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Зачетный урок за первое полугодие

Принимая во внимание психологические особенности второклассников, учитывая, с каким восторгом дети воспринимают на уроке игру, я провожу зачетный урок по изученным темам в форме КВН.

Я делю группу на две равные по силам команды, ребята сами выбирают капитанов. Затем предлагаю им с помощью родителей составить «визитную карточку» своей команды: придумать название, написать приветствие, нарисовать эмблему. Прошу родителей позаботиться о гостинцах для детей.

Провожу большую подготовительную работу: составляю конкурсы, кроссворды, подбираю ролевые ситуации, готовлю с помощью ребят необходимое для урока оборудование и реквизит. На урок приглашаю всех родителей учеников, а также коллег-учителей.

Цель урока: обобщающее повторение пройденного материала в игровой форме с использованием ролевых игр.

Задача урока: употребление знакомых лексических и грамматических структур в различных ситуациях.

Оборудование: куклы (Незнайка, Карлсон, Катрин), животные (зайцы, мышата, собачки, котенок Мур).

Жюри: 3 девочки-семиклассницы*

Счетная комиссия: 2 мамы.


Ход урока

Lehrer: Liebe Kinder! Heute lernen wir nicht. Wir werden tanzen, singen, spielen, deutsch sprechen und viel lachen.

Guten Tag! Wir sind die Kinder,

die gut deutsche Lieder singen.

Wir sind fleißig und nicht dumm.

Tanzen wir im Kreis herum!

(Дети хором проговаривают рифмовку)

Lehrer: Kinder, wir haben 2 Mannschaften. Давайте предоставим им слово.

(Выходят двое учеников, класс встречает их аплодисментами.)

Schüler 1: Unsere Mannschaft heißt «Школяры»

(Дети хором.)

Школяр всегда стремится к знаньям

И наш девиз – идти вперед.

Мы заверяем вас сегодня,

Что наш «Школяр» не подведет!

Schüler 2: Unsere Mannschaft heißt «Буквоеды»

(Дети хором.)

Мы – смышленые ребята,

Ожидаем мы победы

Незнакомы нам и беды

Мы зовемся «Буквоеды»!

Lehrer: Also, wir beginnen unsere Arbeit!

Первое задание: узнайте «лишнее слово» и поднимите карточку с его порядковым номером.

На доске написаны слова:

1. Wolf. 2. Fuchs. 3. Ball. 4. Hase. 5. Papagei

1. Kran. 2. Pflaumen. 3. Auto. 4. Flugzeug. 5. Traktor

1. Erdbeeren. 2. Apfel. 3. Apfelsinen. 4. Heft. 5. Mandarinen.

1. Gummi. 2. Bleistift. 3. Torte. 4. Lehrbuch. 5. Kugelschreiber

Учитель четко и громко прочитывает слова каждого ряда, ученик поднимает карточку с номером «лишнего» слова. Члены жюри оценивают правильность ответа и быстроту реакции играющих, поднимают карточки с оценками. Счетная комиссия считает очки и записывает на доске результаты той и другой команды.

Учитель: Молодцы, ребята! А вот Карлсон обращается к вам за помощью. Он хотел написать правильно немецкий алфавит, но пропустил некоторые буквы. Давайте ему поможем!

Карлсон дает каждой команде красиво написанный на листе альбома алфавит, в котором пропущены 11 букв. Члены команд вписывают недостающие буквы. Жюри оценивает работу, исходя из правильности написания, каллиграфии, быстроты выполнения задания. Счетная комиссия записывает результаты на доске.

Учитель: А теперь, ребята, самое трудное задание. Я приготовила вот эти красивые конверты с ролевыми ситуациями.

Команды я делю на 2 группы по 4 человека в каждой.

На красивом подносе – 4 красочных конверта. Предложила детям такие ситуации:

а) Liebe Kinder! Ich bin ein König. Ich habe eine Tochter. Sie heißt Nessmejana. Sie weint. Kommt, macht bitte Nessmejana lustig!

6) Unser Freund Nesnajka hat seinen Ranzen vergessen (забыл портфель). Er weint. Macht bitte Nesnajka lustig! Gebt ihm bitte die Schulsachen!

