Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Разработано ст. преподавателем кафедры ЭГН

Учебно-методическое пособие

По английскому языку

для студентов второго курса

Заочной формы обучения.

Разработано ст. преподавателем кафедры ЭГН

О.А. Силивановой

Сарапул, 2016



Целью преподавания дисциплины «Иностранный язык» является достижение уровня коммуникативной компетенции, минимально достаточного для решения коммуникативных задач на иностранном языке в социально-бытовой, деловой и профессионально-ориентированной сферах общения.

Задачи дисциплины:

- формирование лексико-грамматических навыков и развитие умений во всех видах речевой деятельности;

- формированиеспособности к социальному взаимодействию и сотрудничеству;

- формирование позитивного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка;

- развитие коммуникативных навыков и умений различных видов чтения, умений письменной речи для реферирования и аннотирования профессионально-ориентированных и технических текстов и умений, необходимых для ведения деловой корреспонденции.

В результате изучения дисциплины студент должен


- необходимое количество(200) терминов;

- основные факты, реалии, имена, достопримечательности англоязычных стран;

- достижения, открытия, события из области истории, культуры, политики, социальной жизни англоязычных стран;

- основные фонетические, лексико-грамматические, стилистические особенности изучаемого языка;

- основные различия письменной и устной речи


- свободно пользоваться письменными источниками;

- свободн пользоваться англо-русским словарём;

- свободно переводить несложные юридические тексты и материалы массмедиа.

- выявлять сходство и различия в системах родного и иностранного языка;

- идентифицировать языковые региональные различия в изучаемом языке


- межкультурной коммуникативной компетенцией в разных видах
речевой деятельности;

- различными коммуникативными стратегиями;

- разными приемами запоминания и структурирования усваиваемого

- Интернет-технологиями для выбора оптимального режима
получения информации;

- презентационными технологиями для предъявления информации.

2. Место дисциплины в структуре ООП:

Дисциплина относится к циклу общепрофессиональных
дисциплин Федерального компонента государственного образовательного
стандарта высшего профессионального образования.

Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» способствует более продуктивному
изучению других дисциплин как общеобразовательных, так и

После успешного завершения обучения дисциплины «Иностранный язык» студент имеет возможность изучить дисциплины профессионального блока за счет привлечения зарубежных источников. Это обеспечивает практическую направленность в системе обучения и соответствующий уровень использования английского языка в будущей профессиональной деятельности.

Таким образом, английский язык становится рабочим инструментом, позволяющим постоянно совершенствовать свои знания, пользуясь международным языком, изучая современную литературу по соответствующей специальности. Наличие высокой компетенции дает возможность вести плодотворную деятельность по изучению и творческому осмыслению зарубежного опыта в профилирующих и смежных областях науки и техники, а также в сфере делового профессионального общения.




The adverb.


I. already, yet, just, often, seldom, hard, always, ever, never, well

II. –ly: happy – happily

true - truly

hardly, nearly, highly, quickly

III. since then, at last, at least, from time to time




Основные суффиксы прилагательных


От глаголов:

-able reliable - надежный

-ible sensible - чувствительный

-ant important - важный

-ent different - различный

-ive active - активный

-ed organized - организованный

от существительных:

-al industrial - промышленный

-ful useful - полезный

-en wooden - деревянный

-ic economic - экономический

-ous mountainous - горный

-y lucky - удачный

-ly daily - ежедневный

-less useless - бесполезный

The verb. Глагол.

Основные суффиксы глаголов:

-ize utilize - использовать

-ate calculate - считать

--en weaken - ослаблять

-fy specify - определять

Строевые слова – признаки

Имени существительного Глагола
Артикль A name – имя An aim – цель The machine - машина Прединфинитивная частица To name – называть To aim – нацеливаться To machine - обрабатывать механически
Предлог In turn – по очереди Without result - без результата Модальный или вспомогательный глагол You must turn to the left.-Вам надо повернуть налево. Their efforts will result in success.- Их усилия приведут к успеху.  
Местоимение ( притяжательное, вопросительное, неопределенное, отрицательное) My work – моя работа His studies – его занятие Whose plans are better? -Чьи планы лучше? No vacant seats are left.- (Никаких ) свободных мест нет. Местоимение (личное, вопросительное, относительное) I work.- Я работаю. He studies. – Он занимается. Who plans the research? - Кто планирует это научное исследование? The car which seats 5 persons.- Машина, которая вмещает ( рассчитана на ) 5 человек.


Формы глаголов.

  INFINITIVE V V (Вспом. Гл.) V3ф (Вспом. Гл.) Ving
Правильные To produce Produce(s) Produced Produced producing
неправильные To buy Buy(s) Bought Bought buying


Группы глаголов:

А) смысловые глаголы, выражающие действие, состояние, процесс, которые всегда переводятся.

