Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Опрос детей после окончания рисования розового куста


Вопрос 1: Каким кустом роз ты являешься и как ты выглядишь

Вопрос 2: Расскажи мне о своих цветах.

Вопрос 3: Расскажи мне о своих листьях.

Вопрос 4: Расскажи мне о своих стеблях и ветвях.

Вопрос 5: У тебя есть шипы? Если да, то расскажи мне о них. Если нет, тогда расскажи, как ты защищаешься. Ты добрый или злой куст?

Вопрос 6: Расскажи мне о своих корнях.

Вопрос 7: Расскажи мне, где ты живешь. Какие предметы окружают тебя? Тебе нравится жить в том месте, где ты находишься?

Вопрос 8: Ты думаешь, что ты похож на розовый куст или на что-то

иное? Если да, то на что ты похож?

Вопрос 9: Кто ухаживает за тобой? Тебе это нравится? Каким

образом они ухаживают за тобой?

Вопрос 10: Как ты относишься к нынешней погоде? Что происходит с

тобой при смене времен года?

Вопрос 11: Как ты чувствуешь себя в роли куста роз? Как тебе

живется в роли куста?


Глава 1

Allan, J. А. В. (1975). A baby clinic in an elementary school: Towards an integration of family, school and community life. Canadian Coun­sellor 9: pp. 102 — ll.

Allan, J., and Nairne, N. (1984). Class discussions in the elementary school for feathers and counselors. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Guidance Center Press.

Axline, V. (1947). Play therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Bakan, P. (1976). The right brain is the dreamer. Psychology Today 10: pp. 66 -68.

Baruch, D. W. (1949). New ways in discipline. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Fordharn, M. (1957). New developments in analytical psychology. Lon­don: Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Ginott, II. (1972). Thecher and child. New York: Macvillan.

Gordon, T. (1970). Parent effectiveness training. New York: Wyden.

Jung, C. G. (1956). The collected works. Vol. 5, Symbols of transforma­tion. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Jung, C. G. (1964). Man and his symbols. Garden City, N. Y.: Dou-bleday. Русский перевод. К. Юнг. Человек и его символ. СПб. БСК. 1996.

Neumann, E. (1954). The origins and history of consciosness. Prince­ton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Ornstein, R. (1972). Psychology of consciousness. San Francisco: Free­man.

Rossi, E. (1977). The cerebral hemispheres in analytical psychology. Journal of Analytical Psychology 22: pp. 32 — 51.

Глава 2

Allan, J. (1977). The use of creative drama with acting-out sixth and seventh grade bovs and girls. Canadian Counsellor 11: pp. 135 — 43.

Allan, J. (1978a). Serial drawing: A therapeutic approach with young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223—28.

Allan, J. (1978d). Serial story writing: A therapeutic approach with a physically abused young adolescent. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 132—37. Allan, J. (1978c). Facilitating emotional and symbolic communication in young children. Journal of Canadian Association for Young Children 4: pp. 8—19.

Allan, J. (1986). The body in child psychotherapy. In The body in analy­sis, ed. N. Schwartz-Salant and M. Stem, 115- 66. Wilmette, IL.: Chiron Publications.

Allan, J., and Barber, J. (1986). Teacher needs and counselor response: One example. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling 20: pp. 277—82

Allan, J., and Berry, P. (1987). Sandplay. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling 21: pp. 300 OR.

Allan, J., and Clare, M. (1985). Art counselling in elementary schools and child guidance clinics. Canadian Journal of Art Therapy 2: pp. 23—31.

Allan, J., Doi, K.; and Reed, С (1979). Need assessment: A survey of B. C. 'a principals, primary and intermediate feathers' perception of counselling needs. Canadian Counsellor 14: pp. 132—37.

Allan, J., and MacDonald, R. (1975). The use of fantasy enactment in the treatment of an emerging autistic child. Journal of Analytical Psychology 20: pp. 57—68.

Buck, J. (1948). The H-T-P test. Journal of Clinical Psychology 4: pp. 151 -59.

Buttery, J., and Allan, J. (1981). Journal writing as a developmental guidance method. Canadizn Counsellor 15: pp. 134—38.

Carkhuff, R. (1969). Helping and human relationshilps, vol. 1. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc.

