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EXERCISE 2 Match the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word-combinations.

A) последнее соединение секции B) восстановление C) планировка, выравнивание D) разведка E) сварка F) отвод земли G) пересечение дорог H) горизонтально-направленное бурение I) пересечение дорог K) изоляция сварного шва L) внутренняя сварка M) опрессовка N) опорная рама для сварки трубопровода O) подвижной участок фронта нефтепроводных работ P) укладка плетей трубопровода (вдоль трассы) Q) присыпка R) наружная сварка S) неразрушающие испытания T) сгибание труб U)засыпка траншеи трубопровода V)расчищение W)соединение секции X) спуск трубопровода в траншею Y) центровка Z) установка 1.trenching (ditching) 2.hydrostatic testing 3.padding 4.setting out 5.line-up 6.clearing 7.skidding the pipe 8. survey 9.ROW restoration 10.stringing 11.grading 12.lowering 13.welding 14.external welding 15.Field – joint – coating 16.road crossing 17.ROW 18.firing line 19.internal welding 20.tie-in welding 21.HDD 22.land backfilling 23.final tie-in 24.bending 25.NDT


EXERCISE 3 Match the English equivalents to the following Russian words and word-combinations.

There is one extra Russian word.

1.thickness 2.pass 3.topsoil 4.constraints 5.pipe bend 6.manual welding 7.skid 8.timber 9.circumference 10.uniform 11.consistency 12.plain end 13.strength 14.room 15.low silt 16.fence 17.root 18.cap 19.bevel 20.burial depth 21.leading end 22.stockpile 23.elevation 24.cradle A) ручная сварка B) подъем уровня C) изгородь D) толщина E) пахотный слой F) лотковая опора трубопровода G) проход H) место I) гладкий конец, ненарезанный конец K) подготавливать кромки L) колено трубопровода M) длина окружности N) врезка в магистральный трубопровод O) ограничения P) сплошной Q) штабель, склад труб R) илистые отложения S) опорная рама для сварки трубопровода T) прочность U)передний край V)глубина залегания W)вершина сварного шва X) лесоматериал Y) трубная головка Z) устойчивость


EXERCISE 4 Read and translate the sentences, using the active vocabulary.

1. How many welds are inspected varies depending on the code to which the pipeline is designed.

2. Crews attach a reaming device to enlarge the pilot hole to accommodate the line pipe.

3. The ditch will be excavated in two passes with a first pass removing topsoil and the second pass excavating the remaining soil to the required pipeline burial depth.

4. After NDT inspection, field-joint coating is applied to the bare sections at the pipe welds covering the exposed pipe and the weld.

5. Line pipe used for the road crossing has a thicker external coating to provide extra protection during installation.

6. NDT inspection is performed after the pipe has been welded and the field-joint coating applied.

7. Together the root and hot passes provide the required fusion and strength to join the pipes permanently.

8. For installing the line pipe, a cap is connected to the leading end of the pipe string.

9. Line pipe is lifted onto skids made of timber and stockpiles along the ROW so that the entire circumference is accessible.

10. The swivel joint is connected to the reamer and the drilling rig again pulls the reamer back through the hole from the pipe side to the rig side, along with the pipe string connected to the reamer.

11. Working space for the construction equipment is used to install the pipeline.

12. Tie-in welding is also required at road crossings, river crossings and other intersections along the ROW where the main production welding crew cannot access the pipe.


EXERCISE 5 Find the definitions to the key words, using the information from this chapter and translate them into Russian.

The definitions:

A) customary inspection by internal X-ray, external gamma ray or ultrasonic.

B) ditch spoil pushed back into the ditch to cover the pipe except for certain sections that must be left uncovered to make tie-in welds and allow for hydrostatic testing.

C) line pipe lifted on skids along the ROW so that the entire circumference is accessible.

D) width determined by the diameter of the pipeline to be installed and includes room for the pipeline and working space for the construction equipment used to install the pipeline.

E) sand placed on the ditch bottom to cushion the pipe.

F) the primary strength weld that fuses the two pipes.

G) laying sections of pipe along the ROW.

H) individual pipe string ends that are cut and trimmed to join the pipe strings with external clamps accurately aligning the pipe.

I) join sections of line pipe providing consistency, uniform welds and fewer repairs.

J) excavated soil (spoil) deposited on the ditch bank.

K) bare sections at the pipe welds covering the exposed pipe and the weld.

L) method for constructing the pipeline across such obstacles as streams or wetlands.

The key words:





Trenching (ditching)




Field-joint coating



Tie-in welding






EXERCISE 1 Read and translate the text " Valves", using the words after the text.


