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Лекция, прочитанная Алексом Подолинским на ежегодном общем собрании Биодинамической сельскохозяйственной ассоциации Австралии в 1977 г.
В прошлом году мы we ended with what I would call one of the best questions asked который мне когда-либо доводилось слышать на сельскохозяйственную тему. Этот вопрос первым задал Джон Пэйн — just by observing the number of worms which were underneath the carcass of a lamb when his ground had been so sodden for weeks that he couldn't imagine any worm could still be alive in it. This was a very valid observation, relatively easy to make. Before I in any way answered, Эван Харди enlarged on this question and it is typical for Evan that he had taken a shovel and had investigated similarly wet soil and had found that, when he took a shovel full out, there were curled up, worms inside the piece of soil he had lifted out of the ground, whereas the hole thus made immediately filled with water. And then Don continued and I would say his addition to the question was perhaps even deeper, in as much as he just said, yes, he kind of knew there must be some way in which water can be shut out of soil. I don't know exactly how he came to being certain of this, I think probably by a number of observations and, I feel, very likely, by some thinking. Now we can have just hypothetical thinking and with such we can suppose anything and it becomes fairly meaningless. Or we can have a very real thinking which is kind of a conscious observing of reality. In this you can go beyond simple registering of observations when, based on conscious observing, you begin to find mutual laws of organisation within the details of single observations. You kind of feel the pulse of more profound reality in the detailed observations when you watch the latter with a particularly active consciousness. Thinking is then not hypothetical but factually creative. And I do feel by the way Don put his addition last year that it was of this kind. He just felt that it had to be so. Now I don't think that particular observation has ever been documented anywhere else. We meet there something very, very important if you understand the need for aerobic conditions. And, equally, do we meet something which on neany all soils — as we pass by in the car, once we are able to judge these soils, non-Bio-Dynamic soils—we would just be able to tell by one glance, these soils would not behave like ours in the particular regard. Say you take a песчаную почву: в ней либо полно воды, либо она сухая. It won't hold any water. Если взять heavy clay, which is not organised as we know Bio-Dynamic soils can be organised, then this is just water-logged, a pug or it is as hard как кирпич. It's one or the other. When I travelled overseas in the past два с половиной месяца — 3 тысячи миль through South Africa, and then from Zurich to Basle and through parts of the Black Forest to Штутгарт — I did not see one single bit of truly living, organised, commercially productive soil. For someone who really reads soils and who knows what beautiful artistry of structure there can be in soils — for him it is similar to travelling through a country where every house has been bombed to pieces. Actually, you feel rather worse because soil, as basis, is more important than buildings. The exceptions were what in Germany are called Parzellen — that is where, вдоль железных дорог or so, небогатые граждане имеют небольшие садовые участки and they dig beds by hand и выращивают овощи для собственного потребления. Почвы на этих участках still looked more natural. Absolutely remarkable was how widespread on commercial land the main implement of tillage is the evil rotary hoe. I saw very few ploughs in use. В Южной Африке, где деревьев намного меньше, чем в нашем farming region, especially wheat and pasture country, it is painful to observe. All the more as generally the soils over there are superior to ours here. So we had that question last time and I want to discuss a little further soil and the working of the preparations. Additional to last year's question and значимость of what it actually raises, namely something that we just don't find today on nearly all soils producing food for man, something we have to win gradually with our Bio-Dynamic treatment. Well, a totally different point there, which I can put to the more experienced ones of you, and that is, after many years of Bio-Dynamic application, regardless of the very harsh, imbalanced climatic conditions we have in this country, you must agree that we can be amazed at how our soils apparently keep питать растения, скажем, на wide acreage pasture or, equally, on a large orchard like Farry's — how our soils keep питать растения, how obviously — generally the longer we are in Bio-Dynamics the better: there is no deficiency. Then I have on several occasions in the past mentioned how биодинамические растения respond more and more to nature rhythms and cycles — like pasture looking more vivid in the leaves towards full moon than towards new moon or, say, in winter rainfall areas, even under irrigation — there is a recession after Рождества and one in June — just like we have to rest sometimes — and then leaves become more vivid again (overriding local weather pattern permitting) and I have mentioned how our plants can face all of this. If there has been a bad drought they come back much better afterwards