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Повторение лексического материала. Лексический контрольный тест.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 14 из 14
Variant I 1. What age does compulsory education begin at in our country? A) from 6 years; B) from 5 years; C) from 1 year; D) from 7 years; E) from 8 years. 2. When does the secondary stage begin in our country? A) from the 5th form; B) from the 4th form; C) from the 7th form; D) from the 3rd form; E) from the 2nd form. 3. What is the main law of the Republic of Kazakhstan? A) the Parliament; B) the Congress; C) the Constitution; D) the President; E) the Senate. 4. Дополните предложение: The Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan … A) Consists of three branches. B) Consist of legislative and executive branches of power. C) Is based on the principle of separating three powers. D) Consists of two chambers. E) Is based on the principle of separating executive and judicial powers. 5. What trains are also called non-stopping trains? A) mail trains; B) slow trains; C) fast trains; D) through trains; E) suburban trains. 6. What building was founded by William the Conqueror in the 11th century? A) Westminster Abbey; B) the Houses of Parliament; C) the Tower of London; D) St. Paul’s Cathedral; E) Big Ben. 7. Ответьте на вопрос: Where do the spectators walk during an intermission in the theatre? A) They go to the foyer; B) They go to the stage; C) They go to the wings; D) They go to the kitchen; E) They go home. 8. At midnight, on this day, the British people listen to the chimes of Big Ben, drink a toast to the ____: A) St. Valentine’s Day; B) Easter; C) Christmas; D) New Year; E) Spring Bank Holiday. 9. Выберите правильный ответ: What is the capital of USA? A) Sacramento. B) New York. C) Honolulu. D) Washington. E) San Francisco. 10. What is the highest legislative body of the USA? A) the Parliament; B) the Congress; C) the Constitution; D) the President; E) the Senate. 11. When does the history of Akmolinsk start? A) in 1890; B) in 1830; C) in 1891; D) in 1780; E) in 1866. 12. What building is the work of the famous architect Sir Christopher Wren? A) Westminster Abbey; B) the Houses of Parliament; C) the Tower of London; D) St. Paul’s Cathedral; E) the National Gallery. 13. Найдите английский эквивалент словосочетанию «утренний спектакль»: A) curtain; B) performance; C) matinee; D) first night; E) wings. 14. What are the big rivers in Britain? A) the Ural, the Mersey, the Thames; B) the Severn, the Thames, the Hudson river; C) the Thames, the Mersey, the Severn; D) the Ural, the Hudson river, the Mississippi; E) the Ember, the Ural, the Colorado. 15. О какой палате Великобританского Парламента идет речь: ..... is not elected by the people. A) the House of Lords; B) the House of Commons. 16. It is celebrated on the last Monday in May: A) Spring Bank Holiday; B) Late Summer Bank Holiday; C) May Spring Festival; D) Easter; E) St. Valentine’s Day. 17. A place that serves lots of different kinds of sandwiches: A) café; B) restaurant; C) bar/pub; D) sandwich bar; E) self-service restaurant/café. 18. Ответьте на вопрос: What was the name of Astana in the XIXth century? A) Tselinograd. B) Akmola. C) Aktobe. D) Aktogay. E) Karautkel. 19. He was put into prison, because he secretly married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire: A) Guy Fawkes; B) Valentine; C) Jesus Christ. 20. Which of these places will you go to if you want a romantic dinner for two? A) fast food restaurant; B) restaurant; C) bar/pub; D) sandwich bar; E) self-service restaurant/cafe Variant II 1. What have young people to do in order to enter a higher educational institution in our country? A) they have to take UNT (universal national test); B) they have to take GCE (general certificate of education); C) they have to take CSE (certificate of secondary education); D) they have to take GCSE (general certificate of secondary education). 2. How many stages does educational system of the republic of Kazakhstan include? A) 3 stages; B) 5 stages; C) 2 stages; D) 4 stages. 3. Выберите правильный вариант: Kazakhstan is situated in Asia and borders on: A) Russia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan and China. B) Russia, Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan and China. C) Russia, Kyrgyz Republic, Georgia and China. D) Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and China. E) Russia, Armenia, Hungary and Bulgaria. 4. Выберите правильный вариант: The main rivers of Kazakhstan are … A) The Irtysh, the Volga, the Syrdarya and the Ural. B) The Irtysh, the Ural, the Dneper, the Syrdarya. C) The Irtysh, the Lena, the Syrdarya and the Ember. D) The Irtysh, the Syrdarya, the Ural and the Ember. E) The Irtysh, the Ural, the Neva, the Ember. 5. What trains have sleeping accommodation? A) mail trains; B) overnight trains; C) day coaches; D) goods trains; E) suburban trains. 6. For many centuries ____ has been a fortress, a palace, a prison and royal treasure: A) Westminster Abbey; B) the Houses of Parliament; C) the Tower of London; D) St. Paul’s Cathedral; E) Big Ben. 7. Ответьте на вопрос: What does a theatre begin with? A) A theatre begins with the cloak-room. B) A theatre begins with the stage. C) A theatre begins with the wings. D) A theatre begins with the refreshment room. E) A theatre begins with the foyer. 8. On this day, people show their friends, relatives and loved ones that they care: A) St. Valentine’s Day; B) Easter; C) Christmas; D) New Year; E) Spring Bank Holiday. 9. Who is the head of the Government in the USA? A) the President; B) the Prime Minister; C) the Queen; D) the Parliament; E) the Congress. 