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VI. You need adjectives ending in either -ed or -ing to complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets to form the adjective you need.

1) Rob’s mother was ____________ by his news. (horrify)

2) Martha was ____________ to get such a good job. (thrill)

3) I find the task very ____________. Could you explain it, please? (confuse)

4) Leo Cone’s songs can be terribly ____________. (depress)

5)Rob’s been feeling ____________ in his work for some time now. (frustrate)

6) Poets often find nature ____________. (inspire)

7) This report is very ____________. (worry)

8) We are very ____________ about our holiday plans. (excite)

9) Jo seems rather ____________. Do you know what the matter is? (depress)

10) Rick told me some ____________ news last night. (thrill)

11) I’m rather ____________ about Jim at the moment. (worry)

VII. To know some types of the character better, fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the help of the given words.

Ambitious, imaginative, optimistic, selfish, talkative, adventurous, impatient, polite, sensible, easy-going, naughty, sad, sociable.

1. He is ____________ with his little sister.

2. They are a (an) ____________ family and entertain a great deal.

3. They like new places even if they are dangerous. They are ____________ explorers.

4. He is ____________ to get through high school in three years; so he works hard.

5. I never see her upset. She seems a (an) ____________person because always takes things as they are.

6. He has the habit of talking a great deal. He loves to tell everybody what he’s done and where he’s been. He is too ____________.

7. The ____________ child hit his baby sister.

8. I think, she is too ____________ to do anything foolish.

9. A(an) ____________ person puts his own interests first.

10. A(an) ____________ person always sees the bright side of things.

11. The ____________ boy gave the lady his seat on the bus.

12. He has ideas like no one else’s. He can make up fairy stories. He is extremely ____________.

13. You feel ____________ if your best friend goes away.

VIII. Fill in the gaps in the texts with proper words or phrases from the list given after the texts. Pay attention that there are more words than necessary.

A. Nobody likes being looked down on, that's why ______________ people are likely to rouse ______________. Their ______________ behaviour makes people ______________. But few people know that such persons are far from being ______________. On the contrary, the ______________ of such people is very often low and they try to compensate for it by their ______________. So, the main rules of communication with such people are as follows: ______________ and do not let them drive you out of your wits.

keep your chin up, arrogance, elation, submissive, exasperated, friendliness, bored, pretence, conscious, self-evaluation, hostility, supercilious, humiliation, chagrined, snobbish, let it hang out, do not go to pieces, annoyance, confident, self-esteem, make their blood boil

B. It is pleasant to communicate with a _______________ and _______________ person, isn't it? Nevertheless, it's important to retain a sense of proportion here. It irritates much if a person _______________ and _______________ his emotions easily. By the reaction of their interlocutors such people see that their behaviour is inappropriate and begin to _______________. Moreover, their _______________ suffers much. As a result, these people become _______________ and _______________.

to feel uneasy, self-conscientious, withdrawn, hides, self-evaluation, is as happy as the day is long, keeps, insecure, self-respect, cunning, to throw tantrums, boring, lays an egg, hearty, to behave calmly and coolly, expansive, displays, self-conscious, opens, wears his heart on his sleeve, self-esteem


IX. Give the opposites of the following:

Modest, hostile, generous, sincere, indifferent, fussy, merciful, deceitful, intolerant, affable, reserved, dignified, tactful, submissive, fair;

Add negative prefixes to the adjectives.

Un- in- im- dis-

communicative, patient, honest, scrupulous, sensible, sincere, friendly, partial, discreet, tolerant, passionate, consistent, sociable, kind, considerate, secure.

X. Describe the way these people feel using adjectives from your topical vocabulary:

1. “Please leave me alone! You hurt me! I don’t want to see you any more! ”

2. “What do I go tonight? I really don’t know. There’s nothing exciting going on.”

3. “I can’t wait to see my favourite band in concert next week.”

