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Лекция, прочитанная Алексом Подолинским на ежегодном общем собрании Биодинамической сельскохозяйственной ассоциации Австралии в 1978 г.

Сегодня вечером I shall attempt something very difficult. Я уже говорил днем, что that a photo would not really be able to show what experienced биодинамические фермеры can see as symptomatic for bio-dynamic in plants and i draw your attention to art and to what can be seen in as innocent a form of art as early childhood drawings.

I could ask—we have looked at it on other occasions—what is it that enables a plant to defy gravity, to rise and spread out? Наука не может ответить на этот вопрос. It can’t even fully explain (a partial explanation just isn’t essentially an explanation) how water rises in a plant. It is interesting in itself, that water rises, defies gravity and that science hasn’t a full explanation for this. But this is much less interesting or important or puzzling than that a plant defies gravity altogether. There is nothing on earth that I can think of which, similarly, builds up and builds up and defies gravity.

The fact that science, as it were, doesn’t enquire as to how plants defy gravity and doesn’t even question into this, is because научная «система» сегодня просто couldn’t supply an answer. The methodocity of that system, the adding together of particles (as is discussed in our third introductory lecture) is a materialistic system. Very often today what we have gained in mechanical (engineering) knowledge is applied across to biology. A model is made and it is expected that жизнь follows according to the principles of a piston engine. But life doesn't. Life is something of a quite different category than the physical-materialistic (although life may show up and move within physical substance). That is why, as long as our attempt at understanding remains essentially materialistic, we just can't answer questions as to how water rises or how plants defy gravity, or, so often see the question not even put. One wouldn't dare ask it. And if one did ask such a question, the people trained in the 'science system' would look at the questioner as though he were slightly deranged. Although it is quite a simple and very factual question, it is one outside their system. They notice this — actually in half-conscious fear — and become ill at ease. It is a question visible inside the physical expression of a plant, but it is outside the competence of a purely physical science to answer.

Now, if you were conscious as really practical farmers, in regard to where-from you make many, many important decisions which eventually even affects your income, a decision as to how you go about certain aspects of farming, not necessarily just when you cut hay, you then base your decision on observations which you often would be unable to clearly and consciously define. In fact, you quite often would be shy to answer a questioning into your decisions. You'd be shy to answer, because something is being touched on, of which you feel — well, that's just for me and my thinking — because, actually, it isn't just a calculation of a materialistic nature alone, which is working in you there. I don't know to what degree some of you might be conscious of this. If you give it some consideration, you may find it to be so.

However, it is important to be conscious as to the nature of our enquiring, and subsequent decision making, particularly in the non-materialistic regions I am now touching on, so we can be truly scientific even there.

В некоторых предыдущих вступительных лекциях мы говорили о «жизненных силах», потом о «космических силах». You use sowing charts. Some particularly like such. It was typical that a bandwagon type immediately grabbed the sowing chart principles and put it on radio. He had something 'factual'. One can influence lettuces to 'shoot' or not. So very quickly, that sort of knowledge also can be turned into a mechanical methodicity — although we are dealing with cosmic forces or influences here. The fact that we are dealing with cosmic forces is nothing so special at all. It is something special when the concept of this realm first touches you, namely that Луна и зодиак have so detailed effects. It is very interesting, very unsuspected perhaps, by many people, very extraordinary at first. But, look, we affect each other, not necessarily by hitting each other, but by just mentally communicating. Существует communication that is not physical. И в этом нет ничего необыкновенного, как нет ничего необыкновенного there about effects on plants from other bodies of our solar system or similar effects on our cows (or us) when we get them into the yard in the mornings and their temperament is affected.

Тот факт, что можно weigh and measure such effects, что такие опыты осуществляются на опытной станции, которую финансирует немецкое правительство, может быть, поначалу и покажется для кого-то очень важным, но меня он не очень-то impresses. По опыту работы на wide acreages мы знаем, как космические силы воздействуют на растения и также то, что эта система не всегда работает, т.е. свою роль играют и другие факторы. There is nothing so special about any of it. What happens though is that some people make this into a materialistic methodicity — similar to anything else. Instead of over-doing the artificial fertiliser salts, the moon is over-done.

Now, working in realms of cosmic forces — we are dealing with forces. There does not appear to be a direct physical influence like добавление солей в почву; there is nevertheless a very definite influence. Although we rightly speak of cosmic forces in regard to these, they are however not essentially what we call формирующими или жизненными силами.

In however only a partial one-sided way, I would like, tonight, to deal with those of the life forces belonging to the realms of the liquid or fluidic and, perhaps, a little with the life forces of light and forming power.