Jung, С G. (1959). The collected works. Vol.9, i, The archetypes and the collective unconscious. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Jung, С G. (1965). Memories, dreams, reflections. New York: Random 'House. Русский перевод. К. П. Юнг. Воспоминания, сновиде­ния, размышления. Киев. 1996.; Дух и жизнь. М. 1997.

Jung, С. G. (1966). The collected works. Vol. 16, The practice of psycho­therapy. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Neumann, E. (1971). The great mother. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Schwartz-Salant, N. (1986). On the subtle-body concept in clinical prac­tice. In The body in analysis, ed. N. Schwartz-Salant and M. Stem, 19 — 58. Wilmette, IL.: Chiron Publications.

Thompson, F., and Allan, J. (1985). Art counselling in the elementary schools: A method of active intervention. Guidance and Counsel­ling 1 (2): pp. 63—73.

Глава 3

Silver, R. A. (1978). Developing cognitive and creative skills though art, Baltimore: University Park Press.

Stewart, L. H. (1987). Affect and archetype in analysis. In Archetypal processes in psychotherapy, ed. N. Schwartz-Salant and M. Stein, 131 — 62. Wilmette, IL.: Chiron Publications.

Глава 4

Allan, J. (1978). Serial drawing: A therapeutic appriach wich young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223 — 28.

Allan, J., and Clark, M. (1984). Directed art counselling. Elementary School guidance and Counseling 19: pp. 116—24.

Anderson, R. (1980). Using guited fantasy wich choldren. Elementary School Guidance and Counselling 14: pp. 39—46.

Bellak, L. (1954). A study of limitrations and «failures»: Toward an ego psychology of prijective techniques. Journal of projective Tech­niques 18: pp. 279—93.

Bolander, K. (1977). Assessing personality through tree drawing. New York: Basic Books,

Borg, W., and Gall, M. (1983). Educational research: An introductory text. 4th ed. New York: Longman.

Elkisch, P. (1960). Free art expression. In Projective techniques with children, ed. A. I. Rabin and M. R. Haworth, 273—88. New York: Grime & Straton.

Fino, J. (1978). Guided imagery and movement as a means to help dis­turbed children draw together. American Journal of Art Therapy 18: pp. 3—9.

Gamma, G., and Bortino, R. (1980). Introduction to an evaluation of therapy. Confinia Psychiatria 23: pp. 15—25.

Harrower, M. (1954). Clinical aspects of failure m the projective tech­niques. Journal of Projective Techniques 18: pp. 294 — 302.

Korner, A. (1956). Limitations of projective techniques: Apparent and real. Journal of Projective Techniques 20: pp. 42—47.

Oaklander, V. (1978). Windows to our children. Moab, UT.: Real People Press.

Pinholster, R. (1983). From dark to light: The use of drawing to counsel nonverbal children. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling 1 7: pp. 268—73.

Rabin, A. I., ed. (1981). Assessment with projective techniques. New York: Springer.

Roosa, L. (1981). Family drawing$ storytelling technique: An approach to assessment of family dynamics. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling 15: pp. 269 — 72.

Singer, J. (1981). Research applications of projective methods. In As­sessment with projective techniques, ed. A. 1. Rabin, 297—331. New York: Springeh.

Stevens, J. (1971). Awareness: Exploring, experimenting, experienc­ing. Moab, UT.: Real People Press.

Wechsler, D. (1974). Manual of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Chil­dren— Revised. New York: Psychologicak Corporation.

Wittmer, J., and Myrick, R. (1980). Facilitative teaching. 2d ed. Min­neapolis: Educational Media Corporation.

Allan, J. (1978). Serial drawing: A therapeutic approach with young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223—28.

Allan, J., and Clark, M. (1984). Directed art counselling. Elementary School Guidance and Counselling 19: pp. 116—24.

Allan, J., and Crandall, J. (1986). The rosebush: A visualization strat­egy for possible Identification of child abuse. Elementary School Cuidance and Counselling 21: pp. 44 — 51.

Bach, S. R. (1966). Spontaneous painting of severely ill patientd: A contribution to psychosomatic medicine. Acta psychosomatica 8: pp. 1 — 66.

Bach, S. R. (1975). Spontaneous drawings of leukemic children as an ex­pression of the total personality, mind and body. Acta Paedopsy-chiatrica 41 (3): pp. 86—104.

Bertoia, J., and Allan, J. (1988). School management of the bereaved child. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling 23.

