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We want this machinery to be used at our shop.

Under these conditions the output of the plant is likely to increase.

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.

Having used a laser beam, scientists obtained accurate calculation of Jupiter’s


The engineers of our Institute having developed a new type of semiconductor

Laser, it was tested at several plants.

All machines that have been built by man have some energy “loss”, this

Energy being converted into useless heat due to friction.

III. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия.

If a free electron were in a vacuum within the electric field set up between

Positive and negative electrodes, the negatively charged electron would be

Attracted to the positive electrode.

If we had tested this material, we would have used it in our construction.

IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.


Transportation takes us where we want to go, and brings us nearly everything we eat, wear, and use in daily life. Day and night swift airlines speed passengers through the sky. Long trains roar across the countryside carrying passengers, mail and such products as food, livestock and coal. Automobiles, buses and huge trucks rumble along the streets and highways.

Developments in transportation have cut travel time greatly in the past 200 years. In 1800 it often took a businessman a month to travel by sailing ship from London to New York City. Today we can travel this distance by jet airliner in only a few hours. Modern transportation also makes it possible to travel in comfort. Many of today’s trains have soft, reclining seats. Air conditioning may keep the air clean and cool and dining cars serve tasty meals.

Transportation would not be possible without communication. It depends on communication just as communication depends on transportation. Automobiles and trucks could not travel on crowded streets and highways without street signs and traffic lights. Automatic block signals and other means of communication enable railroads to operate safely. Airplanes could not land and take off safely without radio, radar and other electronic communication devices.

Without transportation our modern society could not exist. We would have no meals, no coal and no oil. Besides we would have to spend most of our time raising food – and the food would be limited to the kinds that could grow in the climate and soil of our own neighborhoods.

Transportation also affects our lives in other ways. Transportation can speed a doctor to the side of a sick person. It can take policemen to the scene of a crime within moments of being notified. In times of disaster, transportation can rush aid to persons in areas stricken by floods, famines and earthquakes.



I. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения, принимая во внимание, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты большей частью соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

Electronics is thought to be a young science.

The electric generator is known to be a machine that converts mechanical

Energy into electrical energy.

We assume these charts to give accurate results for such sections which are

Reinforced in tension or compression.

Such method of making drawings requires every size of the object to be

Divided by the proportion of the scale.

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.

There being no other traffic, the driver can maintain a constant speed of


Technique having reached a high stage of development, new methods of

Work became possible.

Having discovered rich deposits of iron-ore people began to construct an iron

And steel works in this district.

III. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия.

Provided the geologists used the necessary instruments, the measurement

Would be correct.

If the operator’s cabin had been equipped with remote control, he would have

Been able to work faster and with greater precision.

IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.


There are three main kinds of transportation: land, water and air. Each has advantages and disadvantages. For example, trucks and trains can operate in storms that may ground airplanes or keep ships in harbors. Weather and geographical conditions may also determine the type of transportation used in a region.

On land the chief forms of transportation are automobiles, railroads, trucks and pipelines.

Automobiles provide the most important means of passenger travel in the USA and Canada. The automobile also is important in land transportation in Western Europe and some other parts of the world.

Railroads haul about half of the freight and pipeline transport a little less than a fifth.

Other means of land transport include buses, streetcars, electric elevated trains, subway trains, motorcycles, etc. Buses serve as a main means of transporting people between cities in many parts of the world and also within larger cities and towns. People in some countries use motorcycles, motor scooters and bicycles as widely as Americans use automobiles.

On water transportation follows chief routes: on lakes, on rivers and across oceans. The USA and Canada are the only countries with the advantage of a system of inland waterways like the Great Lakes. River transportation provides cheap, efficient water transportation for much of the heart of the country. Ocean serves as the main artery of transportation between continents.

Jet airlines enable travelers to eat breakfast in New York City and have dinner in London. Airplanes usually follow the shortest route between two points because they can fly over mountains and water barriers. Helicopters are also important in air transportation.



I. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения, принимая во внимание, что объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты большей частью соответствуют придаточным предложениям.

We know a laser to be a device that stimulates the electrons of a light-

Producing material to vibrate simultaneously giving off a light with

Tremendous energy.

Lasers are known to have found an application in the printing industry.

Light waves are now believed to be due to the motions of electrons themselves

Within the atoms.

Chemical investigation has shown each element to combine with another only

In definite proportions.

II. Перепишите и письменно переведите на русский язык предложения, учитывая различия в переводе зависимого и независимого причастных оборотов.

The first laser having been built about 30 years ago, scientists developed

Several types of lasers.

Having developed quantum generators called lasers, scientists are looking for

Practical use for a new kind of ray which is millions of times brighter than the


Semiconductor lasers are able to transform electric energy directly into light

Wave energy, this property of semiconductor lasers opening up new

Possibilities of producing extremely economical sources of light.

III. Перепишите и письменно переведите предложения, содержащие придаточные предложения условия.

If the Earth had no atmosphere, its heated surface would quickly radiate back

Into space all the energy which reaches it from the Sun.

Had the checking up of the experimental data not taken so much time, we

Should have completed our work long ago.

IV. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.


The laser has become a multipurpose tool. It has caused a real revolution in technology and in the nature of productive labour.

The laser can cure diseases. It has become indispensable as a means of space communication. Its beam produces a sharp picture on the TV screen. Moreover, it can increase the size of the TV screen to that of a modern cinema. The laser cuts steel, pierces hard alloys and diamonds and drills holes through them a few microns in diameter.



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