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Designer: definition and types

A designer is a person who designs something. Perhaps the broadest definition is that provided by psychologist Herbert Simon: “Everyone designs who devises courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones”.

As well as amateur designers, there are many professional designer occupations.

To become a professional designer usually requires study to degree

level and certain work experience or training. Entry to some design professions is strictly controlled or limited by legal requirements, but use of the title “designer” is generally un-regulated.

Working as a designer usually implies being creative in a particular area

of expertise. Designers are usually responsible for developing the concept and

making drawings or models for something new that will be made by someone

else. Their work takes into consideration not only how something will look, but also how it will be used and how it will be made. There can be great differences between the working styles and principles of designers in different professions.

In the 1980s the term “designer” began to be applied to products such as

furniture and clothing that had distinctive aesthetics or were the work of certain “signature” designers. So, for example, there were “designer chairs” and “designer jeans”. The term later came to be applied to anything that was ostentatiously created for a purpose, such as “designer drugs”, or even the “esigner stubble” worn by some fashionable men.

Different types of designers include the following.

Architect or architectural designer is primarily involved in the design of

buildings or urban landscapes. Architectural designers have good creative skills, imagination and artistic talent.

Design engineer is a general term that covers multiple engineering disciplines

including electrical, mechanical and civil engineering, architectural engineers

in the U.S. and building engineers in the U.K.

Automotive designer is involved in the development of the appearance,

and to some extent the ergonomics, of motor vehicles or more specifically road vehicles. This most commonly refers to automobiles but also refers to motorcycles, trucks, buses, coaches, and vans.

Broadcast designer is a person who designs the graphics and media incorporated in television productions. A large portion of broadcast design is

known as “branding” for television channels and programs. The job of the designer is to create a look and feel for a specific idea or subject. Often, television stations will wish to re-invent their style – this is where the broadcast designer's skills are called upon.

Costume designer is a person whose responsibility is to design costumes

for a film or stage production. He or she is considered part of the “production

team”, alongside the director, scenic and lighting designers as well as the sound designer. The costume designer might also collaborate with a hair/wig master or a makeup designer.

Face designer (or make-up artist) is an artist who creates makeup and

prosthetics for theatrical, television, film, fashion, magazines and other similar productions including all aspects of the modeling world. In some cases, the title of Make-up Artist can also encompass the responsibilities of hair styling.

Fashion designer conceives garment combinations of line, proportion,

color, and texture. While sewing and pattern-making skills are beneficial, they

are not a pre-requisite of successful fashion design. Most fashion designers are formally trained or apprenticed.

Textile designer is involved in the process of creating designs for knitted,

woven or printed fabrics. Successful textile designers marry a creative vision of what a finished textile will look like with a deep understanding of the technical aspects of production and the properties of fiber, yarn, and dyes.

Game designer is a person who designs game play, conceiving and designing

the rules and structures of a game. It is essentially the game equivalent

to a screenwriter. The term applies to the designer of any game, whether a video game or tabletop games such as board games or card games.

Graphic designer is a professional within the graphic design and graphic

arts industry who assembles together images, typography or motion graphics to create a piece of design. A graphic designer creates the graphics primarily for published, printed or electronic media, such as brochures and advertising. They are also sometimes responsible for typesetting, illustration, user interfaces, and web design, or take a teaching position, although these specialties may be assigned to specialists in various graphic design occupations. A core responsibility of the designer's job is to present information in a way that is both accessible and memorable.

Industrial designer is to create and execute design solutions towards problems

of form, usability, user ergonomics, engineering, marketing, brand development and sales.

Interior designer applies creative and technical solutions within a structure

to achieve a built interior environment. These solutions are functional, enhance the quality of life and culture of the occupants, and are aesthetically attractive. The work of an interior designer draws upon many disciplines including environmental psychology, architecture, product design, and traditional decoration (aesthetics and cosmetics). They plan the spaces of almost every type of building including: hotels, corporate spaces, schools, hospitals, private residences, shopping malls, restaurants, theaters, and airport terminals. Today, interior designers must be attuned to architectural

detailing including floor plans, home renovations, and construction codes.

