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Press Conference


1. Persons who know they are to be interviewed by the press often arrange for formal interviews at which representatives of all the newspapers in the community are present. From the standpoint of the reporter, such as interview is undesirable because none of the information he obtains is exclusive.

2. An advantage of the formal interview, however, lies in fact that there are several minds thinking up questions to ask. Frequently the person to be interviewed announces in advance that these questions must be prepared in writing and submitted some time before the hour of the interview. The procedure permits the reporter to know exactly what the subject matter of the interview is to be, but it also allows the interviewee to prepare guarded answers to questions which, if presented spontaneously, might bring forth answers more to be reporter’s liking.

3. Even when interviewing the person in the company of other reporters, it is possible to obtain material on which to write a different story from those which the other shall write. The keenest listener and the sharpest wit present write the best story. Comparison of several write-ups based on a joint interview often discloses different methods of handling the subject. One reporter plays up one statement and the other reporter picks an entirely different one foe his feature. Still a third writer concentrates on the personality of the interviewee rather than upon his remarks/

4. Sometimes it is possible to loiter for a minute or two at the end of a group interview to get a quick answer to an exclusive question.


2. Письменно ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.

1. How are formal interviews usually arranged?

2. Why is such interview undesirable from the standpoint of the reporter?

3. What is the advantage of the formal interview?

4. What does the person to be interviewed announced in advance?

5. What does the procedure permit the reporter and the interviewee to do?

6. Why do you think it is possible to write some exclusive material after a formal interview?

7. Who usually writes the best story?

8. What different methods of handling the subject can be used?

9. How can one get a quick answer to an exclusive question?


Напишите русские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям.

Formal interview, representative, standpoint, undesirable, obtain, exclusive, announce in advance, submit some time, procedure, interviewee, guarded, questions, spontaneously, forth answers, keenest, sharpest wit, joint interview, disclose.


Объедините следующие предложения, используя подходящую форму инфинитива. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. It’s very cold. We can’t bathe.

2. The boy is very young. He can’t have a front-door key.

3. It’s too dark. We couldn’t see the car/

4. I sent the son out of the room. I wanted to discuss his progress with a headmaster.

5. he sent his children to his sister’s house/ he wanted o have some peace/

6. Don’t let the baby to play with my glasess/ he may break them/

7. We must take our gloves. We don’t want to get frozen.


Вариант №3


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News conference


1. News conferences are structured opportunities to release news simultaneously to all media. They should be used only when the news is important and when interaction is required to promote understanding of complex of controversial topics. Unless the event is extremely newsworthy and simple cannot be handled through releases, or unless there is someone newsworthy to interview, do not call the conference.

2. For those rare occasions when news conferences are appropriate the following guide will help assure success.

3. Plan the event carefully. Invite all representatives of all media that may have an interest far enough in advance for editors to plan to send reporters and photographers. Select an appropriate site close to the event being covered and convenient for major media (hotel, press club, airport boardroom – never PR office). Check foe enough electrical outlets and telephones. Time the conference to accommodate major media deadlines. Make certain you prepare enough handout material for everyone. Prepare any visuals that maybe used so that they will photograph well from any place in the room. Prepare a poster of the organization’s logo or name to go over the one of the speaker’s stand if you use a rented facility. Plan to phone major media the morning or afternoon before the conference as a reminder. Simple refreshments are generally a nice touch.

4. Prepare executives and other to be interviewed. Make certain they understand the topics that will be discussed. Help them anticipate for difficult and touchy questions. If they do not know the answer, they should say so and offer to find out. If the answer to the question is considered proprietary information, they should state that it is not for public disclosure. Cultivate a pleasant, cooperative attitude among those who will be interviewed. If they are afraid of or resent the media, it will show. Advise them to avoid off-the-record comments.

5. Public relations practitioners are the directors and stage managers. Keep the meeting moving and interesting, but do not take over the jobs of the media. Try to keep relationships cordial and professional even in the heat of questioning. Never take obvious control of the meeting unless things get out of hand.

6. Public relations practitioners increasingly are using social science techniques in their work. They are expected to know about surveys, data searches and content analysis and how to conduct telephone and personal interviews.

7. The relationship between journalists and public relation practitioners is a difficult one. If practitioners understand the media and the reporter’s role, however, positive relationships can be developed that are beneficial to all.

8. Once positive relations are established, several steps should be taken to use them effectively. Developing appropriate attitude, setting goals, planning and performing adequate research are essential aspects of successful media relations.

9. Specific techniques for communicating with the media include publicity releases, news kits, newsrooms, interviews and news conferences. All of these approaches must be used judiciously – for publicity may backfire. Inappropriate publicity efforts can injure the relations that have been built over time with the media and the public.


2. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту.


