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EXERCISE 13 Give the Russian equivalents to the following words.

The area being surveyed, a low probability, the time taken for the waves to travel, the rocks are arranged in strata, onshore search, advanced technology, the reflecting rock, fossil record, oil and gas in quantities worth developing, to work out the thickness, to give a picture of deep rock structures, show promise teams, to calculate the distance traveled.

EXERCISE 14 Give the English equivalents to the following words.

Небольшие образцы горных пород; предотвратить утечку нефти; неблагоприятная среда; возможное залегание нефти; работать в тесном взаимодействии; решение о бурении скважины; состав пород; нефтенасыщенные осадочные породы; толщина пластов горных пород; совокупность линий; поисковая или поисково-разведочная скважина; современные методы исследования; глубокое подводное бурение; ранние геологические эпохи; система стальных труб; буровая вышка; буровая колонна и долото; перспективная территория; буровой раствор; затрубное пространство; устье скважины; обломки; фонтанирование скважин; аэрофотосъёмка и съёмка со спутников; фонтанная арматура; количества, достаточные для промышленной разработки.

EXERCISE 15 Answer the questions below, using the information from the text " How to Find Oil".

1. What equipment is used in searching onshore oil and gas?

2. What methods are used to search for oil and gas?

3. How do specialists work?

4. How can you explain the term " seismic survey"?

5. What do surveys show?

6. What kind of activity is drilling? Can you prove it?

7. What kind of drilling equipment can you enumerate?

8. What for is a carefully constituted mud?

EXERCISE 16 Read and translate the text, using the words after the text.

Fluid Flow

Fluids move from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. When the well is drilled into a hydrocarbon reservoir and open at the surface, the area in the vicinity of the well bore becomes an area of low pressure. If the reservoir has sufficient permeability, oil and gas flow from all directions into the well bore. When fluids are flowing into the well the pressure at the well bottom is called the bottom hole flowing pressure. The pressure at surface, when the well is flowing, is called the wellhead or flowing tubing pressure. The pressure at the surface when the well is shut-in and fluids are not flowing through the tubing is called the shut-in or static tubing pressure.

The pressure within a column of fluid increases with depth and is greater at the bottom of the column than at the top. This principle can be demonstrated by the change you feel on your ears when you dive to the bottom of a swimming pool. The pressure is directly related to the depth and the density of the fluid, and is called hydrostatic pressure.

For a given height of a column of fluid, the hydrostatic pressure of liquids is much greater than the hydrostatic pressure of gas. For example, the change of pressure with depth (called the hydrostatic gradient) is about 1.0 Kpa/m in gas. In oil the gradient varies from 8.0 to 9.0 Kpa/m.

In order for fluids to flow up the well bore, the reservoir pressure must be greater than the total of the hydrostatic and atmospheric pressure. The flow rate of oil or gas into the well bore depends on the permeability of the reservoir rock, the area of flow into the well bore and the viscosity of the fluid.

Oil and gas energy drives

Oil and gas reservoirs and fields have also been classified according to the type of natural energy and forces available to produce the oil and gas. At the time oil was forming and accumulating in reservoirs, pressure and energy in the gas and salt water associated with the oil was also being stored which would later be available to assist in producing the oil and gas from the underground reservoir to the surface. Oil cannot move and lift itself from reservoirs through wells to the surface. It is largely the energy in the gas or the salt water (or both) occurring under high pressures with the oil that furnishes the force to drive or displace the oil through and from the pores of the reservoir into the wells.

The words to be memorized:

1. Drill– бурить

2. Flow– фонтанировать

3. Flowrate – уровень притока, «расход»

4. Hydrostatic gradient– гидростатический градиент

5. Shut-in a well –закрыть скважину

6. Tubing – насосно-компрессорные трубы (HKT)

7. Well, hole – скважина

8. Wellbore– ствол скважины

9. Wellbottom– забой скважины

10. Bottom hole flowing pressure – забойное динамическое давление

11. Bottom hole- забойное

12. Wellhead– устье скважины

13. Buttom– подошва

14. Depositions – залежи

15. Development – разработка (месторождения)

16. Gas cap – газовая шапка

17. Permeability factor – коэффициент проницаемости

18. Pores – поры

19. Reservoir – коллектор

20. Residual – остаточный

21. Impermeablecaprock– непроницаемая покрывающая порода

EXERCISE 17 Answer questions about the text.