Bluebond-Langner, M. (1978). The private worlds of dying children. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Cooper, J. С (1978). An illustrated encyclopaedia of traditional sym­bols. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd.

Furth, G. M. (1981). The use of drawings made at critical times in one's life. In Living with death and dying, ed. E. Kubler-Ross, 63—94. New York: Macmillan.

Furth, G. M. (1986). Getting to know ourselves. Paper presented at the Introduction to the Interpretation of Drawings Workshop, Van­couver, В. С, July.

Kiepenheuer, K. (1980). Spontaneous drawings of a leukemic child: An aid for more comprehensive care of fatally ill children and their families. Psychosomatische Medizin 9: pp. 21— 32.

Kubler-Ross, E. (1983). On children and death. New York: Macmillan.

Storm, H. (1972). Seven arrows. New York: Harper & Row.

Thompson, F., and Allan, J. (1987). Common symbols of children in art counseling. Guidance and Counselling 2 (5): pp. 24—32.

Глава 6

Bachelard, G. (1971). On poetic imagination and reverie. Trans. Colette Gaudin. Rev. ed. Dallas: Spring Publications.

Bachelard, G. (1983). Water and dreams. Trans. Edith R. Farrell. Dal­las: The Dallas Institute Publications.

Champernowne, I. (1971). Art and therapy: An uneasy partheship. American Journal of Art Therapy 18: pp. 131—43.

Chapman, L. (1982). Instant art, instant culture: The unspoken policy for American schools. New York: Teacher's College Press.

Churchill, A. (1971). Art for pre-adolescents. New York: McGraw-Hill'.

Drachnik, C. (1976). A histopical relationship between art therapy and art'education and the possibilities for future integration. Art Education 29 (7): pp. 16—24.

Kramer, E. (1975). The problemof quality in art. In Art therapy m the­ory and practice, ed. E. Ulnian and P. Dachinger, 43—59. New York: Schocken Books.

Michael, J., ed. (1982). The Lowenfeld 1 ectures. LIniversity Park: Penn­sylvania State Univ. Press.

Pine, S. (19 75). Fostering growth through art education, art therapy and in art in psychotherapy. In Art Therapy in theory and prac­tice, ed. E. Ulman and P. Dachonger, 60—94. New York: Schocken Books.

Robertson, S. M. (1982). Rosegarden and labyrinth: A Study in art edu­cation. Dallas: Spring Publications.

Tritten, G. (1964). Art techniques for children. New York: Remhold.

Глава 7

Allan, J. (1978). Serial drawing: A therapeutic approach with young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223—28.

Allan, J., and Clark, M. (1984). Di reeled art counselling. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling 19: pp. 116—24.

Alschuler, R. H., and Hattwick, L. A. (1943). Easel painting as an index of personality in preschool children. Journal of Orthopsychiatry 13: pp. 616 — 25.

Alschuler, R. H. (1969). Painting and personality: A study of young children. 2d ed. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press.

Bieber, I., and Herkimer, J. (1948). Art in psvehotherapv. American Journal of Psychiatry 104: pp. 627—37.

Birren, F. (1969). Light, color, and environment. New York: Van Nos-trand Reinhold.

Birren, F. (1978). Color, psychology and color psychotherapy. Syracuse, N. Y.: Citadel Press.

Bluestein, V. (1978). Loss of a loved one and the drawing of dead and broken branches on the H-T-P. Psychology m the Schools 15: pp. 56—59.

Brink, M. (1944). Mental hygiene value of children's artwork. American Journal of Orthopsychology 4: pp. 319—96.

Buck, J. N. (1948). The H-T-P technique: A qualitative and quantitative scoring manual. Journal of Clinical Psychology 4: pp. 319—96.

Buck, J. N. (1978). The house-tree-person technique. Rev. ed. Los Ange­les: Western Psychological Servisec.

Burns, R. C, and Kaufman, S. H. (1970). Kinetic family drawings. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Cooper, J. С (1978). An illustrated encyclopaedia of traditional sym­bols. London: Thames & Hudson Ltd.

de Vries, A. (1976). Dictionary of symbols and imagery. London: North-Holland Press.

di Lej, J. H. (1970). Young children and their drawings. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Jolles, I. (1957). Some advances in the interpretation of the chromatic phase of the H-T-P. Journal of Clinical Psychology 13: pp. 81 — 89.

