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Лекция, прочитанная Алексом Подолинским на ежегодном общем собрании Биодинамической сельскохозяйственной ассоциации Австралии в 1980 г.

These meetings over the years have grown to a degree to a meeting of those who would really be our main bearers of the work and consultants. Мне понадобилось несколько лет, чтобы recognize this. We always have new ones and it is good they come, good for us all. We could not, over the years, call executive meetings. We all live too far apart. It is not practicable. If it were really essential we could do so and you would come. It has not been that necessary. I could manage to see you, travelling round. But as this has developed in such a way that our mainstays are always here, I am going to make use of that. We will come to discuss some aspects of the future of our work which I am struggling to observe and learn to recognise. Я этого ещё ни с кем не обсуждал. So, some of the new ones will have to bear with us, it will not be easy for them.

Тема, основная тема, касалась консультативных услуг. Это то направление, we are heading for. Even if I may go a long way to prepare towards what the main theme is.

In considering this theme я перечитал впервые за много лет введение, написанное доктором Пфайффером к сельскохозяйственному курсу Рудольфа Штайнера. И был поистине удивлён. Много лет тому назад я оставил в книге много своих пометок. I must have enjoyed reading it because there were such common sense remarks in it, which Pfeiffer reports as Rudolf Steiner having made to him. And actually those remarks suit the work we have done here. А именно: биодинаика должна быть a practical undertaking. Она должна быть экономичным undertaking. Ею должны заниматься настоящие фермеры, а не кучка городских идеалистов. Он посоветовал Пфайфферу изучать психологию масс и экономику, чтобы подготовиться к такой работе.

To start with for this theme I want to look at what Рудольф Штайнер называл индивидуальной особенностью фермы. Времени у него было мало and in trying to describe the agricultural individuality of a farm he used criteria such as nothing should be brought in, ideally, to the farm, например, навоз и т.п.. Ферма должна быть self contained unit. That is the sort of explanation made with much emphasis в ряде стран. Some of these theoretical idealists say if somebody is not introducing manure, which is very rare, то — вот! — это хозяйство точно имеет своё лицо. And, если владелец какой-нибудь действительно хорошей биодинамической фермы is introducing something, this is condemned. This is far too materialistic an approach in judging and in actually understanding what such an individuality of a farm is.

To try and look more deeply at that I would like to take you back into history. Important historic events are taking place at this very moment. And because they are so gradual, people do not notice them. So are there historical events in regard to the distribution of land, in regard to man's influence on land — say, in Germany, which is one of the most productive countries on earth, and one of the most populated. В 1618 г. на её территории проживало 18 миллионов человек. Подумайте о таких изменениях — в конце Тридцатилетней войны осталось 4 миллиона человек. Когда Германией правил Гитлер, в ней проживало 180 миллионов человек. Задумайтесь над этими цифрами — за несколько сот лет её население увеличилось с 4 миллионов до 180 миллионов человек. Now do not think of just this actual figure. Picture to yourselves what it would be like living in such conditions. Вот, например, знаменитый немецкий живописец Дюрер — примерно 400 или 500 лет тому назад — писал акварельные пейзажи Германии. Если на них посмотреть, можно подумать, что ты попал в Австралию. Иногда на его картинах не увидишь ни одного дома. Совсем как наша inland. Сегодня, когда едешь из Цюриха в Базель, — один час на электричке, — то you are never outside a suburb. When anyone of us has been over there, we are most glad to get out of the enormous density of everything, including pollution, compared to here.

С другой стороны, нам крупно повезло, что судьба забросила нас сюда. Австралия — наименее населённая часть земного шара вообще. But it could, for instance, be said, and I have heard the view expressed by thinking Europeans, the real battle of civilisation is fought в таких районах, как Рур, where there is such an immense density of population. You can hardly move. And the social problems conjoined with that. It is interesting — you know I am also associated with education — одна из лучших школ Рудольфа Штайнера для normal children находится в Руре в 60 метрах от входа в одну из шахт.

In fact, that school was originally a trade school for the apprentices of that mine and they asked a teacher with the kind of training we look for to take charge of that school. So it was not just a specialised trade school but became a school with training for the entire human being and eventually an independent школой Рудольфа Штайнера — в 60 метрах от входа в шахту. Very important to have such in that environment.

Нам очень повезло to be here and yet we must not be selfish about that. We must at least consider it and see the problems of civilisation. Мы хотим автомобиль. Мы хотим то и это. With these goods are associated negative aspects, including modern agriculture with all the poisoning that goes on. That is all part and parcel of what is associated, intrinsically, с такими районами, как Рур. And we cannot just say, oh you all stay there and live in your mess, and we'll take out what we want. There are changes there, subtle changes, from 4 million to what there is now — over a few hundred years — and so it goes through history.

So also is it in regard to land use here in Австралии. You can go to desert regions or so, where children might be taken to show them 'real nature' as it once was. But wherever man is, he has to make a relationship to that land. He has to enter into it and make it useful for himself. And so in some form or other farming starts. The big question then arises, what actually does happen positively and negatively. We will think of the first people, которых сюда привезли как convicts. Нет никакой еды. Её приходится завозить на корабле. Иногда этот корабль не приходит вовремя и тому подобное. Постепенно первые поселенцы сами начинают выращивать things. Mainly convicts grubbed out trees by hand, hoeing the soil up to grow a miserable crop. Nothing yet in the way of ploughs. Так всё начиналось. But then it branched out to what we have today, as far as we have gone. We can here, in so new a land, see over a time span of history. This goes back much, much further in areas where white man has lived, or культурные азиаты or whatever, have lived in earlier times. Если посмотреть на историю миграции норвежцев в Исландию, то вначале мы увидим свободных людей, пока один Earl в Норвегии не провозгласил себя the overlord. Те, кто пожелали оставаться свободными, перебрались в Исландию. В Норвегии, как, впрочем, и везде, у каждого был свой определённый участок земли. В Исландии с этим дело обстояло лучше, поскольку there was new settlement. Some new arrival would take up in land what he could see from a certain vantage point. Или же рассуждали так: «та земля, которую я объеду на коне за один день, будет моей». And you will find then that the boundaries so made were in some way or another natural to the topography of that land. The very dire contrast to, к примеру, орошаемым хозяйствам, one could say агропромышленные фермы, all in square blocks and rows.

