| Theme
| Content (tasks) of self-study
| Expected results
| Reference
| Assessment
| Due to…
| Score
| Grammar: Tense revision. Present perfect tense. Word building
Vocabulary: Introduction. What is graphic design?
History of formation and development of ecological knowledge. Ecological codex of Republic of Kazakhstan
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.16 pp34-36
S.L. 16 p 35
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 10 phrases)
| 1 week
| Grammar: Passive Voice 1
Vocabulary: An introduction to brand design
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentation on the given topic, reading and translation the text
S.L.16 p27-31
S.L.16 p 29, 31
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 10 phrases)
| 2 week
| Grammar:
Passive voice 2
Why is furniture design so important?
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.16 pp 46-49
S.L.16 p 49
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 10 phrases)
| 3 week
| Grammar: Prepositions. Types of prepositions
Modal verbs and their equivalents.
A guide to interior design
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.16 pp36-38
S.L. 16 p 38
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 10 phrases)
| 4 week
| Grammar:
Word building. Conversion. Participle I
Fashion and textile design.
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.16 pp49-51, 71-73 S.L.16 p 70
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 10 phrases)
| 5 week
| Grammar:
Participle II. Adjective forming suffixes
A history of fashion.
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.17 pp489-491
S.L.16 p 70
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
| Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 10 phrases)
| 6 week
| Grammar:
Infinitive. Functions of the infinitive. Impersonal sentences.
What design is and why it matters
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.16 pp41-43
S.L.17 p 317
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
| Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 10-15 phrases)
| 7 week
| Grammar:
Grammar Revision
| 8 week
| Midterm examination № 1
| Grammar: Types of subordinate sentences. Clauses.
Complex Object.
Vocabulary: History of fashion design
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.16 pp58-59
S.L.16 p 118
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
| Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 10-15 phrases)
| 9 week
| Grammar: TheInfinitive construction Complex Subject
Vocabulary: Types of fashion
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.16 pp74-76
S.L.16 p 76, 118, 121
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
| Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 15 phrases)
| Grammar: Conjunction and conjunction words. Structure of compound sentences.
Vocabulary: Mass market.
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.17 pp47-48
S.L.16 p 119, 120
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
| Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 15 phrases)
| 10 week
| Grammar: Sequence of tenses. Reported speech
Vocabulary: World fashion industry
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
S.L.17 p318, 449
S.L.16 p 82-89
S.L. 16 p.125
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
| Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 15-20 phrases)
| 11 week
| Grammar: Sequence of tenses. Reported speech
Vocabulary: The New Economic Policy
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
| Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 20 phrases)
| 12 week
| Grammar: Conditional sentences. Wish clauses.
Vocabulary: Fashion design terms
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
| Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 20 phrases)
| 13 week
| Grammar:
Grammar Revision
Design as a process
| Oral and written lexical and grammar exercises, preparing oral presentations on the given topics, reading and translation the text
| To consolidate grammar, to extend vocabulary. To improve reading and speaking abilities, to train to be able to keep conversation going, to develop listening comprehension abilities
| Basic literature
1, 2, 13, 23-25
Supplementary literature 1, 2, 3 17
| Test on listening comprehension, oral reproduction of the given text, word dictation on the given vocabulary, monologue speech on the given theme ( 20 phrases)
| 14 week
| Midterm examination № 2
| 15 week
Basic literature
1. Закон об образовании РК, № 389 - 1з РК, 07.06.99, г. Астана.
2. Государственный образовательный стандарт Р.К. Образование высшее профессиональное. Основные положения ГОСО РК. 3001-2000, Астана, 2000.
3. Абдыгаппарова С.Б., Ахметова Г.К., Ибатуллин С.Р. и др. Основы кредитной системы обучения в Казахстане. Алматы, 2004.
4. Бонк Н.А. и др. Учебник английского языка. Москва: Деконт, 1999.
5. Бурова З.И. Учебно-методический комплекс по английскому языку для гуманитарных вузов. Москва, 2000.
6. Антипова А.Ф. Анлийский для студентов технических вузов. – Альянс, 2011.
