by profession?

3. What did Johnny want to buy at the grocer’s?

Task 2 Find correspondence:

butter at ninety cents a pound
sugar at ninety cents a dozen
eggs at seventy-five a pound
coffee at fifteen cents a pound

Task 3 Check your memory:

Johnny wanted to buy...

____ pounds of sugar

____ pounds of coffee

____ pounds of butter

____ dozen eggs

Task 4 Retell the story.


Ex 11 Learn the following dialogue:

Mother: Where are you going, Mary?

Mary: To the post-office, Mom. Shall I do some shopping for you on the way back?

Mother: Yes. Please call at the supermarket and buy a few things for me there. It won’t take you long. The supermarket is next to the post-office.

Mary: Oh, I don’t mind it a bit. I’ll do all the shopping you want. What shall I buy?

Mother: Tomorrow is Sunday, and we want something nice for dinner. Here is the shopping list: a kilo­gram of flour, the best kind, half a kilogram of sugar, half a kilogram of butter and ten eggs. Then I think we haven’t got any more tomatoes left.

Mary: How many shall I buy?

Mother: Buy a kilogram.

Mary: How much will it come to?

Mother: Here is fifty dollars. Be careful not to lose the money and count the change. Now run along, or the shop may close.


it won’t take you long – у тебя не уйдет на это много времени

I don't mind it a bit – Я совершенно не возражаю.

a shopping list – список того, что надо купить

the best kind – лучший сорт

we haven’t got any tomatoes left – у нас не осталось помидоров

How much will it all come to? – Сколько это все будет стоить?

count the change – сосчитай сдачу

Ex 12 Read and retell comic dialogue:

Necessary holes

Mother: Look at the holes in your new suit, Harry. Isn’t it revolting?

Harry: I know, I know, mother. You see, we played a food store and I was to be the Swiss cheese.


Ex 13 Fill in prepositions where it is necessary:

1. Yesterday mother went... the supermarket and did a lot... shopping. 2. She bought half a kilo...butter, a loaf... white bread, a tin... peas, two bottles... milk and a head... cabbage. 3. Then she went... the cash-desk, paid... the foodstuffs she had bought and left... the supermarket. 4. We are running...... eggs. 5. What can I do... you?

Ex 14 Find things you can buy at the department of electronics:





Ex 15 Learn the following dialogue:

Tom: What are you doing, Peggy?

Peggy: I am making a shopping list, Tom.

Tom: What do we need?

Peggy: We need a lot of things this week.

Tom: Yes, I see that our refrigerator is nearly empty.

Peggy: I must go to the grocer’s. We haven’t got much tea or coffee, and we are running out of sugar and jam.

Tom: What about vegetables?

Peggy: Yes, I must go to the greengrocer’s, too. We haven’t got any tomatoes left.

Tom: But we’ve got a lot of potatoes.

Peggy: Well, that’s right, but potatoes are not enough for dinner.

Tom: What else are you going to buy?

Peggy: I will also go to the butcher’s. We need some meat. We haven’t got any meat at all.

Tom: Have we got any beer or wine left?

Peggy: No, we haven’t. And I am not going to buy any.

Tom: I hope you’ve got some money.

Peggy: I haven’t got much.

Tom: Well, I haven’t got much either.

Ex 16 Translate into English:

1. У вас сегодня есть в продаже свежий творог? 2. Сколько стоит килограмм этой муки? 3. Как мне пройти в кондитерский отдел? – Прямо, затем направо. 4. По дороге домой зайди в магазин и купи пол­кило масла, килограмм огурцов, килограмм помидоров, бутылку подсолнечного масла и пачку соли. 5. Она купила два килограмма картошки, полкило мясного фарша и дюжину яиц. 6. Дайте мне четыре пирожных, полкило печенья, килограмм вот этих шоколадных конфет и баночку варенья. 7. Ты идешь в магазин? Купи мне, пожалуйста, полкило печенья и килограмм сахару. 8. Когда я пришел вчера в рыбный магазин, икры там не было. Но продавали хорошую селедку. 9. Я вчера видел Катю в бакалейном отделе. – Что она там делала? – Она покупала спагетти и крупу.