Возьмите Австралию — нам не нужно забираться глубоко в историю — и взгляните на early settled, largish земельные участки. Из-за климатических условий, wherever possible homesites would be chosen somewhere возле воды, and the farmland around it would be one easily recognisable unit designated by the natural topography. Only much later were pieces split off such properties and less natural or even factory-like units arose.

Если посмотреть на мою землю, то это сравнительно небольшая ферма, but one of the things that caught my eye straight away was — it is a real natural property; с одной стороны была река, а с другой стороны её окружал буш. Когда я её купил, the rear hill with a lot of bracken, ragwort and no trees belonged to it. An area that completely imbalanced and despoiled the farm as a unit and made it impracticable to manage, because one had to spend more time and money on keeping the ragwort down than actually the productive area of the farm could afford. But even in the now so natural setting there is one boundary that is unnatural. It is like having a total-human body and then having one leg cut off. It is an arbitrarily set boundary and that is the boundary facing down towards the west. I have often wanted to buy the adjoining piece of land right down to the natural gully. But the various owners have always been city business people with mad ideas as to the value! Видите, даже мою ферму нельзя назвать quite a natural unit.

In our early Bio-Dynamic years я частенько упоминал ферму Дона Очтерлони как необычайно красивую. То же можно сказать и о ферме Джона Пэйна. What limits the beauty and totalness of Don's farm? It is that it is all, virtually, inclined towards the east. Irwin Martin's place is oblong-shaped like an irrigation farm. There are two reasons why this farm, being shaped as it is, is unusually good as an individual unit. Can you pick that? The one reason is that it goes across a hill. It has about as much on the one side of the hill facing east as on the westerly side. And yet it is oblong. If a property is located all to the one side, it is never as whole as if it faces to both sides.

Now Don's is more of a total unit than could be expected for the reason that on his western boundary there is a very steep drop like a rock face and there is a dense strip of huge trees along the road there. He has had to battle to keep those trees. They are a saving grace — but actually it would be nicer (but that is Utopia) if that farm was so much larger to encompass the land to the west in it — something on the other side. I am now speaking from the original selection point of view, from the original historic point of view.

Ферма Ирвина Мартина has a second aspect to consider. Of all farmers we have in our Association — as much as Irwin is an Australian farmer — yet he has in his total farm environment more than anyone else the ancient quality of a peasant holding. Basically it is a dairy farm, but he has so many other animals, he has so many different birds, and they are all living together прямо как в Саду Эдемском. Просто поразительно! He can propagate самые difficult растения. He is so much an all-rounder that not only the area immediately around his house, where he also has — to him — a useful vegie garden, is more intensively and manifoldly activated. The entire farm with tree plantations and animals is so full of the best atmosphere of the man and nature interaction towards a true культуре земледелия. There is something of an ancient peasant aspect in this, as was found in многих странах Старого Света.

This is a very important factor and you must be made conscious of it. Many of you have nothing of that on your farms. Now that can ray out, normally it exists somewhat only around the house. It can ray out like it does at Irwin's place. In the atmosphere of that farm there is not only the Bio-Dynamic effect but also this other effect which actually makes this property more of a unit and where you can see it as such. There you come to the point: what do I ask, what is my first question when I get onto a farm for the first time, what do I do and automatically see, or what do I ask?

— Area.

— Area? Exactly. Your farm (reply to answer) is not a unit like that in this sense, it's got to become it, that's why I am talking about it. And it's very hard to see, it's been split off from the old homestead, it's been split to pieces and I couldn't read it — nature topography aside — not at all.

I don't think anyone could. And so on some places I go to I can immediately read the boundaries of the farm, I don't have to ask any questions. But, unfortunately, mostly I have to ask this.

I then try to visualise what this farm would look like if it were to become its living identity and I have there a kind of vision, and I have that each time. This is actually to me the exhausting part of the advising. It is not the details that follow, not the going around, and giving advice, but the 'finding' of the farm individuality, of which I have raised only a few aspects here, an act akin to an artist who takes кусок глины и makes that into something. That I have got to do.

I mentioned some factors herein which are not yet Bio-Dynamic at all. I used ancient history pictures and quite a bit could be added to that. For instance, Arthur Dakin's farm of 11, 000 acres near Нингана has a road going through the middle of it. Но асфальтированная дорога на Мерригам, that splits Farry's orchard пополамis a severe cut through a property. The early roads in Australia were bullock tracks and in the hilly parts here they went along the spurs.

You can still find them and all those roads were really fitted in to nature. They were not 'cuts through' like дорога на Мерригам. Many of those early roads were a beautification if you like. Now the road that goes through собственность Артура Дейкина is like one of the early tracks either in Europe or here that actually is a lifeline from farm to farm and is not used as a highway by people going past, who have actually no calling in that area, who despoil the area with the stench of petrol. That is a nice road and it doesn't cut that property in half at all. It actually enhances it, although it is a straight road it enhances it. Now from these examples you must actually learn to read what man has done positively and what he has done evilly.

