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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 1. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to be.

1. My friend’s mother … a teacher of English. 2. My parents … not in Moscow, they … in St. Petersburg. 3. I … not an engineer, my father … not a lawyer. 4. The student of our group … in the lab yesterday. 5. All the students … present yesterday.6. There … many things on the teacher’s table. 7. There … a window on the left. 8. New car … much better in the future. 9. I … in the library at 2 p.m. tomorrow.

Exercise 2. Определите функцию глагола to be. Предложения переведите.

  1. This proposition is true.
  2. We are to take certain steps to clarify the situation.
  3. Art is a manifestation of emotions.
  4. They are paid good money for their work.
  5. We are trying to do our best.
  6. Further we are to give up these assumptions.
  7. The noble object of education is beyond any doubt.
  8. I am reading an interesting book.
  9. My favorite occupation is reading.
  10. Human beings are the most interesting creatures on the earth.


  Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Participle II (V3ф)
I have   had   will have   had
He, she, it has
You, we, they have


А) смысловой – I have this book. – У меня есть эта книга.

Б) вспомогательный - не переводится, используется для образования времен группы Perfect. I have done all work. – Я сделал всю работу.

В ) модальный, когда после него следует инфинитив с частицей to. (должен, приходится)

I have to do this work.


Задание. Заполните пропуски соответствующей личной формой глагола to have.


1. I …many books. 2. Yesterday I … little time. 3. She … many friends. 4. They …a nice cat. 5. …you got a PT lesson today? 6. On Monday we … five lessons. 7. If you are tired, let’s …. a rest. 8. He … got a new car. 9. She … a nice coat last autumn. 10. … you … this book tomorrow? 11. They …got little money.


  Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple Participle II (V3ф)
I do   did   will do   done
He, she, it does
You, we, they do


А) смысловой – I do my homework every day. – Я делаю домашнее задание каждый день

Б) вспомогательный - не переводится, используется для образования вопросительных и отрицательных предложений в Present/Past Simple Active Voice. I don’t like this film. – Мне не нравится этот фильм.

Задание. Употребите верную форму: do, does, don't, doesn’t.

1. Where … Sam live? 2. I’m sorry, I … know his telephone number. 3. …you like music? – Yes, I …. 4. … your mother work? - No, she …. She is a housewife. 5. … your brother speak English? - Oh, yes, he …. 6. Why … their parents want to move to another city?

Порядок слов утвердительного предложения.


Обстоятель- Ство Подлежащее Сказуемое Дополнение (косв.и прям.) Обстоятель-ство
  ( At night )   Yesterday Children All people Sleep   An economist He Plans I Sleep need gives   plans must make increase gave   sleep rest.   production. plans. production. him a book long. ( at night ).   yesterday.


Exercise 1. Выделите подлежащее и сказуемое. Переведите предложения.


  1. Four million tons of the solar energy go out into the space as light and heat.
  2. The solar energy must light and heat our houses.
  3. They are building houses in this region.
  4. This building houses a new technical library.
  5. Our professor always answers all our questions.
  6. At the age of 70 Einstein still looked for the answers to new secrets of time and space.
  7. I go to the sport club two times a week.
  8. We will have to winter in this village.
  9. In winter we like to go skating.
  10. His first impulse was to spring forward.
  11. Spring is a lovely season everywhere.
  12. I will bring you the book tomorrow.
  13. He will book a room in a hotel for you.
  14. This is his will.
  15. His favorite subjects are history and literature.
  16. He subjects you a danger.


Сводная таблица времен глаголов английского языка в изъявительном наклонении.



PRESENT V1Ф(s); DO / DOES…V1ф AM / IS / ARE+ V –ing HAVE / HAS + V3Ф(-ed ) HAVE / HAS BEEN+V-ing
PAST V2Ф(-ed); DID …V1ф WAS / WERE + V –ing HAD + V3Ф (-ed) HAD BEEN + V –ing
СЛУЧАИ УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ КОГДА? : yesterday, last week, a year ago; tomorrow, next week; always, often, never, every day At 5 o`clock; from 4 to 5 p.m.; for 2 hours; today; this week; now, still. By 5 o`clock; just, already, yet, since, this week; when she came; for Just, already, yet; by that time + for two hours; since 1990; For an hour + when she came



TENSES. - времена

THE PRESENT TENSES. – настоящие времена

Настоящие времена.

PRESENT SIMPLE(простое настоящее время) PRESENT CONTINUOUS(Progressive) (настоящее продолженное время) PRESENT PERFECT(настоящее совершенное время) PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS(Progressive) ( настоящее совершенное продолженное время )
V1 ф(-s); do/ does … V1 ф Am/is/are + V-ing Have/has + V3Ф Have/has been +V-ing
1.выражает привычные, обычные действия (всегда, часто, периодично) с наречиями и словосочетаниями: often, usually, sometimes, never, always, occasionally, seldom, every day(morning, week, year), on Monday, twice a year.   2. для выражения общеизвестных истин. e.g. Magnet attracts iron.   3.в придаточных предложениях времени и в условных после союзов: when, till, until, before, after, as soon as, if, unless, provided.(когда?, при каком условии? ) вместо future indefinite используется present simple. e.g. If the weather is fine we’ll go for a walk. . 1.для выражения текущего действия, происходящего в данный момент( сейчас). e.g.It`s raining. I`m not wearing a coat because it isn`t cold. 2..для выражения отдельных намеченных на ближайшее будущее время действий (планы). e.g. We are leaving to Moscow tomorrow. 4. следующие глаголы не используются в форме continuous: Be – быть; Have - иметь like - нравиться; love - любить hate - ненавидеть want - хотеть; need - нуждаться know - знать mean - значить understand - понимать believe - верить remember - помнить think - думать see - видеть; hear - слышать feel – чувствовать; smell – пахнуть taste – иметь вкус 1. Обозначает совершенное к настоящему моменту действие. e.g. I`ve lost my way. They have done all work. 2. Используется с just, yet, already, of late, since, lately, recently, this week, often, seldom, never, ever. e.g. He has just returned from a business trip. We have already bought a car. 1.используется для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и все еще продолжается. e.g. I've been waiting for you for an hour.   2. используется с for (for two hours/ a week/ three month/ten years/ a long time) и since (since 1990/ nine o`clock / she came here, etc.) e.g. I've been writing letters since breakfast.    


Exercise 1. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Simple Tense и образуйте отрицательное и вопросительное предложения.

1. Fishermen often (to tell) us about their catches. 2. Their children (to go) to a private school. 3. Little Amanda (to collect) all sorts of toy-pigs. 4. Anything that he (to say) (to be) worth listening to. 5. We usually (to spend) our holidays in the village. 6. My English friend (to live) in a nice house that (to stand) on a hill that (to overlook) lake Winter-mere which (to be)) in the Lake District. 7. My sister (to have) a good appetite and she always (to eat) much. 8. Let’s go outside. It (to be) very hot in the house.


Exercise 2. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Continuous, где это возможно.


Pollution (to hang) like a brown cloud over New York today. Dirt and smoke (to pour) from cars and factories. Pollution (to spoil) the air we breath, and it (to harm) our health.

New York (to have) a big problem. The city (to have) dirty air. The air (to smell) bad. Pollution (to be) a health problem, too, because it (to hurt) people’s lungs.

The man (to think) that pollution (to be) dangerous. He (not to like) the air, so he (not to breath ) it. He (to wear) a gas mask. He (to smell) a flower, and it (to smell) good, but he (not to know) it.

He (to listen) for birds, but he (not to hear) any. He (to look) for beauty, but he (not to see) any.

Exercise 3. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Perfect.




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