So we will try to look more specifically at the power that maKes plants rise and spread and, kind of, defy gravity. The most basic general fluidic substance на Земле, water, is physical and very much subject to gravity. When breakers roll up on the beach you experience this quite forcefully by their dumping you. It is wrong, as is sometimes done, to see in the physical substance of water — because as such water is not as solid as rock — to see in water's moveability and basic biological exchange potential something akin to the life force liquidity or fluidity. В прекрасной книге Т.Швенка «Чувствующий хаос»[2], which brings so much awareness to us regarding the watery element, я, тем не менее, не нашёл чёткого distinction between physical water and the fluidic etheric element. And if these two are not clearly distinguishable, I feel, there is danger of interpreting into physical water (because it is not as 'solid' as rock) some of the qualities belonging to etheric liquidity and which water is not really capable of supplying.

Обычно я говорю очень мало об etheric liquidity or fluidity, я предпочитаю to make people aware of the reality of it с помощью специального упражнения по лепке из глины. And, as I said in the afternoon, there are a number of farmers present who can come to such sessions, but there are also many who live too far away. And there are some amongst these who, как я понимаю, would very much like to find out more about liquidity. Поэтому especially for their sake я попробую сегодня обсудить, demonstratingly, this realm. Такую попытку я ещё никогда не предпринимал. The only means conceivable to me for this is, again, a special type of art — just as in the afternoon session I showed in the utmost simplicity of childhood paintings what goes on — even physiologically — in the reality of a child.

So I will now show a particular part of the inside of a building, спроектированного Рудольфом Штайнером. Это здание, невзирая на своиThis building, however enormous, was entirely carved in wood and сгорело and is just not in existence today. With it he had the intention that all he had scientifically discovered and spoken of as the historical and evolutionary background of man, be made visible в художественном архитектурном выражении (just as was also done in the then appropriate way, скажем, in the figures самого выдающегося готического собора, который находится в Шартре).

So, amongst much else в этом строении он продемонстрировал liquidity жизненной силы. And, where explanations via words have made it nigh impossible for people to come to realization этой жизненной силы, to s e e it, be confronted by it in a building can be of direct impact. But, please understand that this is only one aspect of this building, and, likewise, that I will draw your attention to only one aspect of this etheric force liquidity, one of altogether four such basic etheric forces.

Разглядывание такого an artistic expression, instead of verbal explanation, подобно наслаждению биодинамической пищей вместо чтения теоретических книжек по нашему предмету. Поэтому на этом слайде я хочу в особенности обратить ваше внимание to one part and I ask you to contrast it with a breaker wave rolling up the beach ready to forcefully dump you; the wave, so clearly of 'weight' and subject to gravity. Wherever there is water (the drop pictures at the beginning «Чувствующего хаоса» shows how water drops shape) it is subject to gravity.

Теперь на вот этом слайде (см. Диаг. 1) we have something flowing back, which, yet, is not subject to gravity. If you look at the arrow-marked parts and use a similar kind of looking, consciously or not, with which you 'look' at nature and come to your important decisions, or you look at the children's drawings («Первые детские рисунки» Микаэлы Штраус), and what they reveal as we did in the afternoon, then you will see this is all the time flowing outwards; there is, as it were, a movement built in whilst at the same time it is not physically moving any further than its depictment. You can see it? Очень хорошо. This is not 'static', there is something going on, всё время движется.

A second aspect to be noticed with this configuration is that, although it so appears as 'moving', it is not 'dropping' (like the water drop); in fact, it is 'floating' and not subject to gravity at all. By contrast the water drop, equally on a photo, would show 'plop' in coming down. If we held a pear up there, you'd see immediately, it is destined to drop, it has 'weight'.

I will show you further examples afterwards, но сперва


ФОТО С. 91


Диаг. 1


Диаг. 2. Схематический вертикальный разрез срез Альп в районе перевала Симплон. Длина section: прибл. 16 миль; depth: прибл. 6 миль (по К.Шмидту)


вот этот слайд (см. Диаг. 2); вы узнаете его — он из книги Швенка «Чувствующий хаос» — you can distinguish that this looks somewhat like a wave? Но присмотритесь внимательно; вот, например, вот эта форма (see arrows) или эта — они is subject to gravity или нет? Is it kind of 'floating' there or is it subject to gravity and going to crash down on you like a wave would? Who has travelled by car at night in slightly foggy conditions and your headlights illuminate into and through the fog and this seems to be floating in front of you? Fog is still subject to gravity, really, but it is somewhere in between physical water and the life-force liquidity.