Lesson 25

The lexical theme: Shopping. Department Store.


Shopping. Department store.

1. shoes – туфли, ботинки

2. a pair – пара

3. in fashion / out of fashion – в моде / не в моде

4. a shop assistant – продавец

5. a customer – покупатель

6. dress – платье

7. a tie – галстук

8. a skirt – юбка

9. jeans – джинсы

10. a coat – пальто

11. a rain-coat – плащ

12. a fur-coat – шуба

13. gloves – перчатки

14. it fits me – оно мне как раз

15. size – размер

16. to wear – носить

17. a shirt – рубашка

18. a blouse – блузка

19. jacket – жакет, пиджак (женский)

20. a pullover – пуловер

21. a handbag – сумочка

22. trousers – брюки

23. a suit – костюм (мужской)

24. high boots - сапоги

25. socks – носки

26. stockings – чулки

27. a scarf – шарф

28. to pinch a little bit – немного жать

29. checked fabric – материя в клетку

30. striped fabric – материя в полоску

31. linen – льняной

32. velvet – бархатный

33. woolen material – шерстяная ткань

34. silk – шелковый

35. leather – кожаный

36. cut – вырез, покрой

37. skirt with a slit – юбка с разрезом

38. pleated skirt – плиссированная юбка

39. button – пуговица

40. pocket – карман

41. sleeve – рукав

42. pattern – узор

43. heel - каблук

44. high-heeled shoes – туфли на высоких каблуках

45. collar - воротник

46. turn down (stand-up) collar – отложной (стоящий) воротник

47. neckerchief – платок на шею

48. belt - пояс

49. scarf - шарф

50. shorts – шорты, трусики

51. bra - бюстгальтер

52. swimsuit - купальник

53. lace – кружево

54. dressing gown – домашний халат

55. patterned – узорчатый


Ex 1 Practice reading the following question and answer. Learn them by heart:


What colour dress hat shoes jeans cardigan shirt blouse jacket pullover handbag tie do you want?


Something not too loud. Show me something in   blue black white grey brown pink etc.

Ex 2 Learn the following dialogue by heart:

Customer: Eh... I say...

Shop assistant: Yes, madam? What can I do for you?

Customer: Please. I’d like a summer dress.

Shop assistant: Oh, I can offer you a wide choice of dresses to all tastes.

Task 1 Work “in a chain, " repeating the above dialo­gue. Substitute the italicized parts using the patterns below:


I’d like a summer dress a broad-brimmed hat a pair of model shoes a pair of blue jeans a warm cardigan a nice shirt a silk blouse a fashionable jacket a thick pullover


I can offer you a wide choice of   dresses hats shoes jeans cardigans shirts blouses jackets pullovers to all tastes.


Ex 3 Choose the correct variant:

1. Short pants which end above your knees. (shirt, shorts, skirt)

2. Small bag attached to the inside of a coat or other clothes which you can keep your wallet, keys and other small things in. (purse, pocket, tie)

3. Knitted piece of clothing for the top part of the body and arms. (sweater, T-shirt, cap)

4. Things which you wear to cover your body and keep you warm. (coat, clothes, sandals)

5. Coat which keeps off water, which you wear when it is raining. (fur coat, winter jacket, raincoat)

6. Long piece of leather or other material, which goes around your waist to keep your pants up or to attach a coat. (pocket, handkerchief, belt)

7. Piece of clothing which you wear on your head. (hat, gloves, mittens)

8. Piece of woman's (girl's) clothing. (dress, belt, suit)

9. Thing for fastening clothes, made of two lines of small teeth which join together. (zipper, belt, purse)

10. Part of a piece of clothing which you put your arm into. (sleeve, shoe, boot)

11. A part of a coat (shirt) which goes around your neck. (collar, tie, bow tie)

12. Blue pants made of denim. (trou­sers, pants, jeans)

13. Light piece of clothing which you wear on the top part of your body. (shorts, shirt, shoes)

14. Small bag for carrying money. (purse, tie, backpack)

15. Piece of clothing which you wear on your foot inside your shoe. (sock, heel, boot)

16. Piece of clothing worn by women covering the lower part of the body from the waist to the knees or ankles. (skirt, dress, trainer)

17. A long piece of cloth which men wear in a knot around their necks under the collar of their shirts. (tie, handker­chief, belt)

18. Strong shoe which goes above your ankle. (boot, raincoat, shoe)

19. Piece of cloth for wiping your nose. (handkerchief, belt, tie)

20. Piece of clothing made of leather or hard material which you wear on your foot. (shoe, collar, zipper)


Ex 4 Read and act out the dialogue. Make up on its sample the dialogue on the theme “In department store”:

A: Good afternoon. May I help you?