than plants, которые выращивают по традиционному методу. If there has been bad flooding they can take this better. Think of the several times record flooding was experienced in recent times in the northern irrigation areas, a result of which one would expect all soils to be badly affected and, yet, afterwards our soils showed so little ill-effects. How is it possible that there is such sensible arranging so that both soils and plants can cope, the longer in Bio-Dynamics the more, with conditions as harsh as our Australian situation can impose. Если подкармливать растения искусственно или питать их, допустим, органическими удобрениями, then they are so over-fed that in fact none of the rhythm and cycle effects show up. All that shows up is when the plants run out of elements. They suddenly kind of collapse, turn yellow or the like. They need more of the specific salts from a bag or from raw organic sources. I am very firmly of the opinion that in some countries, at variance even under so-called Bio-Dynamic conditions, because минеральные удобрения применяются в таком количестве and the plants are heavily fed all the time, pushed, that actually the true effect of б и о д и н а м и к и just does not occur. They may receive some benefit from an application of the preparations — the degree of this is very hard for me to determine without intensive investigation because the effect is definitely not as obvious as with us (quality of preparations and correct application of course having also to be taken into consideration as well as air pollution etc.). But I think that as long as plants are so intensively fed — even where the humus organisation is not obviously bypassed — that the effect Рудольф Штайнер spoke of в своём «Курсе лекций по сельскому хозяйству», namely of a farm being a recycling, independent unit into which nothing by way of fertilisers is introduced извне, just does not occur. We have done tests over the years, in particular NPK and organic matter tests, on farms which have been going Bio-Dynamic-wise and have a very high level of production; in other words, an output, a loss of NPK as meat, dairy products, wool, etc., and yet the soils on these farms — without receiving any additional NPK from outside —were increasing in NPK levels (bearing in mind some obvious season and climate-influenced variations of a temporary nature). This is very hard to understand for an only агронома, получившего стандартное образование и знакомого только с биологически inactive почвами, dependent on soluble salts. It is hard for a man newly in Bio-Dynamics to understand this. And it has taken many of us a lot of courage to — apparently — see plants look off-colour, obviously 'requiring' подкормки… not yet understanding the rest periods plants should go through, neither yet realising that plants, по обычным меркам, have to undergo what appears to be a starvation process (and yet from the start our animals — even on 'starved' pastures — do better) before the dynamic power actually really begins to function. Мы, старые биодинамисты, твёрдо знаем from increasing experience, что balanced биодинамической ферме не нужны никакие минеральные комплексные удобрения извне, т.е. концепция Рудольфа Штайнера действительно работает. And we, gradually, have got to find out more of how, actually, this is possible. Мы знаем о работе, проделанной Рудольфом Хаушкой и Керваном в области превращения химических элементов. Безусловно, знать это очень полезно. But in itself this is not an answer. Not on its own, and, you see, we can manipulate that sort of knowledge mechanically — just like the традиционный подход к агрономии is: find out which major or minor elements are lacking so we can make up for them and there we are. That is an utterly mechanical approach and, as you know, a very misleading one. It is the cause of so much trouble in soils and our nature environment today. And we could, likewise, very easily be misled by what we gain from Hauschka and Kervran to doing somewhat the same thing. It would be easy to accept and expect that some form of elemental transmutation is all that is needed and that we just stimulate such. It isn't as simple as that. If it were, then how would it, by such purely mechanical freeing or transmutating of elements, become available to plants the right amounts of elements in the right balance? What we know as transmutation of elements does not explain this. It is not just a matter of materialistical chemical happenings where, as with artificial or organic manuring, i n d i s c r i m i n a t e amounts of salts are made available, but where — as it were — sensibly organised amounts become available. Not too much, not too little and, never, in our Bio-Dynamic experience, are plants 'pushed' to an excess causing a sick depletion not only of the biology of our soils but of single elements or trace elements, which in turn would gravely limit optimal growth, even if all other required elements were abundantly available. Poorer soils, developing under Bio-Dynamics, don't suddenly 'over-produce', to be impoverished afterwards. Obviously in our soils there is a very, very fine sensing so that at any one time the right chemical happenings occur and not just any chemical happenings. In this direction I would like to give a few pointers tonight. It won't be in great detail. There is a tremendous amount of work to be done in that area. We'll just go a little