1. What opportunities do news conferences offer?

2. When should they be used?

3. What topics are covered at news conferences?

4. What are the first steps in organizing the news conference?

5. What must you prepare before the meeting with media?

6. How can you help the executives prepare foe journalist’s questions?

7. Why it is so important to cultivate a pleasant and corporative attitude of the interviewee?

8. What are the recommendations you can add?

9. How must PR practitioners work during news conferences?

10. What things are PR practitioners advised not to do?

11. How can positive relations between journalists and PR practitioners be developed?

12. What are essential aspects of successful media relations?



Напишите русские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям.

Interaction is required, there’s someone newsworthy to interview, call a conference, event being covered, check for, anticipate and prepare for, find out, cooperative attitude, avoid off- the- record comments, keep the meeting moving and interesting, take control of, setting goals, essential aspects, inappropriate efforts, injure.


4. Письменно выполните следующее задание: You are going to call a news conference. What points should you take into consideration? What arrangements will help you assure success? (write 8 or 10 sentences)


Вариант 4


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Working with the media


1. With a basic understanding of the complex relationships between PR practitioners and journalists, we can outline few general principles foe working with the media. In the first place, managers must reconcile themselves to the legitimacy of the media’s role in monitoring the performance of their organizations and leaders. Managers and institutions must understand and accommodate the unique position of the media, realizing that, on one level, an adversarial relationship is normal.

2. The beat advice in dealing with the media is to give journalists what they want in the form and language they want. Respond quickly and honestly to media request for information. By working to establish a relationship of mutual trust with particular journalists, you can defuse many potentially antagonistic encounters.

3. Opportunity offered by media contact/ a meeting with the media represents a critical challenge as problems to be overcome. It is more constructive, however, to view them as opportunities. Publicity can not replace good works or effective actions, but it can gain attention for issues, ideas, or products. It can spotlight an organization’s personality, policies or performances. It can make something or someone known.

4. Every media contact is an opportunity to get feedback, to tell your story, to create a positive response to your organization. Of course there are dangers – but what opportunity presents itself without risk? And what opportunity can be taken without preparation?

5. Preparation strategies. Preparation to meet the media is essential for both individuals and organizations. Preparation means more than getting psyched up about a particular interview, because when the opportunity comes, there may be little time to prepare. A company official may have only two hours to gather information and prepare strategy to deal effectively with some very sensitive issue.

6. Before anyone in the organization meets with the media, the first step is to develop the proper set of attitudes. Meeting the media is an opportunity, not a problem; therefore, defensiveness is not appropriate. There is no need to feel intimidated – particularly if your objective is worthy. Is the case of the university’s fund – raising campaign, the purpose of the press conference must be kept firmly in mind. The PR director should refuse, in a friendly way, to be dragged by reporter’s questions into subjects other than the donation and campaign.

7. the attitude of the interviewee toward the journalists should be of hospitality, cooperation and openness. At the same time, the interviewee should decide what needs to be said and say it – no matter what the reporter’s questions may be. A positive mental attitude is essential. Once this attitude is established among everyone in an organization who may be called upon to be interviewed, it becomes much easier and less dramatic to prepare for specific interviewers.


2. Письменно ответьте на вопросы по тексту.


1. Do you agree that media’s role in monitoring the performance of the organizations and their leaders is legitimate? Why?

2. Is adversarial relationship between managers and the media are normal?

3. What is the best advice in dealing with the media?

4. How can one defuse potentially antagonistic encounters?

5. Does a meeting with the media represent a critical challenge to the organization?

6. How does the company official usually feel before meeting the media?

7. What may the first step in the case of the university’s fund-raising campaign be?

8. What should the attitude of the interviewee towards the journalists be?

9. What should the interviewee decide?

10. Why is positive mental attitude essential?





  1. I. Переведите письменно существительные (1-10).
  2. I. Поставьте глаголы в Simple Past и Future Simple, употребляя соответствующие наречия времени. Запишите полученные предложения и переведите их на русский язык.
  3. II. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол must.
  4. II. Переведите слова, словосочетания и фразы, применяя прием узуальной подстановки.
  5. III. Переведите следующие предложения и определите тип интернационализма.
  6. III. Переведите текст, применяя приемы простой лексической подстановки и альтернативной подстановки.
  7. IV. В следующих предложениях подчеркните модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  8. IV. Переведите глаголы, пользуясь словарем. Поставьте вместо точек подходящий по смыслу глагол. Предложения переведите.
  9. IV. Переведите следующие единицы, применяя
  10. Task VI. Перепишите предложения, определите в них Причастиe I или Герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  11. Task VI. Перепишите предложения, определите в них Причастие I или Герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  12. Task VI. Перепишите предложения, определите в них Причастие I или герундий. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

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