в) Wer ist das? Ein Kätzchen! Aber warum weint er? Helft ihm bitte!

r) Liebe Kinder! Ich habe heute Geburtstag! Kommt zu mir. Eure Katrin.

Дети берут конверты, прочитывают ситуацию и сразу начинают готовиться. Затем ребята все одновременно заканчивают подготовку к ролевой игре и получают следующее задание: внимательно слушать ответы товарищей, фиксировать на листочках их ошибки.

После этого дети выходят на середину класса и проводят ролевую игру. В зависимости от роли дети меняют интонацию и тембр голоса, работают с игрушками, свободно двигаются по классу. После выступления каждой группы учащиеся исправляют ошибки товарищей: «Lena, wiederhole bitte den Satz!».

Жюри и счетная комиссия оценивают результаты последнего конкурса и подводят общий итог, называя команду-победительницу.

Lehrer: Liebe Kinder, leider haben wir keine Zeit mehr. Alle haben heute sehr gut gearbeitet und alle bekommen gute Noten und kleine Geschenke.

Jetzt ist die Schule aus!

Jetzt gehen wir nach Haus!

Wir gehen, gehen, gehen,

Auf Wiedersehen!


H. В. АВАНИНА, средняя школа № 44, Самара


1996, № 7, с. 40-45


Дополнительный материал на английском языке для X класса

( Окончание . Начало см . в № 6, 1996)


Ceremonies at School

Pledge of Allegiance

Every classroom has an American flag in it. From elementary to high school, students start each day by standing up and saluting the flag. They put their hands over their hearts and say the "Pledge of Allegiance." This is a promise to the country. It was written by people who came to America over 200 years ago. Saluting the flag helps people think about the United States and its freedoms.


At many high schools and universities there is a big football game once a year and a parade afterwards. This is called "Homecoming." Students who graduated from the school like to return for Homecoming to see their old friends and teachers again. In the parade cheerleaders and football players walk together. The school band plays loud music for their fans and team. The parade is full of the school colours.


In American schools there are ceremonies for students who have done good work in school or who are excellent at sports. At these special ceremonies all the students and teachers come together. They watch the school director give prizes to the students. Sometimes the prize is money for later university study.


When students graduate from high school, each of them gets a prize. The prize they get is the high-school diploma written on nice paper with the name of the student and the school. Afterwards the graduating class has a big party, or "prom." Everyone wears fine clothes and a band plays dance music. It is a party to remember. Students, teachers, and parents have worked hard for each diploma. Graduation is the greatest ceremony of all in

American schools. Exercises.

I. How much did you understand?

1. Are these statements true or false?

a) From elementary to high school, students start each day by standing up and saluting the flag.

b) At many high schools and universities there is a big football game once a year and a parade afterwards.

c) In the parade, cheerleaders and football players do not walk together.

d) Graduation is not the greatest ceremony of all in American schools.

2. Can you answer these questions?

a) How do students salute the flag?

b) By whom and when was the promise to the country written?

c) What is "Homecoming"?

d) Why do students who graduated from the school like to return for Homecoming?

e) What are students of American school awarded for?

II. Do you know that...

– the United States' flag is called the "Stars and Stripes"? It has thirteen red and white stripes and fifty white stars on a blue square. One star is for each state of the USA now, and the stripes are for the first thirteen states of the union;

– there is a story that the first flag was a patchwork quilt made by a patriotic lady called Betsy Ross?

– the flag is also called the "Star-Spangled Banner," the name of the national anthem of the United States?

– Americans love their flag? They use the stars and stripes as a popular design on shirts, shoes, hats – anywhere and everywhere in fact.

– the Stars and Stripes stand by the President's desk?

– Americans are patriotic too? Many of them think that their flag is the flag of freedom.

III. It's interesting to know that...

– "Homecoming" is held every fall by many high schools and colleges, especially in small towns.

– it is a week-long celebration for all the graduates and current students of that high school or college.

– the homecoming queen is crowned. She is chosen by the students of the school.

– over the next few days the homecoming queen rides in the parade and opens the sports event – usually a football game.

IV. Speak on

– homecoming;

– Pledge of Allegiance;

– awards;

– graduation.

