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Способы перевода предложений со сказуемым в пассивном залоге

1) глаголом «быть» в сочетании с краткой формой причастия страдательного залога (I was invited to the concert. - Я был приглашен на концерт);

2) глаголом, оканчивающимся на –ся, -сь (This question is being discussed. – Этот вопрос обсуждается);

3) глаголом в действительном залоге в 3-ем лице множественного числа в составе неопределенно-личного предложения (Houses are built very quickly now. – Дома строят теперь очень быстро);

4) глаголом в действительном залоге, если в предложении (в страдательном залоге) есть дополнение с предлогом by (He was laughed at by the boys. – Мальчики смеялись над ним);

5) если дополнение с предлогом by отсутствует, то страдательный оборот переводится на русский язык неопределенно-личным предложением (He was laughed at. – Над ним смеялись; The doctor was sent for. – За доктором послали).


Упр. 3. Выберите нужный вариант перевода сказуемого:

1) Special attention is paid to the translation of passive constructions.

a) уделяли; б) уделяется; в) уделяет; г) будет уделено; д) уделялось.

2) The students will be explained a new grammar phenomenon.

а) объясняют; б) объясняли; в) будут объяснять; г) объяснят; д) были объяснены.

3) This bill was introduced to the discussion last week.

а) предлагают; б) предлагали; в) предлагают; г) был предложен; д) будет предложен.


Обратите внимание, что предлог by присоединяет исполнителя действия (кем? ): by me – мною, by him – им, by her – ею. А предлог with присоединяет орудие, при помощи которого выполняется действие (чем? ): with a knife – ножом, with snow – снегом.

Упр. 4. Заполните пропуски предлогами with или by:

1. Crimes of accommodation and resistance are committed … the poorer. 2. The maximum sentence was reduced …the judge. 3. Probation rules and conditions are fixed … the court. 4. The victim was killed … a blunt object. 5. The police were organized … Sir Robert Peel. 6. Early police were directed … two judges called “commissioners”. 7. The floor in the victim’s house was covered … blood. 8. The two young men were found … the police and arrested for arson and attempted murder.


Упр. 5. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Indefinite Passive:

Мне рассказали - Мне рассказывают - Мне расскажут
Мне показали - Мне показывают - Мне покажут
Ее привели - Ее приводят - Ее приведут
Нас спросили - Нас спрашивают - Нас спросят
Нам ответили - Нам отвечают - Нам ответят
Нас послали - Нас посылают - Нас пошлют
Им дали - Им дают - Им дадут
Ему помогли - Ему помогают - Ему помогут
Ему посоветовали - Ему советуют - Ему посоветуют
Его забыли - Его забывают - Его забудут
Его вспомнили - Его вспоминают - Его вспомнят
Нас пригласили - Нас приглашают - Нас пригласят
Нас поправили - Нас поправляют - Нас поправят
Его позвали - Его зовут - Его позовут



Упр. 6. Найдите сказуемые в следующих предложениях и определите их видо-временную форму:

1. Corruption, fraud and deception are committed by individuals or by organizations operating locally, nationally and internationally.

2. Serious efforts at social reform were undertaken at the end of the nineteenth century to restore honesty and efficiency to government.

3. Police were called to a department store by the owner.

4. In an unusual ceremony, a 60-year-old police officer in a small town was given an award for not having arrested any local resident for a period of 10 years.

5. As soon as a person is arrested he or she needs a defense attorney.

6. If you can not afford an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you.

7. At the preliminary hearing the defendant is not asked to plead to any charge and need do nothing but listen to the evidence presented by the prosecutor.

8. Two bank robbery suspects were pursued by city police after a report and description was given to dispatch.

9. A mixture of persons charged with violent and nonviolent crimes, or not charged at all, are housed in the jail.

10. A number of measures to strengthen the criminal justice system will be taken by the Government.

11. Jury members are ordinary selected by lot or chance, from a vaster list of persons in the community where the trial will take place.

12. Misdemeanants are sentenced to local jails, the same institutions that hold defendants awaiting indictments, preliminary hearings, trials or transfer to prison.

13. A 78-old woman was convicted of attempted bank robbery.

14. In the apartment of a quarreling couple, patrolmen were told by the wife, that the husband stole her purse containing money she earned.