beyond where we have left off in the past. First of all, I'd like to once more put before you some slides. Вот три слайда анализов качества воды по Швенку. (Вы помните посещение нашей лаборатории не так давно, когда мы продемонстрировали наше оборудование для определения качества воды в действии.) But here now is a picture of what we have called the basic standard series, where we have pictures of various drop ratings. At the fifteenth drop picture we have the 'ideal' standard picture, the ultimate development, whereas in picture 25 the development 'runs out' into straight lines. And you remember if the equivalent ideal standard is reached not at the 15th drop but at the 25th — then this would indicate a high class water, whereas if, as in the series here shown, the ideal development occurs at the 15th drop, then this indicates a low class water. We have tested water in Виктории which showed the ideal development на тридцатой капле, indicating a very high quality. Namely, our own пауэллтаунская вода has so gone to the 30th drop and one or two of the underground waters, very interestingly, such as Порт Кэмпбелл which has a wonderful underground water supply. Today I have sufficient experience that when I have a water in the right container, taste it for 'sweetness' and 'look' at it in clear daylight as to how much light it takes in, by that I can tell reasonably well how good or inferior it is. Now I just want you to see this once more. Here, the ideal picture and, here, how it gradually runs out and it can't be brought back to the ideal again (см. том I, лекция 3, сс. 98, 99 for pictures). That is the one series I'd like you to keep in mind. Then there is this one with alcohol. First we have, also here, the ideal standard picture and then, at the same drop rate but added to a similar water base, alcohol at the rate of 1: 5, 000; 1: 3, 000; eventually coming to 1: 30 of alcohol. The pictures gradually change but not in the way of the run out water, which shows tired straight streaks; here we have 'the artist alcohol', as it were, permitted to describe his essential quality, namely an influence of disorder like madness. It is a picture of active confusion. That is what alcohol does to your brain. Хроматография, кристаcrystallisation or the water testing are truly methods for quality testing — not from a quantitative basis, which just isn't possible, as explained in the third introductory lecture. You can see the development tendency of the alcoholic test is totally different to the run out water. And here is one of the spa water tests (том I, лекция 3, с.103). It is not like run out water. It is not like the standard ideal picture and it is not like mad water. It is in fact a very beautiful disc, напоминающий круглые окна-розетки готических соборов. It is not symptomatic of usual water of high quality, it is a one-sided super water of a specific healing capacity. And that particular strength is what is portrayed — 'artistically' — and at the same time scientifically objective. I brought these tests once more to call up your visual awareness. А теперь я представлю вашему вниманию несколько слайдов, we haven't viewed before. Они демонстрируют результаты тестов, проведенных в северном полушарии, в Швеции, М.Энквистом. An outdoor plant test участокplot was split by a wall running east-west and high enough so that on the northern side the sun would not reach the soil и растущие в ней растения. Both northern and southern areas were разделены на два участка. One manured with artificial NPK and the other Bio-Dynamically. A number of plants were grown on the four участках. Some of the shaded NPK plot plants died altogether, others lived. Plant matter of all four участков, 1 (BD light), 2 (NPK light), 3 (BD shade), 4 (NPK shade) was brought to test by the crystallisation method and the pictures I am showing are a part enlargement of these tests. Especially if shown upside down, one could say these needlelike pictures are like plant roots or, the right way round, like trees. If we now look at the pictures: type 1, it is like a vigorously growing tree, whereas type 2, by comparison, is more like 'water pipe' growth of water shoots, less orderly and organised — in part (background) as though the sleeve had wiped over newly written ink. In the shaded BD picture (type 3) there is actually more activity in movement of growth than in the light NPK 2 picture. Also there is more orderly organisation and type 4 (NPK shade) shows large, tired 'hollow' water-pipe development, no plant growth, 'bursting' bud, activity at all. These test pictures relate to plant development as we know it from observation on our own землях before and after Bio-Dynamic development, type 4 is like NPK 'fertilised' HI rye grass in winter, unable to hold itself upright. BD shade (тип 3) in fact contains more light organisation symptoms than NPK light (тип 2). Type 3, although not receiving direct sunlight, had been formed by more light than NPK 2. And now we look once more at the root pictures of Й.Бокемюля, which we used в прошлом году (том II, лекция 7, сс. 20-21). Here is the комплект биодинамических слайдов and you remember, о чём мы говорили в прошлом году. Now, with what we have just gleaned in activity of movement (akin to 'bud-bursting' power) and organisation in lines of water testing examples (the 'run out' one in its tired 'streakiness'), the alcoholic РИСУНОК С. 75