Б) вспомогательные не несут никакой смысловой информации, не переводятся. Служат для образования сложных глагольных форм, используются при образовании вопросительных и отрицательных предложений. (to be, to have, to do, will, would)

В ) глаголы-связки – не выражают действия, а служат для связки подлежащего со смысловой частью сказуемого. (являться, быть, становиться.)

Г) модальные глаголы выражают отношение к действию (нужно, можно, следует, должно быть сделано и т.д.)и поэтому используются только в сочетании со смысловым глаголом, всегда переводятся. (can, may, must, to have to, to be to, should, ought to, shall, will, would, need, dare)


Активный – подлежащее выполняет действие.

Пассивный – действие выполняется над подлежащим.




  Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Participle II (V3ф)
I am was   will be   been
He, she, it is
You, we, they are were


А) смысловой, когда за глаголом следует существительное с предлогом (находиться, быть) Everything is in constant motion. – Все находится в постоянном движении.


Б) вспомогательный – не переводится, используется для образования времен группы Continuous и времен в Passive Voice.

I am reading a book now. – Сейчас я читаю книгу.

I am being read a book now. – Сейчас мне читают книгу.

В) модальный, когда после него следует инфинитив с частицей to. (должен)

I am to read this book. – Я должен прочитать эту книгу.

Г) глагол-связка, когда за ним следует существительное, прилагательное, герундий, инфинитив или числительное. (- это, является).

Mathematics is a science. - Математика – это наука.

There is / There are – Есть, существует, существуют.

There are books on the table. – На столе лежат книги.

There is a pen and a pencil on the table. – На столе лежит ручка и карандаш.

There are different types of organizations. – Существуют различные типы организаций.

Exercise 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.

1. My friend’s mother … a teacher of English. 2. My parents … not in Moscow, they … in St. Petersburg. 3. I … not an engineer, my father … not a lawyer. 4. The student of our group … in the lab yesterday. 5. All the students … present yesterday.6. There … many things on the teacher’s table. 7. There … a window on the left. 8. New car … much better in the future. 9. I … in the library at 2 p.m. tomorrow.


  Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Participle II (V3ф)
I have   had   will have   had
He, she, it has
You, we, they have


А) смысловой – I have this book. – У меня есть эта книга.

Б) вспомогательный - не переводится, используется для образования времен группы Perfect. I have done all work. – Я сделал всю работу.

В ) модальный, когда после него следует инфинитив с частицей to. (должен, приходится)

I have to do this work.


Задание. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to have.


1. I …many books. 2. Yesterday I … little time. 3. She … many friends. 4. They …a nice cat. 5. …you got a PT lesson today? 6. On Monday we … five lessons. 7. If you are tired, let’s …. a rest. 8. He … got a new car. 9. She … a nice coat last autumn. 10. … you … this book tomorrow? 11. They …got little money.


  Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Participle II (V3ф)
I do   did   will do   done
He, she, it does
You, we, they do


А) смысловой – I do my homework every day. – Я делаю домашнее задание каждый день

Б) вспомогательный - не переводится, используется для образования вопросительных и отрицательных предложений в Present/Past Simple Active Voice. I don’t like this film. – Мне не нравится этот фильм.

Задание. Употребите верную форму: do, does, don't, doesn’t.

1. Where … Sam live? 2. I’m sorry, I … know his telephone number. 3. …you like music? – Yes, I …. 4. … your mother work? - No, she …. She is a housewife. 5. … your brother speak English? - Oh, yes, he …. 6. Why … their parents want to move to another city?



PRESENT V1Ф(s); DO / DOES…V1ф AM / IS / ARE+ V –ing HAVE / HAS + V3Ф(-ed ) HAVE / HAS BEEN+V-ing
PAST V2Ф(-ed); DID …V1ф WAS / WERE + V –ing HAD + V3Ф (-ed) HAD BEEN + V –ing
СЛУЧАИ УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ КОГДА? : yesterday, last week, a year ago; tomorrow, next week; always, often, never, every day At 5 o`clock; from 4 to 5 p.m.; for 2 hours; today; this week; now, still. By 5 o`clock; just, already, yet, since, this week; when she came; for Just, already, yet; by that time + for two hours; since 1990; For an hour + when she came



TENSES. - времена

Настоящие времена.