7. Карыбаева Г.А. ЭУ для студентов специальности «Дизайн».- Алматы: КазГАСА, 2009
8. Мусихина О.Н. Английский для строителей. - Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009
9. Козлов П.Г. Коммуникативные умения как ядро иноязычной коммуникативной способности. - В сб. Коммуникативные основы обучения иностранным языкам. Алматы, 1994.
10.Ю.Кузнецова Н. Учись читать литературу по специальности. Москва: Высшая школа, 1985.
11.Кунанбаева С.С. Теоретические основы коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения иностранным языкам. Алматы, 1994.
12. Безручко Е.Н. Английский для архитекторов.- М.: ВШ, 2009
13.Отраслевые двуязычные словари: русско-английский.
14.The Essentials of English A Writer's Handbook Longman, 2004
15.Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English. 2004.
16.Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Longman, 2004.
17. Дизайн: сборник текстов для перевода (на английском языке)
Е. С. Манченко, В. М. Радван. – Астрахань: Астраханский государственный университет, Издательский дом «Астраханский университет», 2011.
Supplementary literature
| R. Murphy English grammar in use (elementary)
| 2.
| R. Murphy English grammar in use (intermediate)
| 3.
| Луговая А.Л. Английский для строительных специальностей. – М: ВШ, 2008
| 4.
| D.Rakhimova, S.Rustemova, B.Alimzhanova Architecture 2005
| 5.
| Полякова Е.Ю. Английский для инженеров. - М: ВШ, 2008
| 6.
| Ауезова Г.Т., Сариева А.К. Английский для студентов строительной специальности.- Алматы: КазГАСА, 2009
| 7.
| И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко, Английский для инженеров. Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2009
| 8.
| Ю. Голицынский Сборник грамматических упражнений. Москва 2005
| 9.
| S.I. Blinova English for practice 1998
| 10.
| Т.Ю. Дроздова English Grammar: Reference and Practice. С.Петербург 2002
| 11..
| Interactive board, projector, computer classroom
Course policy
Students are not allowed to:
· Be late for classes
· Miss classes without any reason
· Talk during class by cell phone, chew gum
· Avoid wearing business dress code
· Be impolite with fellow students and teachers
Knowledge assessment
Current check - during tutorials, office hours, self study where students have:
- To be able to speak on the given subject;
- To make up typical dialogues and to reproduce them;
- To present the chosen theme, advertisement of the product, company etc.
- To complete written exercises;
- To do role plays;
- To translate (orally or written) the texts, articles according to the specialties.
Midterm examination:
- To do vocabulary and grammar checking tests.
Final examination :
- To pass exam at the end of the term ( in cards form)
The policy of assessment is based on a 100-point system and provides the following distribution of points: the current and intermediate control is assigned a total of 60 points, the final control - 40 points.
11.1 Approximate scheme of knowledge assessment during the course
| The student’s activity on:
| Number of points
| I
-practical classes - self-study
12, 5/25 point
7, 5/15 point
| II
| INTERMEDIATE CONTROL: two of 10 control points for each coursework in the semester
10/20 (10*2=20)
| 20/40
| Total
| 50/100 points
11.2 Approximate scheme of the student’s grading at the exam
| Examination results
| Evaluation in points
(в %)
| 1.
| Current control
| 2.
| Intermediate control
| 3.
| Final control
11.3 The student’s knowledge assessment scale
| | Scores in alphabetic system
| The digital equivalent of the points
| The percentage of points
Point on conventional system
| А
| 4, 0
| 95-100
| excellent
| | А-
| 3, 67
| 90-94
| | В+
| 3, 33
| 85-89
| good
| | В
| 3, 0
| 80-84
| | В-
| 2, 67
| 75-79
| | С+
| 2, 33
| 70-74
| satisfactory
| | С
| 2, 0
| 65-69
| | С-
| 1, 67
| 60-64
| | Д+
| 1, 33
| 55-59
| | Д
| 1, 0
| 50-54
| | F
| 0-49
| unsatisfactory
| | | | | | | |