Как я уже говорил, исключительно красива земля Джона Пэйна; то же относится и к земле Тревора Хатча. Where is the 'cut' made (like on my western boundary) on Trevor's place? There are two cuts. South side and the west side, although it goes down the hill it is not too bad, but it jars as a straight line. But the south side where that one entrance goes up, that's where it looks the worst. Whereas when you look from your house or the stock yards all around and down, there is a creek at the bottom and it is beautifully rounded off. That is a true natural boundary. And John Paine'sПэйна — where, much less noticeable than Trevor's, much less grave, where is such a negative boundary there?

There are two: the road frontage — you should have gone beyond that but there is the road; and, secondly, it is where — like me — you could not buy that block next door, where the new owner cleared all trees and cursed the nature of the entire area. It is not even a large acreage but it was timbered and there was never any run off. The soil is sandy on John's place; below this formerly timbered block a creek rises. In summer it is virtually dry. It was never deep and in most places you could drive through even with implements on. It's a city person who has it. Then he cleared the whole lot; within 1 to 2 years there were up to 30 foot crevasses in that gully washed away. I have never in so short a time seen such harm done to nature — it is just because there are no trees and the water runs off. But that boundary is too straight. The rest of your place is superbly beautiful. With Trevor's place and with John's, it was cleared by them. Cleared uniquely beautifully. I would say, Trevor's was cleared even better than John's. His father cleared it. He often stayed overnight and he observed the animals, both native and his own stock, and he left large clumps of trees to their preference. He left larger clumps than John, plenty of individual trees. John's place is perhaps the more beautiful in this individuality sense as far as the topography aspect is concerned. His homestead — in the olden days one would have put a castle up there, is 'naturally' located — then the inner and outer circle around that homestead and how it gradually spreads out. It is very beautiful.

Wally Koch's: it is quite a sizeable place but split from a large estate. It had no definite individuality. But he immediately fenced and planted a great lot of trees. We do not just plant trees because of the tests I have reported to you. The tests from Denmark on what trees do to the soil — because they stop wind, bring more warmth, stop evaporation, keep carbon dioxide down, not blowing it away as it is breathed out by the microbes for the leaves to take up. We are not planting only for these reasons. That is a necessary first step — yes — and an essential one. However, we want to somehow or other make an individuality of each farm.

Now I want to start from another side. And there again we have an historical happening that some people sometimes may think of, but I don't think ever really seriously enough. Namely, have you wondered — say David Mold — в окрестностях городка Йе, if you were living there 100 years hence how many trees will still be there? It has probably hurt you sometimes. One could hold that there won't be a red gum left, just about none. In every storm a few more limbs fall off and many trees look dreadful. That's the ЙеYea area.

Before I go further in this direction, может мне кто-нибудь сказать, что из себя представляет типично австралийская земельная собственность? Среди вас есть люди, которые объехали весь мир — Ирвин, Эван, Питер и другие — и бывали даже в России. Что же такое типичный австралийский земельный участок? Если бы вам довелось — так сказать — быть в компании людей со всех концов мира, где каждый должен описать типичный фермерский участок of their area. Что бы вы назвали в качестве характерных черт типично австралийской земельной собственности? Что она собой представляет?

Ответ: Я думаю, она должна быть расположена у реки. Австралия такая засушливая, что мы очень сильно зависим от рек.

Алекс: Да, но я бы не ставил бы это на первое место.

Ответ: Rolling, flattish country с отдельными деревьями.

Алекс: Да, это очень важное наблюдение. Вы уловили, что я имел в виду перед этим. I was reminded of this example from speaking of trees. I would say, сегодня в Виктории вы едва ли найдёте такую землю, it is too much a garden state, you'd have to go up into Новый Южный Уэльс into a slightly undulating hilly area — например, Ясс, Гоулберн — in that region. Certainly there are those individual trees sticking up and not necessarily a river at all. Dams, I would say, but not a river, there are just too few rivers to really matter in Australia.

Ответ: В районе Уогги.

Алекс: Совершенно верно. Вся эта южная часть Нового Южного Уэльса. А также плато Нью-Ингленд, где вы даже не замечаете, что находитесь на высоте 4-5 тыс. футов. That sort of property. With it goes a big old shearing shed and whatever else in buildings. Sometimes you see today on a farm like that a brick veneer building! That is similar to the straight road, it just doesn't fit.

And now I ask you for that property to continue today, what is the number one general requirement?

Ответ: Вода, деревья, солнце.

What are the requirements that farmers think they can’t do without?

Ответ: Суперфосфат. И что он делает? Убивает птиц, it kills off the trees. But those trees are going because they are already too thin. Well, it isn't as bad everywhere yet, fortunately, as in the New England area where the trees are dying altogether.

Locky Lindsay is up there — he is on a road, not quite the sort of road I was talking about — it is, in fact, because there is nothing further down that road, it's for local traffic. One side of the road is his house, on the other side the main farm. He has a beautiful knoll and a unique thing on it, 20 acres of native bush, and in that whole district it is the only piece of relatively healthy bush I have seen other than the forest areas. Everywhere the trees are just sticking up, they are not waiting to be blown over like in городке Йе and in so many местах, but they are dying from disease because they can't stand being alone. Whereas you go into the native bush and nothing is dying, there is no disease, and it is only a mile away.

Now imagine in another 100-200 years, and perhaps none of us would like to be in Australia, in the same way as none of you would now like to be in Europe.