mad one which criss-crosses in lines, the spa test of the beautiful and strong if one-sided gestures, then again the BD and the NPK crystallisation pictures. Now I want you to look (not like last year, so much at the top of the bean pictures Бокемюля), I want you to look at particular details of the actual shapes of the roots. We did look на форму корней to a degree last year and found that compost №2 showed the most balanced and desirable root development; compost №3 (3 x compost amount) shows too much in roots, a sod-boundness. Here in BD 2 you will see roots which are, as it were, inherently still 'moving' as of growth power, they are akin to the BD — light crystallisation pictures — a tree growing. And they are not interfering with each other. There is an orderliness of organisation. In the realm of music such order is expressed as polyphonic. By comparison the NPK roots in disorderliness are like manifold loud noise. In BD 3 плотность корневой системы чрезмерна, но, если присмотреться очень внимательно, то она не выходит за «рамки приличия». Whereas, if we take фотографии из комплекта слайдов с NPK roots, especially NPK 2, the roots are thicker in diameter, particularly the small stem endings which are also straight, 'tired' and heavy, and look like (dead) matches. Compare them to the much thinner, 'tensed' (bud-burst), 'lighter' (in two ways), active root ending of compost 2. Кончики корешков of NPK 2 look like dead pieces of wood without further growth potential. The roots of NPK are a mad whirl. This is not just a matter of an increase in the mass of roots, a new quality of roots emerges. Биодинамические корни 'crawl' like worms. There is 'power' in them to 'pierce' through. This is essential when tight soils have to be permeated by roots and made into deeper soils, especially when roots have to break into the монолитную кофейную породу in some soils Западной Австралии. There is similarity in the comparison of your plants above ground and your artificial neighbours to what these pictures show as applicable to the underground region as well. Now, в прошлом году я говорил о силе «эго», как я её назвал, которая активируется в препарате 500, and I demonstrated this to a degree — you find it in the relevant lecture. It is not easy to make this point clear but I hope you will obtain more and more understanding of it as it is very important. I mentioned last time that, when I showed the two soil photos which I use in the very first introductory lecture at Обществе травяных экосистем, where in the first row sat the 'lime super' Pittman (who was quite right with his approach to acid soils and who became, perhaps, a bitter man at the unfair treatment he received from his departmental policy), and, although I had said quite clearly that the difference those two soil pictures showed was achieved in only a few months — as you all know, he cried out that it would take 5 тыс. лет for such development in nature. And with nature left to itself it may well take even considerably longer than 5 тыс. лет. It just couldn't happen other than in a very long period. To see biological soil development penetrate as deeply, to 40" in parts, considerably further in only a few years as we have established on some of our farms, is really quite unbelievable. Nature is not organised to do this on its own. We should have a detailed enlargement of these soil pictures, this would make visual the superb beauty of structure which 500 has brought about in that soil. How beautifully the design structure and placement of particles is organised. It is like an equally beautiful and economically structured building with power of self carriage. Now, what happens in such Bio-Dynamic structuring of soils happens in so short a time and, if we relate that to man and to what we can know of a human being and what he can know of himself, really important changes in man of so fundamental a nature as 500 causes in soils, can only happen through a major, one would have to say, spiritual, experience the particular human being has had. And any such major spiritual experience would today require that «эго», или подлинная индивидуальность of that person, played a major role. Рудольф Штайнер был вполне прав, когда говорил, что препарат 500 передаёт силу «эго» почве. Также Рудольф Штайнер в своём «Курсе лекций по сельскому хозяйству» говорил, что растение подобно человеку, которорго поставили на голову. Я никогда об этом не говорил, хотя представить это довольно легко — intellectually. And it is quite easy, again intellectually, to make some added remarks such as «морковь — это корнеплодная культура and in turn полезна для мозга». I have never used this picture поставленного на голову человека, потому что I just couldn't particularly do anything with it. Но в Кейптауне, when I had to speak on some of this, for a specific purpose and was preparing myself, I could suddenly see how this could be viewed so I could do something with it. You see the uprightness of man, as it can be found and understood, the uprightness visible (last year's lecture) in the beautiful arch of 500 (chroma from «Земледелия завтрашнего дня») which holds itself upright — in comparison to the raw cow manure picture коровяка and effect — well, you can't tip that sort of man upside down. He just wouldn't be upright. But, if we really look at the plant, the exceptionally essential part of the plant — namely, the only place where originating new