10. How many states are there in the USA? A) 50 and District of Columbia; B) 51; C) 51 and District of Columbia; D) 49 and District of Columbia; E) 52. 11. When did Akmolinsk change its name for Tselinograd? A) in 1961; B) in 1938; C) in 1954; D) in 1956; E) in 1960. 12. What building is described: From far away you can see the huge dome with a golden ball and cross on the top? A) Westminster Abbey; B) the Houses of Parliament; C) the Tower of London; D) St. Paul’s Cathedral; E) the National Gallery. 13. Найдите английский эквивалент слову «партер»: A) boxes; B) stalls; C) stage; D) hall; E) wings. 14. What chambers does the British Parliament consist of? A) the House of Commons and the House of Lords; B) the Mazhilis and the Senate; C) the Senate and the House of Commons; D) the House of Representatives and the Mazhilis; E) the Senate and the House of Representatives. 15. Who is the head of the country in Great Britain? A) the President; B) the Prime Minister; C) the Queen; D) the Parliament; E) the Congress. 16. It is celebrated on the last Monday in August: A) Spring Bank Holiday; B) Late Summer Bank Holiday; C) May Spring Festival; D) Easter; E) St. Valentine’s Day. 17. You can get a quick hot meal there, for example burger and chips: A) café; B) restaurant; C) bar/pub; D) fast food restaurant; E) self-service restaurant/café. 18. When did the city get the name Astana? A) in 2000; B) in 1991; C) in 1998; D) in 1996; E) in 1979. 19. Выберите правильный ответ: William Shakespeare is the greatest...of all times. A) Statesman. B) Playwright and poet. C) Painter. D) Advocate. E) Surgeon. 20. Since William the Conqueror’s times British monarchs have been crowned there, and since the 13th century they have been buried there: A) Westminster Abbey; B) the Houses of Parliament; C) the Tower of London; D) St. Paul’s Cathedral; E) the National Gallery.
Variant III 1. Where do children go at the age of seven in the republic of Kazakhstan? A) to primary school; B) to kindergarten; C) to a junior high school; D) to infant school; E) to higher educational institute. 2. When do the children take their examinations in our republic? A) at the end of the 7th and 9th forms; B) at the end of the 9th and 11th forms; C) at the end of the 5th and 10th forms; D) at the end of the 10th form; E) at the end of the 9th form. 3. What is the highest representative body of the Republic of Kazakhstan? A) the Parliament; B) the Congress; C) the Constitution; D) the President; E) the Senate. 4. What countries does the Republic of Kazakhstan not border on? A) China; B) Kyrgyzstan; C) Uzbekistan; D) the Caucasus; E) Turkmenistan. 5. What is a local train? A) It is a train which travels comparatively short distances (100 or a few hundred km). B) It is a train which can take you to the place of your destination. C) It is a train which carries mail or post. D) It is a train which stops only at very large stations. E) It is a train which connects suburbs and the city. 6. It is now a museum of arms and armor in London: A) Westminster Abbey; B) the Houses of Parliament; C) the Tower of London; D) St. Paul’s Cathedral; E) Big Ben. 7. Ответьте на вопрос: What can the cloak-room attendant of the theatre offer us? A) opera-glasses; B) a cup of tea; C) a program; D) a ticket; E) money. 8. This day is traditionally celebrated with fireworks and a bonfire, on which the figure of a man is burnt: A) Christmas; B) Easter; C) May Spring Festival; D) Guy Fawkes Night; E) Late Summer Bank Holiday. 9. What chambers does the Congress of the USA consist of? A) the House of Commons and the House of Lords; B) the Mazhilis and the Senate; C) the Senate and the House of Commons; D) the House of Representatives and the Mazhilis; E) the Senate and the House of Representatives. 10. Where is Washington situated? A) in California; B) in the District of Columbia; C) in New Jersey; D) in Oregon; E) in Iowa. 11. Who came to build Tselinograd? A) foreigners; B) volunteers from the former Sowjet Union; C) volunteers from the Ukraine. 12. What building was built at the beginning of the 19th century to commemorate the Battle? A) Trafalgar Square; B) the Houses of Parliament; C) the Tower of London; D) St. Paul’s Cathedral; E) the National Gallery. 13. Найдите английский эквивалент слову «занавес»: A) stalls; B) boxes; C) stage; D) spectators; E) curtain. 14. О какой палате Великобританского Парламента идет речь: ..... is elected by the people on a 5 year term. A) the House of Lords; B) the House of Commons. 15. Who is the head of the government in Great Britain? A) the President; B) the Prime Minister; C) the Queen; D) the Parliament; E) the Congress. 16. It is celebrated on the 1st of May: A) Spring Bank Holiday; B) Late Summer Bank Holiday; C) May Spring Festival; D) Easter; E) St. Valentine’s Day. 17. You take what you want, pay for it and carry it to your table: A) in café; B) in restaurant; C) in bar/pub; D) in sandwich bar; E) in self-service restaurant/café. 18. Исключите лишнее слово в данном тематическом ряду: The Republic of Kazakhstan is a _____ state. A) sovereign; B) independent; C) secular; D) convenient; E) legal. 19. Ответьте на вопрос: What can we see on the walls of the foyer in the theatre? A) portraits of actors; B) portraits of the stage manager; C) nothing; D) portraits of our relatives; E) portraits of all spectators. 20. What building was founded in 1753 and contains one of the world’s richest collections of antiquities? A) the Tower of London; B) the National Gallery; C) the British Museum; D) Westminster Abbey; E) the Tower Bridge.