There is Irwin; he looks with grave face, because he knows they had beautiful rosewoods up in his area. Сегодня же от них остались одни воспоминания, you can hardly see one. Когда я в первый раз поехал в Новую Зеландию после того, как увидел здесь знаменитые дощатые полы из каури, то рассчитывал увидеть там эти древние вечнозелёные деревья. Но их там больше нет. В Новой Зеландии сегодня выращивают сосну, вот и всё. Как такие мягкие и приветливые люди, как новозеландцы, могут быть такими разрушителями природы, моему пониманию неподвластно. We must look in the present what is happening historically and realise what we are doing.

Now another aspect. We are not only running short of oil and it's amazing how such gets through to the masses. Very little gets through to the masses in general. They are asleep. Today you find young chaps working out how much it costs to get from home to work and then they sell свои восьмицилиндровики и покупают небольшой автомобиль. Люди переезжают ближе к месту работы. Однако, несомненно, когда нехватка горючего достигнет критической точки и массы взбунтуются против цен на бензин, тогда транснациональным корпорациям простят шельфовую добычу газа — в безопасном виде — for a car. But I'd say not for a while, они обберут нас до нитки.

То же самое касается и удобрений, особенно фосфатных. Азотные удобрения можно получать очень дорого буквально из воздуха. Фосфатные — нельзя.

In some areas we still have a lot of people who, of needs, although they are very successful in Bio-dynamics and they can recognise a lot of what is going on on their farms due to Bio-Dynamics and are grateful — yet in their thinking they are still only organic — not yet Bio-Dynamic. But that is the level at which I am now speaking to the leaders of this work.

Even after having had Bio-Dynamic results, as most of you know them, for 10 years perhaps, 15, 20 or more years… then we have a particularly bad season, and we have recently had a number of them, most irregular seasons and they are the bad ones. Well, at first, I sometimes wondered: is it all finished, is it all over? Don't deny, because you would be dishonest if you did so — some phoned and mentioned their poor season. They ask: what shall I put on? In the background is still super or something else to put on! Alright, you follow my advice, or an adviser's advice, and you get good results — then comes a bad season and you wonder. This year it has been extremely dry also and two or three paddocks on my own farm, which we have normally watered (pump watered), we haven't because the fuel is so dear. On these there is now almost no clover. Irrigation farmers know that happens. I will be interested to see what happens — it is a new one on me. I am not worried as I would have been in earlier years, although I always had the staying power to keep going. But what I want to point out to you is, notice to what degree you still have in the back of your mind like a safety vent; well, if it really doesn't work, I can revert to super!

There have to be recessions. It is natural and that is discussed in our lectures. But I want to come to some other aspects of that.

Only recently a leading man said in regard to John Paine's farm Джона Пэйна, 'Well, it is poor country, it would never become a first class Bio-Dynamic farm'. He was judging from the fixed picture of a 'desirable' generalised optimum instead of creating the picture suited to the individuality for that farm. He was judging from a picture of a very rich soil and what the ideal and thickest growth could be. In Australia there are only a few pieces of soil capable of filling such pictures, only few such аллювиальных почв. Йиннарские низины were of this kind and две молочных фермы возле Уоучопа are other instances.

These are the only places I can readily call up, akin to the organic, humus base fertility of the countries in Europe, which is the originating area, climatically and soil-wise, conducive to humus forming to have made — in nature — the plants, the clovers, the rye grasses etc., which we bring into this country and which don't naturally at first suit this country. So little of such soil and climate do we have.

Now, certainly, John Paine's farm Джона Пэйна is not at all like that. It was a most infertile sand heap. And long before he came to Bio-Dynamics, and he has been with us a long time, it was referred to me as a 'bit of a sand stone' by Graeme Williams, 'with addition of a bit of rock phosphate', it was to function 'organically'. That farm, from when I first saw it, to what it is today, has developed immensely. It has not got the expectation — potential — of, say, the Йиннарских низинYinnar flats of Ray Quigley, and it will never have, not in an expectable future, that we could witness.

But, if this must be seen realistically, look at John's stock. His stocking rate is high and his stock always look incredibly good. Quite beyond, if you saw the farm, what you could expect them to look like. It is a surprise, in mid-winter, at any time of the year. They always look like that. He carries a lot of stock and, if you looked at what is growing, you would say far too many.

But now why is this so? First of all, it is not just 'courage'. There is not much needed to see that that farm is going unusually well, considering what it was to start with, as an individuality and as to what it does with the stock. And, after all, you are not selling the looks of your grass you are selling the stock.

He is on sand. And you see we have spoken, so far, always at beginner's level of 500 or 501, of the fertility side that 500 brings and the light side of 501. Most of you have understood that. We have spoken of silica and the humus activity кремнезёма и гумуса that 500 induces. But we have got to look at it in a further way.

Ферма Джона Пэйна (soil-wise a sand-heap) — is a silica farm. Now don't say a 501 farm but a silica farm. «Пятисотый» is only a building influence to bring «эго» into soil, to enliven the soil in a totally new way as shown in лекциях 7, 8 и 9. I might add that in all of those lectures I только один раз упомянул Рудольфа Штайнера and that was in that he had the artistic insight and creativity to suggest such a substance as 500 and what it does at the rate of 1¼ унции на акр. That is an immense thing. That was done в 1924 г., when he said, giving свой сельскохозяйственный курс: «невозможно в настоящее время поесть такого картофеля, который мне случалось есть в юности.»