Now, if you look carefully at this волнообразную форму here — it is just floating and not dropping. Видите? Это изображение depicts a cut through Альп в районе перевала Симплон. Существуют различные научные теории относительно эволюции физической Земли. Basic to all these theories is that в них, с одной стороны, на начальном этапе присутствует there is some physical evidence as starting point, however far removed, often, today — on the other hand, quite separated therefrom is a hypothetical theory trying to 'explain'.

Such theory-hypothesis is made by the human (or even computer) mind, о т д е л ё н н ы м от реальности, которую он пытается объяснить. Она does not arise from within the reality, as it were. В ней присутствует то, что в философии называется дуализмом. You have the duality of the basic reality and the theory and often, в особенности в земледелии, we find that in ten years the expounded theory has totally altered. This so happened where we have 'duality' and not the situation where the reality itself kind of speaks to us and is recognised by us like, for instance, our Bio-Dynamic grass speaks to us and is at the same time, as one, recognised by us (as were those children's drawings), whilst обычный агроном не способен увидеть our grass characteristics (glow-green, uprightness) but only the 'size' which he measures and that is already partly 'dualistic'.

Ваш так называемый «непросвещённый» фермерский взгляд — подлинное видение и понимание явлений природы — лишён двойственности и теоретичности. Его можно назвать «монистическим». Методологически он намного sounder, truer, а потому научнее, нежели те теории, которыми вас потчуют обычные агрономы. Горожане, как и учёные, by contrast are generally so conditioned that they также оценивают мир с двойственных позиций. Именно поэтому они так непрактичны. They can't 'see', that is, make contact 'as one' with reality.

And so there are many (and however 'clever') theories относительно того, как Земля rose and evolved. Whereas with one glance at this 'wave' (see picture) cut through this very old alpine region of Earth you can see, you are told that Earth на раннем этапе развития was of a uniform liquid substantiality. There was no distinction between solid physical and thinner water, as we today have 'thinner' waves crash against 'solid' rock. And the picture equally shows that there was not gravity as we know it today.

The overall substantiality was more like you can experience when making butter in a hand churn. You start with a u n i f o r m liquid substantiality, cream, and when sufficiently churned, this 'turns' and suddenly 'flip, flop, flop', there is separation into 'solid' butter, and 'thinner' water (пахта). So we have today solid rock and thinner water, whereas the picture reveals slower forming substantiality. There was no distinction between flowing and solid, no gravity. This most ancient part of Earth still shows this before it kind of froze to solidity as Earth hardened.

This happens to also be what Рудольф Штайнер recognised, regarding раннего этапа земной эволюции. And you can see in this picture f l o w i n g n e s s. Likewise can you see this in these aspects of здания Рудольфа Штайнера. And, как я уже говорил, he intended to surround the viewer with past evolutionary expression of Earth. Ведь вся Земля когда-то былаwas once liquidity and without gravity.

These other parts (см. little arrows) show the same. Поначалу эти формы кажутся «странными» but not so once you realise what they depict. Never will you find similar movement in water, only a kind of, yet physical s t i m u l a t i o n thereof; for instance, if you dissolve чернила в воде, они расплываются aimlessly and there is neither real rising power, purpose, nor true absence of gravity with such.

None of these configurations in that building would weightily press in on you, like water does when you dive deeply. Those who have had the opportunity to model 'liquidity' in clay, as it can be achieved, know how difficult this is. But it is a most excellent means to real awareness.

On this слайде (см. Диаг. 3) here we have a liquidity form directed particularly to 'rise' (see arrows). The form continually appears to be rising further (just like the earlier one was 'flowing outwards').

Физическое тело состоит из четырёх основных элементов. Это The solid, mineral-like, вода, воздух и тепло. In the life forces realm присутствуют пракически те же четыре основных элемента. Но здесь вместо воды, is this to be recognised — 'liquidity', which has such 'rising' force — obviously not subject to gravity. Physical water has 'flowing' qualities, but is subject to weight and gravity.

In and with the physical appearance of a plant is contained a life forces organisation. Part of this is the liquidity force which, regarding the plant could be artistically expressed as we see here on this slide. And it is this particular force that gives the plant its initial 'lift' as it were and kind of 'sucks' (which is another way of expressing 'rising' force), even the watery upwards within the plant.



Диаг. 3


As жизненная сила this force is continuous. It does not require the kind of re-energising a physical force would require. However, if the physical plant has, by artificial fertiliser means, been made more excessively 'heavy' (full of salt and water) the life forces cannot adequately cope with such heavy excess. We then see what is only too familiar to us with plants grown artificially.