Variant IV 1. What are the main educational stages in the republic of Kazakhstan? A) kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and higher education; B) elementary, secondary, higher education; C) primary, secondary and higher education. 2. Where can the children continue their education after the 9th form in our country? A) at technical schools or colleges; B) at comprehensive schools; C) at infant and junior schools; D) at higher educational institute; E) at secondary modern schools. 3. What chambers does the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan consist of? A) the House of Commons and the House of Lords; B) the Mazhilis and the Senate; C) the Senate and the House of Commons; D) the House of Representatives and the Mazhilis; E) the Senate and the House of Representatives. 4. What state is the UK? A) an absolute monarchy; B) a constitutional monarchy; C) republic; D) a federal country; E) country. 5. Trains which run by day are called......... A) day coaches; B) slow trains; C) fast trains; D) through trains; E) suburban trains. 6. What building was founded by Edward the Confessor in the 11th century? A) Westminster Abbey; B) the Houses of Parliament; C) the Tower of London; D) St. Paul’s Cathedral; E) Big Ben. 7. Ответьте на вопрос: What does the usher of the theatre sell? A) opera-glasses; B) mineral water; C) programs; D) sweets; E) flowers. 8. The most beautiful girl is crowned with a garland of flowers as the May Queen on this day: A) Spring Bank Holiday; B) Late Summer Bank Holiday; C) May Spring Festival; D) Easter; E) St. Valentine’s Day. 9. Ответьте на вопрос: How is the American Parliament called? A) Congress. B) Chamber. C) Senate. D) Mazhilis. E) Party. 10. What are the major parties of the USA? A) the Senate and the House of Representatives; B) the Democratic and the Republican; C) the Senate and the House of Commons; D) the House of Commons and the House of Lords; E) the Democratic and the Social. 11.When was the city returned its former name Akmola? A) in 1992; B) in 1997; C) in 1990; D) in 1991; E) in 1987. 12. Where does Admiral Lord Nelson’s statue stand? A) on the top of the Houses of Parliament; B) in the middle of Piccadilly Circus; C) in the middle of Trafalgar Square; D) in the National Gallery; E) in the British Museum. 13. Найдите английский эквивалент слову «кулисы»: A) boxes; B) stalls; C) stage; D) hall; E) wings. 14. The UK can be divided into 4 parts: A) Australia, England, Wales and Scotland. B) Sweden, England, Wales and Northern. C) Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. D) Scotland, Greenland, Wales and Northern Ireland. E) California, Scotland, England and Wales. 15. What is the oldest University of Great Britain? A) Cambridge; B) Edinburgh; C) Sheffield; D) Oxford; E) Birmingham. 16. The British people make presents of chocolate eggs, rabbits and chicks on this day: A) St. Valentine’s Day; B) Easter; C) Christmas; D) New Year; E) Spring Bank Holiday. 17. You go there for a full meal; more expensive than in a café: A) fast food restaurant; B) restaurant; C) bar/pub; D) sandwich bar; E) self-service restaurant/café. 18. He was to set off the explosion to destroy the Houses of Parliament: A) Guy Fawkes; B) Valentine; C) Jesus Christ. 19. What trains are also called stopping trains? A) mail trains; B) slow trains; C) fast trains; D) through trains; E) suburban trains. 20. On this day many go to Church services to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ: A) St. Valentine’s Day; B) Easter; C) Christmas; D) New Year; E) Spring Bank Holiday.
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