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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Поставьте предложения в страдательный залог и переведите их.
1. Did they offer you a good job? 2. They have just shown you a good film. 3. The teacher was reading a fairy-tale to the children. 4. Have you written a letter to Father? 5. Have the parents buy you a new bicycle?
Поставьте прилагательные/наречия в нужной по смыслу форме. 1. We had rarely listened to a (absurd) proposition. 2. There are many customers on Saturdays than on weekends. 3. This jacket was by far (expensive) in the shop, it wasn’t as (expensive) as yours. 4. The Park hotel is (little) fashionable than the Plaza. 5. The (strong) the wind, the (hard) the conditions of work for weather observers.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функцию и форму герундия. 1. Taking a picnic in the heart of the English countryside is one of the life’s most treasured experiences. 2. You have no reason for saying that. 3. I don’t object to being disturbed. 4. Besides being clever she was very beautiful. 5. He has a bad habit of interrupting people.
Закончите предложения, выбирая правильную форму инфинитива. Укажите его функцию. 1. There was nothing to (fear/be feared). 2. I dislike to (discuss/be discussed) as though I weren’t there. 3. He finds it easy to (understand/be understood) spoken English. 4. A witty limerick is very difficult to (be written/to write).
10. Перепишите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант.
1. Your car costs … than mine, but it is more beautiful. a) little b) less c) the least d) fewer
2. My father who … recently spends all day reading the newspaper. a) retired b) has retired c) reties d) will retire
3. You aren’t allowed … here. a) parking b) to park c) park d) to parking
4. Computers can … in many fields. a) use b) be used c) have used d) is used
5. Brian should not.... a) be laughed b) laugh at c) be laughed at d) to be laughed at
6. The figures … in The Times yesterday. a) had referred to b) referred to c) will referred to d) were referred to
7. … … words about the author himself, the lecturer went on … of his works. a) saying, few, to speak b) having said, few, speaking c) after saying, a few, to speak d) to have said, a few, speaking
8. There is no point … to him. He is … last man in the world … by such circumstances. a) to speak, the, to trouble b) to speak, -, being troubled c) speaking, a, be troubled d) in speaking, the, to be troubled
9. No one even tries to make these children … well. a) behave b) behaving c) to behave d) behaved
10. As a small boy he was used to …. a) leaving in the garden alone b) leave alone in the garden c) leave in the garden alone d) being left alone in the garden
11. I was careful enough not to promise them … their son to Britain for summer holidays. a) inviting b) invite c) to invite d) inviting of
12. Without … to her, he began looking for a flat near her … house a) telling anything, parents b) speaking something, parents’ c) talking something, parents d) saying anything, parents’
13. The trip was … and he was …, but … ten miles.. passed. a) tiring, exhausting, other, were b) tiring, exhausted, another, were c) tired, exhausting, the other, was d) tiring, exhausted, another, was
14. Remember … your oil, water and tires before you …. a) checking, will set off b) to check, set off c) to checked, sat off d) having checked, will set off
15. … much like a boot, … Italian Peninsula extends generally southeast into... Mediterranean Sea. a) Shaping, -, the b) Shaped, the, the c) Having shaped, -, the d) Being shaped, the, -
Вариант 1
Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на русский язык. What is news?
1. The nature of news is a favorite subject of discussion among journalists/ some places the emphasis on one aspect, some on another but it is generally agreed that that the essence of news is topicality, novelty and generally interest. To be news an item of information must have a bearing on affairs of the moment, it must be new for those who hear or read it, and it must arouse the interest of a considerable number of those hearers or readers. Item which possess these qualities to a marked degree are often spoken of as hard news, and are given priority by those who select and arrange the contents of the paper. 2. The art of news gathering calls for a highly developed sense of news values. To acquire this sense the journalist must have a wide acquaintance with men affairs, a sound educational background and very considerable stock of general knowledge. For it is only thus that will be able to distinguish what is new from what is already known, and what is of topical interest from what is of little concern to the majority of his readers. And this knowledge he must keep constantly up to date by being himself an assiduous reader of newspaper and magazine. 3. Above all, he must have his finger on the pulse of current thought and public opinion. He must be aware of what the great mass of people around him are thinking and feeling. He must never lose “the common touch”, for although he himself may move in a circle whose interests are specialized, what he writes must appeal to the man in the street. 4. The collection of news has a highly organized in business. There is hardly a corner of the world today which is not covered by the gigantic network of news agencies. 5. Very briefly, the system operates thus. Local new is collected by the reporters and district representatives of provincial newspapers, and by the local staff correspondence of the national dailies. Events of national reporters are covered by staff reporters of the national dailies and by special correspondence of both the national and provincial press. 6. In addition, home news is reported by district correspondents of the news agencies, notably the Press Association, the Exchange Telegraph and Central News. Foreign news is gathered by Reuters news agency and by the foreign correspondents employed by the national dailies and some of the larger provincial papers. Items of interest to particular sections of the community (e.g. trade and technical news) are gathered by a smaller news agencies operating in different parts of the country.
2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту письменно.
1. What is the favorite subject of discussion among journalists? 2. What does it mean “to be of general interest”? 3. What other qualities must news possess? 4. Why must the journalists have a wide acquaintance with men and affairs? 5. Why is it essential to be aware of what the great mass of people is thinking? 6. Is the collection of news a highly organized business? Why? 7. Who gathers information about provincial and foreign life? 8. Who employs the foreign correspondents?
3. Напишите русские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:
To place the emphasis on something, topically, novelty, the essence of news, to have a bearing on the affairs, to possess some qualities, to a marked degree, to give priority to something, to select and arrange the contents of the newspaper, to acquire a highly developed sense of news values, a sound educational background, a considerable stock of knowledge, to be of little concern, to appeal, to above all, district representatives of provincial newspapers, local staff correspondents of the national dailies, home news, foreign news.
Обсудите и запишите ваши идеи по следующим темам, используя выражения приведенные ниже.
1. The nature of news. Phrases to be used: a favorite subject of discussions, to place the emphasis on, topically, novelty, and general interest, to have a bearing on the affairs of the moment, to arouse interest, to give priority, to select and arrange the contents of the paper. 2. The art of news gathering. Phrases to be used: a highly developed sense of news values, a wide acquaintance with men affairs, a sound education background, a very considerable stock of general knowledge, to be able to distinguish, to be interest to, to be of little concern to, to keep up to date, to have one’s finger on the pulse of current thought and public opinion, to be aware of, to appeal to the main in the street. 3. The collection of news. Phrases to be used: highly organized business, to be covered by gigantic network, local and national newspapers, news-gatherers, news agencies, local news, provincial news papers, local staff correspondents, items of interests to particular sections of the community.
Вариант 2
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