substance is made on earth, that is the leaf. The plant grows from the leaf, from what is made in the leaf — upwards and downwards. Растение не растёт — as it appears if we take an hourly or daily photo — from the root upwards. This is just not true. Такая картина чересчур материалистична. Мы должны знать, что происходит в листьях and, again, truly assess it in its total environment and then we realise, yes, it's not only theory that all this goes on in the leaf, the total plant grows from the leaf. And when we come to this we will suddenly realise that, however much the plant appears to be rooted, fixed in корневой зоне in earth — essentially, really, it is 'attached' by the leaves. Then it is easy to have the plant — attached by the leaves — swivel over like a man holding onto a cross bar with his hands. If we now tip these BD (сделанные доктором Бокемюлем) and NPK bean pictures upside down you will suddenly obtain a different impression of the roots compared to looking at them down at the bottom. Namely, you will see — like with the disc of the alcoholic water — this is now like the brain. If you look at the roots this way round you can better appreciate the relationship между корнями и мозгом. And I can assure you the effect of NPK manuring is not only one of this kind on root structure and soil, there is an equivalent effect on the brain of those continually eating food so produced. When eating such безвкусную пищу, человек is not stimulated as he would be, отведав вкусную биодинамическую пищу, he is not animated in this way and, furthermore, because of lacking food value he ест больше, намного больше, чем ему необходимо. He 'pigs' himself excessively. Both these effects together make him feel heavy and tired and have a disabilitating effect on his mental awakeness and intelligence. He becomes tired and 'woody' just like the NPK roots look, whereas Bio-Dynamic food makes the brain active like the Bio-Dynamic roots are. Many of you older Bio-Dynamic practicants have actually remarked on such experience over the years. If you take the top area of NPK 3 (3 x amount of NPK) you have not only a sparsity of развития корней — just like we know is the final outcome of many years of such обработки почвы — but, in spite of this sparsity, there is a diffused, disorderly, overlapping, each-other-disturbing, root development — just like in the alcoholic crystallisation discs. Even with the extreme sod-bound density of root development in the equivalent BD 3 picture there is no such 'interfering' madness. I wanted you to see this in an overall aspect so as to notice the s e n s e, the very fine sense which underlies the o r g a n i s a t i o n биодинамических корней. And we all realised last year that none of these bean pictures — considering more the above earthly part of the plants — really look fully like what we know биодинамические растения can look like. Well, the whole test set up doesn't give the plants a full chance and, apparently, no 501 had been used which would be essential in the Swiss climate. So we could expect, potentially, even more descriptive root variations. We are looking at the sensible organisation which our longtime practicants have experienced on their own farms. The longer they so proceed and the less they introduce stimulants from outside, the more plants gradually can cope with whatever nature puts to them in difficulties, and these are considerable in Australia. And also, there is no apparent lack developing in major or minor elements. In fact, as stated earlier, there is in many cases an increase in whatever we test for, regardless of the NPK which leaves the farm unit as produce. В одной из своих ранних книг по биодинамике Пфайффер expounds the theory (it was such, as to my knowledge this was never really proven from practice) that 500 should not be applied before the compost containing the six preparations. And as you know this did not meet with my early observations in Australia where — в отличие от Европы — я found such lack of culture in the soils, old culture that came into the soil through the cultural effect of man, his creative culti-vating etc. and, likewise, very much through the large volume коровьего навоза applied over hundreds, even thousands, of years. And there is really only one manure and that is cow manure. I found this lacking even in the 'richest' (element-wise and, possibly, organic matter-wise) базальтах. Он представляют собой really quite незрелые soils. Действительно самые богатые почвы в Австралии—это аллювиальные равнины. To help bring culture to soils here especially, I found that the application «пятисотого» — concentrated 'cow-power' as it were — was the most important basic beginning. In fact, I couldn't see the compost preparations on their own doing the job. Рудольф Штайнер указывал, что «пятисотый» provides an overall структуру «эго». И мы видим это both in the chroma picture of 500 and in the 500 crystallisation pictures, сделаных Крюгером, depicted in прошлогодней лекции 8 and, likewise, in our soil photos and of course in our soils. And you know that even where you have never made compost, скажем, на больших grazing and grain growing properties, after a while of applying straight 500 you are to use prepared 500 (500 prepared with 6 compost preps.). In this way the compost preparations come to work somewhat slower than put out with compost and I have often pointed out that it takes more 