Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

V. Запишите числительные цифрами.

Two hundred and twenty-six, four thousand five hundred and sixty-eight pounds ten shillings and three pence, May the fifteenth, nineteen forty-eight.


VI. Раскройте скобки, поставьте соответствующее местоимение. Переве­дите на русский язык.

1. Excuse (I).

2. (I) computer’s screen is blue.

3. I see (he) at my desk.

4. There is (I) boss over the telephone.

5. John comes into (they) room.


VII. Трансформируете предложения, используя конструкции there is/there are. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The food is on the table.

2. The drinks are on the shelves.

3. Some figures are on the display.

4. Some changes are in the market.

5. Some people are in the street.


VIII. Сделайте предложения вопросительными. Задайте специальные воп­росы к выделенным словам.

I. Taiwan produces radios, television sets and other electronic products.

2. There is some oil in the tank.

3. The exporter changes money on the international currency market.

4. He usually buys a lot of meat.

5. She always telephones him from Italy.


IX. Прочитайте текст, выпишите незнакомые слова, переведите их. Выполните задания к тексту.


Herman (over the telephone): Hello. Operator, I need 364 28S 38... Thanks. Yeah... is this 364 285 38? What? Wrong number... 0. God...Hey, operator, I need 364 285 38, ... 38. O.K. Is this 364 285 38? O.K. I need extention 291, please...

Operator: I'm putting you through.

Norman: Is this 291? Could I speak to Mrs. Johnson, please? No, I am calling from Lincoln, Florida... United States, yeah.

Who is speaking? Oh, hello, Linda. Norman here.

Linda Johnson: Hello, Norman, how are you?

Norman: I'm O.K. You know, we аrе signing a contract with Lincoln Freight on Wednesday…

Linda: Wednesday. That is November, the twenty fifth?

Norman: Yes, that's right. November the twenty fifth. Now, look, Linda I need information on our latest transaction in Guatemala. It's about our bank's Letter of Credit dated July the fourth and August the thirteenth.

Linda: Reference numbers? Terms?

Norman: Yeah. Both.

Linda: Hold a moment, please …


- Ответьте на вопросы к тексту письменно.

1. What number does Norman call?

2. What extention does he need?

3. Who puts him through?

4. Where does he telephone?

5. What does he ask Linda about?

3. What are the dates of Letter of Credit?

- Отработайте технику чтения.


Для того чтобы успешно выполнить контрольную работу за II семестр, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса:

1. The Simple Past and Future Tenses.

2. The Present Continuous Tense (в том числе его употребление в значении будущего времени).

3. Participle I (в функции определения и обстоятельства).

4. The Present Perfect Tense (в сравнении с Simple Past).

5. Модальные глаголы can, may, must.

6. Употребление much, many, few (a few), little (a little).

7. Местоимения some, any, no.

Рекомендуется изучать и закреплять теоретический материал, используя следующие пособия и учебники:

1. Агабекян И.П. English for Managers. Английский язык для менеджеров: учеб. пособие. - М.: проспект, 2009.

2. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И., Кудряшова Ю.А. Английский для экономистов: учеб. пособие. – М.: Проспект, 2009.

3. Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь-справочник. Под общей ред. Богацкого И.С. – 5-е изд. Киев: ООО «ИП Логос-М», 2010.

4. Миловидов В.А. Все правила английского языка: справ. пособие/В.А. Миловидов. – М.: АСТ Астрель: Полиграфиздат, 2012.

5. Плюхина З.А. Английский для бухгалтеров и аудиторов + CD-ROM. - М.: ГИС, 2009.

6. Хведченя Л.В., Хорень Р.В.. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. – II-е изд. – М.: Выш. Шк., 2010.


Возможно также использование любых других учебников и пособий по грамматике.

В приведенной ниже таблице указаны страницы учебников авторов Хведченя Л.В. и Хорень Р.В.


Тема Теоретический материал Упражнения для закрепления
The Simple Past and Simple Future Tenses Стр. 98-101 Стр. 102 упр. 1 б, в Стр. 102 упр. 2 Стр. 103 упр. 5 б, в Стр. 105 упр 9 б, в
The Present Continuous Tense Стр. 106-108 Стр. 109 упр. 1а – переведите Стр. 109 упр. 3 предлож. 1, 2 Стр. 110 упр. 5 предлож. 1, 2, 3, 4 Стр. 110 упр. 6 а, б
Participle I (в функции определения и обстоятельства) Стр. 180-183 Стр. 184 упр. 1 а Стр. 184 упр. 2 предложения 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15
The Present Perfect Tense (в сравнении с Simple Past) Стр.111-113 Стр. 114 упр. 1а (перевод предложений) Стр. 115 упр. 2предлож 1, 2, 3, 4 Стр. 115 упр. 3 предлож. 1-6 Стр. 115 упр. 4 Стр. 139 упр 3
Модальные глаголы can, may, must Стр. 143-145 Стр. 146 Стр. 148 упр. 1 (перевод предложений 1-10) Стр. 148 упр. 2 (предлож. 1-10) Стр. 151 упр. 9 (перевод)
Much, many, few (a few), little (a little), some, any, no Стр. 70-72 Стр. 71 упр. 1 (предл. 2-10) Стр. 72 упр. 2 (а, б)