Now in those days, he said, I can see due to these artificial fertilisers, but also due to the fact that earth is dying, everything is losing in flavour and the natural humus life of the soil (он называет верхний почвенный слой диафрагмой между тем, что находится над землёй и под ней) the living diaphragm, he said, that is dying and there will be no agriculture if that is gone. Now we do know that we today observe likewise. It is depressing to see конвенциональные фермы and your farms when you started. Штайнер создал вещество 500 to counter гибели природы. Те, кто говорит об органике как о некотором возрождении старого положения вещей, ошибаются. Это не так. It doesn't work, nowhere does it continue to work. There has now to be that new impulse and I have spoken of that in those three lectures — strangely enough, no-one has asked me of it. It is the only part in all of those lectures that I have never explained. Я уже говорил, что наша биодинамическая почва, в отличие от их идеальной органической почвы, is warm and theirs is cold. Что это значит? Maybe some of you actually see it with soils. It is not the number of worms, it is not the looseness of the soil, it is not the darkness гумуса в почве. All that is found in Старом Свете and in the types of soils here I mentioned, like Йиннарские низиныthe Yinnar flats. But this soil is cold in comparison to ours. And that, these organic people don't understand — not sufficiently.

You see, Рудольф Штайнер there speaks of the silica soils, not meaning препарат 501 as that remedy or that building power which brings light in. He speaks of silica soils and he speaks of глинистых почвах. And он говорит о тепле над диафрагмой — тепле наземном и подземном — ниже диафрагмы внутри почвы. И он говорит, что тепло, действующее над землёй, которое вы обычно notice and work with, это тепло — мёртвое, а тепло, действующее под землёй — живое. Понять это очень тяжело. Но это именно то тепло, о котором я говорю in that lecture.

Объяснить это не так просто. I will try, some things can only be seen and are difficult to express in words. First of all, remember what we know and can emphatically establish regarding зодиакальных и лунных космических воздействий на семя и растение. You have got that all in a practical realm from the earlier lectures, where we can prove what the influences do to the growing plant. It is evident and it doesn't take much to accept the truth of it. You can see it. It is difficult when you must begin to look in the area we are now working — this is for the leaders of the work.

Штайнер говорит, что именно удалённые от Солнца планеты (Сатурн, Юпитер и Марс) оказывают воздействие на кремнезём и приносят тепло, живое тепло, в почву, в корневую зону. Здесь может помочь наблюдение, если ещё нет полного понимания. There is something remarkable, that may make more physically observable and explain this aspect. You will see that, other than with rich alluvial soilsплодородных аллювиальных почв, биодинамика быстрее всего работает на песчаных почвах, при условии, что в них есть хоть немного органического вещества. Именно на песчаных почвах она works quickest. На это прямо указывают фотографии с фермы Роджера Томаса, которые использовались в первой лекции. На глинистой почве вы никогда не получите такой быстрый результат. Только на песчаной почве and there is an immense развитие корней on a sandy soil. Обычный человек, который настроен материалистически и смотрит на всё только с физической точки зрения, скажет, что it is a looser soil и по этой причине корни могут развиваться быстрее. Спросите Роджера Томаса, насколько уплотнённым может быть песок… нет, дело не в этом. Не в этом причина. Благоприятствует этому развитию тепло живое, которое works via кремнезём in the depths of the rock itself.

Клубни картофеля do well there и хуже в глинистой почве. Картошка, т.е. то, что мы употребляем в пищу, — это в действительности the stem растения, а не его корень. We treat it in our sowing в качестве корнеплода, поскольку она находится в земле, но на самом деле it is the stem part, not a root part. And the plant on those soils is encouraged to send a good part of the stem down into корневую зону, not to put it above, that's why there is such развитие корней and that is why it is so conducive to potato growing. And you see, if one действительно хочет, чтобы его хозяйство имело собственное лицо, как у Джона Пэйна, one looks and knows on account of the conditions there that растение на три четверти находится под землёй по сравнению, скажем, с нормальной диафрагмой, on an average soil, where it may actually be slightly the other way round. In the latter case there wil be a higher humus level, whereas with песчаными почвамиsandy soils more roots and органического вещества. But the nourishment of that warmth with песчаными почвамиsandy soils is in what is above and is what is keeping the cattle going. And so one must look at that farm with totally different eyes. And if I at first go on it, I can't explain that to a new man, but I look seeking the real reality which that individual farm is; look with a totally different eye than, say, going on another farm. And the proof of the pudding is your stock. And you may be ill-advised if you see it's not growing as well as somewhere else... I must run and get lime, super or rock phosphate or whatever. Of course, there may be an elemental imbalance but this generally converts itself in time or we may have to take some medicinal action.

Now, относительно живого тепла, which I haven't explained properly yet. Это необходимо must see. Рудольф Штайнер говорит: если бы не было кремния, из которого почти на 48% состоит поверхностный почвенный слой — и науке неизвестна его роль — или содержание кремниевой суб­станции в почве уменьшилось бы вдвое, то все растения приняли бы ненормальные кактусоподобные формы. Можно сказать, что они выглядели бы водянистыми. Смотрите, кактус, несмотря на то, что произрастает в песчаной пустыне, is a plant made to conserve water и у него либо нет цветков вообще, либо он имеет цветок в очень редких случаях. Но если бы кремния не было вообще, то it would have a very weak flower and probably could not propagate. С другой стороны, если бы не было enough lime and what he called akin and associated to lime — sodium and potash — if there is not enough of them, then the plant will have a very, very thin stem and lack in nourishment.

