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IV. Read the dialogue and reproduce it.

· Вас зовут Джордж Скотт, не так ли?

· Yes, it is. I am an electronic engineer. I live and work in New York. And what’s your name?

· Меня зовут Питер Брук. Я издатель. Я живу и работаю в Сан-Франциско.

· You are married, aren’t you?

· О, да. Я женат и у меня две дочери.

· What a coincidence! I’ve got two daughters too: Helen and Mary. What are your daughters’ names?

· Сьюзан и Джейн. Сьюзан 10 лет, а Джейн 8. Они обе учатся в частной школе. Ваши дочери учатся в школе?

· Not yet. Helen is five years old and Mary is three.

· Они дома, не так ли?

· Sure. My wife doesn’t work now. She runs the house and looks after the children. Emily is the name of my wife. She is a designer. She adores her trade and dreams of going to her office again. But she can’t for the time being.

· Естественно. Сегодня мало кто из женщин удовлетворен положением домохозяйки. Моя жена, Нэнси, учитель русского языка. Она работает в колледже.

· Do you have any brothers or sisters?

· К несчастью, нет. Я единственный ребенок в семье. У меня есть двоюродный брат (сестра), который живет в Чикаго. Мы дружим.

· I have got a sister. She is much younger than I am. She lives with our parents in Los Angeles. I’ve seen very little of her lately.

· Лос Анджелес – красивый город. Моя тетя живет там, и я навещаю ее время от времени.

· It’s a long time since I went to Los Angeles.

· Очень плохо.

V. Talk about yourself, your family, and your friends.

V. Reading for Discuss i ng

If You Want to Have a Friend…

Let us suppose that everybody here in this group has a good friend. Friendship between two people grows when they do something useful together and when they have the same interests. Their friendship is still better if they understand each other well.

Do you know the English proverb ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’? Yes, we agree that real friends are always ready to help each other. Let’s also agree that real friendship is possible when people respect and trust each other.

So you can see friendship between two people is a great thing. As English people say, ‘A good friend is like the sun in winter’. It’s a good proverb, isn’t it? A real friend makes your life happier and more interesting. He is dear to you and you want your friendship to last for a very long time.

Well, there are some other English proverbs about friendship and friends. Take, for example, this one, ‘A friend is easier lost than found’. What does it mean? It means that it is difficult to find a good friend. But you can lose a friend quickly if you do something wrong. Always think how to keep friendship.


1. When does friendship grow between people?

2. When is real friendship possible?

3. What is real friendship in your opinion?

4. What does the proverb ‘A friend is easier lost than found’ mean?

5. Have you a real friend?

Tell. Ask. Discuss.

Try to use the following:

That’s true. Это верно.

Isn’t it? Не так ли?

I believe so. Думаю, что так.


1. A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. (to have a lot of friends, to be ready to help, to call on him\her when he\she is ill, to advise what to do, to keep promise, to keep secrets, to decide correctly in difficult situations, to do anything he\she asks me to do if I can do it)

2. When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.

3. Old friends and old wines are best.

VI. Read the ‘opera synopsis’. Then close the text and see how much you can remember.

DEATH IN PARIS An Opera in three Acts by Zoltan Grmljavina Synopsis ACT ONE Anna, a beautiful 18-year-old girl, works in a shop in the old town of Goroda, in Central Moldenia. Her parents are dead; her lover, Boris, is in prison for revolutionary activities; her employer is very unkind to her. She dreams of a happier life. One day a royal procession passes in the street. The Grand Duke sees Anna and falls in love with her. He sends for her; when she comes to the palace he tells her that she must become his mistress. If not, Boris will die. Anna agrees. Boris is released from prison; in her letter Anna tells him that she can never see him again. Boris leaves Moldenia.   ACT TWO Three years have passed. Anna and the duke are in Paris. The Duke is dying; he has only six month to live – but the doctors have not told him. Only Anna knows the truth One day Anna is walking in the Tuileries when a man stops her. It is Boris. He tells her that he is now a famous artist, rich and successful. He is married to a Frenchwoman, Yvette; but in his heart he still loves Anna. ‘Come away with me, ’ he says. Anna refuses, and Boris says that he will do something terrible. At this moment Yvette joins them. Boris tells Yvette that Anna is his cousin from Moldenia, but Yvette does not believe him. ACT THREE Anna and … Will you predict what will happen next?