'know-how' to eventually achieve the same results as via compost — in this way. Делать компост относительно легко — хотя в этом есть своя доля искусства и науки and requires plenty of experience — равно как относительно to get a farm going with a lot of compost. Much harder is it to so skilfully read nature as to when опрыскивать и чем — and to come to a full Bio-Dynamic result with only spraying and good general Bio-Dynamic inducing management. «Пятисотый» является препаратом, приготовленном на основе навоза животного which has the most refined and balanced — one could equally say most harmonious — metabolism of any creature on earth. On crystallisation discs Крюгера of the effect of 500 on soil and in seed germination we say, last year (см. фото из лекции 8, с. 64), that when использовалась только «дождевая вода», или когда «пятисотый» готовили в деревянном ящике, никаких результатов не было. «Пятисотый» необходимо приготавливать в коровьем роге. Коровий рог, как нам известно, grows at the top of the head. Вместо рога «пятисотый» можно be made, equally, in the horny hoof of a cow. Таким образом в приготовлении препаратов важную роль играют the very tip and bottom ends of an animal. Ещё одна animal part, используемой в приготовлении препаратов —это череп — мы используем черепаsheep skulls. The oak bark is inserted therein. Then we go down in the body realm, the mesentery is used, which is closely aligned to the digestive system and so, again, a cow's is taken, if possible such from an old yet healthy, economically producing, regularly breeding, lean cow — the mesentery not being too fatty — this is used in conjunction with the dandelion flower. Then further down, the small intestines are used and, for reasons similar to the above, again a cow's intestines are used in conjunction with camomile flowers. From further down the bladder is used. We use the stag bladder originally suggested by доктором Штайнером. And the milfoil is treated therein. Много лет тому назад мы провели эксперимент с bladder кенгуру. Кенгуру выбрали, потому что в Австралии there being no native animal with antlers, because in the head bearing and alertness — of all Australian animals — кенгуру оказалась ближайшим closest to the deer. But this bladder was not useful. So, as base for the various preparations, we choose parts of mammals, from head to foot right through. When we consider the plant substances used in приготовлении компоста we find that they have specific medicinal properties relating to the important inner organs человека. Superficially discussed, for instance, it is well known that milfoil has medicinal value for the kidney, dandelion for the liver and gall, camomile for the intestines. We can't go further into this tonight and I'd like to see far more intensive research done in this sphere. Important for tonight is to be aware, как of the relationship эти травы to the most important organs of организма человека. Some may have wondered why it is so important to weigh out the compost preparations at 2 grams each so carefully on balance scales — when the same set of preparations is used for a heap of 3 tons or 10 tons. Их взвешивают in balance to each other, so — as it were — we wouldn't create a man with the head of a giant and the digestive system of a mouse. If someone were able to give you, любому из вас, the power of your own «я», вашей индивидуальности, то вы лишились бы своего собственного лицаyou could not find your own individuality, вы стали бы марионеткой в руках of that other person. There is something there which you have to do yourself or it just isn't your own individuality who is the benefactor. Just like you have to find, initially, and I have always made this difficult, you have got to find the courage, say, to make the decision to come into Bio-Dynamics. And, originally, you are given no more than the first lecture — unfortunately this is not always the case now because these lectures had to be made available in a roneoed form. And very originally you may have been able to see my own farm and some of the very old ones of you returned a fortnight later to actually see — is it true that his cows eat so little. That sort of thing was possible, yet it took a lot of courage on your behalf to really come to a decision. In finding this courage, your own individuality had a special chance of developing. And various ones have said later on to me, that was a very important step in my life; some said, that was the first time I really learned to think actively, or whichever way it was put. In actual fact you were saying that your own individuality undertook a major step in making such decisions. And, I think, none of you have ever regretted this because since then you have had more scope to develop on within your work expression together with your farms — as human beings, I would say. You have become far more independent — not just in a rugged Australian way but as human beings of responsibility, of far greater responsibility to earth or to feeding your fellow man than you may have developed otherwise. And, in consequence, you are so great a help to some of the new ones who come to Bio-Dynamics now. That all is based on развитии собственного «я», but it has to take place independently in your own individuality. Now, the same it is with the soil. As I pointed out last year, we can never 'go back' to nature or 'organics', a totally new impulse has to come in