Now the average Australian farm which we tried to call up before — в районе Уогги и Ясса — most of this country has become dependent on super. If it were not getting something like that for the time that super will work until it ruins the lot — that grass today would be too spindly to nourish enough stock to make it worthwhile farming there. That average farm may appear to grow more than John Paine's Джона Пэйна does, yet it would not be economical in the long term, you all know that. And it is so because there is not enough lime force there. After independently visiting John Paine's farm Джона Пэйна, Питер Медлинг и Тревор Хатч both said it looks as if it should burst into growth but this is not happening. I went down as soon as I could and looked and there was nothing there that could have so burst into growth. It looked as if it should burst — that is true. It has to be noticed that there was a predominance of spindly, native grasses and very little of the improved species among it in spring. The spindly stuff will have a weak, short stalk and cannot grow any further. It is not in the plant. But if he had over-sown with all those desirable species — that would have filled the pasture expectation. His soil had recently developed the capacity to grow the improved species. It wouldn't have had earlier on. It is песчаная почва where more goes on underground than on top.

But as that farm develops into its Bio-Dynamic image, once the 500 works more and stimulates the lime side, then such development occurs.

You see this soil has been biologically raised according to that mountain picture I once drew in a lecture. This soil is not any more near the top, where it is very infertile, it is already fairly well down; species must be brought in, because nature can already maintain them permanently. And, if they were sown there, then of course there would be filling of the pasture. Now that filling is in addition to what nature had there, is additional to the warmth silica aspect of the stem being more in районе корнеобитаемого слоя почвы and that is due to 500. And you see препарат 500 является коллоидом.

Normally we think of коллоидах гумуса or of colloids altogether in the soil being dependent on clay, on the clay part. Now intrinsically in that is lime, without lime there is not the binding action that the colloid requires. If you handle lime it first of all attacks your skin. But secondly, lime is the binding agent, even in concrete as in so many other materials, and certainly in the natural humus forming and in the clay. But lime sucks in. Dip chalk in ink and leave it there for quite a while, the ink will only go so far in and then it so binds over what could be moved by the ink that it just can't penetrate any further, it seals itself up. That is what lime would do on its own, if it were not for sodium action and very similarly potash action, which has a dissolving power — 'to move further'. You see, in our 500, which ideally is pure cow manure originally, there is no soil in it, if it is rightly made. There is, in consequence, no глинистых колоидов in it. It turns into a colloid out of itself. That is also a unique aspect because normally you will not have colloids in that region of soil unless there is clay there. But there is enough calcium going through the cow in an enlivened sense, not in a rock sense, to actually make that possible in the 500, and 500 is a very, very powerful calcium activator as well as being an enlivener. And now that is what is the second action. First of all in nature on John Paine's farm Джона Пэйна is offered the silica action, but then with 500 comes the second action.

That is the action which is going on on your farm. That is the balancing action that has to happen towards it getting its Bio-Dynamic individuality. And for that then from a certain point onwards you have to give the right plants, plants you could not have thought of earlier on. Then even on top of a sandy farm, even in our lifetime, the vegetation will tend more towards that of an alluvial soilаллювиальной почвы, and not temporarily because of 'fertilisers'. But the 'rich’ alluvial коровам приходится есть намного больше и они не look as shiny. There is not yet enough silica action there.

И Генри Стивенсон знает это очень хорошо. Он предпочитает сено Тревора Хатча своему собственному. Генри работает на очень rich country. It may be on a physical assessment of a conventional kind that it could be said, что soils Кувирапской топи are as rich and productive on a NPK level as those of Yinnar. Но Йиннарские низины были естественным образом созданы рекой, иногда затоплялись, затем опять well-drained, aerobic, and there was a real humus forming action as only alluvialаллювиальныенизины flats show.

Кувирапская топь в провинции Виктория была топью в полном смысле этого слова. Уровень органического вещества там достигал, пожалуй, пятидесяти процентов. Before being drained it was анаэробной и on the way to becoming peat. The soil deep in could burn for years if a fire got going. It had not the natural underground development, rock base, clay base и т.п.. It is very rich in organic matter based NPK but without the harmonising effect of a base. Wetness or dryness causes more direct effects regarding availability of NPK. Therefore there is rank growth of too great a richness compared to Trevor's. And Trevor is on a second rate глинистой/песчаной почве. In swampy soils is likewise a lack of living warmth in comparison to фермой Джона.

Now I want to look at the same area from another side. We have tried to visualise how treeless and dreadful Australia may look через лет 100 или 200, plus whatever other influences there are like pollution etc. We can look at a dreadful possibility that can happen in a much quicker time in certain areas.

Our irrigation farmers, but also many of the others, will know that as soon as you go into the irrigation area it is 'marvellous' — water, growth — while other areas are in drought. But there is something unnatural about it — not only the grid system of roads, not only the square-factory farms. And yet there are exceptions; for instance, John Greenwood, an old Bio-Dynamic practicant, has picked a very beautiful farm, as a potential nature individuality, in that area. It goes over a hill, it has fine potential. But when you leave the irrigation areas and you find a hill then immediately it looks more natural. And you go right out then into, say, район Риверайны или даже Бендиго, which isn't very rich, then you feel different. You see irrigation country, которая не свойственна unnatural to the Australian environment.

Speaking of John's farm, you can see what we actually have to do to see the individuality of a farm or that farm will not work fully Bio-Dynamically. It will only fully function Bio-Dynamically when it has acquired its individuality and that is a development of a life- time, maybe of several generations. That is why I started with an historical outlook.

And now the irrigation areas are the antithesis to the common Australian farm picture. And yet there are many farms in that area that once were a real Australian farm picture and you still see good homesteads on them.