Some interior designers are architects as well.

Jewelry designer is defined as a person who renders, creates, and models

original jewelry creations. By profession this person would be trained in the

knowledge of metal-smithing and design. Historically jewelry designers originated as goldsmiths in Etruscan Civilization and became more dominant through ancient Greek and Roman cultures. Today's jewelry designers are often professionals with knowledge of gemology, metal-smithing and rendering in order to cater to large volumes of consumers as well as private clients. These designs can be initially created in a special jewelers model wax or even in metal (silver) in order to create a mold where an unlimited number of these same pieces can be cast in gold, silver or platinum.

Landscape designer/architect is a person involved in the planning, design

and sometimes oversight of an exterior landscape or space.

The role of the lighting designer within theatre is to work with the director,

set designer, costume designer, and sometimes the sound designer and choreographer to create an overall “look” for the show in response to the text, while keeping in mind issues of visibility, safety and cost. Outside of the theatre the job of a lighting designer can be found working on rock and pop tours, corporate launches, art installation and on massive celebration spectaculars, for example the Olympic Games opening and closing ceremonies.

Web designer creates presentations of content (usually hypertext or hypermedia) that is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, by way of a Web browser or other Web-enabled software like Internet television clients, microblogging clients. They develop and style objects of the Internet's information environment to provide them with high-end consumer features and aesthetic qualities.


designer drug – (similar subjective

effects to illegal recreational drugs) –наркотик кустарного производства (a term used to describe psychoactive

drugs which are created (or marketed,

if they had already existed) to get around existing drug laws, usually

by modifying the molecular structures

of existing drugs to varying degrees, or less commonly by finding drugs with entirely different chemical structures that produce)

automotive designer – автомобильный конструктор

to devise – разрабатывать

un-regulated – нерегулируемый

“signature” designer – дизайнер «с именем»

ostentatiously для вида

stubble – щетина, небритая борода

ergonomics эргономика

to conceive задумывать

beneficial выгодный

pre-requisite предпосылка

apprenticed отданный в ученики (подмастерья)

scenic – сценический, театральный

blogging модель интерактивной журналистики, способ общения и познания



1. Find in the text the English equivalents: разрабатывать курс дейст-

вий; специфическая область экспертизы; принимать во внимание; охваты-

вать различные технические дисциплины; быть задействованным в выпус-

ке телевизионных программ; продвижение торговой марки; присмотр за

ландшафтом; создавать и реализовывать дизайнерские решения; собирать

образы; корпоративные места; угождать покупателям; яркое театральное

представление; корпоративное начало.

2. Match the words (A) and their definitions (B):

a) Design engineer; b) Architect or architectural designer; c) Automotive designer;

d) Broadcast designer; e) Costume designer; f) Face designer; g) Fashion

designer; h) Textile designer; i) Game designer; j) Graphic designer; k) Industrial

designer; l) Interior designer; m) Jewelry designer; n) Landscape designer;

o) Web designer.

1) a screenwriter or a person who works out a video game or tabletop


2) a person who is a connoisseur in electricity, mechanics, civil engineering,

architecture and building;

3) a person who possesses the knowledge of gemology, metal-smithing

and rendering for creating inimitable jewelry creations;

4) a person who is involved in exploiting some exterior sights of a landscape

or space;

5) a person who develops and styles objects of the Internet's information

environment to provide them with high-end consumer features and aesthetic


6) a person who is engaged in the building’s design or urban landscapes;

7) a person who is concerned to create and execute design solutions towards

problems of form, usability, user ergonomics, engineering, marketing,

brand development and sales;

8) a person who is responsible for typesetting, illustration, user interfaces,

and web design and creates the graphics primarily for published, printed or electronic


9) a professional who is competent in many disciplines that are connected

with a built interior environment;

10) a person who has an edge to create costumes for a film or stage production;

11) a person who is aware of fashion trends and creates his own viewpoint

of style;

12) a person who is to design a look and feel for a specific idea or subject

that is incorporated in television productions;

13) an artist who creates makeup and prosthetics for theatrical, television,

film, fashion, magazines and other similar productions;

14) a person who is designing a concept of motor vehicles or more specifically

road vehicles;

15) a specialist who is conscious of the technical aspects of production

and the properties of fiber, yarn, and dyes thus creating designs for knitted,

woven or printed fabrics.