and this is provided by 500. But 500 on its own is kind of only like the empty vehicle, a beautifully upright (see the 500 chroma or crystallisation pictures and compare with the raw cow manure counter parts коровяка) shell. This would not be enough. It has to be filled by the изобилием, которое приводит в действие «эго» in man's total being of body and soul. This изобилие in its details is provided by the preparations. If those preparations were all taken from one area of one animal or from one plant, it would be far too one-sided, it would be as if someone had made you in your individual development a puppet of himself. There would be no free development. The ingredients, as it were, the potential assembled in man, are given. But at some stage man has to take them up, wake up, and make something of them by himself. There is a similar situation in the soil. The organising s e n s e which is required at any particular time — to match the demands of climate and ever so many problems, to just provide the right amount of one or another element, the right chemical exchange, that is, where each time anew — as man in his individual life's decisions — in the soil a sensible decision has to take place. No one can ever predict beforehand what it is to be. No one will ever know beforehand what the particular situation of nature is going to be and will demand. It is always different. It is a situation искусственная подкормка растений — through the water of the soil — will never be able to account for, but tries to circumnavigate 'artificially'. No wonder the results are, eventua'ly, so disastrous as to угрожает самthreaten само man's continued existence на earth. Here we are dealing with a process, it is also essentially a chemical process but one that is not just mechanical (as artificial feeding in its monotonousness is). It is a chemical process which has to be decided in the soil from minute to minute. Если вы внимательно изучите, что говорит Рудольф Штайнер в своём «Курсе лекций по сельскому хозяйству» (which is post-graduate study material and in relationship to which we рекомендуем начинающим вначале изучать «Земледелие завтрашнего дня» Лили Колиско) об individual preparations, то увидите, что он doesn't actually say they add a particular chemical element to the soil, but they stimulate a process. A process dealing with phosphate, скажем, in regard to Valerian. Processes dealing with iron, with calcium etc. Например, Calcium of a particular kind in man or soil необходим не просто как элемент кальций, а как catalyst to enable some other mineral or vitamin to become active. There are innumerable refined changes. We can't actually follow any individual one alone without at the same time being aware of others inter-relating. And we have to see through these—all in action — to actually realise the tremendous sense organising these processes. I would suggest to those of you, who are sufficiently experienced in Bio-Dynamics and who have witnessed how this sense makes their soils and plants match nature's situations and demands, and who would like to understand this better, I would like to suggest to them to read «Курс лекций по сельскому хозяйству», bearing in mind what has been said tonight. Gradually, we may be able — I don't make any promises though—to come truly clearer in some of these aspects. Например, just to show how refined we have to become about such experiencing — in ascertaining qualitative variations — take camomile. Some of you have grown it. Some have used it as a herb tea for medicinal purposes. If you try to understand part of the calcium effect of this plant — well, if you take a bit of lime into your hand and moisten it and rub it gently between thumb and index finger — it acts as a lubricant in between the finger surfaces. The sliding quality is more of a slimy nature than, say, oily. Such calcium is essential and would, initially, be lacking в бедной песчаной почве. If humus is to form in such sand a certain amount of calcium is required. Now, если вы смочите пальцы чаем из camomile tea и слегка потрёте thumb и указательный палец друг о друга, то обнаружите, что there is a somewhat similar 'feel' as with the calcium. In such refined sensing one actually begins to approach some of the processes доктор Штайнер speaks of. Покойный доктор Рудольф Хаушка could well have contributed greatly in these aspects. Он был не только чудесным исследователем-«распознавателем» и человеком, способным переписать химию (см. его «Учение о субстанции»), но и фактически создателем новой субстанциальности (какими мы являемся в отношении почвы и природы, когда заново оживляем самые бесплодные земли), а именно своих лекарств “WALA” и методики их производства, например, без использования спирта в качестве консерванта. A lot more has to be done in discovering the detailed workings of the preparations — both as activities and where eventually, as it were, these activities crystallise right down to measurable chemical quantities and where we notice the mentioned increases in NPK in spite of what leaves our farms as produce. We must not get lost in cheap mechanical chemical thinking, in the 'cleverness' of it, or we will not find the ever new sense of ever different new happenings in soil and of the purpose of 500 and the other preparations therein. Когда я впервые узнал о работе Марии Тун, то был в высшей степени восхищён ею и продолжаю восхищаться по сей день. Но