4. “That has been the best performance I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”

5. You can never tell what’s going through her mind and how she feels.

6. She decided not to go out late at night, because that wasn’t a safe neighbourhood.

7. A first-year student has been reading up for her exam the whole day without ever taking a break for food or rest.

8. He put his arms around her and gave her a kiss.

9. “I’m going away for a holiday on Saturday! ”

10. “This is so confusing. I am really not sure what I’m supposed to do.”

11. She has been crying all day.

12. “This lecture is so boring! It seems to have been lasting forever! ”

13.Her best friend has been ill but she doesn’t seem to care at all.

14. Her friends gave her a surprise party for her birthday.

15. “What is this noise? My neighbours must be having a party again. I need to study for my exam! ”

XI. Describe these people using the adjectives from your topical vocabulary:

1. When he saw a homeless bare-foot person in the street, he gave him his shoes.

2. Whatever you say to him, he won’t change his mind.

3. She always does things her way and will never have people telling her what to do.

4. Her boyfriend left her for another girl and now she’s seeking revenge.

5. When she started crying, a total stranger came up to her and asked her what was wrong.

6. It’s so easy for him to make friends and he never feels uncomfortable in social situations.

7. She’s so good to have a laugh or a heart-to-heart chat with.

8. He’s just not capable of waiting and would always lose his temper whenever he has to.

9. He’s so fond of reading, travelling and learning new things.

10. She asked no further questions because she realized she might seem intrusive.

11. His straightforwardness and boldness often get him into trouble.

12. This celebrity looks down on everyone else.

13. She has her boyfriend around her little finger and has him give her very expensive presents.

14. My friend has been there for me through good and bad times.

15. She doesn’t care about how other people feel. It’s always about her and no one else.

16. He doesn’t mince his words and says whatever is on his mind even if it hurts other people.

17. He will always achieve his goal no matter what.

18. She is very careful to detail.

19. My neighbour has a clever sense of humour.

20. She does everything to be the centre of everyone’s attention.


XII. Fill in: for, at, of, in, about, to, by, with.

1. afraid … sth; 2. amused … sth; 3. angry … sb; 4. annoyed … sb; 5. anxious … sth; 6. ashamed … sb; 7. bored … sth/ sb; 8. brilliant … sth; 9. close … sb; 10. delighted … sth/ sb; 11. disappointed … sb/ sth; 12. excited … sth; 13. faithful … sb; 14. friendly … sb; 15. frightened … sth; 16. furious … sb … sth; 17. grateful … sb … sth; 18. jealous … sb; 19. nervous … sth; 20. pleased … sb; 21. proud … sth; 22. rude … sb; 23. sensitive … sth; 24. upset … sth.