PRESENT SIMPLE(простое настоящее время) PRESENT CONTINUOUS(Progressive) (настоящее продолженное время) PRESENT PERFECT(настоящее совершенное время) PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS(Progressive) ( настоящее совершенное продолженное время )
V1 ф(-s); do/ does … V1 ф Am/is/are + V-ing Have/has + V3Ф Have/has been +V-ing
1.выражает привычные, обычные действия (всегда, часто, периодично) с наречиями и словосочетаниями: often, usually, sometimes, never, always, occasionally, seldom, every day(morning, week, year), on Monday, twice a year.   2. для выражения общеизвестных истин. e.g. Magnet attracts iron.   3.в придаточных предложениях времени и в условных после союзов: when, till, until, before, after, as soon as, if, unless, provided.(когда?, при каком условии? ) вместо future indefinite используется present simple. e.g. If the weather is fine we’ll go for a walk. . 1.для выражения текущего действия, происходящего в данный момент( сейчас). e.g.It`s raining. I`m not wearing a coat because it isn`t cold. 2..для выражения отдельных намеченных на ближайшее будущее время действий (планы). e.g. We are leaving to Moscow tomorrow. 4. следующие глаголы не используются в форме continuous: Be – быть; Have - иметь like - нравиться; love - любить hate - ненавидеть want - хотеть; need - нуждаться know - знать mean - значить understand - понимать believe - верить remember - помнить think - думать see - видеть; hear - слышать feel – чувствовать; smell – пахнуть taste – иметь вкус 1. Обозначает совершенное к настоящему моменту действие. e.g. I`ve lost my way. They have done all work. 2. Используется с just, yet, already, of late, since, lately, recently, this week, often, seldom, never, ever. e.g. He has just returned from a business trip. We have already bought a car. 1.используется для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и все еще продолжается. e.g. I've been waiting for you for an hour.   2. используется с for (for two hours/ a week/ three month/ten years/ a long time) и since (since 1990/ nine o`clock / she came here, etc.) e.g. I've been writing letters since breakfast.    



Будущие времена

will + V 1 ф will be + V-ing will have + V3ф will have been + V-ing
1. Используется для выражения действия, которое будет происходить в будущем с выражением времени: tomorrow, next week, in a month, in 2014. e.g. We will go to the cinema tomorrow. 2. В вопросительных предложениях When? о будущих действиях. e.g. When will you take part at the conference?     1. Для выражения действия, которое будет длиться на протяжении какого-то периода времени в будущем. e.g. When I reach London it will probably be raining. Tomorrow from 6 to 8 p.m. we`ll be playing cards. 2. Для выражения действия, которое будет происходить в определенный момент времени в будущем. e.g. At 5 o`clock tomorrow I`ll be reading at the library. 1. Указывает на действие, совершенное к какому-либо моменту времени в будущем. e.g. By 2014 I shall have taken my degree.     1. Указывает на действие, которое начнется до определенного момента времени в будущем и будет продолжаться до этого момента в течении какого-то периода времени. e.g. We shall have been working at this problem for a month when you visit us a second time.  
FUTURE SIMPLE in the PAST would + V 1ф (если в главном предложении сказуемое в прошедшем времени, то в придаточном для выражения будущего действия используется Future in the past) FUTURE CONTINUOUS in the PAST would be + V –ing   FUTURE PERFECT in the PAST would have + V 3ф FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS in the PAST would have been + V-ing
Используется для выражения будущего действия с точки зрения прошлого. e.g. He said that the next day he would go to the library. Используется для выражения действия, длящегося в определенный момент или период времени в будущем с точки зрения прошлого. e.g. I thought that we would be watching football the whole evening. Используется для выражения действия, совершенного до определенного момента времени в будущем с точки зрения прошлого. e.g. I wondered whether they would have reached the place by noon. Указывает на действие, которое будет продолжаться до определенного момента в будущем в течении какого-то периода времени с точки зрения прошлого. e.g. He said that they would have been walking for two hours before they reached the hotel.


Разделительный вопрос

Подлежащее Сказуемое Остальные члены предложения, Вспомогательный глагол not Подлежащее (местоимение)
There   Your flat You He She He are is work works worked has been working books on the table, comfortable,   at a plant,   here for 2 years, are is do does did has not   not not not not not there?   it? you? he? she? he?

Контрольная работа № 1.

Для правильного выполнения контрольной работы № 1 необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса грамматики английского языка по любым учебникам:

1. Формы настоящего, прошедшего и будущего времени действительного залога изъявительного наклонения. Спряжение глаголов to be, to have в Present, Past, Future Indefinite.

2. Простое распространенное предложение: прямой порядок слов в утвердительной и отрицательной форме; обратный порядок слов вопросительного предложения. Оборот “there + be”.

3. Словообразование – основные суффиксы и префиксы. Словосложение. Использование слов, одинаковых по форме, представляющих собой различные части речи.

После изучения указанного выше материала можно приступать к выполнению задания.

Вариант 1.

Задание 1. Задание 7. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.

1. … there a book and a pen on the table? 2.We … all happy. 3.He … in New York last month. 4. I … very much surprised. 5. He won’t agree with you even if he… not right. 6. …you sure in your answer?