B: Thank you. I need some gloves for skiing. I've already been to three stores. So far I haven't found anything I like.

A: Perhaps this pair will serve your purpose.

B: These look good. In fact, they're the best ones I've seen yet. They're quite expensive, though. Frankly, I draw the line at spending much for gloves.

A: Are you in a hurry for them? Can you wait a few days?

B: I suppose so. But why?

A: We're having a sale. Next week the­se gloves will be half price. Why don't you wait?

В: So much the better. Of course I'll wait. Thanks for telling me.

A: Think nothing of it.

Ex 5 Say as many sentences as you can about your clothes, using the following pattern:


My dress cardigan shirt blouse jacket pullover coat is a bit broad in the shoulders long in the sleeves short in the sleeves tight in the neck


Ex 6 Say as many sentences as you can, using the following pattern:

It's too dark I want something a bit lighter
  light   darker
  short   longer
  long   shorter
  tight   broader
  loose   tighter


Ex 7 Read and retell comic dialogue:

«Why does a woman say she's been shopping when she hasn't bought a thing? »

«Why does a man say he's been fishing when he hasn't caught anything? »


Ex 8 Insert necessary words and learn the dialogue by heart:

shop, colour, try on, small, in fashion, size, suit, dress, cabin, fashionable, show.

- Do you like this _____, madam?

- I like the ____ very much. It’s a lovely dress, but it’s too ____ for me.

- A. What about this one? It’s a very nice _____ dress.

- I think it’s a little too short.

- Yes, you are right, it’s a little short, but you see, short skirts are _________ now. Would you like to ____ it ____?

- All right.

- Just step into this ____.

- B. I am afraid this green dress is also too small for me. It is smaller than the blue one.

- Oh no, madam, it’s a ____ larger.

- B. I don’t like the colour either. This dress doesn’t ____ me at all. I think the blue dress is prettier.

- But you say it’s too small for you.

- B. Could you ____ me another blue dress? I want a dress like that one, but it must be my size.

- I am afraid we haven’t got a larger dress. This is the largest dress in the ____.


Ex 9 Choose the correct variant:

1. Detergent is ____

a) a chemical product without soap in it, used for cleaning clothing, dishes etc.

b) any instrument for finding things

2. Tissue is ____

a) material

b) a detergent

3. Label is ____

a) a check

b) a piece of paper or other material, fixed to something, which gives information about what it is, where it is to go, who owns it etc.

4. Shoe-tree is ____

a) a kind of a tree which grows in the South

b) apiece of wood or plastic and metal put inside a shoe to keep it in the right shape when it is not being worn

5. A knockout jacket is ____

a) a worn-out jacket

b) a very beautiful jacket

6. A lame miniskirt is ____

a) a skirt containing gold or silver threads

b) a new skirt

7. A rule of thumb is ____

a) a principle or method based on practical sense and experience rather than exact rules or calculations

b) a rule which describes how to wear gloves


Ex 10 Read and learn the dialogue by heart. Answer the questions.

Charlie: I need a new pair of shoes. Can you come to the shops with me?

Stephanie: OK. Do you like these?

Charlie: No, they're too expensive!

Stephanie: Look at these. They're great!

Charlie: No! I don't like them. I prefer these.

Stephanie: They're awful.

Assistant: Can I help you?

Charlie: Can I try these shoes on?

Assistant: What size do you take?

Charlie: Size 4, please.

Assistant: I don't have them in size 4, but you can try 3 1/2 and 4 1/2.

Charlie: These are too small. And these are too big!

Assistant: Do you like these? They're ' very popular with young people.

Stephanie: Yes, they're great! Try them on.

Charlie: OK!