What if we actually had, and there is a kind of warning towards it, what if we had 3 or 5 or 8 years of a drought like 1967-68 гг.? Посмотрите, как упал уровень воды в озере Эйлдон за последние годы, и я думаю, что положение с водохранилищем Хьюм ненамного лучше. Say we really get little rain this winter; next year you still have your full supply из озера Эйлдон, but what of the following years. How would that irrigation area look, suddenly, if you didn't get your water? Imagine it. But, in the meantime, look at what has happened to the tree life, the natural Australian tree life there! And then again imagine what happens if those willows etc. there do not get water, what will it look like? That's one of the reasons why I have suggested bores. But we have got to look at our responsibilities, not only for the moment but the 10 and 20 years hence and our life span, in regard to pesticides, in regard to supplying decent food. We have got to look to the real future — where will there be trees? They are absolutely vital. Where will there be a nature that is natural and all that with what I started earlier today.

It is obvious that I irrigate where I do. I have my own water running past and it is my own water, no-one above or below draws upon it. I am in a high rainfall area. It is more natural than irrigating in the north Виктории и в прилегающем Новом Южном Уэльсе. We have got to make that natural also in some way or other just as we are working with John Paine's farm Джона Пэйна. And that is an immense task. Ферма Эвана Харди is potentially, soil-wise, one of the best you will get in all irrigation areas. It is volcanic soil, it will never flood, and only a few miles further в сторону Катандры вы попадаете in the worst area, a clay that never should have been irrigated. Evan's is the typical square block and only a 'cough' to the neighbour's fence where cows may be grazing on very artificial grass. Topographically это хозяйство представляет собой типичную агропромышленную ферму. But originally it was organically well run by someone who mulched and now there is a natural fertility, and a warmer soil than the 'rich' soil next door. In this way, just soil-wise, plant expression and form-wise, you know what our plants look like, you could pick Evan's farm from a plane and say that farm has cut itself out of the district. Never mind its square shape — it is gradually becoming an identity of its own. That is clearly only due first of all to the livingness of 500 and of the preparations. That can work there but then there is more.

After many years of very good биодинамических результатов on these dairy farms like Don's and some others, on such dairy farms particularly, never mind how good the humus is and all that, the состав почвы is not naturally like Ray Quigley's, like European состав почвы; suddenly their paddocks can go back most unexpectedly. Now this is not due to salt, over-watering or something else, nothing of that kind. A whole paddock slowly goes back. I see the reason for that in too many cows, too great a concentration of cow manure. Maybe not enough hay cut because they are summer paddocks. One of the reasons why I have asked you to also cut hay on your summer paddocks is to let the roots go down and so that there is an exchange, that there is a crop taken off. Actually, some paddocks are becoming so rich with cow manure, they are not sick in the sense that they were sick in earlier days, when there was a thick layer of cow manure on top and no humus formation; they are sick because there is too great a lime action and insufficient silica action and that is not activity now that can be readily countered by 501. 501 can counter the plant that is too sloppy, it cannot equally counter the soil conditions. There we come to the aspect of living warmth that soils have not got underground because they are too rich in humus — calcium action. That is an over-balancing — not in the sense that I have spoken in previous lectures but in quite a different sense. For instance, if someone on natural north central Victorian grazing and cropping country turned into irrigation land, applies a lot of cow manure (either through heavy stocking or by spreading yard manure) he may be too rapidly increasing NPK, microbial and humus, the lime-humus action in an area to which this is not natural, like it would be on river flats in a more temperate climate. Thus the underground living warmth development, so to say, cannot keep up, for that is quite a separate reality to just a lot of humus. To give such relatively new country a chance, namely, to slow this process of development down, it is good to take an occasional crop off such a summer paddock, or to cut it for hay every now and then.

A dead warmth is an obvious warmth — like the warmth of an open fire. It is due to natural combustion. It is a dead warmth in as much as it is a fixed warmth. It is like a mechanical process. One could work out exactly how much warmth each cubic centimetre of the wood will give off. We are inclined to take fire warmth as 'living', because it apparently moves according to its flaring nature or, more rightly so, because by it the solid wood is changed into a gaseous state.

To define the living warmth is very difficult. Anything that is aiive can be 'seen' to be so. Science has no real concept of the living. If something alive is to be defined, it is done so by artistic pictures. Scientific definitions only 'fix' parts of the living at a particular time.

To give some hint of a kind of living warmth, permit me to use an example that is subjective to many of you and me. Обычные агрономы, слушавшие мои вступительные лекции по биодинамике для фермеров, которые длились часто по три часа и более, подходили ко мне потом с вопросами: «как Вам удаётся keep them awake, they are more awake now than they were at the beginning. If we give them one of our " papers", они засыпают уже на двадцатой минуте». Well, I would claim that I speak truly and livingly; that I don't assemble the lecture content out of fixed data, rather that I use the capacity of my individual initiative, моего внутреннего «я», to suit the occasion and the listeners and thus build the then required content. Such happening is so free and open; that I only know beforehand the direction we are heading for, never exactly, the building blocks that will be used. They just come. Thus the total is always new. This is a living activity in the sense of new creativity potential.

Now you may recognise, that with such living activity is associated as response in all of us participants, what can only be termed as enthusiasm. Some young people notice this directly, some — with well-meaningness — could only describe such happenings in a conventional context so far available to their powers of explanation and, with a warm smile, they called me a 'super salesman'. But, you see, a major ingredient of enthusiasm is warmth. It is right at the base of it. Your souls, even your breathing and metabolism, are stimulated by it. You must look at the nature of what I am herewith trying to portray, to find the capacity of observation to gradually see something of similar nature as living warmth of the soil. Some of us can see from outside whether a compost heap is warm or cold, is working or not. Farmers used to plough good soils with a horse and single furrow mould-board plough. After going one way, they'd 'look' at the total area and say 'it's not sufficiently alive, it is not " breathing" yet' and in a few days, namely after some 'rest', they'd plough again at right angles. Cultivation then enhanced, not depleted, soils. It had happened for thousands of years. At the base of all living there is some warmth. A dead body is cold.

