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I am a boy of seventeen. When I look at myself in the mirror I see a boy with short black hair, brown eyes. As to my appearance, I'm rather tall and slim. I think that I'm calm and modest. I like my friends, I like to laugh and joke. I have got a good sense of humor. There are many things in our life I like and some I dislike. I like when everything is good.

I was born on the 15th of February 1996 in the town of Samara where I live now together with my parents and two my sisters and elder brother. I was born in a family of a builder and a doctor.

I am a pupil of 10 form. I like to study because knowledge is useful sometimes. I'm fond of reading.

My favourite subjects are English, Russian and Literature. I usually did a lot of home preparation for them and I liked everything I was doing in them. I really tried hard in them.

I am sociable, so I have got a lot of friends among my schoolmates. As for me I appreciate people's honesty, kindness, sense of justice and intelligence. I don't like when people are rude and aggressive. I am stubborn at times. Also I never leave things half done. I think I am hard-working and diligent.

I have got a hobby. I'm fond of reading books (also I read books on computer after download it from the Internet). They give me more knowledge. In my opinion, books are a source of emotional inspiration and romantic feeling. The time spend on a good book is never wasted. Of course, I like music! I'm fond of pop music of nowadays.

Sometimes I play different sport games for health and pleasure. I usually play such games as football, volleyball.

2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.

1. What are the boy’s parents?

2. Does he go to school?

3. What are his favourite subjects?

4. What are his main traits?

5. What hobbies does he have?

Поставьте данные предложения в форму множественного числа.

1. I have got a hobby.

2. There is a schoolmate in my school.

3. The teacher gives me knowledge.

4. There is a man, a woman and a child on this picture.

5. My cousin always plays an interesting sport game.

Напишите рассказ о себе в объеме 10-15 предложений.

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 2

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My last Weekend

A week ago my friend Boris Klimov came to Moscow from Volgograd. On Saturday he came to see me and my family. We decided to spend the weekend together and Klimov stayed with us till Monday.

We woke up late on Sunday. We got up at nine o’clock, washed and dressed. Then we had breakfast.

“What do you usually do on Sunday? ” Boris asked us at table.

“We often go to the country, ” my wife answered.

“Sometimes we go to the theatre or the cinema.”

“Do you often go to Central park? ” he asked again.

“We went there last month. It’s a very nice park. We like it very much. Do you want to go there Boris? ”

“Oh, yes, I’d love to. The weather is very nice today.”

We went to the park with our children. We skated and ski’d and the children played with their little friends.

We came home at two o’clock. Boris and I played chess after dinner and we went to the cinema in the evening. The film was interesting and not very long. It began at seven o’clock and it was over by eight. We didn’t want to go home so early and went to see my parents. They were very glad to see us and we had supper together.

We got home late, but we didn’t go to bed at once. Boris wrote two letters to our friends in Volgograd and read them to us.

We went to bed at twelve o’clock.

2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.

1. Who visited the family a week ago?

2. What does the family usually do on Sunday?

3. Where did they decide to go on weekend?

4. Where did they have their supper?

5. When did they get home?

Поставьте данные предложения в форму множественного числа.

1. I went to the park with my child.

2. There is a country near our city.

3. The film was interesting and not very long.

4. My friend wrote a letter to his brother.

5. She always wears glasses.

Напишите рассказ о себе в объеме 10-15 предложений.

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 3

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My Friend’s Family

My friends name is Lavrov. He lives in Moscow. His family is not very large. He has got a wife and two children. His wife’s name is Mary and his children’s names are Ann and Nick.

Valeriy Lavrov’s wife is a young woman. She’s twenty nine years old. She is a lecturer. She teachers English at the Institute of Foreign Languages. She’s got very many students. She hasn’t got bad students. Her students do well as a rule. My friend’s daughter is a girl of ten. She goes to school. She does a lot of subjects at school. She also learns English. She works hard and knows the language well. She doesn’t make many mistakes in English. She is a nice girl. She likes reading. She also helps her mother at home.

Valeriy Lavrov’s son is a little boy. I think he was born five or six years ago. His father takes him to a nursery school every morning.

My friend’s got a sister. She is going to be a doctor, and she is leaving her Institute this year. Her marks are very good. She’s married. Her husband’s an engineer.

My friend hasn’t any brothers.

My friend’s wife usually takes the children to the country in summer to stay with their grandfather and grandmother. They love their grandchildren very much. She’s going to take them to the country again this summer.

2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.

1. Where does his friend live?

2. Is his family large?

3. What’s his wife?

4. Has he got any brothers?

5. Does his daughter well at school?

Поставьте данные предложения в форму множественного числа.

1. My friend has got a child.

2. He is a married man.

3. His wife usually takes their child to her grandmother.

4. A student works hard and does well in this subject.

5. His sister’s knowledge is well.

Напишите рассказ о себе в объеме 10-15 предложений.

Контрольная работа № 1

Вариант 4

Прочитайте и переведите текст на русский язык письменно.

English is the Language of Communication


«Do you speak English? » — with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, that speak different languages and want to find a common language.

It's very good when you hear: «Yes, I do», and start talking. People of different countries and nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other.

So it is very useful to learn foreign languages. Knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.

English is very popular now. It's the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It's spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia. There are more than 750 million speakers of English in the world.

Speaking a foreign language you can read papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV programs.

If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you. English is very important to find a good job.

2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.

1. What language can be common for people that speak different languages?

2. Why is it very useful to learn foreign languages?

3. What can you do speaking foreign languages?

4. Why English is very popular now?

5. How many speakers of English are there in the world?

Поставьте данные предложения в форму множественного числа.

1. I can find a good job.

2. There is a friend, who speaks English.

3. Knowledge of foreign languages helps us to develop friendship.

4. You can read a paper, a magazine and an original book by a great writer, watch satellite TV program.

5. A country and a nation have to get along well.

Напишите рассказ о себе в объеме 10-15 предложений.


Контрольная работа № 1.

Вариант 5.

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Great Britain

The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. Their total area is over 314 000 sq. km. The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. Northern Ireland occupies one third of the island of Ireland. The island of Great Britain consists of three main parts: England, Wales and Scotland.

There are no high mountains in Great Britain. Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea. The Thames is the deepest and the longest of the British rivers.

Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources, it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.

The warm currents of the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. Winters are not severely cold and summers are rarely hot.

The population of the United Kingdom is over 58 million people. The main nationalities are: English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish.

Great Britain is a highly industrialized country. New industries have been developed in the last three decades. The main industrial centers are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol.

The capital of the country is London. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy.

2. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту.

1. Where is Great Britain situated?

2. What is the total area of the country?

3. Are there any high mountains and long rivers in Great Britain?

4. How is the climate of the country?

5. Where do most of the rivers flow?



  1. A Russian русский two Russians
  2. A. Какой заголовок подходит к данному тексту?
  3. Cочетания кнопок при наборе текста
  4. Ex. Переведите, обратив внимание на перевод инфинитива, определите его функцию.
  5. I. Выберите правильную форму глагола, согласующуюся с подлежащим. Запишите составленные предложения, переведите их на русский язык.
  6. I. Какое из данных утверждений выражает основную идею текста?
  7. I. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  8. I. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения. Определите видовременную форму и залог сказуемого.
  9. I. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видовременную форму и залог глагола сказуемого (см. образец). Переведите предложения на русский язык.
  10. I. Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их на русский язык. Определите в каждом из них видо - временную форму и залог глагола-сказуемого.
  11. I. Произношение в английском языке

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