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. While I (to pay) for a T-shirt, someone (to steal) my bag. 2. Luckily, by that time I (to spend) already nearly all my money. 3. Five years (to pass) since that time but I (to remember) still every moment of that terrible night. 4. On my way I (to see) a man who (to paint) his fence with red paint. 5. When he (to arrive) home, he (to discover) that his house (to break into). 6. So I (to sing) and (to write) my songs in secret – late at night in my room, when everyone (to sleep).


Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.

  1. He refused to take this offer.
  2. When I come home they'll be having a supper.


Задание 4. Переведите текст на русский язык.


A sensitive drilling machine is a light high-speed machine, which is used for drilling small holes up to 0.5 in. diameter. The machine consists of a column, which is supported on a cast iron base plate, which is bolted to the workbench. The drilling mechanism is mounted on a bracket, which is supported on top of the column. The drilling mechanism includes the motor and the drill head. On top is a belt drive and pulley system, which is protected by a metal housing. The motor and its controls are located at the rear of the machine. Mounted on another bracket on the column is a worktable. It can be adjusted vertically.

The drill is held perpendicular to the surface of the work. Rotary motion is provided by the electric motor and transmitted to the drill spindle by the belt drive. The spindle speed can be changed by simply moving the belt to another set of pulleys. The drill is lowered, or fed, into the work manually so its progress can be felt. If any trouble occurs the pressure can be released. On releasing the feed pressure, the spindle returns to its upper-most position by means of a spring. On sensitive drilling machine, the drill is held in a chuck, which has three jaws. For use in a chuck, drills must have parallel shanks. They are tightened with a special chuck key. By turning the key the three jaws move uniformly in or out. It is important that the drill is completely tightened in the chuck. If it isn't, it will revolve in the jaws and this will damage the drill.

Before drilling the work should be gripped in a machine vice on the worktable. The center of the hole to be drilled should have already been marked out. But some correction in the position of the hole may be necessary before drilling if this is inaccurate. The position of the hole should be checked before the drill cuts a full diameter.


Вариант 2

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.


1. Optimists … sure that the future … happy. 2. Tomorrow’s cars … an open end air car with no doors and windows. 3. The top speed of a car … five miles per hour. 4. Who … in the next room? 5. I … on holiday in Spain. 6. Last summer it … very hot.


Задание 2. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.

  1. They proposed us many interesting things.
  2. He has never been in London.


Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. If you (to read) a book you will know the answer. 2. What time you (to arrive) at the hotel?

3. They just (to return) home. 4. The ship already (to receive) six ice warnings on its radio when it (to strike) the iceberg. 5. I (to finish) everything by that time you get back tomorrow. 6. I answered I (to meet) her at Foyot`s on Thursday at half past twelve.


Задание 4. Переведите текст на русский язык.


Milling is a machining operation in which a work-piece is given the desired shape by the action of a multi-toothed rotating cutter. In its simplest form the milling cutter is a circular disk whose rim is provided with specially shaped teeth (cutting edges). Cutters are of many different kinds and shapes. The work is fed against the teeth of the cutter, while the feed motion is longitudinal, transverse or vertical depending on the type of milling machine and the nature of the work.

There are two methods of milling: conventional (up) milling and climb (down) milling. In conventional milling the cutter rotates against or into the work when the feed is applied. In climb milling the cutter rotates in the same direction as that in which the work is being used. There are various classes and types of milling machines, from small hand-operated types to fully automatic ones, the main of them being: column and knee-type, bed type, planer type, and rotary type. Column and knee-type milling machines fall into three main classes: horizontal plane milling machines, vertical milling machines and universal milling machines. The horizontal plane milling machine is provided with a massive column rising from a base which rests on the floor. The base, hollow inside, contains a tank with cutting fluid. In the lower part of the column there is a motor for driving the spindle and the change gears for the power feed. A set of change gears for driving the spindle is housed in the upper part of the column. In operation, the milling cutters are either attached to the spindle nose or carried on an arbor. An overarm is secured to the top of the column. The knee, which supports the worktable, is mounted on the face of the column.


Вариант 3.


Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.


1. My sister … in her thirties. 2. There … many interesting fairy-tales. 3. Ann … a very good singer. 4. Halloween … a public holiday celebrated on October 31. 5. There … little sand on the beach. 6.I … very busy today.


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. Ann was hot because she (to play) tennis for an hour. 2. Jane (to take) piano lessons since last June. 3. We (to arrive) late at night. 4. She always (to work) hard. 5. If you (to invite) them, they will come. 6. I wonder whether she (to come) in time.


Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.


  1. My brother is studying at school 10 subjects.
  2. My friends came to see me off.


Задание 4. Переведите текст на русский язык.