Jung, С. G. (1964). Man and his symbols. Garden City, N. Y.: Dou-bleday. Русский перевод. К. Юнг. Человек и его символ. СПб. БСК. 1996.

Kadis, А. (1950). Pingerpainting as a projective technique. In Projec­tive psychology, ed L. Aht and L. Ballak. New York: Knopf.

McNiff, S. (1986). Educating the creative arts therapist. Springfield, IL.: Charles С Thomas.'

McNiff, S. (1988). Fundamentals of art therapy. Springfield, IL.: Char­les C. Thomas.

Napoli, P. (1946). Fingerpainting and personality diagnosis. Genetic Psychology Monograph 34: pp. 129—31.

Naumburg, M. (1966). Dynamically oriented art therapy: Its Principles and practice. London: Grune & Stratton.

Paste, T. (1968). The bio-mythology of color: A theory. In Psychiatry and art. ed I. Jakab. Basel, Switzerland: South Kargar.

Precker, Z. A. (1950). Painting and drawing in personality assessment. Journal of Projective Research 14: pp. 262—86.

Rubin, J. A. (1978). Child art therapy. New York: Van Nostrand Rein-hold.

Spencer, V. (1969). The use of water colors to increase chromatic H-T-P productivity. In Advances in the H-T-P techniques: Variations and applications, ed. J. N. Buck and E. F. Hammer. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services.

Thompson, F., and Allan, J. (1985). Art counselling in the elementary schools: A method of active intervention. Guidance and Counsel­ling 1 (2): pp. 63—73.

Zimmerman, J., and Garfunkel, L. (1942). Preliminary studies of the art production of adult psychotics. Psychiatric Quarterly 14: pp. 313-18.

Глава 8

Allan, J. A. B. (1976). The identification and treatment of babies». Canadian Nurse 72 (12): pp. 11- 16.

Allan, J. A. B. (1986). The body m child psychotherapy. In The body in analysis, ed. N. Schwartz-Salant and M. Stein, 145—66. Wil-mette, IL.: Chiron Publications.

Anthony, J. (1958). An experimental approach to the psychotherapy of childhood: Autism. British Journal of Medical Psychology 31: pp. 311 — 35.

Bergman, P., and Escalona, S. K. (1949). Unusual sensitiveness in very young children. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 4: pp. 333 — 452.

Bettelheim, B. (1967). The empty fortress. New York: The Free Press.

Fordham, K. (1966). Notes on the psychotherapy of infantile autism. British Journal of Medical Psychology 39: pp. 299—312.

Klein, M. (1955). Psycho-analytic play technique: Its history and sig­nificance. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis. London: Tavis­tock.


Глава 9

Allan, J., and MacDonald, R. (1975). The use of fantasy enactment in the treatment of an emerging autistic child. Journal of Analytical Psychology 20: pp. 57 - 68.

Dinkmeyer, D., and Muro, J. (1971). Group counseling: Theory and practice. Itasca, IL.: Peacock.

Erikson, E. II. (1968). Identity, youth and crisis. New York: Norton.

Freud, A. (1948). Ego and the mechanics of defense. New York: Interna­tional Univ. Press. Русский перевод. Анна Фрейд. Эго и меха­низм защиты. СПб. 1997.

Ilartup, W. W. (1970). Peer interaction and social organization. In: Carmichael's manual of child psychology, ed. P. H. Museen, vol. 1. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley.

Kohlberg, L. (1970). Stages in the development of moral thought and action. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Kramer, R. (1968). Changes in moral judgement response pattern dur­ing late adolescence and young adulthood. Ph. D. diss., University of Chicago.

Layman, G. (1976). Educational drama for six to twelve-year olds, Toronto: Methuen.

Mildiner, L., and House, W. (1975). The gates. London: Centerprise Publishing Project.

Offer, D. (1969). The psychological world of the teenager. New York: Basic Books.

Piaget, J. (1948). The moral judgement of the child. New York: Free Press.

Spolin, V. (1963). Improvisation for the theatre. Chicago: Northwestern Univ. Press.

Sutton-Smith, В., and Savasta, M. (19 72). Sex differences in play and power. Paper presented at annual meeting of Eastern Psychologi­cal Association, Boston.

Tannerm J. M. (1970). Physical growth. In Carmichael's manual of child psychology, ed. P. II. Mussen, vol. 1. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley.

Wrallace, E. (1973). Conventional boundaries or protective ternenos. Art Psychotherapy 1(2): pp. 91—99.