15. When a crime is reported to the police, patrol officers are usually the first to arrive on the scene.

Упр. 7. Преобразуйте предложения из активного залога в пассивный, сделав все необходимые изменения:

1. The early urban forces adopted features of London police.

2. The Senate appoints the President.

3. The President nominates federal judges.

4. Petrol officers perform the initial investigation.

5. They interviewed the witnesses yesterday.

6. The police will make an arrest if there is a suspect.

7. Patrol officers call in detectives if they require expert investigation.

8. Detectives collect evidence, interviewed witnesses and victims, contact informants.

9. We needed a warrant to conduct a search.

10. The police officer will frisk (pat down) the person for concealed weapons.

Упр. 8. Образуйте однокоренные слова в словообразовательной цепочке:

1. To prevent (предотвращать, предупреждать) – предупреждение, предупредительный (профилактический);

2. To maintain (поддерживать, сохранять) – поддержка – лицо, оказывающее поддержку одной из тяжущихся сторон в корыстных целях;

3. To investigate (расследовать) – расследование – следователь;

4. To apprehend (задерживать, арестовывать) – задержание(арест) – задержанный(арестованный);

Упр. 9. Переведите следующие словосочетания на русский язык:

Basic police services, patrol duty, preventive patrol, crime prevention, preliminary investigations, criminal investigations division, handle serious or hit-and-run accidents, to handle parking violations, , highly trained and well equipped, to quell riots, handling bomb cases and scares, hostage situations, to locate missing persons.


Упр. 10. Прочитайте текст и назовите функции полиции:

Police Operations

A police department's goals are to prevent crime, investigate crime and apprehend offenders, control traffic, maintain order, and deal with emergencies and disasters.

Prevention of Crime

The patrol division, consisting of uniformed patrol officers and supervisors, provides basic police services. In addition to foot and automobile patrol, officers engage in a variety of activities in response to citizens' needs. The greater part of patrol today is carried out by officers in police cars assigned to specific beats, or designated areas of the community. In small agencies, one-officer patrol cars are prevalent; in larger cities, combinations of one- and two-officer cars are common. Use of women officers for patrol duty is increasing; before 1970 the practice was unknown.

Recent research has raised doubts about the effectiveness of preventive patrol to curb most kinds of crime. Crime prevention, however, also means activities related to improving the security of homes and businesses, and to educating citizens to protect themselves. Most large police departments maintain a crime prevention unit to provide these services.

Criminal Investigation

After patrol officers have conducted preliminary investigations, detectives who work in plain clothes further investigate serious crimes. Most detectives are assigned to the criminal investigations division after several years on patrol duty. In large departments, detectives are organized into specialized units, such as homicide, robbery, and narcotics. Contrary to popular belief, many cases solved by detectives are based on arrests made by patrol officers, or on leads supplied by officers or victims as a result of preliminary investigations.


Traffic Control

Most traffic law enforcement and accident investigation is carried out by patrol officers. In large cities, however, specialists may handle serious or hit-and-run accidents, and motorcycle patrols may be responsible for freeway traffic. In the largest jurisdictions, officers may be assigned to traffic direction at busy intersections. A recent trend in many cities has been toward the use of civilian employees to handle parking violations.


Special Police Units

Modern police service often includes special units to handle special problems. In major American cities, tactical units, highly trained and well equipped, are available to quell riots. Bomb squads are also on call; the bomb squad of the New York City Police Department, for example, is widely known for its outstanding work in handling bomb cases and scares. Other units specialize in dealing with hostage situations.


Noncriminal Services

In most communities, about 60 to 70 percent of the time spent by patrol officers on operational activities is not crime related. Officers are called on to locate missing persons and lost children and to deal with marital disputes, crowd control, and ambulance calls.


Упр. 11. Определите время и залог следующих предложений:

1. The greater part of patrol today is carried out by officers in police cars.

2. Use of women officers for patrol duty is increasing; before 1970 the practice was unknown.

3. Most detectives are assigned to the criminal investigations division after several years on patrol duty.

4. Detectives are organized into specialized units.

5. Most traffic law enforcement and accident investigation is carried out by patrol officers.

6. Officers are called on to locate missing persons and lost children.

Упр. 12. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам упр. 11.

Упр. 13. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Who are basic police services provided by?

2. What is done by citizens to protect themselves?

3. Who are serious crimes investigated by?

4. Who are preliminary investigations conducted by?

5. Is most traffic law enforcement and accident investigation carried out by patrol officers or detectives?

6. What noncriminal services are conducted by police officers?

Упр. 14. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1. Предотвращение преступлений осуществляется офицерами полиции.

2. Офицеры полиции также привлекаются к уличному патрулированию.

3. Женщины полицейские также вовлечены в патрулирование.

4. Офицеров привлекают к поиску пропавших людей.



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