Ferrous metals consist of iron combined with carbon, silicon, phosphorous and other elements. Carbon is the most important ol all elements present in ferrous alloys. Ferrous metals are used in industry in two general forms: steel and cast iron, which differ in the quantity of carbon content. These two ferrous alloys are derived from pig iron which is produced in a blast furnace in the form of pigs. Metals are usually melted and poured into a form which is called a " mould". This process is known as casting. The cast metal is shaped in the mould where it cools and solidifies. Thus one can cast different objects known as castings. The shop where metals are cast is called a " foundry". Castings are used in building engines, automobiles and airplanes, and different types of machinery. Steel is iron with a very little carbon content (from 0.05 to 1.7 per cent), which makes it much stronger than iron and is therefore widely used in machine-building. But very much carbon makes steel brittle, which reduces its strength. Therefore the carbon content in steel is confined to certain limits. Cast iron contains a higher percentage of carbon than steel does (more than 2.0 per cent). It is very cheap, in fact, it is the cheapest of all the engineering metals used in machine-building. Grey iron foundries are the most numerous because grey iron can be cast into almost any conceivable shape and size. Grey iron is also adapted to a great variety of castings, such as automobile, gas, steam, and hydraulic engine cylinders, bed plates for machines, car wheels, agriculturalmachinery parts, furnace and stove parts, water pipes, gears, and general machinery parts. The nature of the metal used for grey iron castings is such that castings can be made so hard that ordinary tool steel will not cut them or, on the other hand, so soft that they can be readily machined. However, in comparison with other casting metals grey iron is weak and will not stand great shock. Hence, the engineer must allow a large factor of safety1 when specifying the use of iron castings, especially where great strength is required, or specify that the castings must be made from some other metal.The alloy of grey castings is composed of iron, carbon, silicon, phosphorus, manganese, and sulphur. These elements are used in different proportions depending on the grade of castings.


Вариант 4.


Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.


1. In winter there … not much snow in England. 2. Yesterday the train … ten minutes late. 3. I like small towns which … not crowded. 4. There … a little bread on the table.


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. If I (to take) a vacation next summer, I will probably go to Britain. 2. Kate was tired because she (to study) the whole evening. 3. I (to collect) video games for two years already. 4. Europeans first (to come) to America in the late fifth century. 5. Steve asked me if I (to lend) him my skates. 6. It (to rain) hard, so drive slowly.


Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.

  1. There is a beautiful lake between these two villages.
  2. This film reminds me about my childhood.


Задание 4. Переведите текст на русский язык.


Steel is a ferrous material with some carbon content. There are two kinds of steel: carbon and alloy steel. The content of carbon in steel may vary from 0.1 to 1.0 per cent. Carbon steel should contain only iron and carbon without any other alloying elements and is divided into:

(1) Machine steel with a low carbon content from 0.05 to 0.15 per cent

(2) Medium carbon steel with a carbon content from 0.15 to 0.60 per cent

(3) Tool steel with a high carbon content from 0.6 to 1.50 per cent Carbon steels are the most common steels used in industry, their properties depending only on the percentage of carbon they contain. Machine steels are very soft and can be used for making machine parts that do not need strength. Medium carbon steels are better grade and stronger than machine steels. Tool steel may be used for manufacturing tools and working parts of machines because of its high strength and hardness.

Alloy steels are those in which in addition to carbon an alloying element is present in some appreciable quantity. They are divided into special alloy steels and high-speed steels which, in turn, are called " self-hardening steels". Alloying elements of these steels are: nickel, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, vanadium, etc. These alloying elements have a. definite effect on the characteristic of the steel; nickel increases its strength and hardness; a high percentage of chromium makes steel rust-resistant and in this case it is called " stainless steel". The addition of some tungsten and molybdenum gives heat-resistant steel.Vanadium makes steel corrosion, shock and vibration-resistant. The sand used for making moulds for steel castings differs greatly from that used in other branches of moulding. It must be much more refractory and open grained1, because the metal is poured at an extremely high temperature and solidifies very rapidly. If the sand is not refractory enough, it will fuse with the metal. The sand being not open grained, the gases will not escape from the mould rapidly enough, and blowholes will be formed in the casting. Many good steel castings are obtained with green sand moulds. Sand moulds are made by shaping the moulding sand around a pattern which is to have the same shape as the finished object, but their size should be a little larger as the steel casting shrinks while cooling. Moulding sand is to be mixed with water in a certain proportion. Many of the smaller steel castings are used as they come from the moulds, but most of the larger ones have to be annealed to relieve the cooling strains formed when the metal solidifies. Steel can be used for a great variety of castings, and it can be cast into very large bodies.


Вариант 5



Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.


1. I …afraid you got me wrong. 2. They … in the theatre last week. 3. We … there only on Friday. 4. She … an accountant. 5. It … a funny story. 6. There … many mistakes in your test.