I. Translate the sentences using your active vocabulary:

1) Нельзя без боли наблюдать результаты кислотного дождя. 2) У каждого городского человека бывают моменты, когда ему надоедают городские удобства и хочется вернуться к природе. 3) Проблемы парникового эффекта – важная забота многих ученых. 4) Вопрос о загрязнении окружающей среды много и тщательно обсуждается сегодня. 5) У природы нет плохой погоды. 6) Когда ты возьмешься за ум и перестанешь продавать генетически модифицированные продукты? 7) Сорока на хвосте принесла, что ты теперь веришь в суеверия. 8) Я и так в полной растерянности, а ты еще масла в огонь подливаешь. 9) Утечка нефти непредсказуема, поэтому надо быть суперосторожными. 10) Разрушение озонового слоя связано с парниковым эффектом. 11) Гринпис пройдет по всем инстанциям, чтобы остановить безжалостное истребление животных. 12) В этом заповеднике почти не осталось млекопитающих. 13) Эти люди просто одержимы экологическими проблемами. 14) С какими глобальными проблемами столкнется человечество в ближайшем будущем? 15) Площадь целинных земель неуклонно сокращается, зеленые пояса уменьшаются, и мы уже не можем наблюдать нетронутые пейзажи, когда выезжаем за город. 16) Нарушен баланс флоры и фауны, места обитания животных уничтожаются. 17) Необходимо охранять экосистемы, сохранять лесные запасы, защищать животных. 18) Если нам не удастся гармонизировать общество и окружающую среду, мы столкнемся с крупномасштабными последствиями. В первую очередь проявится истощение водных ресурсов, что приведет к нарушению круговорота воды в природе. Уровень загрязнения воздуха повысится, увеличится концентрация дыма. Безжалостное истребление животных приведет к исчезновению редких видов, а многие другие поставит на грань вымирания. Необходимо организовать движение по защите окружающей среды. 19) Нехватка воды давно стала одним из наиболее важных глобальных вопросов. Сокращение запасов воды заставляет правительство, с одной стороны, повышать цены на воду, с другой – экономить этот важный ресурс. Ученые утверждают, что через 10-15 лет вода станет одним из самых важных приоритетов в жизни человечества, дороже чем, нефть. Через несколько десятилетий вода станет валютой, а страны, имеющие водные запасы, богатейшими в мире. 20) Загрязнение мирового океана приведет к исчезновению многих видов морских животных и растений. Разливы нефти и сточные воды уже лишили многих видов их исконных мест обитания. 21) Некоторые страны уже столкнулись с проблемой отсутствия пресной воды, в скором времени это станет глобальной проблемой. 22) Глобальное потепление повышает уровень мирового океана, но приводит к затоплению прибрежных территорий. 23) Современное человечество, озабоченное лишь экономическим ростом, должно пересмотреть свое потребительское отношение к окружающей среде. 24) Чрезмерная производственная и сельскохозяйственная деятельность, а также выброс бытовых отходов наносят большой ущерб природе и здоровью людей, приводят к нарушению биологического баланса. 25) Нехватка перерабатывающих заводов привела к накоплению огромного количества отходов, которые выбрасываются в почву и водоемы. 26) Массы загрязняющих отходов столь велики, что создают опасность для живой природы и человека, и разрешение «мусорного кризиса»важная задача на данный момент. 27) Наиболее опасным и необратимым явлением может стать повышение температуры воздуха из-за парникового эффекта. 28) Многие промышленные предприятия и транспорт выбрасывают в атмосферу диоксид серы (sulphur dioxide), который вызывает кислотные дожди, смертельно опасные для растений и животных. 29) Одной из основных причин загрязнения почвы является чрезмерное использованиесельскохозяйственных удобрений, которые накапливаются в продуктах питания и питьевой воде. 30) Вырубка леса для лесозаготовок или под пашни может также нарушить водный цикл и привести к истощению водных ресурсов. 31) Единственным путем уменьшения загрязнения окружающей среды являются малоотходные «зеленые» технологии и материалы, экологически чистые виды топлива, новые альтернативные источники энергии.

II. Fill in the correct word from the list below:

habitat, prevent. extinct, conservation, threatening, greenhouse, forested

1) When the last animal of a certain species dies, that species becomes…. 2) Many animals find it more and more difficult to survive in their natural …. 3) … groups try to protect animals and the places where they live. 4) Pollution is … the lives of many animals. 5) Several environmental groups are working to … the world’s rain forests from being destroyed. 6) The earth’s … areas are in danger of disappearing completely. 7) Carbon dioxide forms a cover over the earth, keeping the heat of the sun close to the earth’s surface, just as a … keeps heat in.

III. Fill in the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets:

There are many problems which 1) … (threat) our natural environment. Acid rain, 2) … (globe) warning and air and water 3) … (pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage 4) … (recycle) because it is the 5) … (produce) of new materials which causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly, driving an environmentally-friendly car is also helpful. Furthermore, joining an 6) … (organize) which plants trees or cleans up beaches would prove that you are really 7) … (concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many 8) … (environment) disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for future generations.

IV. Fill in the gaps to form a compound noun or phrase from your topical vocabulary:

1) the … layer; 2) … rain; 3) … waste; 4) … rainforests; 5) natural and human …; 6) to … more trees; 7) to … paper, bottles or clothes; 8) to … water and energy; 9) we shouldn’t … tropical rainforests.



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