Assistant: What do you think?

Stephanie: They look perfect!

Charlie: No...

Assistant: Are they too big?

Charlie: No.

Assistant: Are they too small?

Charlie: No, I just don't like them.

(Half an hour later, in another shoe shop)

Charlie: Look! These are great!

Stephanie: But... Charlie...

Assistant: Can I help you?

Charlie: Yes. Can I try these on, please?

Stephanie: I don't understand boys!



1. What did Charlie want to buy?

2. Whom did he ask to help him?

3. Was the assistant polite?

4. Why couldn't Charlie choose a pair of shoes?

5. Why did Stephanie say that she didn't understand boys?

6. Do you ask your parents or your friends to help you when you want to buy clothes?

7. Do you listen to their advice?

8. Do you spend much time choosing and buying things?


Ex 11 Add the sentences with necessary words. Use, where it is necessary, the word «pair»:

1. Blue... are a kind of international uniform for young people.

2. Bother! I've got a hole in my tights. I'll have to get a new....

3. I need some new underwear. I'm, going to buy three new....

4. Many women wear nigh ties in bed whereas most men and children wear....

5. Bother! You've got a hole in your tights. You'll have to get some new....

6. People with ugly knees shouldn't wear....

7. A necktie has always been an essen­tial part of a respectable man's...

8. My warm boots are not stylish at all. I guess I need to get a new...

Ex 12 Learn the following saying and proverb:

That's where the shoe pinches. - Вот где жмет ботинок.

A light purse is a heavy curse. - Легкий кошелек — это тяжелое


Task 1 Think up situations or short stories to illustrate the above mentioned saying and proverb.


Ex 13 Translate into English:

A: Что вам угодно, сэр?

В. Мне нужна пара джинсов.

A: О сэр, я могу предложить вам широкий выбор джинсов на все вкусы. Какого размера джинсы вы носите?

В: Мой размер...

A: Вот прекрасные модные джинсы. Я надеюсь, они вам понравятся. Это ваш размер.

В: Как вы думаете, они сядут?

A: О нет, сэр, они сделаны из несадящейся ткани.

В: Можно мне их примерить?

A: Конечно, сэр. Пройдите в эту кабину.

B: Вы знаете, мне нравится фасон этих джинсов, и они хорошо на мне сидят, но боюсь, они не подходят к моей куртке. У вас нет чего-нибудь посветлее?

A: Да, сэр. Вот, примерьте эту пару.

B: Спасибо. Это как раз то, что мне нужно. Я их куплю.

A: Очень хорошо, сэр.

B: Сколько они стоят?

A: Всего тридцать долларов.

B: Платить вам или в кассу?

A: В кассу, сэр. Касса у выхода.

B: Спасибо.

A: Здравствуйте, мадам. Что вам угодно?

B: Мне бы хотелось купить юбку.

A: Пожалуйста, мадам. Я могу предложить вам широкий выбор юбок на все вкусы. Какого размера юбки вы носите?

B: Мой размер...

A: Какого цвета юбку вы хотите?

B: Что-нибудь не очень кричащее. Покажите мне что-нибудь в коричневых тонах.

А: Вот симпатичная юбка. Такие юбки как раз входят в моду. Хотите примерить?

B: Да.

A: Вот пройдите в эту кабинку.

B: Спасибо... Вы знаете, эта юбка мне нравится.

A: Да, мадам, вы правы. Вы чудесно выглядите в этой юбке. И она хорошо подходит к вашим туфлям.

B: Спасибо. Сколько она стоит?

A: О, всего 25 долларов, мадам. Завернуть ее вам?

B: Да, пожалуйста.

A: Пожалуйста, мадам. Касса в конце зала у выхода.

B: Спасибо.

A: Приходите к нам еще.

B: Обязательно.