A real good farmer 'somehow' has an idea of what the season ahead, even the year ahead, is going to be like. He couldn't explain this and generally keeps it to himself but, as much as he can, he does attempt to organise his farm management accordingly. In regard to managing plants Bio-Dynamically, where we attempt to balance out the imbalances of nature, it is not of great help to apply 501 on sloppy plants, when these plants are already well grown and clearly show how the watery element predominates. That the particular season tends towards too much water has to be 'sensed' much earlier and 501 has to be applied from early growth stages onwards. The realm to which your 'sensing' is herein directed is actually the realm of the life-force liquidity and not that of physical water. What takes place in the life force realm finally shows up in the realm of the four physical elements. But by then correction in a balancing sense as we have a means to do in the Bio-Dynamic method is too late to be fully effective.

First we must learn to 'see' the difference between watery flow and the rising power of liquidity. Then, in so foretelling the season, we can, for instance, look at plants and observe; is (in early Spring or even late Winter) the power of liquidity in plants this year particularly strong or not. Actually, if it is 'early' and pronounced, and if at the same time the life-force atmosphere of light is also rather strong, we can expect an early spring and quite likely an early dry summer. This kind of life-force atmosphere of light can be further checked on by watching the flowering expressing, especially of wattles and the likes. If there is great richness and abundance, this also indicates towards dryness. On the other hand, if the liquidity predominates so early in Spring (and perhaps already since Autumn) and light and warmth atmospheres are weak — all water around Earth looks heavy, plants (pasture) tend to be big and watery — it is not necessarily cold by temperature measurement (it usually then isn't); then we can expect a prolonged wet Spring and should particularly use 501 early and repeatedly.

Quite a number of you have so observed in the past and decided thereupon. But it is good to become more conscious as to methodicity.


ФОТО С. 97

Диаг. 4

Диаг. 5


Now, here are a few more slides, just to exercise viewing further. Посмотрите, как это (see arrows) is 'coming down', а вот это (double arrow) is 'rising' (см. Диаг. 4). На этих слайдах изображены части of pillars which were inside the здания Штайнера. Они показывают, как земные космические силы are drawn together and there is an influencing or exchange taking place. Exactly as we know of it with plants.

A further very typical 'liquidity' form is this one (см. Диаг. 5). It depicts 'rising' and 'falling' movement without there being any tension, physical 'energy' for the 'up' or gravity for the 'down'.

Биодинамические препараты do not primarily work via the four physical elements. This is obvious already by considering the very small quantities used. The NPK value of 1¼ унции «пятисотого» на акр земли just would not register. The preparations work via the life-forces. And they are effective if applied early enough to leave the life-forces the opportunity to work in the physical realm.

From what was discussed and hinted at tonight становится ясно, насколько важно to distinguish between water and life-force liquidity. And, not to confuse 'flowingness' qualities in water with the 'rising' force of liquidity.

I would like to express some thoughts from this viewpoint regarding попыток Т.Швенка at re-vitalising the generally so 'dead' water of Earth today. Это, как я понимаю, является underlying темой его работы of which we so far know more only in regard to the wonders that he has so beautifully and scientifically recognised of rhythm and form in water itself.

В прошлом я уже упоминал о «текучих формах» английского скульптора Джона Уилкса и turbulation apparatus аппарате швейцарского инженера П.Шатца. «Текучие формы» Джона Уилкса cause water movements вихревого, воронкообразного характера. Vortex movement occurs naturally in creeks and helps the enlivening of water. The same applies to turbulation. If we consider the enormous volume of water evilly affected on Earth and the minute quantities that could possibly be enlivened by artificial vortices or turbulations, we may well wonder.

It seems to me that an approach to really enliven water generally can not be made adequately in the realm of physical water itself but, like with the workings of the Bio-Dynamic preparations, has to be undertaken in the realm of жизненных сил, herein particular in the realm of the текучести жизненной силы. In that realm импульс «я» может срабатывать как катализатор on physical water.

I do consider also that, что на обширных площадях, на которых применяется в Австралии биодинамика, we are actually enlivening water as well. On мёртвых песчаных почвах вода 'runs' through. Может иметь место определённая физическая фильтрация (и вода оставляет загрязняющие вещества в почвах). На бесплодной глинистой почве вода застаивается (сверху и внутри). На наших специально ««эго»-структурированных» биодинамических почвах (см. лекции 8 и 9) вода постепенно оживает (в коллоидах гумуса), and is drawn through, touching the structure rather like our eye does in regard to beautiful architecture or our ear with enlivening music. Such water changes vary considerably and in large volumes. Furthermore, on биодинамических почвах much water penetrates deeply, is taken up by plentiful plants and is transposed. A very cleansing happening.






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