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Space mission looking for Earth-like planets
At home
Find information about the latest international missions into outer space in the WWW. a) Open the following abbreviations:
b) What has changed since the father in the picture was a schoolboy? How does the cartoon reflect the state of affairs in education? Look at the text title and complete the sentences according to their possible occurrence in the text. A multinational space mission launched in Kazakhstan overnight is… COROT will monitor the brightness of …. Probably COROT will not be able to detect life, but… 3 a). Correct mistakes in the following word combinations. Explain the rule.
3 b). Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:
4 a). Match these words
4 b).Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:
1) Why is it difficult ________________________________orbiting other suns? 2) The Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn is _______________________________________ between three space agencies and 17 nations, with a total cost of over $3 billion. 3) Many planetary scientists now believe that meteorites can __________________primitive _____________ from one planet to another. 4) Temperature control of a plethysmograph is used ______________________________ _________________in tissue volume. 5) 14 Jan 2009 for the first time, astronomers have measured light emitted from extrasolar planets around sun-like stars using_____________________________. In Class 1. Listen to the Webcast Space mission looking for Earth-like planets and do the exercises below. Match positions with the names
3 Divide these words and word combinations a multinational space mission, Earth-like planets, the solar system, COROT, stars, the French Space Agency, the Soyuz rocket, a satellite, the Earth, a tiny telescope, planets orbiting the stars, an eclipse, exoplanets, the sun, a project scientist into two groups. Explain what determined your decision. Write Keyword(s) in the heading line of the table below.
C - Comprehension Test 1 Listen to the Webcast Space mission looking for Earth-like planets again and tick the correct answer.
B - Comprehension Test 2 Listen to the Webcast Space mission looking for Earth-like planets, answer the questions and fill in the gaps. Part 1 1) What kind of mission did they launch in Kazakhstan? What planets are they to look for? 2) What will the crew monitor? Why? 3) What organization is at the head of mission? What countries do the members of the crew represent?
Part 2
But it's a tiny telescope onboard that'll make or break this mission. The 27-centimetre _____________, along with a sophisticated camera, will look at tens of thousands of stars outside the solar system and measure ____________ changes in their brightness, to _________ planets ____________ around them. The project's Assistant Director, Philippe Goudy, from France's National Space Agency CNES, says it's a bit like watching an _________________________. PHILIPPE GOUDY: Actually, you don't see the planet itself, but you see its effect on the light of the star as the planet passes between the star and the Earth. ANNE BARKER: So it's the stars you'll be looking at more than the planets? PHILIPPE GOUDY: Yes. It is ________________see the planet, because a star is big and very bright and the planet is small and dark. ANNE BARKER: Scientists have already discovered 200 ___________________-, as they're called, using ___________ telescopes. But like the planet Jupiter, all are made mostly of _________. Philippe Goudy says the COROT project is the first mission to search for planets like Earth that could potentially ________________________.
Part 3 PHILIPPE GOUDY: We have been able ______ to detect large planets, like five, six times the diameter of the Earth. We know, or we suspect there are smaller planets, Earth-like planets, and those are ______________ that we will be trying to detect with COROT. ANNE BARKER: And would you be able to learn anything about possible life on those planets? PHILIPPE GOUDY: This is still probably too soon to say. Life ___________ a lot of conditions, but we know that it requires a planet to be __________, like the Earth, and not large gaseous like Jupiter. It requires to be not too close from the sun, but not too far from its star. Probably COROT will not be able to detect life, but it will be able to tell whether they are in position that are more probable to ______________.
Part 4
ANNE BARKER: COROT's project scientist, Malcolm Fridlund, from the European Space Agency, believes this mission is the first step in a ______________________ of astronomical research. MALCOLM FRIDLUND: It will start changing _____________________ of itself, the context that we see ourselves in, because it will start to find out what kind of a world we live on -are we__________________, or are we not, and then of course the follow-up of that is to find out whether there's life somewhere else. So it's a long road that we are setting off on, but we are starting on the road, and that's what makes me so excited about this. A – Comprehension Test 3 1) What is Soyuz rocket carrying on board? 2) How long is it supposed to spend in orbit? How far from the Earth will it be floating? 3) What device is to fulfil the mission? What is it like? How will it be functioning on board? 4) What method did the scientists work out to locate the planets? 5) Why is it nearly impossible to see the planet?
6) How many planets has already been discovered? How has it been done? 7) Why is the mission unique? 8) What criteria should the planet meet so that it could support life? 9) What according to COROT’S project scientist Malcolm Fridlund is the project going to change?
Text 10. New technology may prevent space travel bone damage At home Discuss the following a) Would you like to participate in a space flight? Why? Why do people who are to travel into outer space have to undergo special training? Why are all astronauts examined by doctors after their getting back to the Earth? Why do astronauts fail to fly to Mars?
b) What might the author of the cartoon have implied? Speculate about the difference among these three –nauts. Популярное:
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