Valves are mechanical devices that are installed in pipelines to control flow or pressure. Valves are an important part of piping systems and if not properly selected and operated, they can cause operation problems. The primary valve types, classified by their function, are:

control valves - used to control flow, pressure, liquid level, cavitation and pressure transients;

isolation (block) valves - placed on each side of control valves and pumps, allowing them to be removed for repair or replacement;

check valves - used to prevent reverse flow;

relief valv es - admit air to the pipe while the pipe is being drained to prevent excessive vacuum pressures and reduce the possibility of collapsingthin-walled pipes;

air valves - designed to expellarge amounts of air at low pressure during filling and release small amounts of pressurized air during operation.

The words to be memorized:

air valve – воздуховыпускной клапан

cavitation – кавитация

check valve – обратный клапан

collapsing – разрушающий

control valve – распределительный клапан

excessive (pressure) – избыточное давление

to expel – исключать

isolation (block) valve – стопорный клапан

operation – работа / процесс

pressure transient – неустановившееся давление / давление в переходном режиме

replacement – замена

release valve – выпускной клапан

relief valve – перепускной клапан


EXERCISE 2 Read and translate the text " Pipe Joints and Fittings", using the words after the text.

Pipe Joints and Fittings

Pipe and fittings are produced in a wide range of materials including: ductile or cast iron, malleable iron, brass, copper, cast steel, plastic and fiberglass. Pipe joints can be permanent or mechanically joined, allowing disconnection. Permanent joints involve welding or crimping metal pipe and cementing plastic pipe. Joints that can be taken apart include threaded, flanged and coupled designs. Flanges can be loose, threaded or welded to pipe ends and are used on metal and plastic pipe.



Threading is one of the most popular and least expensive methods of joining steel pipes. The tapered male fitting is forced into the tapered female fitting. Yielding metal creates a seal. Threads other than taper pipe threads can be used for piping connections where tightness of the joint depends on a seal weld or seating surface other than the threads. While threaded joints can be dismantled, it is preferable to use unions. Threaded pipe is available in sizes from 1/16 to 24 in.


Welded joints are commonly used with steel pipe because these joints are stronger and less prone to leakage than threaded and flanged joints. Also, this method does not add weight to the piping system as flanges do or require a pipe wall thick enough to be threaded.

Pipe up to 2-in. size is generally socket-fitting, fillet welded. Larger pipe 3 – 36 in, is usually butt welded. The most common joint is the circumferential butt joint. During the welding procedure, to avoid entrance of welding material into the pipe, backing rings may be used.



A soldered joint is a rigid, pressure-type joint made with a filter metal that, when heated to its melting point, is drawn into the annular space between pipes and fitting by capillary action. This type of joint is generally limited to pipe up to 8 in. because of the difficulty of applying heat evenly to the joint. Bra ing is similar to soldering except higher heat is required for the filler metal. It is used where higher pressure ratings are required.



Compression couplings usually can be used with all types of pipe and do not require any pipe preparation. They consist of an inner elastometric gasket and an outer metallic sleeve with integral bolts for compressing the gasket. They are available for pipe up to 144-in. OD.

Crimped or grooved

The use of mechanical joints in piping systems is becoming popular. A crimped joint is designed to join light-wall steel and copper pipe, metallic or nonmetallic that is capable of being cut or roll grooved up to 2-in.



Solvent joining can be used on vinyl pipe and some others, available up to 12-in. Poly olefin and other pipes require heat fusion and are available up to 6-i. Fibreglass pipe requires an adhesive, resin impregnated fabric or threads to make a joint. It is readily available in sizes from 1/2 to 144-in.

(http: //www. Wikipedia.org)


The words to be memorized:

adhesive – связывающий

annular space – кольцевое пространство

backing ring – горловое кольцо

brass – латунь butt welded – сваренный встык

brazing – пайка твердым припоем

butt joint – соединение встык / контактное фланцевое соединение

capillary action – капиллярное действие

cast steel – литая сталь

circumferential – периферический

coupled – сдвоенный

to convey– переправлять

compression – прокладка / набивка / уплотнение

coupling – соединение (муфта)

crimped joint – опрессованное соединение

crimping – гофрирование

disconnection – разделение

dismantle – разбирать

ductile or cast iron – чугун с шаровидным графитом (чугун)

(elastometric) gasket – прокладка / набивка / уплотнение /сальник

female fitting – фитинг с внутренней резьбой

fillet welded – сварка угловым швом

flange – фланец

flanged – ребристый

grooved – гофрированный

(heat) fusion – плавка

impregnated – пропитанный

loose – неприкрепленный

malleable iron – ковкий чугун

prone – свойственно

polyolefin – полиолефин

resin – смола

rigid – негибкий

seal – перемычка

seating surface (seal weld) – монтажный фланец (сварная перемычка)

sleeve – рукав / муфта

socket-fitting – муфта (патрубок)-фитинг

soldered joint – паяное соединение

tapered male fitting – фитинг с наружной резьбой

tapered – конусообразный / клиновидный /скошенный / заостренный

threaded – с резьбой

tightness – герметичность

union – соединение

vinyl (pipe) – винил

welding – сварка

yielding (metal) – пластичный металл




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