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. We (to know) him a long time before we (to give) him a position in the accountant department. 2. Nothing satisfies him, he always (to complain)! 3. I'm afraid he (not to realize) the importance of this question yet. 4. By the end of summer we (to complete) the greater part of our task. 5. I never (to see) snow. I hope to see it when winter (to come).

Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.

  1. Two days later the customer came again.
  2. He has been buying bread here.


Задание 4. Переведите текст на русский язык.


Bearing (mechanics), mechanical device for decreasing friction in a machine in which a moving part bears—that is, slides or rolls while exerting force—on another part. Usually in a bearing the support must allow the moving part one type of motion, for example, rotation, while preventing it from moving in any other way, for example, sidewise. The commonest bearings are found at the rigid supports of rotating shafts where friction is the greatest.

Bearings were invented early in history; when the wheel was invented, it was mounted on an axle, and where wheel and axle touched was a bearing. Such early bearings had surfaces of wood or leather lubricated with animal fat.

Modern bearings have been arbitrarily designated as friction bearings and antifriction bearings. The first comprises sleeve or journal bearings; the second, ball and roller bearings. Friction and antifriction are misleading terms. Neither type of bearing is completely frictionless, and both are highly efficient in reducing friction. A large, modern aircraft engine, for example, has more than 100 bearings, including both types; yet the total power consumed in overcoming bearing friction is less than 1 percent of the total power output of the engine.

Friction bearings of the sleeve or journal type are simpler than antifriction bearings in construction but more complex in theory and operation. The shaft supported by the bearing is called the journal, and the outer portion, the sleeve. If journal and sleeve are both made of steel, the bearing surfaces, even if well lubricated, may grab or pick up, that is, rip, small pieces of metal from each other.



Вариант 6.


Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.


1. If the weather … fine, we'll go for a walk. 2. We … interested in your project. 3. There … no conference tomorrow. 4. I … afraid we … late for the concert. 5. They … in the next room. 6. Miss Martha … sure that he … a painter.


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1.My friend said that he (to return) by that time. 2. They (to invite) you at the party when you are in the city. 3. Look! It (to rain) heavily. 4. It is the first time he (to read) a book from beginning to end. 5. My mother (to cook) the whole evening yesterday. 6. Look! She (to draw) a very nice picture.


Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.

  1. Miss Martha kept a little bakery on the corner.
  2. Somebody was knocking at the door loudly.


Задание 4. Переведите текст на русский язык.


Non-ferrous metals are more expensive than ferrous metals and are used only when some characteristic not possessed by iron or steel is essential or desirable in application. These characteristics are: high electrical and thermal conductivity, high corrosion resistance, non-magnetic qualities, light weight, etc.

The metals most frequently used to make non-ferrous metal castings are copper, tin, zinc, lead, nickel, gold and aluminium. Some of the basic non-ferrous metals and their characteristics are described below.

Copper is a reddish-brown, tough metal. It has very high electric conductivity and high corrosion-resistant qualities. Copper is used for making electrical contacts and wires, pipes, telephone cables, tanks, water heaters, etc.

Zinc is a hard, brittle, bluish-white metal that is employed in the pure form as sheet zinc.

Lead is a very heavy bluish-grey metal which is very soft. This metal is highly resistant to corrosion, but its strength is so low that it must be supported by a core of some other metal. Lead is used for lining pipes, acid tanks and coating electrical cables.

Aluminium is a soft, silvery white metal. It is light weight, has high corrosion-resistant qualities and is used for automobile and airplane parts as well as for making different light-weight objects used in everyday life such as: frames, cooking utensils, chairs, etc.

Вариант 7.

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.


1. Her sister …in the Institute now. 2. All books … on that shelf. 3. They …not in the cinema yesterday. 4. My parents … at home tomorrow. 5. There … much dust on the furniture.

6. The vegetables … in the fringe.


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. John (to play) football in the yard now. 2. This Sunday I (to go) to the country, but usually on Sundays I (to stay) at home. 3. What you (to do) yesterday evening? 4. He promised that they (to take) care of us. 5. Where you (to be)? 6. When they retuned mother (to cook) still dinner.


Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.


  1. She worked at the library last year.
  2. He has many books by this author.


Задание 4. Переведите текст письменно.


Tin is a silvery, corrosion-resistant metal. Tin is hardly used in pure form, but is employed as an alloying element.

Nickel is a hard, tough, silvery metal. It has high corrosion-resistant qualities and is used for plating other metals such as iron or brass.

