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Task VI. Перепишите предложения, определите в них Причастиe I или Герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. While discussing this problem we used documents dealing with the U. N. Charter.

2. Taking part in scientific conferences helps the students to master theory.

3. Labour law is a system of rules regulating labour relations.

4. After receiving a notification that a crime has been committed the militia must immediately start the investigation.

5. The boy is suspected of having committed a murder.


Task VII. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты:

1. All citizens are obliged to observe laws.

2. As our meeting was to be held at 5 pm, we had to finish our work earlier than usual.

3. You should ask your friends to help with your English.

4. You may smoke here.

5. He can speak English.

6. We shall be able to discuss this problem at the next seminar.

Task VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя необходимые по смыслу модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты:

1. Я полагаю, что это предложение должно быть принято.

2. Свидетель не должен задавать вопросы на судебном процессе.

3. Его не следовало назначать главой департамента.

4. Полицейскому следует еще раз осмотреть место преступления.

5. Это соглашение не может быть подписано.

Task IX. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужную форму сослагательного наклонения и переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. If an offender (to want) to return to an honest life of labour he (to have) every opportunity to do so.

2. The government (to solve) all its problems if it (to overcome) the resistance of the opposition.

3. If the reform of a person (to be) possible without criminal punishment only educational measures (to apply).

4. If this man (not to violate) the law then he (not to be sentenced) to imprisonment.

5. If the investigation (to be conducted) with greater thoroughness last year, the case (to be solved) much sooner.

Task X.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на сказуемые в сослагательном наклонении:

1. Если процесс направлен на наказание, то этот процесс является уголовным, а если он направлен на возмещение ущерба, процесс является гражданским.

2. Он будет приговорен к пяти годам тюремного заключения, если его признают виновным.

3. Если бы доказательства были менее важными, не стоило бы собирать их так долго.

4. Если человек убивает в Лондоне, а затем скрывается в США, он становится «международным преступником».

5. Если бы не было улик, он не был бы признан виновным в воровстве.

Task XI. Разделите текст на несколько частей, и озаглавьте каждую из них.

Task XII. Составьте пять типов вопросов к тексту.

Вариант II


The Common law and the Civil law. The term " common law" has several meanings. It is used to distinguish the law developed by the courts from that enacted by legislatures. The term is also used, probably in its largest sense, to distinguish between the English system of law and the civil or continental system of law. (to distinguish - различать).

The sources of the American common law for the most part are found in English law. The colonists were governed by charters granted by the King of England. These charters were general in their nature and left much to be worked out by the people of the colonies. Since most of the colonists were of English origin, they naturally were controlled by the customs of their mother country.

(origin - происхождение; mother country - рoдина)

In Louisiana, and to some extent, in Texas and California, the civil law or the Roman law is the basis of the legal system, because these states were founded by French and Spanish colonists. The law of Continental Europe is based more directly upon the Roman law.

Public and Private law. Anglo-American law may be divided into two main divisions - public law and private law.

Public law is the law pertaining to the public as a whole, and may be divided into three general classes: (1) Constitutional law concerns itself with the powers to the federal and state government which are exercised through legislation and executive orders. The extent of the powers of Congress and state legislatures to pass laws and of the executives of the federal government and the states to issue orders involves questions of constitutional law. (2) Administrative law is concerned with officials, boards, and commissions created by legislative enactments for the purpose of carrying out legislative functions. (3) Criminal law consists of statutes and general maxims which forbid certain conduct as detrimental to the welfare of the state and provide punishment therefore.

(to pertain – иметь отношение, to pass laws – принимать законы;

to carry out - выполнять; maxim - принцип).

Private law is all that body of law which pertains to the relationships between individuals as such in organized society. It may be classified as (1) the law of contracts, (2) the law of agency, (3) the law of real and personal property, (4) the law of business associations, (5) the law of procedure and practice and so on.


to enact – предписывать; вводить закон; постановлять

charter – право, привилегия; устав; грамота

board – правление, совет, коллегия, департамент, министерство

enactment – введение закона в силу; закон, указ

maxim – правило поведения, принцип

detrimental – вредный; приносящий убыток, ущерб

welfare – благосостояние, благоденствие

the law of contracts – договорное право

the law of agency – совокупность норм, регулирующих институт гражданско-правового представительства; агентское право

the law of real and personal property – нормы права о недвижимости и о вещных правах на движимое имущество

the law of business associations – право, регулирующее область деловых отношений

the law of procedure and practice – процессуальное и прецедентное право

Task I. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is the Common Law? What is this term used for?

2. What are the sources of the American Common Law?

3. In what way were the colonists governed? Give the characteristics of the charters.

4. In what states is the Roman law the basis of the legal system? Why?

5. What divisions may Anglo-American law be divided into?

6. How many classes does Public law comprise? What are they? What are they concerned with?

7. What do you know about Private law?

8. What groups may it be classified into?

Task II. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и выражения:

- source;

- to be governed;

- origin;

- extent;

- legal system;

- division;

- public law;

- private law;

- to pass laws;

- officials;

- legislative functions;

Task III. Заполните пропуски предлогами:

to distinguish …; charters granted … the king; to be general … nature; to work …; … some extent; to be based …; to be divided …; to be concerned …; to be exercised … legislation; to carry … legislative functions; to consist of; conduct detrimental … the welfare of the state; body …of law; to pertain … the relationship;

Task IV. Выберите из текста словосочетания со следующими словами:

law, legal, powers, government, legislature system;

Task V. Найдите в тексте следующие слова и выражения на английском языке.

общее право, гражданское право, источники права, правовая система, принять закон, федеральное правительство, исполнительные органы, выполнять законодательные функции, запрещать, наказание, отношения между людьми, контрактное право, собственность;

Task VI. Перепишите предложения, определите в них Причастие I или герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. While making his report the speaker told us some interesting facts about the foundation of the U. N.

2. In 1947 the U. N. General Аssembly passed decisions on apprehending war criminals and deporting them to the countries where they had committed their crimes, for trial and punishment.

3. Being appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation or the Security Council the Secretary General serves a five-year term.

4. Carrying out a criminal order issued above is punishable.

5. One of the aim of the police is eradicating crime.



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