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VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
1. Мне сообщили, что в Вашей компании есть вакантное место менеджера. Я буду признателен Вам, если Вы вышлите мне бланк анкеты. 2. Подтверждаем дату открытия выставки. 3. Благодарим Вас за письмо и с удовольствием зарезервируем номера, как Вы просите. 4. Я хочу искренне поблагодарить Вас за Вашу помощь в организации моего визита в Вашу страну. 5. Мы имеем широкий ассортимент товаров и надеемся, что они понравятся вашим покупателям.
VIII. Заполните таблицу британских и американских соответствий. Переведите слова на русский язык.
IX. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
Interviewing Bill Gates
Interviewer. If you were to write your own job description at Microsoft, how would it read? Bill Gates. I'm the CEO, so my responsibility is not precisely defined. When the company has to change, I'm the one who has to lead that change. Interviewer. Do you go against the opinions of your colleagues? If you are completely alone, do you stick to your guns? Bill Gates. If it's a technical question or a strategy problem, then yes. However, if it's a business type decision, rarely is my conviction enough to go it alone. Usually I'd take the time to get people to explain their views more clearly. Interviewer. Would you say you are a good manager? Bill Gates. Yes, I would. I make the right decisions. People are only interested in the quality of your decisions. If you are doing a good job, you should tell them so. Equally if they are not, you should still tell them. Employees need to feel that you are sharing what they are trying to achieve and that you are constant in your decision making. Interviewer. How do you feel if you have to fire someone? Is it easy? Do you have a strategy? Bill Gates. No, it's always very hard. I don't hire total bozos, so it's generally a question of the individual not meeting the demands of the job. I certainly don't have a method. I suppose if I have to describe one, I tell them verbally. Interviewer. If you had been on the IBM board of directors, would you have put as much software power in the hands of Microsoft as they gave you? Bill Gates. You know, when we offered to sell part of the company to them, I would have taken up the offer if I had been in their shoes. I would have really tried to develop software efficiently, not just to license it. I would have learned more about the economics of software too. X. Внимательно проанализируйте рекламное объявление, обращая внимание на требования к претенденту на должность, обязанности, которые ему придется выполнять. Напишите резюме на претендента (придумайте как можно больше данных, подтверждающих образование, профессиональные навыки, опыт работы, дополнительные полезные умения, соответствующие требованиям к должности).
Business Press is looking for a PERSONAL ASSISTANT to the commercial director Requirement: · Higher Education · Fluent written and spoken English · Computer literate · Excellent communication and organizational skills · Able to work under pressure Please send your resume by fax to (095) 252-7732
XI. Напишите деловое письмо согласно следующей ситуации. Сообщите Вашему партнеру в Техасе, что Вы готовы обсудить вопрос импорта детских игрушек в Россию. Начните письмо одной из фраз, соответствующих содержанию письма. В заключительном абзаце укажите, каких действий вы ждете от партнера. ВАРИАНТ 3 I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя нужную видовременную форму. Укажите время и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. In a minute you (to call). 2. Last week he (to ask) to show his driving-license. 3. The agreement just (to sign). 4. The company (to establish) last year only. 5. Most probably the goods (to damage) in transit. II. Заполните пропуски в предложении, употребив глаголы в скобках в соответствующей форме. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. I wish they … (to pay) this amount without our reminders. 2. If they … (not to make) a mistake in the invoice we … (to settle) it long ago. 3. If I … (to be) you I … (to do) the same. 4. If they.. (to open) a letter of credit at the beginning of the month we … (to start) the deliveries a week later. 5. If he … (to be) younger, he … (to get) the job.
III. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и определите их функции. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. I saw the manager checking in for the flight. 2. While speaking to the customer I was asked to open my suitcase. 3. If you would like to accept this offer, please contact me at the above-mentioned address and we will draw up a contract. 4. He is no longer unemployed. He has started a business of his own. 5. All staff have to write detailed reports on the work they do each day.
IV. Расшифруйте аббревиатуры, часто используемые в деловой переписке. Напишите их перевод. 1. inc. 2. Dept. 3. inv. 4. NB 5. memo V. Выберите подходящую тему письма и переведите текст письма на русский язык. Advice of payment Acknowledgement of payment Asking for more time to pay Replying to requests for more time Requests for payment Subject: We are writing concerning the outstanding October account for …, a copy of which is enclosed and which should have been cleared last month. Please let us know why the balance has not been paid. We were disappointed that you did not bother to reply to either of our letters asking you to clear your account, and you have left us no alternative but to take legal actions.
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