V. You are a group of tourists from the USA's schools. It's your first visit to Russia. You want to know about Russian schools.

a) Ask your Russian friend to tell you about the most popular traditions in his/her school;

b) Pass on this information to your fellow-student who wasn't present at the meeting.


Neighbourhood Schools

There is no great difference between city, suburban, and country schools in the United States. Public schools teach the same subjects in the same grades across the land. Most school buildings look the same and have the same types of rooms inside. There is always a gym, a large room for basketball and other sports. There is a lunchroom, a school library and an auditorium, a very large room where all the students and teachers can meet. Most schools also have rooms for the school band to practice in. They have rooms for students to type and use computers. There are usually rooms for students to work with paint, wood, metal and other materials. These are all part of most American public schools, no matter where they are.

Each school serves a neighbourhood, and neighbourhoods are different. In some the parents take an interest in what their children are doing at school. They give their time, their ideas, and they may give gifts to their schools.

That's what makes a good school in America. Generally it doesn't matter whether the neighbourhood is rich or poor, or whether it is in the city, the suburbs or the country. What matters is the interest the neighbourhood takes in its school.

Schools try to interest students in their neighbourhood, too. Trips to the firehouse, police headquarters, newspaper offices and other places are very popular with young children. Some school have newspapers written by students for their neighbours. Older students may clean up the neighbourhood together. They may earn money by washing cars, and use the money to help sick or elderly people in the neighbourhood. These are ways students learn about the American way of life. They start with their neighbourhood.


I. How much did you understand? 1. Are these statements true or false?

a) There are differences between city, suburban and country schools in the USA.

b) Public schools teach the same subjects in the same grades across the land.

c) Schools try to interest students in their neighbourhood.

d) Students learn about the American way of life starting with their neighbourhood.

2. Can you answer these questions?

a) What do most of American school buildings look like?

b) What types of rooms do they have inside?

c) What does each school serve?

d) What are the differences among neighbourhoods?

e) What makes a good school in America? 0 In what ways do schools try to interest

students in their neighbourhood?

II. Speak on...

– American school buildings;

– what makes a good school in America;

– the ways students learn about the American way of life;

– typical Russian school buildings.


Private Schools

Private does not mean better. But it does mean expensive. Public schools in the U.S. are paid for by money from everyone; private schools are not. Parents who send their children to private schools must pay to do so.

Parents may have enough money to pay for private school. But these schools do not have to accept their children. Most private schools accept only children who are already doing well in school and are able to work quietly. Some take only boys or only girls. Classes are often quieter and less crowded than classes in public schools. This gives children a chance to learn more of what their teachers are trying to teach them.

Public schools do not teach religion. So some parents choose private religious schools for their children. These schools each belong to a church. They give lessons about that religion. They give lessons in all the usual school subjects as well.

Children at many private schools wear special school uniforms, all exactly the same. At public schools students wear what they want. They often dress in bright colours and tennis shoes. They sometimes invent new and interesting fashions.

Only about 17 percent of American children are sent to private schools. Most Americans really believe in public education. They want their children to go to schools that are free and are open to all. They want their children to make friends with everyone – children of all races, from all kinds of families, with different talents and different interests.


I. How much did you understand?

1. Are these Statements true or false?

a) Private means better and expensive.

b) Classes are often quieter and less crowded in public schools.

c) Public school teach religion.

d) Most Americans really believe in public education.

2. Can you answer these questions?

a) How are public and private schools financed?

b) What children do most private schools accept?

c) What gives children in private schools а chance to learn more of what their teachers are trying to teach them?

d) Do children of private schools wear school uniforms?

e) How many children are sent to private schools in America?

f) Why do most parents send their children to public schools?

3. Put ticks in the correct boxes.[39]

a) Schools are paid for by money from everyone.

b) Schools are paid for by money from parents who send their children to these schools.

c) Schools accept only children who are already doing well in school and are able to work quietly.

d) Classes are less crowded.

e) Religion is not taught there.

f) They give lessons about that religion and the usual school subjects as well.

g) Children wear special school uniforms.

h) Students wear what they want.

II. Speak on...

– private schools in the USA;

– differences between public and private schools in the USA

III. You are a member of a teacher exchange trip to the USA. Make up a small report on Russian private schools.



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