We must learn to see. And it is not unscientific to speak of this, поскольку у традиционной науки в наше время нет methodicity to take it in.

We must be able to recognise what we are after as 'living warmth' in our soils. We must not be satisfied by what is perhaps only 'grand' organic-biological activity, like the 'cold' organic soils I mentioned earlier. Incidentally, the worms you find in those are more of the bluish, transparent kind. They also look 'cold' in comparison to the smaller, reddish Bio-Dynamic worms, which 'appear' to be 'warmer'.

Для уплотнённых dead and cold почв we have devised manifold initial ripping methods as the start of the enlivening process. One could say, in total composition, we thus make such soils more like 'sandy' soils, i.e. like naturally 'warm' soils. In this regard we must also remember that the first man to suggest ploughing, персидский посвящённый Заратустра, did so for the reason that light may be brought into soil. Light is densified crystallised warmth. В Сибири, the greatest land mass on Earth and for this reason very dry in summer, there occurs in summer lightning discharges of dry warmth out of blue skies.

So, the initial ripping and then the establishment of plant roots, organised by the «я-действием» препарата 500 as described in лекциях 7-9, is necessary and characteristic for живой и «тёплой» биодинамической почвы. It is not just that we physically obtain additional roots. That is the criteria.

It is the common belief of агрономии, that to cut hay from a paddock снпижает плодородие as it takes off NPK. С точки зрения static data approach это может быть и правильно. Но с точки зренияSeen in totality it is different. Allowing even a weak paddock maturity length of grass and roots, opens NPK supply from lower areas etc., it may at the same time 'take off' excess NPK and 'fertility' from the top layers, which made this dairy stocked irrigation farm 'too' organic — altogether a process towards balance and living warmth development.

This is something engendered by биодинамическим методом. We have worked in the content area of первых двух лекций из «Курса лекций по сельскому хозяйству» Рудольфа Штайнера. To really understand what the 'individuality' of a farm is, such considerations are required. Even a square factory farm can become so fundamentally enlivened (and planted, organised, with trees, shrubs, birds и т.д. и т.п.) inclusive of the so essential balance of lime and silica activities, that an individual organism does arise. There will then be a soil, where «песчанистость» или «глинистость» сбалансированы, независимо от физического состава. It will take a long time to achieve such and conscious watch will have to be kept and measures taken.

Our responsibility as the agricultural body we are, quite unique on Earth as to size of farms and area of land worked by the number of professional farmers involved, is considerable. There are plenty of people talking ecology and some making 'biological' contributions in very limited areas. Есть и такие идеалисты, которые желают to 'keep' nature untouched by man, whereas it is obviously our task to develop how man can livingly use all of Earth's resources in a way that enhances and cultures Earth, just as we do with our soils.

Нам досталась эта страна. From what I said earlier on regarding loss of trees, just consider what the few humans уже успели caused на этом обширном континенте за такой короткий срок. Несомненно, Австралия — самый засушливый и безводный из всех континентов. Но это до некоторой степени statistical way of assessment. Мы сосредоточены, живём и обрабатываем землю главным образом в south-eastern areas Австралии. On this still vast piece, although small compared to the total continent, we have in fact far more trees than any other part of the globe I have been associated with — particularly so in relationship to numbers of people and acreages farmed. New Zealand or South Africa by comparison have not a tree. From my farm под Мельбурном I can virtually travel to North Квинсленд and never be out of timber other than occasionally crossing a road. All right, this is not a type of vegetation, with quite some exception all the same, that produces high quantities of transpiration — by comparison to similar tree density in other continents. We have been given a very good opportunity. And already we have murdered a great deal of it. There is as yet insufficient government awareness as to what should be done. It is growing though.

We have a task herein — other than to just develop our farmland, which may well be recognised by the Bio-Dynamic colour from a plane, but would, generally, still show far too few trees, shrubs and hedges. In the latter regard, воспользуйтесь советом Фарри Гринвуда, he is still about so much and, in my experience, most creative in his suggestions. Go and посетите плантацию неподалёку от мерригамского поля для игры в гольф, which is entirely his design. Она очень красива, хотя, как я полагаю, now out of his hands and subjected to artificial fertilisers.

Important are not just sufficient 'tree lines', 'feathering' the wind — mostly in straight rows, maybe quite acceptably so — it is a matter of making a large district into a living unit, similar to the individuality of a farm, similar to the layout of John Paine's farm Джона Пэйна where one has to say what a beautiful property. So does one speak of some areas. One must be conscious of such and seek to develop the area accordingly. A lifetime ago there was a councillor в Тамбарамбе, who planted many, many trees. He fought for this. Today that largely makes this township.

You may express — what a beautiful farm or district — irregardless of the 'fertility' of the area. The criteria are not dependent thereupon.

We must counter the гибель деревьев, the deadly effect 'roads' can make, but need not do so at all. They can be enhanced by trees, or follow natural lines etc. Wherever possible we should have influence on our district like that councillor had.

I said when I go onto a farm I look for the boundaries. Seldom are these identical with the natural boundaries the farm should have. Then I view, how can this farm be made into what it could nevertheless be. I don't look for the 'ideal' farm or vegetation but for what specifically suits this property. I don't tell the farmer of this. He is too new. But in outlining his work program for the first two years, such viewing stands in the background. I then examine the soil. Mainly it is so farmed out that it barely maintains the species grown. As by the example used in an earlier lecture of the Cullen's 'virgin' soils, growing only spiky natives, the soil was far better than what it grew. The damage had been done by over-grazing.



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