There are many applications of non-ferrous metals in the unalloyed state, but in most cases, some alloying element is added. The above-mentioned non-ferrous metals may be mixed a in various proportions to form many alloys, chief among them being brasses, bronzes, and aluminium alloys. There is a wide range of use for non-ferrous alloys. Their nature differs greatly from that of the ferrous group. By varying the proportions of non-ferrous metals, alloys that are hard or soft, weak or strong, can be produced. When alloying, the metal with the highest melting point should be melted first, then the one with the next highest melting point, and so on until all of the metals that are to makeup the alloy are melted together. For example, to make a red-brass alloy, the copper is melted first, then the zinc, then the lead, and at last the tin. As soon as the mixture is hot enough to run the castings, it should be taken out of the furnace, otherwise the zinc, tin and lead may burn away.


Вариант 8.

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.


1.There … so much snow on the roof. 2. There …too many flowers in this vase. 3. There … very many apples on the plate. 4. He … very difficult person to do with. 5. My friends …in the club yesterday. 5. I … his brother.


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. He (to sit) in the café when I saw him. 2. This girl never (to see) the sea. 3. My husband (to drink) many cups of coffee every day. 4. I (to wait) for you since 12 o'clock. 5. We knew he (to come) back to get his money. 6. I (to hold) a very important conference from six to eight tomorrow.


Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.


  1. You have been making essay for two hours already.

2. The train carried both suppliers and finished materials between both points.


Задание 4. Переведите текст письменно.


Alloy, substance composed of two or more metals. Alloys, like pure metals, possess metallic luster and conduct heat and electricity well, although not generally as well as do the pure metals of which they are formed. Compounds that contain both a metal or metals and certain nonmetals, particularly those containing carbon, are also called alloys. The most important of these is steel. Simple carbon steels consist of about 0.5 percent manganese and up to 0.8 percent carbon, with the remaining material being iron.

An alloy may consist of an intermetallic compound, a solid solution, an intimate mixture of minute crystals of the constituent metallic elements, or any combination of solutions or mixtures of the foregoing. Intermetallic compounds, such as NaAu2, CuSn, and CuAl2, do not follow the ordinary rules of valency. They are generally hard and brittle; although they have not been important in the past where strength is required, many new developments have made such compounds increasingly important. Alloys consisting of solutions or mixtures of two metals generally have lower melting points than do the pure constituents. A mixture with a melting point lower than that of any other mixture of the same constituents is called a eutectic. The eutectoid, the solid-phase analog of the eutectic, frequently has better physical characteristics than do alloys of different proportions. The properties of alloys are frequently far different from those of their constituent elements, and such properties as strength and corrosion resistance may be considerably greater for an alloy than for any of the separate metals. For this reason, alloys are more generally used than pure metals.


Вариант 9.

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.

1. There …no water in the glass. 2. These books … on the table. 3. He … here in a few minutes. 4. There … much information in this article. 5. Their parents … at work now. 6. Where … you last Monday?


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. She told me she (to return) recently from a very interesting trip. 2. They (to sit) here for 20 minutes when I come. 3. As I (to go) down the street just now, I saw an odd scene. 4. It (to rain) every week. 5. He will ask you immediately when you (to visit) them next time. 6. I wonder what he (to buy) for my birthday.



Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.


  1. He spent his winter vacation in Moscow.
  2. She will call on you as soon as she arrives.


Задание 4. Переведите текст письменно.


Steel is stronger and harder than wrought iron, which is approximately pure iron, and is used in far greater quantities. The alloy steels, mixtures of steel with such metals as chromium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, tungsten, and vanadium, are stronger and harder than steel itself, and many of them are also more corrosion-resistant than iron or steel. An alloy can often be made to match a predetermined set of characteristics. An important case in which particular characteristics are necessary is the design of rockets, spacecraft, and supersonic aircraft. The materials used in these vehicles and their engines must be light in weight, very strong, and able to sustain very high temperatures. To withstand these high temperatures and reduce the overall weight, lightweight, high-strength alloys of aluminum, beryllium, and titanium have been developed. To resist the heat generated during reentry into the atmosphere of the earth, alloys containing heat-resistant metals such as tantalum, niobium, tungsten, cobalt, and nickel are being used in space vehicles.

A wide variety of special alloys containing metals such as beryllium, boron, niobium, hafnium, and zirconium, which have particular nuclear absorption characteristics, are used in nuclear reactors. Niobium-tin alloys are used as superconductors at extremely low temperatures. Special copper, nickel, and titanium alloys, designed to resist the corrosive effects of boiling salt water, are used in desalination plants. Historically, most alloys have been prepared by mixing the molten materials. More recently, powder metallurgy has become important in the preparation of alloys with special characteristics. In this process, the alloys are prepared by mixing dry powders of the materials, squeezing them together under high pressure, and then heating them to temperatures just below their melting points. The result is a solid, homogeneous alloy.


Вариант 10.

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глаголов to be и to have.


1. I … so tired. 2. … it a long way from here? 3. Usually I … little time. 4. She … many friends. 5. They … nice people. 6. … you in the theatre yesterday?