Тексты для чтения

Текст №1

1. Перед чтением текста рекомендуется изучить следующие слова:

To use, to earn, to pay, a vacation, … either … or, to consume, a difference, a currency, a border, to add, to involve, to be sold, a flow of founds, a trade, an investment, a two-way street, to buy, to exist, to spread, a producer, to enter, a decline.

Прочтите текст и переведите его на русский язык.


What is International Trade?

When Honduras exports bananas to Switzerland, they can use the money they earn to import Swiss chocolate – or to pay for Kuwaiti oil or a vacation in Hawaii. The basic idea of international trade and investment is simple: each country produces goods or services that can be either consumed at home or exported to other countries.

The main difference between domestic trade and international trade is the use of foreign currencies to pay for the goods and services crossing international borders. Although global trade is often added up in U.S. dollars, the trading itself involves various currencies. Japanese TV set is paid for in German marks in Berlin and German cars are paid in U.S. dollars in Boston. Indian tea, Brazilian coffee and American films are sold around the world in currencies as diverse as Turkish liras and Mexican pesos.

Trade and investment is a two-way street and with a minimum of trade barriers, international trade and investment usually makes everyone better off.

In an interlinked global economy consumers are given the opportunity to buy the best products at the best prices. By opening up market a government allows its citizens to produce and export those things they are best at and to import the rest, choosing from whatever the world has to offer.

Some trade barriers will always exist as long as any two countries have different sets of laws. However when a country decides to protect its economy by erecting artificial trade barriers, the result is often damaging to everyone, including those people whom barriers were meant to protect.

The Great Depression of the 1930s, for example, spread around the world when the United States decided to erect trade barriers to protect local producers. As other countries retaliated, trade plundered, jobs were lost, and the world entered into a long period of economic decline.


Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим словосочетаниям и выражениям.

Экспортировать в, платить за, основная идея, торговля, инвестиции, производить товары, товары и услуги, основное различие, внутренняя и внешняя торговля, иностранная валюта, во всем мире, покупать лучшие продукты по лучшим ценам, искусственные барьеры, распространяться по всему миру, защищать местного производителя.


4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1) What is the basic idea of international trade?

2) What is the main difference between domestic and international trade?

3) How can you consider trade barriers?

4) What is the difference between trade and investment?

5) What were the sequences of the Great Depression of the 1930s?


Текст №2

1. Перед чтением текста рекомендуется изучить следующие слова:

objective, commerce, to promote, gross domestic product (GDP), capacity utilization, standard of living, stock of capital = capital stock, flat, emergence, adequate, marginal, unequivocal, downside, to externalize, disruption, pattern, pathogen, market access, underclass, aid, consequence, per capita

Прочтите текст и переведите его на русский язык.

Economic Growth

One of the primary objectives in a social system in which commerce and property have a central role is to promote the growth of capital. The standard measures of growth are Gross Domestic Product or GDP, capacity utilization, and 'standard of living'.

The ability of capitalist economies to increase and improve their stock of capital was central to the argument which Adam Smith advanced for a free market setting production, price and resource allocation. It has been argued that GDP per capita was essentially flat until the industrial revolution and the emergence of the capitalist economy, and that it has since increased rapidly in capitalist countries. It has also been argued that a higher GDP per capita promotes a higher standard of living, including the adequate or improved availability of food, housing, clothing, health care, reduced working hours and freedom from work for children and the elderly. These are reduced or unavailable if the GDP per capita is too low, so that most people are living a marginal existence.

Economic growth is, however, not universally viewed as an unequivocal good. The downside of such growth is referred to by economists as the 'externalization of costs'. Among other things, these effects include pollution, the disruption of traditional living patterns and cultures, the spread of pathogens, wars over resources or market access, and the creation of underclasses.

No matter how wealthy the richest capitalists are, it does not ensure the well-being of all the citizens. Such examples of this include the Hurricane Katrina crisis in New Orleans where the working class (a majority of them being African-American) were left without aid despite the US being the wealthiest country in the world at that time.


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

What are the standard measures of economic growth?

What are the side effects of economic growth?

What did the recent natural disasters prove?

Текст №3

1. Перед чтением текста рекомендуется изучить следующие слова: Department Store, Shopping Center, a clearance sale, bargain prices, to invite, dress slacks, long-sleeved shirts, at low prices, a ladies’ department, as low as half price, the selection in sizes, outstanding, on sale.




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