Ex 14 Fill in prepositions where it is necessary:

1. They offered... me a very good choice... ties... all colours. 2. I should like to have a look... one... the blue dresses you have here... the show-case... 215 dollars. 3. I want a silk dress. Show me something... light blue. Where can I try it...? 4. What size do you take... shoes? 5. I needed a new pair... walking shoes, so I went to a shoe shop. I tried... about ten pairs and finally bought very good shoes... my taste. 6. My old hat is no longer... fashion. I must go... the department store and look... something modern. 7. Your winter coat is completely... fashion. Let's go... the big department store... Bukhar Zhyrau Prospect and choose something... your taste. 8. I like the cut... the shirt, but it is tight... the neck and short... the sleeves. Can I try... a larger size? 9. I want an elegant tie to match... my jacket. Show me something... red or dark blue.


Ex 15 Read and learn the dialogue. Make up dialogues on the given model.

Shop assistant: Hello, madam. Can I help you?

Customer: Yes. Have you got any shoes like these?

Shop assistant: What size do you need?

Customer: Size five.

Shop assistant: And what colour?

Customer: Black.

Shop assistant: I am sorry, we haven't. We have one pair of size five, but they are blue.

Customer: But my sister bought this pair last month.

Shop assistant: Did she buy them here?

Customer: No, she bought them in the U. S. A.

Shop assistant: We had some shoes like these a month ago, but we haven't any now.

Customer: Could you get a pair for me, please?

Shop assistant: I am afraid we can't. You see, such shoes were in fashion last year and the year before last. But they are out of fashion this year.

Customer: And what shoes are in fashion this year?

Shop assistant: These shoes are in fashion now.

Customer: But... they look very uncomfortable.

Shop assistant: They are really uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes.

Customer: Oh!...


Ex 16 Translate into English:

1. Мне нужно шелковое летнее платье. Покажите мне что-нибудь голубое. 2. Мне нравится цвет этого костюма и покрой, но он слишком велик. Покажите мне такой же, но размером меньше. 3. Сколько стоит эта кофточка? Покажите мне такую же, но менее яркую. 4. На днях Джейн сказала своему мужу: " Моя шляпа очень старая. Мое пальто уже не в моде. А кроме того, я хочу купить новое летнее платье." —" Хорошо, - сказал ее муж. Пойдем в универмаг. Я хочу купить новую рубашку". В субботу Джейн и ее муж пошли в универмаг. Продавец предложил им большой выбор шляп на все вкусы. Джейн купила красивую коричневую широкополую шляпу. Такие шляпы как раз входят в моду. Ее муж сказал: " Ты шикарно выглядишь в этой шляпе." Потом они пошли покупать пальто. Джейн примерила три пальто, но они ей не понравились. Потом они пошли покупать рубашку для ее мужа. " Что вам угодно? ", спросила продавщица. " Я бы хотел купить рубашку, » - сказал муж Джейн. Продавщица показала им красивую рубашку. «Боюсь, эта рубашка не подойдет к твоему пиджаку, » - сказала Джейн. И они не купили рубашку.


Ex 17 Think up a story to the pictures:









Lesson 26

The lexical theme: Education. Education in Kazakhstan.



1. subjects – предметы

2. theoretical material – теоретический материал

3. the system of education – система образования

4. obligatory – обязательный

5. optional – факультативный, необязательный

6. general education – общее образование

7. educational purposes – образовательные цели

8. primary education – начальное образование

9. basic knowledge – основные знания

10. vocational schools – профтехучилища

11. professional training – профессиональная подготовка

12. elementary education – начальное образование

13. secondary education – среднее образование

14. individual inclinations and abilities – индивидуальные склонности и способности

15. further education – дальнейшее образование

16. higher education – высшее образование

17. compulsory education – обязательное образование

18. pre-school children – дошкольники

19. curriculum – учебный план

20. technical schools – техникумы

21. schooling – обучение в школе

22. scholarship – стипендия, грант

23. kindergarten – детский сад

24. nursery – ясли

25. full-time education – дневная форма обучения

26. part-time education – заочная форма обучения

27. to admit – принимать

28. to attend – посещать

29. to transfer (to promote) from one class to another – переводить из класса в класс

30. vocational bias – профессиональный уклон

31. to repeat the year – остаться на второй год обучения

32. to pass an exam – сдать экзамен

33. degree – степень

34. to leave, to finish school – оканчивать школу

35. to enter the university – поступать в университет

36. to graduate from the university – оканчивать университет

37. to go to school – ходить в школу

38. to study at the university – учиться в университете

39. to take a post graduate course – учиться в аспирантуре

40. to fail in examination – не сдать / провалить экзамен

41. an entrance examination – вступительный экзамен

Ex 1 Read the text, inserting necessary words:

Education in Kazakhstan

Before going to school, children attend _______. Compulsory education begins in our country at the age of ______, when children go to _________ school. The second stage begins from the 5th form when children starts studying a lot of new subjects, such as Literature, History, Natural Sciences and others. ____________ are taken at the end of the 9th and the 11th forms. Some children may leave school after the 9th _______ and continue their education at vocational or technical schools or colleges. Besides secondary schools there are other types of schools in Kazakhstan. There are specialized secondary schools with intensive study of a certain _______, for example Foreign Languages, Literature, Physics and others. There are also specialized art, music, ballet and sport schools for handicapped children. Secondary education in our country is free of charge. Among secondary schools there are gymnasiums, colleges and lyceums, most of them are __________.

In 1992 Kazakhstan system of _________________ adopted the western model, a 4-year course of studies with getting the Bachelor degree after ____________ and a 2-year course of study with getting the Master’s ________ after graduation. In order to enter a higher educational __________ young people have to take an entrance examination. Only those who successfully __________ entrance testing are admitted free of charge. In other cases education is on the commercial ________.


basis, examinations, higher education, kindergartens, degree, subject, private, seven, to pass, form, graduation, primary, institution.

Task 1 Explain the given scheme made up according to the text:

technical schools or colleges

kindergarten primary schoolsecondary school

(from 1 to 7) (from 7 to 11) (from 11 to 15/17)

(to the 5th form) (to the 9th or 11th form)


a higher educational institution

(4-5 years)


Ex 2 Choose the correct variant.

1. After he’d graduated from the uni­versity he became a (an) ____

a) senior

b) aspirant

c) postgraduate

2. Do you ____ school?

a) visit

b) attend

c) go to

3. He is doing his second year in Har­vard. He is a (an) ____

a) pupil

b) undergraduate

c) graduate

4. Let me introduce our colleague from Washington. He is a ____ in school.

a) headmaster

b) tutor

c) principal

5. He looks so happy. He’s just ____ the exam.

a) failed

b) sat for

c) passed

6. She works and studies. She is a ____ student.

a) full-time

b) graduate

c) part-time

7. The student gets the help of his own ____ whom he meets regularly.

a) principal

b) tutor

c) monitor

8. After three years of studies and suc­cessful final examinations in British or American University you can get your first degree ____.

a) PhD

b) B.A.

c) М.А.

9. Studies such as ancient and mod­ern literature, history are called ____.

a) humanity

b) humanities

c) humanitarians

10. Children with mental problems stu­dy in ____ schools.

a) special

b) public

c) specialized

Ex 3 Fill in the gaps in the story about the English girl. Use the following words:

grammar, nursery, comprehensive, higher, primary, evening classes, teacher-training college, grant.

At 5, Nelly Dawes went straight to ____ school, because there were very few ____ schools for younger children in those days. When she was ready to goon to secondary school, she passed an exam and so got into her local ____ school. Nowadays her own children don’t do that exam, since most children go to a ____ school. She left school at 16 and did not go on to ____ education, but she goes to ____ once a week to learn French. She would like to take up hereducation again more seriously, if she could get a ____ or scholarship from the government. Her ambition is to go to a ____ and become a school-teacher.


Ex 4 Read the text



  1. II. Однородные члены предложения могут отделяться от обобщающего слова знаком тире (вместо обычного в таком случае двоеточия), если они выполняют функцию приложения со значением уточнения.
  2. VI.2. Представление отдельных видов текстового материала
  3. VIII. Регулирование рабочего времени отдельных
  4. Автоматика отключения отделителя.
  5. Акционерное общество. Отделение собственности от контроля
  7. Б. Специфические функции нервных клеток ЦНС и периферического отдела нервной системы.
  9. В отдельных отраслях статьи общепроизводственных и общехозяйственных расходов разукрупняют.
  10. В приёмное отделение больные могут быть доставлены следующими способами.
  11. В. Отдельные статьи, документы из сборников, энциклопедий, хрестоматий

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