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Read and translate the text. Create a vocabulary list on the topic.




Federal Bureau of Investigation is the investigative division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Since 1934 the FBI has had general charge of investigating violations of federal laws.

The bureau was established in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Joseph Bonaparte. The investigative agency began as a small group of investigators in the department of Justice.

In 1924, when the Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone appointed the 29-year-old J.Edgar Hoover as director of the bureau, a major advance began. Hoover instituted an immediate reorganization, setting new standards of qualifications for appointment as special agent and a system of specialized training for all personnel.

Under Director Hoover's leadership, by the end of the 1960's, the FBI, with headquarters in Washington D.C., had offices in 11 major foreign cities. The investigative work was performed by more than 16000 employees.

The FBI investigates some 170 different matters, the more important of which are espionage, sabotage, treason, violation of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, and other activities affecting internal security; kidnapping, extortion, bank robbery, burglary, and larceny in federal institutions; bribery, interstate transportation of stolen motor vehicles, aircraft, or property; interstate travel for racketeering purposes; interstate traffic affecting civil rights; fraud against the government or thefts on government property; crimes aboard aircraft; crimes on government or Indian reservations; and assaulting or killing the president or any other federal results of FBI investigations are reported to the U.S. attorney general, whose office has the responsibility for deciding whether to prosecute and for conducting such prosecution.


Look through the above text and write out numbers.


Put the following sentences into the correct order.

The investigative work was performed by more than 16000 employees.
The investigative agency began as a small group of investigators in the department of Justice.
Hoover instituted an immediate reorganization.
The FBI investigates some 170 different matters.


Say whether the statements are true, false or not stated.

The agency began as a small group of investigators in the Identification Division.

The bureau was established in 1908 by Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone.

Edgar Hoover was an Englishman.

The investigative work was performed by more than 6000 employees.

The FBI investigates crimes aboard aircraft.

5. Make word combinations.

1 organized a) of federal laws
2 investigative b) agency
3 violations c) evidence
4 to bring somebody d) crime
5 internal e) standards
6 to collect f) to court
7 to set g) security


Put in the correct question tags.

1) The bureau was established in 1908, …?

2) The agency began as a small group of investigators, …?

3) The FBI investigates about 170 matters, …?


7. Find the English equivalents for the following phrases and word combinations.

Расследовать нарушение федеральных законов

Назначил директором бюро


Следственная работа осуществлялась…служащими

Расследовать различные дела

Внутренняя безопасность

Министр юстиции / министерство юстиции

Привлекать к судебной ответственности


Read and translate the text. Create a vocabulary list on the topic.




What is an " International criminal"? It is not a new type of wrongdoer. The term is simply one of practical convenience. For example, if a man kills a woman in London and then escapes in the USA, he becomes an " International criminal". If the term were based on some legal concept, we should recognize the existence of such a thing as international crime.

At the beginning of the 20th century it was necessary that the international organization should be created to combat crime, to exchange ideas and methods between the police forces in the world and to promote mutual cooperation between police authorities around the world. It came into being under the name of the International Criminal Police Commission in 1923 (in Vienna) and worked until the beginning of World War II.

In 1946 the old members of the ICPC which had been disrupted by the war met in Belgium to revive the organization. In 1956 it was renamed the " International Criminal Police Organization-Interpol". Interpol is strictly nonpolitical and is forbidden to undertake any activities of a religious, racial or military nature. The majority of countries (190 in 2014) belong to Interpol. It is financed by contributions from member countries; its budget in 2005 was $28 million.

The general aims of Interpol are defined in its Constitution. The combating of International criminals within the limits of laws existing in different countries is divided into three distinct activities: the exchange of police information, the identification of wanted or suspected by the police, the arrest of those who are wanted.


Look through the above text and write out numbers.


Put the following sentences into the correct order.

It came into being under the name of the International Criminal Police Commission in 1923.
The general aims of Interpol are defined in its Constitution.
Interpol is strictly nonpolitical and is forbidden to undertake any activities of a religious, racial or military nature.
What is an " International criminal"?


Say whether the statements are true, false or not stated.

If a man kills a woman, he becomes an international criminal.

In most countries the police carry guns.

In 1946 the old members of the ICPC which had been disrupted by the war met in Belgium to revive the organization.

In 1956 the organization was renamed the “International Criminal Police Organization – Interpol”.

The term “an international criminal” first appeared in the USA.


Make word combinations.

1 to combat a) forces
2 police b) of laws
3 a type c) ideas and methods
4 international d) crime
5 the limits e) cooperation
6 to exchange f) criminal
7 mutual g) of wrongdoer


Put in the correct question tags.

1) In 1946 the old members of the ICPC met in Belgium, …?

2) Interpol is strictly nonpolitical, …?

3) The general aims of Interpol are defined in its Constitution, …?


Find the English equivalents for the following phrases and word combinations.

Бороться с преступностью

Обмениваться идеями и методами

Работал до начала Второй мировой войны

Был переименован

Он финансируется взносами стран-участниц

Главные цели Интерпола

Идентификация подозреваемых или разыскиваемых лиц

Законы, существующие в разных странах



Read and translate the text. Create a vocabulary list on the topic.




There are several kinds of punishment available to the courts. In civil cases the most common punishment is a fine. For criminal offences fines are also often used when the offence is not very serious and when the offender has not been in trouble before.

Another kind of punishment in some countries is community service. This requires the offender to do a certain amount of unpaid work, usually for a social institution such as a hospital.

For more serious crimes the usual punishment is imprisonment. Some prison sentences are suspended: the offender is not sent to prison if he keeps out of trouble for a fixed period of time, but if he breaks the law again both the suspended sentence and a new one will be imposed. The length of sentences varies from a few days to a lifetime. However, a life sentence may allow the prisoner to be released after a suitably long period if a review (parole) board agrees that his detention no longer serves a purpose. In some countries, such as the Netherlands, living conditions in prison are fairly good because it is believed that deprivation of liberty is punishment in itself. In other countries conditions are very bad.




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