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II. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. Developing the habit of dividing between work and leisure is the main point of all effective time management strategies.

2. Making effort to follow your schedule plan will help you make the most out of your time.

4. 168 hours each week is the most important period for personal time management strategies.

5. You shouldn’t say no when your plan is being affected much by other people or other tasks.

6. Separating work and leisure you should concentrate on work.

Text 5



MAG Commodities is a newly established agricultural trading company. With operations currently focused in the Black Sea region of Eastern Europe, we originate, handle and market grains and oilseeds sourced directly from farmers to our destination customers around the world.

Headquartered in Baar, Switzerland, our business has grown rapidly to include new offices in Barcelona and Singapore. In the past year, we’ve assembled a world-class team of agriculture industry professionals with long-standing grain trading and logistics expertise and an understanding of market structures and customer needs.

Our goal is to link the supply of grains from the Black Sea to end customers by maintaining an active presence in key destination markets in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

http: //www.magcommodities.com/about/at-a-glance/

I. Read the following summary of the article, analyze its structure and find out incorrect points. Give reasons for your choice.

The article introduces a newly established agricultural trading company MAG Commodities. The headquarters of MAG Commodities is in Baar. Baar is a town in Switzerland. The article contains information about MAG’s location, activities and key destination markets in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. We also learn that in the past year MAG has assembled a world-class team of agriculture industry professionals.

II. Write a better variant of the summary. Compare it with the one in the Answer key part.


Text 1


1 – F; 2 – F; 3 – T; 4 – F; 5 – T.


1. Is negotiating about resolving differences?

2. Does negotiation differ from argument?

3. What does negotiation usually involve?

4. Do discussions persuade people to change their points of view or allow people to explore alternative points of view without coming to an agreement?

5. Why should good negotiators seem firm in their convictions and not be prepared to compromise immediately?

Text 2


1 – to start; 2 – therefore; 3 – if; 4 – otherwise; 5 – next; 6 – in addition; 7 – again.


1 – b; 2 – c; 3 – a.


Text 3


1 – F; 2 – F; 3 – F; 4 – T; 5 – T.


1. Does asking pointed questions demonstrate control?

2. What actually directs the negotiation?

3. What do questions also give a negotiator? (or: What can questions also give a negotiator? )

4. Why is it particularly important to hear the other's points?

5. What techniques can improve listening skills?

Text 4


10. You should assign time for work and time for leisure.

11. You shouldwork out your day plan until it becomes the habit.

12. You should strive to work your plan out.

13. You shouldn’t allowyourself do things anytime you wish to do something.

14. You should handleyour working hours and then you will handle most of the other things easily

15. You should be flexible easily to suit new conditions.

16. You should be ready to adjust plans.

17. You should avoid " time stealers".


1 – T; 2 – T; 3 – F; 4 – F; 5 – F.

Text 5


1. The article introduces a newly established agricultural trading company MAG Commodities.

2. The headquarters of MAG Commodities is in Baar. Baar is a town in Switzerland. – Необоснованное выделение дополнительной информации в отдельные предложения.

3. The article contains information about MAG’s location, activities and key destination markets in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. – Ненужная конкретизация понятия key destination markets.

4. We also learn that in the past year MAG has assembled a world-class team of agriculture industry professionals – 1) Нарушение общего стиля, введение подлежащего “we”. 2) Необоснованное выделение дополнительной информации в отдельные предложения.


The article introduces a newly established international agricultural trading company MAG Commodities giving brief information about MAG’s location, activities, staff qualifications and key destination markets.




Подготовка к итоговому экзамену

Структура экзамена:

На экзамене магистрантам предлагается текст по экономической тематике, объем которого составляет 2500-3000 знаков. Работа над этим текстом предусматривает выполнение следующих заданий:

1. Изучающее чтение предложенного текста с использованием словаря и электронных ресурсов. Задание предполагает изучение выделенной лексики, структурный анализ текста и выделение его смысловых частей, а также определение ключевых понятий и основной идеи изучаемого текста.

2. Реферирование текста, которое предусматривает письменное изложение основного содержания текста в форме резюме (Summary). Резюме должно соответствовать требованиям, изложенным во второй части пособия и отработанным при выполнении контрольной работы №2.

3. Подготовка к беседе с преподавателем по содержанию текста, которая включает ответы на вопросы преподавателя по тематике текста, построение вопросов к тексту и формулирование собственного отношения к изложенной в тексте проблеме.

На подготовку к ответу отводится 45–60 минут.

В разделе ниже представлены тексты, подобные экзаменационным, для того, чтобы дать возможность магистрантам подготовиться к сдаче итогового экзамена по дисциплине. Тексты сопровождаются следующими тренировочными заданиями:

1. Определите, кто автор текста и из какого источника получен текст.

2. Разделите текст на смысловые части для понимания его логической структуры и пронумеруйте их.

3. Ознакомьтесь с дополнительной информацией о подчеркнутых словосочетаниях, перейдя по ссылкам.

4. Определите ключевые пункты представленной в тексте информации.

5. Попробуйте сформулировать одним предложением основную мысль текста.

6. Составьте 4-5 вопросов к тексту.

7. Выскажите свое мнение по представленной в тексте проблеме. Что нового вы извлекли из чтения текста?


By Lisa Smith

Globalization is the tendency of investment funds and businesses to move beyond domestic and national markets to other markets around the globe, allowing them to become interconnected with different markets. Proponents of globalization say that it helps developing nations " catch up" to industrialized nations much faster, through increased employment and technological advances, and Asian economies are often highlighted as examples of globalization's success.

Critics of globalization say that it weakens national sovereignty and allows rich nations to ship domestic jobs overseas, where labor is much cheaper. What is the real story on globalization? It largely depends on your personal perspective. In this article, we'll examine the issue from both sides.

The View from the Penthouse

For business leaders and members of the economic elite, globalization is good. Cheaper labor overseas enables them to build production facilities in locations where labor and healthcare costs are low, and then sell the finished goods in locations where wages are high.

Profits soar due to the greatly reduced wages for workers, and Wall Street rewards the big profit gains with higher stock prices. The CEOs of global companies also get credit for the profits. Their rewards are usually generous compensation packages, in which company stock and stock options figure prominently. Institutional investors and wealthy individuals also take home the big gains when stock prices increase.

The View from the Street

But globalization doesn't only affect CEOs and high-net-worth individuals. Competition for jobs stretches far beyond the immediate area in a global marketplace. From technology call centers in India, to automobile manufacturing plants in China, globalization means that workers must compete with job applicants from around the world.

Some of these changes arose because of the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA). NAFTA sent the jobs of U.S. autoworkers to Mexico, a developing country, where wages are significantly lower than those in the U.S. A few years later, some of those same jobs were relocated to third-world countries in East Asia, where wages are even lower.

In both cases, the auto manufacturers expected U.S. consumers to continue buying those products at U.S. prices. While critics of globalization decry the loss of jobs that globalization can entail for developed countries, those who support globalization argue that the employment and technology that is brought to developing countries helps those populations toward industrialization and the possibility of increased standards of living.

Read more: http: //www.investopedia.com/articles/07/globalization.asp


1. Identify the author and the source of the text.

2. Divide the text into parts for better understanding of its logical structure and enumerate them.

3. Find the additional information about underlined terms and phrases following the links.

4. Find the major/key points of the information presented in the text.

5. Try to formulate the main idea of the text in one sentence.

6. Make 4-5 questions to the text.

7. Give your own opinion on the central idea/ideas discussed in the text. What did you get out of this?


By Lisa Smith



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