в то же время — как я уже говорил в одной из своих предыдущих лекций — я чувствовал себя как бы в смирительной рубашке. Вы помните вступительную лекцию 6, в которой я объясняю, почему нельзя выращивать биодинамически монокультурные сосны или кактусы, — это можно делать только on the balanced basis of pasture being involved. Космические воздействия, о которых говорит Мария Тун, и которые с её помощью have been so well documented in work done on an official опытной станции близ Марбурга в Германии — in working according to these cosmic influences and following this system right through, i.e. not only sowing potatoes в дни «корня», but, rather, repeatedly spraying 501 also always on a 'root' day, then the potato plants produce more. The potato is then, in fact, made more one-sidedly into a potato and likewise with other plants. To agronomists with, basically, традиционным взглядом на вещи, such becomes very acceptable, поскольку 'results' and 'factors' can so readily be manipulated and documented. Я же усматриваю очень большую опасность in making plants too one-sided. Существует огромная разница между космическими силами which are fixed and have a 'fixing' influence and the activity I have described as an individual process in man or in the soil where there is freedom for something quite new to arise out of the demands of the situation. One could say there was a free spirituality in the latter. Plants are fixed although they are alive. They are alive, если их сравнивать с камнем, но дуб всегда останется дубом, so will a pear tree or any plant. There is a firm fixation. С человеком дело обстоит иначе where he individualises. He has freedom. And there must be such freedom in the totality of soil happenings, inclusive of soil chemistry, to meet — as I have described — the ever-new demands of nature which are never the same. If we allow too much fixation even in the 'cosmic forces' realm, then we are in grave danger to end up with plants which are as dead as the NPK roots we viewed. We must work with a truly free creativeness. Я бы хотел I would like to observe the long term effects of too one-sided an application of work Марии Тун before I would fully subscribe to it. Когда я навестил Марию Тун семь лет тому назад, она экспериментировала — нет, не с размешиванием — с препаратом 501, but potentising it, actually making из него гомеопатическое лекарство. I put the view to her then, namely that биодинамические препараты — это не лекарства to remedy sickness, а с о з д а т е л и заново organised substance. I have recently read that she has gone off such potentising. The stirring is so essential. Это абсолютно творческий, свободный процесс, in which each time there is a totally new chaos effect in the revercing. In the vortex rhythm and harmony there is a replica of our immediate cosmic environment — as expressed in an earlier lecture. But it is through a c t i o n initiated by man's doing that эта космическая музыка — as it were — is made in the water. The reversing momentum does not exist in a similar way in our cosmic environment. I see, at present, a definite justification for using the knowledge, которым снабдила нас Мария Тун, т.е. following основные charts её календаря посевных дней. But I would suggest that in the 500 and 501 spraying after sowing you be guided by the decree of the four elements of your local weather pattern (земля, вода, свет, тепло). They need balancing, как отмечалось в лекции 5 (1972 г.). Be guided in the application of all preparations by the actual demand of your immediate local climatic conditions which will, of needs, integrally entail consideration for soil and plants as well. Then, I think, there will be sufficient freedom (the wiles of the weather…) for the preparations with view to the fixing effect знаков зодиака и Луны. We certainly would not want to subject the Bio-Dynamic preparations to become «зодиакально» fixed — as it were. By way of a totally different example this subject matter could also be expressed in the following way. Я не очень интересуюсь астрологией, where man's being is 'fixed' according to signs его рождения, because no notice at all is taken of man's most essential individual part, его внутреннего «я», которое может act one way or totally differently, within a situation. В астрологии In astrology man is taken to be an animal. Everything is fixed. Возможности и потенциал его внутреннего «я» не принимаются во внимание. I could speak of all this tonight because so many of us have witnessed this s e n s e in how our soils, plants and farms manage в непростом австралийском климате. Один фермер сегодня мне рассказывал, как how dry it had been — and to his great surprise his wheat still yielded splendidly and now his sub is almost dead and I feel confident that к весне — достаточно всего лишь маленького дождичка — it will be as good as he could have wished it to be. We have all experienced this in some way or other again and again. Обычным же фермерам приходится to re-sow. There is not that sense in the nature environment of their farms. One must recognise what sense this actually is, namely that it is just about as good as the best we can come up with regarding our own life's demands. And that is what доктор Штайнер hinted at as a farm truly being an organisation of its own, independent of the introduction of удобрений извне. ЛЕКЦИЯ 10 Популярное:
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