Graphic design

Graphic design, also known as communication design, is the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content. The form of the communication can be physical or virtual, and may include images, words, or graphic forms. The experience can take place in an instant or over a long period of time. The work can happen at any scale, from the design of a single postage stamp to a national postal signage system, or from a company’s digital avatar to the sprawling and interlinked digital and physical content of an international newspaper. It can also be for any purpose, whether commercial, educational, cultural, or political.

The term “graphic design” can refer to a number of artistic and professional disciplines which focus on visual communication and presentation.

Various methods are used to create and combine symbols, images and/or words to create a visual representation of ideas and messages. A graphic designer may use typography, visual arts and page layout techniques to produce the final result. Graphic design often refers to both the process (designing) by which the communication is created and the products (designs) which are generated.

Common uses of graphic design include magazines, advertisements and

product packaging. For example, a product package might include a logo or

other artwork, organized text and pure design elements such as shapes and color which unify the piece. Composition is one of the most important features of graphic design especially when using pre-existing materials or diverse elements.

While Graphic Design as a discipline has a relatively recent history, graphic design-like activities span the history of humankind: from the caves of Lascaux, to Rome's Trajan's Column to the illuminated manuscripts of the

Middle Ages, to the dazzling neons of Ginza. In both this lengthy history and in the relatively recent explosion of visual communication in the XXth and XXIst centuries, there is sometimes a blurring distinction and over-lapping of

advertising art, graphic design and fine art. After all, they share many of thesame elements, theories, principles, practices and languages, and sometimes the same benefactor or client. In advertising art the ultimate objective is the sale of goods and services. In graphic design, “the essence is to give order to information, form to ideas, expression and feeling to artifacts that document human experience”.

During the Tang Dynasty (618–906) between the IVth and VIIth century A.D.

wood blocks were cut to print on textiles and later to reproduce Buddhist texts.

A Buddhist scripture printed in 868 is the earliest known printed book.

Beginning in the XIth century, longer scrolls and books were produced using

movable type printing making books widely available during the Song dynasty (960–1279). Sometime around 1450, Johann Gutenberg's printing press madebooks widely available in Europe. The book design of Aldus Manutius

developed the book structure which would become the foundation of western

publication design. This era of graphic design is called Humanist or Old Style.


benefactor – благодетель

dazzle –1) ослепление, ослепитель-

ный блеск, сверкание (вызываю-

щие потерю или притупление зрения) (dazzle light – ослепляющий свет, dazzle of headlights — слепящее действие фар); 2) блеск, яркость, великолепие (amidst the tumult

and the dazzle of their busy

life – среди суматохи и блеска их

беспокойной жизни);

3) нанесение камуфляжной окраски (на корабль)

distinction – различие

diverse – разнообразный

to focus (on) – сосредоточиться

(на), помещаться в фокусе, соби-


logo (logotype) – 1) полигр. – логотип (шрифт, каждая литера ко-

торого состоит из нескольких


2) фирменный или товар-

ный знак;

3) эмблема (графиче-

ский символ); (рекламный) девиз

(на упаковке и т.д.)

scroll – свиток

to spin – кружить, вертеть

ultimate – последний,


Lascaux – the setting of a complex

of caves in southwestern

France famous for

its Paleolithic cave paintings


1. Find in the text the English equivalents: объединить символы, изо-

бражения и/или слова; произвести окончательный результат; бурный рост

визуальной коммуникации; печатная машина; частичное совпадение реклам-

ного искусства, графического дизайна и изобразительного искусства; яркий

неоновый свет; объединяться в единое целое; проект публикации.



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