Way, B. (1967). Development through drama. London: Longman.

Глава 10

Allan, J. (1977). The use of creative drama with acting-out sixth and

seventh grade boys and girls. Canadian Counsellor 11: pp. 135—

43. Allan, J. (1978a). Facilitating emotional and symbolic communication

in young children. Journal of Canadian Association for Young

Children 4: pp. 8 -19. Allan, J. (1978a). Facilitating emotional and symbolic communication

in young children. Journal of Canadian Assotiation for Young

Children 4: pp. 8—19.

Allan, J. (1978b). Serial drawing: A therapeutic approach with young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223—28.

Allan, J. А. В., and Dyck, P. (1984). Transition: Childhood to adol-scence. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling 19: pp. 277-86.

Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity, youth and crisis. New York: Norton.

Jung', C. G. (1953). The collected works. Vol. 7, Two essays on analytical psychology. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Jung C. G. (1959). The collected works. Vol. 9, i, The archetypes and the collective unconscious. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Jung, С G. (1960). The collected works. Vol. 8, The structure and dy­namics of the psyche. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Jung, C. G. (1961). The collected works. Vol. 17, The development of personality. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Jung, С G. The collected works. Vol. 16, The practice of psychotherapy. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Klein, M. (1976). The psychoanalysis of children. New York: Dell.

Neumann, E. (1954). The origins and history of consciousness. Prince­ton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Tanner, J. M. (1970). Physical growth. In Carmichael's manual of child psychology, ed. P. II. Mussen, vol. 1. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley.

Wallace, E. (1973). Conventional boundaries or protective temenos. Art Psychotherapy 1 (2): pp. 91 — 99.

Глава 11

Allan, J. (1978). Serial drawing: A therapeutic approach with young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223—28.

Allan, J. (1 986). The body in child psychotherapy. In The body in analy­sis, ed. N. Schwartz-Salant and M. Stein, 145—66. Wilmette, IL.: Chiron Publications.

Buhler, C. (1951). The world test: A projective technique. Journal of Child Psychiatry 2: pp. 4—23.

Jung, С G. (1964). Man and his symbols. Garden City, N. Y.: Dou-bleday. Русский перевод. К. Юнг. Человек н его символ. СПб. БСК. 1996.

Kalff, D. М. (1966). Sandspiel. Zuerich: Rascher Verlag.

Kalff, D. M. (1981). Sandplay: A psychotherapeutic approach to the psyche. Boston: Sigo Press.

Kellogg, R. (1970). Analyzing children's art. Palo Alto, CA.: Mayfield Publishing Company.

Lowenfeld, M. (1939). The world pictures of children, British Journal of Medical Psychology 18: pp. 65—73.

Lowenfeld, M. (1979). The world technique. London: George Allen & Unwin.

Neumann, E. (1954). The origins and history of consciousness. Prince­ton: Princeton Univ. Press.

Neumann, E. (1973). The child: Structure and dynamics of the nascent personality. New York: Harper Colophon.

Noyes, M. (1981). Sandplay imagery: An aid to teaching reading. Aca­demic Therapy 17: pp. 231 — 37.

Recti, J. P. (1975). Sand magic experience in miniature: A non-verbal therapy for children. Albuquerque, N. M.: JPR Press.

Stewart, L. H. (1982). Sandplay and Jungian analysis. In Jungian analy­sis, ed. M. Stein, 204—18. La Salle, 1L.: Open Court.

Wells, H. G. (1911). Floor games. New York: Arno Press.




  1. Exercise 17. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму.
  2. I. Проверка рубежного уровня знаний по вопросам раздела.
  4. I. Теоретические основы экономического воспитания детей старшего дошкольного возраста посредством сюжетно-ролевой игры
  5. I.7. Киновремя и кинопространство
  6. I.Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
  7. II Секретариат по вопросам окружающей среды
  8. II. В каком абзаце есть ответ на поставленный вопрос.
  9. II.2. Коррекция и реабилитация речевой патологии у детей, страдающих дизартрией
  10. III. Перечень вопросов для проведения проверки знаний кандидатов на получение свидетельства коммерческого пилота с внесением квалификационной отметки о виде воздушного судна - самолет
  11. IX. Порядок и условия заочного голосования (опросным путём).
  12. MS Access. Какая из приведенных последовательностей отсортирована в порядке возрастания?

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