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. I was anxious to see the place where I (to spend) my childhood. 2. She already (to gather) the necessary material and now she (to write) her report. 3. She (not to change) a bit since I saw here last time. 4. It (to rain) still? 5. I (to read) this book as soon as I (to get) it. 6. We are sure that you (to do) all work by Friday.


Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.


  1. They have already decided to take part in the conference.
  2. Some years ago he worked at machine-building plant.


Задание 4. Переведите текс письменно.

Brasses are yellowish or reddish alloys of copper and zinc in different proportions about 60 percent copper and 40 per cent zinc, but some brasses contain as high as 90 per cent copper with only 10 per cent zinc). An addition of tin makes brasses stronger. Brasses are very ductile and may be treated without heating them. They are corrosion-resistant and are used for making musical instruments, bearings, etc.

Bronze is an alloy containing primarily copper and tin, but other elements may be added to the alloy to increase its properties such as hardness and resistance to wear. The most common bronzes are known as straight bronze, phosphor bronze, and manganese bronze. Straight bronze is usually a mixture of copper and tin, but there are many bronzes that contain zinc and lead, especially the cheap mixtures. Phosphor bronze may be made by adding a little phosphorus to the mixture. If phosphor tin is used and alloyed with the coper, better results wiil be obtained then if the phosphorus is mixed with the coper. Manganese bronze alloys are usually made by using both copper that contains from 5 to 15 per cent of manganese and copper that contains no manganese.

Aluminium Alloys. Aluminium is used extensively for casting that are to be light in weight, Light in colour, or that must not rust. Since aluminium is too soft for making castings, it is necessary to mix some other metals with it. The metals that alloy freely with aluminium are copper, zinc, and iron. Usually, where aluminium alloys are made, the aluminium predominates.

All non-ferrous castings will take a high polish and will not rust so easily as the ferrous metals, a characteristic that makes them especially useful in wet or damp places. Non-ferrous metals are rather expensive and therefore nowadays scientists try to replace them with some ferrous alloys of lower cost possessing thesame properties.



Вариант 11.

Задание 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глаголов to be.


1. What country … you from? 2. My husband and I … from Dutch. 3. My language … Dutch.

4. The tests … very difficult. 5. We watched the film yesterday. The film … very interesting. 6… your wife from Norway?


Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени. Предложения переведите.


1. The first person whom Andrew (to see) as he (to enter) was his old nurse. 2. She is going to read the letter she just (to receive). 3. You (to be) late for the concert if you (not to take) a taxi. 4. Where is a baby? – The nurse (to put) it to bed. 5. If you like, I (to give) it to you on Sunday when you (to come) to see me. 6. Light (to travel) more quickly than sound.


Задание 3. К следующим предложениям составьте вопросы 5 типов.


  1. They are playing tennis now.

2. Usually he reads ten pages a day.


Задание 4. Переведите текст письменно.

In a milling machine, a workpiece is fed against a circular device with a series of cutting edges on its circumference. The workpiece is held on a table that controls the feed against the cutter. The table conventionally has three possible movements: longitudinal, horizontal, and vertical; in some cases it can also rotate. Milling machines are the most versatile of all machine tools. Flat or contoured surfaces may be machined with excellent finish and accuracy. Angles, slots, gear teeth, and recess cuts can be made by using various cutters.

Boring is a process that enlarges holes previously drilled, usually with a rotating single-point cutter held on a boring bar and fed against a stationary workpiece. Boring machines include jig borers and vertical and horizontal boring mills.



  1. VI. Прочтите и устно переведите весь текст. Перепишите и письменно переведите 4, 5, 6, 7 абзацы.
  2. А.А. Григорьев – литературный и театральный критик и публицист.
  4. В Конституции Российской Федерации (ст. 57) указано, что «каждый обязан платить законно установленные налоги и сборы».
  5. В число объектов внешне выполняющих все условия охраноспособности, но не подпадающих под правовую охрану авторского права, входят произведения народного творчества (пп.3 п.6 ст.1259).
  6. Василий Павлович был одним из создателей этой кафедры в 1959 году (с этого года профессор) и возглавлял её более 30 лет.
  7. Влияют ли мотивы на квалификацию преступления предусмотренного ч. 2 ст. 353 УК РФ?
  8. Глава 2. Трансакционные издержки (ст. 63)
  9. Глава 5. Институциональная теория фирмы (ст. 186)
  10. Дача взятки и коммерческий подкуп (ст. 291 и 204 УК РФ)
  11. Дж. Ст. Милль о законах производства и распределения. Доктрина социальных реформ.
  12. Договор - это соглашение двух или нескольких лиц об установлении, изменении или прекращении гражданских прав и обязанностей (ст. 420 ГК).

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