a synopsis – конспект, краткий обзор, синопсис

а prison – тюрьма

an employer – работодатель

unkind – недобрый

to dream – мечтать

Grand Duke – великий герцог, великий князь

a mistress – госпожа, хозяйка; учительница; любовница

to release – освобождать; избавлять; облегчать (боль); выпускать (из печати)

terrible – ужасный

to join – соединять, объединять



Unit 2

The Present Simple Tense

Настоящее простое время


1 форма глагола (V1) - инфинитив

В 3-м лице единственного числа глаголы в Present Simple имеют окончание –s; а если глагол оканчивается на –o, -s, -ss, -sh, ch, -x, то окончание –es:

meet – meets

go – goes

finish – finishes

discuss – discusses

Если глагол оканчивается на –y c предшествующей согласной, то к нему прибавляется окончание –es, а буква y меняется на i:

study – studies

Утвердительная форма

I read

You read

He reads

She reads

It sleeps

We read

You read

They read

Отрицательная форма

I do not (don’t) read

You do not (don’t) read

He does not (doesn’t) read

She does not (doesn’t) read

It does not (doesn’t) read

We do not (don’t) read

You do not (don’t) read

They do not (don’t) read

Вопросительная форма

Do I sleep?

Do you sleep?

Does he sleep?

Does she sleep?

Does it sleep?

Do we sleep?

Do you sleep?

Do they sleep?



The Present Simple Tense употребляется для выражения:

а) обычного, повторяющегося действия (очень часто со следующими наречиями времени:

often – часто

always – всегда

usually – обычно

seldom – редко

rarely – редко

sometimes – иногда

never – никогда

generally – обычно

as a rule – как правило

every day (week, month, year …) – каждый день (неделю, месяц, год…)

once a week (month, year …) – раз в неделю (месяц, год …)


б) будущего действия, обусловленного расписанием (полет, прибытие или отправление поезда и т.д.)

You arrive at Brighton at 6.30 local time.

в) непреложной истины, постоянной характеристики людей или предметов

Do you like rainy weather?

The sun sets in the West.

г) действия, которое происходит в данный момент с глаголами, не употребляющимися в Continuous

to hear – слышать

to see – видеть

to notice – замечать

to recognize – узнавать

to smell – пахнуть

to taste – быть на вкус

to believe – верить

to feel (that) – чувствовать, что

to know – знать

to think (that) – полагать, что

to mean – подразумевать, иметь в виду

to suppose – предполагать

to understand – понимать

to forget – забывать

to remember – помнить

to like – любить, нравиться

to dislike – не любить

to hate – ненавидеть

to love – любить

to want – хотеть

to wish – желать

to belong to – принадлежать

to consist of – состоять

to have – иметь, обладать

to refuse – отказываться

I am afraid I don’t understand your question.

The soup smells good.

What do you think of the city? – I think it’s wonderful.


She is smelling the rose.

What are you thinking about?

д) будущего действия в придаточных предложениях условия и времени после союзов: when (когда), after (после), before (до того, как; прежде чем), as soon as (как только), until (пока не), if (если), in case (в случае если).

I’ll tell you the secret if you promise to keep it.


Banker’s Wife’s Blues

· Where does John live?

· He leaves near the bank.

· Where does he work?

· He works at the bank.

· When does he work?

· He works all day

and he works all night

at the bank, at the great big bank.

· Where does he study?

· He studies at the bank.

· Where does he sleep?

· He sleeps at the bank.

· Why does he spend all day, all night,

at the bank, at the bank?

· Because he loves his bank

more than his wife

and he loves his money

more than his life.


Exercise 1. Will you have a talk with each other?

Model I.

· I finish my work at 5. And what about you?

· I don’t finish my work at 5. I finish my work at 6.


1. I stay at home in the evenings. (to go out)

2. We meet customers in the evening. (in the morning)

3. Our engineers have lunch at 1 o’clock. (at 12)


Model II.

· My friend finishes his work at 5. And what about your friend?

· My friend doesn’t finish his work at 5. He finishes his work at 6.


1. Our manager stays in the office all day. (till 5)

2. Our secretary reads cables and faxes in the morning. (after lunch)

3. Our programmer does a lot of work. (little)


Model III.

· I come to the office at 10 in the morning.

· Do you really come to the office at 10?

· Yes, I do.


1. I go out every evening.

2. Our engineers meet customers every morning.

3. We finish our work at 5.


Model IV.

· I know Mr. Bell comes to the office at 8.

· Does he really come to the office at 8?

· Yes, he does.


1. I know Nancy stays in the office after 6.

2. I know Mr. Bell has lunch at 2 every day.

3. I know Ivanov often goes on business to London.



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