1. What is the main principle of fluid movement?

2. What is the bottom hole flowing pressure?

3. What is the wellhead pressure?

4. What is the static pressure?

5. Is the pressure within a column of fluid greater at the bottom or at the top of the column?

6. What is the hydrostatic pressure?

7. How great should reservoir pressure be to allow fluid flow up the well bore?

8. What does the flow rate of oil and gas depend on?

9. How does the energy of gas and salt water influence on oil production?

EXERCISE 18 Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones with the right information and discuss your answers with a partner.

1. When the well is drilled into a hydrocarbon reservoir and open at the surface, the area in the vicinity of the well bore becomes an area of high pressure.

2. The pressure within a column of fluid increases with depth and is greater at the top of the column than at the bottom.

3. In order for fluids to flow up the well bore, the reservoir pressure must be greater than the total of the hydrostatic and atmospheric pressure.

4. Oil can move and lift itself from reservoirs through wells to the surface.

5. Energy in the gas or the salt water furnishes the force to drive the oil through and from the pores of the reservoir into the wells.

EXERCISE 19 Connect the terms with their definitions.

1. Permeability a) the pressure at surface, when the well is flowing
2. Viscosity b) the change of pressure with depth
3. The bottom hole flowing pressure c) the pressure is directly related to the depth and the density of the fluid
4. The wellhead or flowing tubing pressure d) a combination of depositions geographically related to the same area and dependent upon a favorable tectonic structure.
5. Static tubing pressure e) the pressure at the well bottom when fluids are flowing into the well
6. Hydrostatic pressure f) the pressure at the surface, when the well is shut-in and fluids are not flowing through the tubing
7. The hydrostatic gradient g) easiness with which fluid can move through porous rock. It means numerous channels for oil and gas migration
8. Oil and gas field h) easiness with which oil can be poured. It means thick oil

EXERCISE 20 Choose the word that doesn’t suit in each group.

· High, low, well, bottom hole flowing, flowing tubing, static tubing

· Tubing, well, well bore, well bottom, pressure, depositions

· Drill, flow, move, shut-in a well, open

· Oil, gas, pressure, salt water, energy

EXERCISE 21 Give the English equivalents to the following word combinations.

1. Проницаемость

2. Ствол скважины

3. Давление на забое скважины

4. Давление на поверхности

5. Давление в подошве столба

6. Давление в коллекторе

7. Вязкости жидкости

8. Нефтяные и газовые месторождения

EXERCISE 22 Read and translate the text.

Water-Drive Reservoirs

Where the formation containing an oil reservoir is fairly uniformly porous and continuous over a large area compared to the size of the oil reservoir itself, vast quantities of salt water exist in surrounding parts of the same formation often directly in contact with the oil and gas reservoir. These tremendous quantities of salt water occur under pressure and provide a great additional store of energy to aid in producing oil and gas.

The energy supplied by the salt water comes from expansion of the water as pressure in the petroleum reservoir is reduced by production of oil and gas. This effect is slight for any small quantity, but becomes of great importance when changes in reservoir pressure affect enormous volumes of salt water that are often contained in the same porous formation adjoining or surrounding a petroleum reservoir.

The expanding water moves into the regions of lowered pressure in the oil and gas saturated portions of the reservoir caused by production of oil and gas and retards the decline in pressure. In this way, the expansive energy in the oil and gas is conserved. The expanding water also moves and displaces oil and gas in an upward direction out of lower parts of the reservoir.

By this natural “Water-Drive” process the pore spaces vacated by oil and gas produced are filled with water, and oil and gas are moved towards the well.

The “Water-Drive” is generally the most efficient oil-production process. Oilfields where “Water-Drive” is effective are capable of yielding recoveries ranging up to 50 percent of the oil originally in place, depending on:

1. The physical nature of the reservoir rock and of the oil.

2. The care exercised in producing the wells.

3. The rate of oil and gas production from the field or reservoir.

These factors also greatly affect the oil-recovery efficiency in the case of “Gas- Cap-Drive” reservoirs. However, rate of production seems to exert only minor effect on oil recoveries obtainable from “Dissolved-Gas-Drive” type fields except where conditions are favorable for gas caps to form.

In many cases reservoirs may possess the possibilities for either “Water Drive” or “Gas Drive”. In such event, the kind of operation and total rate of production will determine which type of drive will actually be effective, and accordingly will greatly affect the oil recovery.



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